so I play vs this deck, on turn 4 he plays Quasar,
on turn 5 he plays kinda slow, then pops the draw portal and the shenanigans start (even mills some cards like the 2nd Quasar) while he is already roping!, first boardclear and then the asteroids elementals at the end when his deck was empty, so he could draw all of them with the 3 spelldmg minions in play. Is it always like this?
Is it scripted, or he uses an app? because He played like 20 cards when he was already roping, I don't believe you can cue in so many plays at the end, because you need to draw first and don't know whats in it or is he just skilled - can someone explain me that?
I started playing Wild format this season and went from Bronze to currently D5 with ease. I haven't seen any Rogue playing Quasar just yet, so I have no experience playing against such a deck.
However, if a card causes this much disruption, I'm always in favor of a least nerfing it bigtime. In this case I feel like just destroying the card. Ban it, or nerf it to the ground. As the card is not easy to nerf without destroying it fully and it's disrupting the meta too much.
so I play vs this deck, on turn 4 he plays Quasar,
on turn 5 he plays kinda slow, then pops the draw portal and the shenanigans start (even mills some cards like the 2nd Quasar) while he is already roping!, first boardclear and then the asteroids elementals at the end when his deck was empty, so he could draw all of them with the 3 spelldmg minions in play. Is it always like this?
Is it scripted, or he uses an app? because He played like 20 cards when he was already roping, I don't believe you can cue in so many plays at the end, because you need to draw first and don't know whats in it or is he just skilled - can someone explain me that?
On your opponent’s client side they did all their actions before their timer ends. In your client side since it shows you all the animations, it might seem like they played cards even after their turn ended.
I am doing a poor job explaining this but it is better to experience it yourself or see a video showing both opponent’s side.
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Nothing to discuss. Nerf this retardation into oblivion.
so I play vs this deck, on turn 4 he plays Quasar,
on turn 5 he plays kinda slow, then pops the draw portal and the shenanigans start (even mills some cards like the 2nd Quasar) while he is already roping!, first boardclear and then the asteroids elementals at the end when his deck was empty, so he could draw all of them with the 3 spelldmg minions in play. Is it always like this?
Is it scripted, or he uses an app? because He played like 20 cards when he was already roping, I don't believe you can cue in so many plays at the end, because you need to draw first and don't know whats in it or is he just skilled - can someone explain me that?
I started playing Wild format this season and went from Bronze to currently D5 with ease. I haven't seen any Rogue playing Quasar just yet, so I have no experience playing against such a deck.
However, if a card causes this much disruption, I'm always in favor of a least nerfing it bigtime.
In this case I feel like just destroying the card. Ban it, or nerf it to the ground. As the card is not easy to nerf without destroying it fully and it's disrupting the meta too much.
On your opponent’s client side they did all their actions before their timer ends. In your client side since it shows you all the animations, it might seem like they played cards even after their turn ended.
I am doing a poor job explaining this but it is better to experience it yourself or see a video showing both opponent’s side.
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