The battlepass is reset with the release of the next expansion. Around march 18th should be the correct date. If you already level 75 then you will get to level 100 pretty easy. Afterwards there are the bonus level 101 to 400 that give 50 Gold per level. No need to push through them.
During Whizzbangs I came back to the game when the mini set came out, got the pass (I was level 1) and felt about 15 levels short at the end. I was playing a lot though as I was on a small break from work. The weekly quests yield less now too. I’d say maybe you could make it but you’ll need to play a lot to get to 400.
Currently im on lvl 75, but I have tough months ahead.
Do we know how long the battlepass will last? ( I saw its buyable until march 18)
And if I can manage to finish it until the end?
The battlepass is reset with the release of the next expansion. Around march 18th should be the correct date. If you already level 75 then you will get to level 100 pretty easy. Afterwards there are the bonus level 101 to 400 that give 50 Gold per level. No need to push through them.
During Whizzbangs I came back to the game when the mini set came out, got the pass (I was level 1) and felt about 15 levels short at the end. I was playing a lot though as I was on a small break from work. The weekly quests yield less now too. I’d say maybe you could make it but you’ll need to play a lot to get to 400.
For sure you can.