Well, if can't see how deck that can't play other spells than big 3 is more of a build-around than Dungar Druid, there is not much to talk about.
But I need to correct where you are very obviously wrong - there are better decks than Mage that are not Aggro like Rainbow Shaman, Big Shaman, Handbuff Paladin, Weapon Rogue and not far behind (with less than 1% difference in winrate) Tourist Paladin, Razzle DK, Insanity Warlock and Odyn Warrior (HS Replay, top 1k legend).
Sure, BSM slays at platinum and lower as best/second best deck as it just feeds on bad decks, bad builds or bad players. But I would argue it's not about highrolling- (highroll mage deck would be spell only deck with Yogg in the Box), it's the opposite - it's consistent in being able to mana cheat in few specific ways on turn 4-6 and if you want to win, you have to be able to deal with it. It's just like Handbuff Paladin - it is a tier 2 noob deck that creates perhaps the most visible framework of this meta. But this is nothing new, nothing that applies to Mage only and there is always a deck to beat.
So it is ok for Mage to be casino class, but BSM is not even an example of highroll based deck, and it is not really defining meta by itself, although it has a big part in defining it. If it was defining meta the way you think, its biggest counters would be best decks. And right now 2 biggest counters to BSM are Pirate DH, Pain Warlock and Evolve Shaman, all better decks than BSM, but all all still tier 2, out of top 3 best decks.
Well, if can't see how deck that can't play other spells than big 3 is more of a build-around than Dungar Druid, there is not much to talk about.
But I need to correct where you are very obviously wrong - there are better decks than Mage that are not Aggro like Rainbow Shaman, Big Shaman, Handbuff Paladin, Weapon Rogue and not far behind (with less than 1% difference in winrate) Tourist Paladin, Razzle DK, Insanity Warlock and Odyn Warrior (HS Replay, top 1k legend)
Let me stop you right there. We are talking "winrate wise" or we are talking "If you pilot X or Y particular deck like this you will be one of the 40% of the people that have a positive winrate against that deck" because those are 2 different topics. Whenever i said "this is the best deck in the meta" i never EVER talk about the most skill rewarding nor the top players choice. I talk about simple numbers "this is play twice as much than the other decks and the metric in most webs reflects that it also has a bigger or similar winrate so its literally the best deck alongside the aggro choices to counter it" - Last time i check Mage is the most played and the winrate is, sometimes 57% (over the top by 3% than the other options) to 53% (1% worse than the other options).
So the what deck is argue the better is a matter of opinions. Depends on who you ask. But what is not as hard to see is that is the most profit deck on the format by a large inch.
About the other half of the post. Lets just agree to disagree. I have obvius reasons to call it a highroll deck because as i said the cheat mana is just "half" of the value of the combos and the other part of the value can literally win the game by itself. And personally never consider the counters of the deck to beat as better decks than the deck itself unless they shared a similar playrate and winrate which right now is not the case unless you seek only on Legends rank probably.
Before you answer i will clarify something important for me: The only Meta that matters in the game outside tournaments is the ladder meta, in my honest opinion. Because it is there were playing any kind of deck has a real impact on the players. Everyone plays mage because as you said is a mix of a Highroll deck with a very consisten tools to enable the combos on turns 4, 5 and 6. Brick is almost impossible. It can beat its counters, i would said the deck is almost impossible to beat if gets the turn 4 explosive turn for reasons i already stated. That dont really is something unique of this particular deck and is almost the case for mage to have decks with this similar play patter. AND THATlas part is what i find really annoying. While other classes rarely get the luxury of have 1 type of deck supported over multiples metas this is not uncommon for mage.
In the past it was a very different story. Mage jump from Combo to Mech to OTK to no spell to full spells to casino. Never 2 of those archtypes were equally supported, now days the spell matter theme deck seems to become an evergreen part of the class while others suffer still for the "over support a random archtype that seems not play for more than 1 expansion"
Literally the best game in the game right now in standard. How? They cheap mana and they get rewarded for playing tempo with 0 cost spells that dealt 9 damage to all the enemy board and face and minions that dealt 10 damage to face. Yeah "no one coul predict that mage would go back to the exact same play pattern with a different deck"
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Indeed, it's a arena deck but it got so overpushed with more than half of the deck being buffed cards and ended up being completely broken.
if it would be just 1x tsunami, but over and over is the problem because they abuse the rogue card
Well, if can't see how deck that can't play other spells than big 3 is more of a build-around than Dungar Druid, there is not much to talk about.
