After every (Mini-)Expansion I can't help asking myself where this all is leading to? What kinda game will Hearthstone be in 1 or 2 years? Every expansion topps the Superhero-Cards from the last one. Nowadays it's easy to clear the enemy board, draw a full hand, deal 10 face damage and build a full board yourself in just 1 turn. The exact outcome cannot be predicted, because of the randomness in every 2nd card you play, but 1 thing is fore sure: the outcome is gonna be huge!
In constructed you got lotta tech cards to counter some of the Superhero-Cards, but in Arena these cards decide if you win or lose. Kil'jaeden, Marin and now Kerrigan are cards are uncounterable cards in Arena. They are way too strong and by the moment, your enemy plays one of them, you know you are finished in no later than 2-3 turns.
Is it really so hard for the devs to balance arena by banning too strong cards in that format? Or is this the goal of the devs: to make you feel superhuman when you have the chance to play with an imbalanced s-tier deck vs normal players? But there is always a frustrated person on the losing side, who feels all but superhuman. Ok, in Hearthstone it could also be a Blizz-Bot ...
What do you think? Will there be more balance in the future? Is this even possible?
The game is actually very balanced. All classes are playable with multiple archetypes. We need to step away from the 'This game isn't balanced'. It is very balanced. All classes have access to the things you speak of so maybe the game is too balanced. What I will say is I and clearly a lot of people are having fun at the moment. Totally get some people were fed up after the lack of TGDB cards being included but we've seen it before when they seem keen on a bit of a power level reset. But equally, they've just released the SC2 mini set and it is has by far the most amount of playable cards, nothing seems cracked per-se. There are some very strong cards but that's allowed. Would be good if things slow down a bit next expansion but just be VERY thankful aggro doesn't really exist in the same way it does in wild.
Also, the game isn't as random as it used to be. Randomness was always super fun in HS and even if you're on the wrong end of it it's a laugh.
Overall a healthy mini-set. Will take this swarm, starship meta over unkilliax turn 50 metas. A couple nerfs to the outliners and we good. Viper, reborn shenanigan etc.
It's a shame they don't pay attention to arena (nor to Brawl, nor to - almost forgot - Adventures) anymore. I think they promised some changes with the new HS year. Will see
Adventures are costly to make and probably don't yield anything else for them that mini sets don't. I'd rather them put their resources into what is probably the best miniset/adventure type thing they've ever done than go all out to try and make an adventure that has sub part cards due to lack of design time.
I've got to laugh at people saying this is a healthy mini set. The idea that they were rolling back on power when you see the way that the zerg decks play out is absurd (and fortunately for me I missed the Shaffar madness).
It's board after board after board, endless resources, a hero power with a stupidly overpowered ability, a dirty rat on steroids, persistent buffs, a rush effect which lasts for all minions summoned (not just those on the board) and a spot of tutored draw and mana cheat into the mix. But ye - it's healthy...
Maybe (and this is a large maybe) when the rotation happens things will calm down, but I suspect not as most of the key cards in these decks seem to be from the miniset.
On a positive I'm glad that the focus for this miniset is back to the board rather then being killed from hand, but Blizz still seems to excel at making things about as uninteractive as possible, and they do love their power swing turns. I remember when a deathrattle was the least desired attribute because it didn't do anything the turn it was played and the opponent had a chance to interact with it and choose how best to trigger it. Not now. It's rush reborn for everyone!
Sadly for me, Hearthstone continues to be a game that I used to enjoy, but no longer do. This is the first time since the game launched that I haven't had enough gold to get the mini-set on launch simply due to a lack of desire to play, and I see no reason for this trend to change.
Welcome back bro. The mini set did not enable the things you speak of, it has been like this for years. No difference between wild and standard anymore, accept that or move on.
After every (Mini-)Expansion I can't help asking myself where this all is leading to? What kinda game will Hearthstone be in 1 or 2 years?
Every expansion topps the Superhero-Cards from the last one. Nowadays it's easy to clear the enemy board, draw a full hand, deal 10 face damage and build a full board yourself in just 1 turn. The exact outcome cannot be predicted, because of the randomness in every 2nd card you play, but 1 thing is fore sure: the outcome is gonna be huge!
In constructed you got lotta tech cards to counter some of the Superhero-Cards, but in Arena these cards decide if you win or lose.
Kil'jaeden, Marin and now Kerrigan are cards are uncounterable cards in Arena. They are way too strong and by the moment, your enemy plays one of them, you know you are finished in no later than 2-3 turns.
Is it really so hard for the devs to balance arena by banning too strong cards in that format? Or is this the goal of the devs: to make you feel superhuman when you have the chance to play with an imbalanced s-tier deck vs normal players? But there is always a frustrated person on the losing side, who feels all but superhuman. Ok, in Hearthstone it could also be a Blizz-Bot ...
What do you think? Will there be more balance in the future? Is this even possible?
The game is actually very balanced. All classes are playable with multiple archetypes. We need to step away from the 'This game isn't balanced'. It is very balanced. All classes have access to the things you speak of so maybe the game is too balanced. What I will say is I and clearly a lot of people are having fun at the moment. Totally get some people were fed up after the lack of TGDB cards being included but we've seen it before when they seem keen on a bit of a power level reset. But equally, they've just released the SC2 mini set and it is has by far the most amount of playable cards, nothing seems cracked per-se. There are some very strong cards but that's allowed. Would be good if things slow down a bit next expansion but just be VERY thankful aggro doesn't really exist in the same way it does in wild.
Also, the game isn't as random as it used to be. Randomness was always super fun in HS and even if you're on the wrong end of it it's a laugh.
Overall a healthy mini-set. Will take this swarm, starship meta over unkilliax turn 50 metas. A couple nerfs to the outliners and we good. Viper, reborn shenanigan etc.
It's a shame they don't pay attention to arena (nor to Brawl, nor to - almost forgot - Adventures) anymore. I think they promised some changes with the new HS year. Will see
Adventures are costly to make and probably don't yield anything else for them that mini sets don't. I'd rather them put their resources into what is probably the best miniset/adventure type thing they've ever done than go all out to try and make an adventure that has sub part cards due to lack of design time.
I've got to laugh at people saying this is a healthy mini set. The idea that they were rolling back on power when you see the way that the zerg decks play out is absurd (and fortunately for me I missed the Shaffar madness).
It's board after board after board, endless resources, a hero power with a stupidly overpowered ability, a dirty rat on steroids, persistent buffs, a rush effect which lasts for all minions summoned (not just those on the board) and a spot of tutored draw and mana cheat into the mix. But ye - it's healthy...
Maybe (and this is a large maybe) when the rotation happens things will calm down, but I suspect not as most of the key cards in these decks seem to be from the miniset.
On a positive I'm glad that the focus for this miniset is back to the board rather then being killed from hand, but Blizz still seems to excel at making things about as uninteractive as possible, and they do love their power swing turns. I remember when a deathrattle was the least desired attribute because it didn't do anything the turn it was played and the opponent had a chance to interact with it and choose how best to trigger it. Not now. It's rush reborn for everyone!
Sadly for me, Hearthstone continues to be a game that I used to enjoy, but no longer do. This is the first time since the game launched that I haven't had enough gold to get the mini-set on launch simply due to a lack of desire to play, and I see no reason for this trend to change.
Back to BG3 it is...
Welcome back bro. The mini set did not enable the things you speak of, it has been like this for years. No difference between wild and standard anymore, accept that or move on.
Let’s be honest who actually gives a shit about arena?
Imagine if they made Arena good, or even if they dropped the (imo) pointless "Pay to play" element...