I enjoy control decks. I love sitting back knowing everything I need to know and watching it play out as a chess match. When you know their deck and have the cards in hand to respond when the times right. I feel like the father holding their kids head while they try to swing at you. Its adorable that you think you had a chance. When im not being a stalling jerk on ladder I enjoy BG Duos a LOT. I haven't gone back to regular since its launch. Even though I end up with teammates that don't work well I still enjoy it. I feel like its the one mode that feels like everyone has a chance.
Aggro is my fun so in essence I hate facing Control decks because the games take too long I want to rank fast any game that goes above 6 minutes is not fun for me. I also like to play wide boards hence my preference for Flood Paladin.
OTK decks by far. Freeze mage is the one deck I grinded the most back in the day. I really love the concept of barely surviving, being the underdog and then winning out of nowhere. But I see myself as a very well-rounded player, with experience in pretty much any deck and playstyle.
I enjoy the games in casual when I had to do a special quest and opponent is doing also one and none is facing down the other as fast as possible. Instead your helping each other doing your quests. This are the most fun and relaxing games. I also like if the voicelines fit to the actual situation or if they are funny. I will never forget ending a long game with a leper gnome with „Give me a big hug“.
Aggro is my fun so in essence I hate facing Control decks because the games take too long I want to rank fast any game that goes above 6 minutes is not fun for me. I also like to play wide boards hence my preference for Flood Paladin.
Do you genuinely find aggro fun, or just play it because you can rank up faster?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Developers' inability to balance is one thing; players choosing to abuse it is another.
I like long matches which require a constant back and forth between players like chess. OTK/Burst is what I dislike the most and which it was cut from the game entirely. Aggro is close behind but it's bearable, except Treant Druid which was unacceptable and which I roped back then out of frustration. I also think control requires the most skill and I enjoy challenging myself. Which is why I always play off-meta (and I'm constantly annoyed that no one else does).
I haven't played the game since the miniset but Big Spell Mage that is definitely something I would consider roping/antagonize my opponent. I don't like players who exploit loopholes. I can't help myself.
I never play BG or Arena. I might play Arena eventually but it's quite a learning curve.
Aggro and OTK victory conditions (to me) rely on limiting player interactions as opposed to promoting them. Come to think of it, I think I prefer decks without victory conditions.
Reading how many enjoy OTK/Aggro, I better understand why most games are tailored to end at turn 5. I hope this is just trend and we'll go back to more tactical games.
Drawing a lot, combo, play a lot of card in one turn, OTK (not all of them it has to be kinda cool, Malygos Rogue / Malygos Druid / Draka / Moonbeam Druid ...)
All of this deck had Gadgetzan Auctionner so I had all I wanted combine, Draw a lot, play a lot of card, OTK ... I was so mad they made it quit the Core Set AND nerf it ...
My fun is doing as much achievement as I can. Every new expansion, first I try to complete all the achievements before starting to play seriously. Otherwise, winning is fun, losing is not.
For me the fun would be everyone trying their best to make random stuff work with potential super fun and unexpected combos. I love all the RNG in Mage and the possibility to have access to so many cool and interesting stuff in Rogue is amazing.
Needless to say I have less and less fun with each expansion. There's always something that "tryhards" will "abuse" to get consistent wins. An interesting example is Portalmancer Skyla: You can "abuse" it for like turn 5 Tsunamis. But it's actually also a "fun" card I use. But to have access to the new Espionage to shuffle random cards into my deck. (Unfortunately with some "mana cheating"; I wish it would cost less and shuffle in normal cost cards.)
Nowadays the only way I usually have fun is to play friendly games with people like me. But I only have about 3 or so that are really into it like me. I really wish there would be better social features to find new friends. I litterally have to rely on sending friend request to random people I run into and hope for the best. I also used the forum here and elsewhere and even multiple times but for the most part it was almost entirely pointless every time. Most people in places like that are "competitive" but I am and looking for "casual" players that just like to have fun playing around with random stuff. Where do you find people like that? In-game groups could help. "Cult of Yogg-Saron" Need I say more?
Lately I've been playing Battlegrounds; Duos mostly. In some way that mode is exactly what I love. Just trying to make random stuff work and it's always gonna be a different experience and you can do some cool combos. But what I love about regular HS is this constant back and forth. In Battlegrounds your warband always stays and just gets bigger and bigger. I always like to say that everyone is basically playing Jade Druid in Battlegrounds. And that was and is one of my most hated decks in HS. So... yeah, it's not as fun as it could be for me. I wonder how it would look if they made it so that minion death would be permanent. From the beginning with that desgin in mind of course. I think that could be super fun. But probably only for people like me and that's at best 1% of players, so... yeah, makes sense they didn't do that I guess.
