I don’t understand the quick game idea. If something is fun, don’t you want it to last? I feel like the approach of « I just want to rank faster » is treating HS (a game) like a job where you need to be productive. I mean some people enjoy eating chalk so we all have a different idea of fun I guess.
I think people who play control find it more casual and relaxing than having to constantly adapt and think things through in late game. It’s more casual in the sense that your game plan remains more or less identical from game to game and you grind things out.
Winning is fun losing is not. I think aggro is fun because it is for me. Quick games are fun for me the question asks what is fun for me so why do I justify why I like playing aggro?
Winning is fun losing is not. I think aggro is fun because it is for me. Quick games are fun for me the question asks what is fun for me so why do I justify why I like playing aggro?
Yeah you definitely don't have to.
I think most people just enjoy one type of play more than the other and then look for reasons to say why control is smart and aggro is dumb, or the opposite, or whatever.
It doesn't sound like your reasoning really fits, though.
"Winning is fun losing is not" would mean that you should play whatever deck has the highest win rate and don't care if it's aggro or control. When you don't do that, you're choosing to win less because what you actually value is quick games.
That's the bit I find hard to understand. Why do you prefer two games per 10 minutes instead of one?
Would you rather win one 10 minute game and have a 100% win rate or go 1 win 1 loss in two five minute games and have a 50% win rate?
It sounds like you (and other aggro players) strongly prefer the latter.
Which is totally fine.
But why do you think that is?
Addressing not so much you personally as just aggro players in general as it's very common sentiment in these discussions.
I like decks with a plan, some spices, maybe tricky. Usually mix new cards to old proven decks, so i play mostly in wild Still get fun from standard decks with recent cards mixed in other standard cards, and i send my thanks to the people who invest ime and thinking, and contribute ideas in Hearthpwn decks.
Ye.. games last but the fun is proper palnning ahead - my action with my cards or reaction to opponent activity. Bulding power, taking control or making some kind of wall against those agro or buffed minions. Also silenting is pretty trick. this concept ususally works fine. As i don't play too much time daily - it's good to see that things work pretty good.
BG is also fun for me, i spent lot of time there: Situation changes almost every turn, long term palnning is a must, sometimes to change the major class, sometomes to 'smell' where the match is going to. Also they canged rules from time to time during teh season. a welcomed chaneg to re-tune my game method.
Twist is not enough time in the area to have a conclusion. Once it is on' nect moth off. It may be great and boring, but have some challenge to playrs with older cards.
Another way i find amusing was to open new user in another rigion. An idea i got from good old Trump, in an older stream he did. Then to see what i can do with a beginner deck, and thanking Blizzard for the gifts or event - which are a must for beginner to get some cards or gold, where he has no resource.
"If something is fun, don’t you want it to last? I feel like the approach of « I just want to rank faster » is treating HS (a game) like a job where you need to be productive."
Exactly. They just want to rank up fast and feel good about it. That's their definition of fun. What can do that as many times as possible? Short games.
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Developers' inability to balance is one thing; players choosing to abuse it is another.
I miss when cards costed mana, resource menagement, back and forth strategies when to go face or trade mattered, thinking your turns ahead, cards had a downside, having 20 HP and not feeling im dead already , aggro, midrange, control, combo, otk were archetypes that had more clarity etc.
Those things were fun you know... More tempo less scam matchups.
I have fun when we have a control type meta. No facedeck or OTK bullsht.
If you have a control meta automatically you gonna have aggro decks and you should be happy about that because those counter it, it's important for a healthy meta, i remember having to navigate in those really bad matchups and still menage to have a positive winrate because you knew what you was doing and got rewarded for good decisions, that was one of the best feelings in this game, sadly it doens't exist anymore in a long long time. You either get scammed/highrolled or absolutely obliterated by some face deck.
There is no longer that feeling "oh now you are ahead, I make a play outside the box and I manage to turn the game around and you respond with a perfect play and even so I still have something up my sleeve to win the game" no, the swings are so incredibly strong these days that is almost impossible to turn a game around.
"If something is fun, don’t you want it to last? I feel like the approach of « I just want to rank faster » is treating HS (a game) like a job where you need to be productive."
Exactly. They just want to rank up fast and feel good about it. That's their definition of fun. What can do that as many times as possible? Short games.
What a just said leads to this, people are just tired of getting scammed every game that they dont even care anymore they just want to go face and win games in less than 5 minutes because why even trying to waste your time and effort with those nonsense matchups? Just play in auto-pilot send everything face, complete your quest and be done with it.
My definition of fun is being able to play niche decks that aren't tier 1 but that's no longer viable in ranked or even casual.
The game is flooded with horribly balanced interactions; 40+ damage OTKs, the ability to fill a complete board with giant stat minions before turn 7, extreme ramp and stealing of mana crystals on a class that can tempo better than any other, mana cheats that enable 9 and 10 cost cards by turn 5, impossible to beat late game cards that destroy your minions, hand and deck, an interaction that can flood 15 cast on draw damage to HERO using shutterblock (a card that shouldnt be able to effect damage to hero), etc.
I tried to do some achievements a couple days ago and all I faced was meta decks in ranked who I couldn't even stay alive long enough to progress the achieve after 6 games! Guess achieves aren't worth doing anymore since you only get 100 xp for them anyway. What a joke. The amount of power creep makes this game so NOT fun anymore. I find myself playing 2-3 games and being so disgusted I have to walk away.