But I need to correct where you are very obviously wrong - there are better decks than Mage that are not Aggro like Rainbow Shaman, Big Shaman, Handbuff Paladin, Weapon Rogue and not far behind (with less than 1% difference in winrate) Tourist Paladin, Razzle DK, Insanity Warlock and Odyn Warrior (HS Replay, top 1k legend).
Sure, BSM slays at platinum and lower as best/second best deck as it just feeds on bad decks, bad builds or bad players. But I would argue it's not about highrolling- (highroll mage deck would be spell only deck with Yogg in the Box), it's the opposite - it's consistent in being able to mana cheat in few specific ways on turn 4-6 and if you want to win, you have to be able to deal with it. It's just like Handbuff Paladin - it is a tier 2 noob deck that creates perhaps the most visible framework of this meta. But this is nothing new, nothing that applies to Mage only and there is always a deck to beat.
So it is ok for Mage to be casino class, but BSM is not even an example of highroll based deck, and it is not really defining meta by itself, although it has a big part in defining it. If it was defining meta the way you think, its biggest counters would be best decks. And right now 2 biggest counters to BSM are Pirate DH, Pain Warlock and Evolve Shaman, all better decks than BSM, but all all still tier 2, out of top 3 best decks.
Let me stop you right there. We are talking "winrate wise" or we are talking "If you pilot X or Y particular deck like this you will be one of the 40% of the people that have a positive winrate against that deck" because those are 2 different topics. Whenever i said "this is the best deck in the meta" i never EVER talk about the most skill rewarding nor the top players choice. I talk about simple numbers "this is play twice as much than the other decks and the metric in most webs reflects that it also has a bigger or similar winrate so its literally the best deck alongside the aggro choices to counter it" - Last time i check Mage is the most played and the winrate is, sometimes 57% (over the top by 3% than the other options) to 53% (1% worse than the other options).
So the what deck is argue the better is a matter of opinions. Depends on who you ask. But what is not as hard to see is that is the most profit deck on the format by a large inch.
About the other half of the post. Lets just agree to disagree. I have obvius reasons to call it a highroll deck because as i said the cheat mana is just "half" of the value of the combos and the other part of the value can literally win the game by itself. And personally never consider the counters of the deck to beat as better decks than the deck itself unless they shared a similar playrate and winrate which right now is not the case unless you seek only on Legends rank probably.
Before you answer i will clarify something important for me: The only Meta that matters in the game outside tournaments is the ladder meta, in my honest opinion. Because it is there were playing any kind of deck has a real impact on the players. Everyone plays mage because as you said is a mix of a Highroll deck with a very consisten tools to enable the combos on turns 4, 5 and 6. Brick is almost impossible. It can beat its counters, i would said the deck is almost impossible to beat if gets the turn 4 explosive turn for reasons i already stated. That dont really is something unique of this particular deck and is almost the case for mage to have decks with this similar play patter. AND THAT las part is what i find really annoying. While other classes rarely get the luxury of have 1 type of deck supported over multiples metas this is not uncommon for mage.
In the past it was a very different story. Mage jump from Combo to Mech to OTK to no spell to full spells to casino. Never 2 of those archtypes were equally supported, now days the spell matter theme deck seems to become an evergreen part of the class while others suffer still for the "over support a random archtype that seems not play for more than 1 expansion"
BSM is dead, long live Fire Elemental Mage!
Somehow OP is wrong AND I agree with them?
Mage is not the powerhouse of "every expansion" but holy shit it fucking sucks to play against this fucking expansion.
Well you prefer to play Rogue? Or Shaman? Or Druid? Everyone kills you with their OTK.
To be fair, this thread was originally posted before the new OTK expac....
Literally the best game in the game right now in standard. How? They cheap mana and they get rewarded for playing tempo with 0 cost spells that dealt 9 damage to all the enemy board and face and minions that dealt 10 damage to face. Yeah "no one coul predict that mage would go back to the exact same play pattern with a different deck"