I have fun when we have a control type meta. No facedeck or OTK bullsht.
Poor you :D
Fun combo like in BG Duos,
Sometime I like just playing some weird things to get the craziest interactions
New amalgam + Da Undatakah + Shudderwock is one of my deck, it's stupid but I just find that fun that my shudder go back in my deck
I don’t understand the quick game idea. If something is fun, don’t you want it to last? I feel like the approach of « I just want to rank faster » is treating HS (a game) like a job where you need to be productive. I mean some people enjoy eating chalk so we all have a different idea of fun I guess.
I think people who play control find it more casual and relaxing than having to constantly adapt and think things through in late game. It’s more casual in the sense that your game plan remains more or less identical from game to game and you grind things out.
Winning is fun losing is not. I think aggro is fun because it is for me. Quick games are fun for me the question asks what is fun for me so why do I justify why I like playing aggro?
You don't have to. My take away is that you prefer winning to actually playing the game and that's fine.
Yeah you definitely don't have to.
I think most people just enjoy one type of play more than the other and then look for reasons to say why control is smart and aggro is dumb, or the opposite, or whatever.
It doesn't sound like your reasoning really fits, though.
"Winning is fun losing is not" would mean that you should play whatever deck has the highest win rate and don't care if it's aggro or control. When you don't do that, you're choosing to win less because what you actually value is quick games.
That's the bit I find hard to understand. Why do you prefer two games per 10 minutes instead of one?
Would you rather win one 10 minute game and have a 100% win rate or go 1 win 1 loss in two five minute games and have a 50% win rate?
It sounds like you (and other aggro players) strongly prefer the latter.
Which is totally fine.
But why do you think that is?
Addressing not so much you personally as just aggro players in general as it's very common sentiment in these discussions.
I miss when the game made sense.
I like decks with a plan, some spices, maybe tricky. Usually mix new cards to old proven decks, so i play mostly in wild Still get fun from standard decks with recent cards mixed in other standard cards, and i send my thanks to the people who invest ime and thinking, and contribute ideas in Hearthpwn decks.
Ye.. games last but the fun is proper palnning ahead - my action with my cards or reaction to opponent activity. Bulding power, taking control or making some kind of wall against those agro or buffed minions. Also silenting is pretty trick. this concept ususally works fine. As i don't play too much time daily - it's good to see that things work pretty good.
BG is also fun for me, i spent lot of time there: Situation changes almost every turn, long term palnning is a must, sometimes to change the major class, sometomes to 'smell' where the match is going to. Also they canged rules from time to time during teh season. a welcomed chaneg to re-tune my game method.
Twist is not enough time in the area to have a conclusion. Once it is on' nect moth off. It may be great and boring, but have some challenge to playrs with older cards.
Another way i find amusing was to open new user in another rigion. An idea i got from good old Trump, in an older stream he did. Then to see what i can do with a beginner deck, and thanking Blizzard for the gifts or event - which are a must for beginner to get some cards or gold, where he has no resource.
"If something is fun, don’t you want it to last? I feel like the approach of « I just want to rank faster » is treating HS (a game) like a job where you need to be productive."
Exactly. They just want to rank up fast and feel good about it. That's their definition of fun. What can do that as many times as possible? Short games.
Developers' inability to balance is one thing; players choosing to abuse it is another.
I miss when cards costed mana, resource menagement, back and forth strategies when to go face or trade mattered, thinking your turns ahead, cards had a downside, having 20 HP and not feeling im dead already , aggro, midrange, control, combo, otk were archetypes that had more clarity etc.
Those things were fun you know... More tempo less scam matchups.
If you have a control meta automatically you gonna have aggro decks and you should be happy about that because those counter it, it's important for a healthy meta, i remember having to navigate in those really bad matchups and still menage to have a positive winrate because you knew what you was doing and got rewarded for good decisions, that was one of the best feelings in this game, sadly it doens't exist anymore in a long long time. You either get scammed/highrolled or absolutely obliterated by some face deck.
There is no longer that feeling "oh now you are ahead, I make a play outside the box and I manage to turn the game around and you respond with a perfect play and even so I still have something up my sleeve to win the game" no, the swings are so incredibly strong these days that is almost impossible to turn a game around.
What a just said leads to this, people are just tired of getting scammed every game that they dont even care anymore they just want to go face and win games in less than 5 minutes because why even trying to waste your time and effort with those nonsense matchups? Just play in auto-pilot send everything face, complete your quest and be done with it.
My definition of fun is being able to play niche decks that aren't tier 1 but that's no longer viable in ranked or even casual.
The game is flooded with horribly balanced interactions; 40+ damage OTKs, the ability to fill a complete board with giant stat minions before turn 7, extreme ramp and stealing of mana crystals on a class that can tempo better than any other, mana cheats that enable 9 and 10 cost cards by turn 5, impossible to beat late game cards that destroy your minions, hand and deck, an interaction that can flood 15 cast on draw damage to HERO using shutterblock (a card that shouldnt be able to effect damage to hero), etc.
I tried to do some achievements a couple days ago and all I faced was meta decks in ranked who I couldn't even stay alive long enough to progress the achieve after 6 games! Guess achieves aren't worth doing anymore since you only get 100 xp for them anyway. What a joke. The amount of power creep makes this game so NOT fun anymore. I find myself playing 2-3 games and being so disgusted I have to walk away.