I also really miss new dungeon-run type adventures. Those also were really fun to me. But it also makes sense it didn't generate enough profits. I wish they could somehow figure out a better way to monetize it because it really was amazing and it just got better and better. Sometimes I wish there would be something like a "wishing well" you could just throw money in and the devs could do with it whatever they want. Of course with "the suits"/CEOs/investors or what to call all of them taking a big cut. In theory that could work. In reality though I imagine 99% of people don't like the idea of "wasting" your money like that. I probably would use it from time to time. I mean when others "waste" their money on something like a 60$ skin why don't I truly throw away my money for nothing except that it might enable something like dungeon-run type adventues again. I think there's a lot of fun stuff the dev team would consider doing if only they were "allowed to" do it.
Aggro is my fun so in essence I hate facing Control decks because the games take too long I want to rank fast any game that goes above 6 minutes is not fun for me. I also like to play wide boards hence my preference for Flood Paladin.
Do you genuinely find aggro fun, or just play it because you can rank up faster?
Yes I do... For me winning is fun I genuinely hate slogfests where opponents already know they win against me but still continue to draw out the game. I find satisfaction at getting my opponents health to 0. So yeah winning is where I derive my fun from.
Aggro is my fun so in essence I hate facing Control decks because the games take too long I want to rank fast any game that goes above 6 minutes is not fun for me. I also like to play wide boards hence my preference for Flood Paladin.
Do you genuinely find aggro fun, or just play it because you can rank up faster?
Yes I do... For me winning is fun I genuinely hate slogfests where opponents already know they win against me but still continue to draw out the game. I find satisfaction at getting my opponents health to 0. So yeah winning is where I derive my fun from.
Play your favorite deck in your favorite mode, make it yourself or netdeck it, emote or don't, GLHF.
My least favorite games are the ones where turns 2-5 you either don't have the counters and the game is over or you HAVE the counters the game is also over but you need to deal 30 damage first (if they don't concede).
I like big high impact cards and when a quick aggro game is over, win or lose, I don't feel like I've engaged any meaningful competition.
But that's just me looking at the conclusion (I like control decks) and then retrofitting my reasoning to fit with that. I assume Aggro players do the same.
Why would I prefer short games over long games, though?
If I've got some free time and I'm choosing to use it playing Hearthstone why should I care if I play 4 games in 20 minutes or 2?
Is it just because you want to rank up as quickly as possible?
Also, especially if you care about ranking up:
opponents already know they win against me but still continue to draw out the game
Why not concede?
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What do you enjoy doing the most in the game and why?
My answer would be RNG - such as playing Yogg and watching fireworks - because I like surprises.
Developers' inability to balance is one thing; players choosing to abuse it is another.
I enjoy control decks. I love sitting back knowing everything I need to know and watching it play out as a chess match. When you know their deck and have the cards in hand to respond when the times right. I feel like the father holding their kids head while they try to swing at you. Its adorable that you think you had a chance. When im not being a stalling jerk on ladder I enjoy BG Duos a LOT. I haven't gone back to regular since its launch. Even though I end up with teammates that don't work well I still enjoy it. I feel like its the one mode that feels like everyone has a chance.
Aggro is my fun so in essence I hate facing Control decks because the games take too long I want to rank fast any game that goes above 6 minutes is not fun for me. I also like to play wide boards hence my preference for Flood Paladin.
OTK decks. Cooking/Finding a crazy combo and trying to make it work.
and I hate playing against Mages. I literally hate those games and don't enjoy them at all.
same, i dont like playing 5+ minute games, aggro ftw
OTK decks by far. Freeze mage is the one deck I grinded the most back in the day. I really love the concept of barely surviving, being the underdog and then winning out of nowhere. But I see myself as a very well-rounded player, with experience in pretty much any deck and playstyle.
I enjoy the games in casual when I had to do a special quest and opponent is doing also one and none is facing down the other as fast as possible. Instead your helping each other doing your quests. This are the most fun and relaxing games. I also like if the voicelines fit to the actual situation or if they are funny. I will never forget ending a long game with a leper gnome with „Give me a big hug“.
Do you genuinely find aggro fun, or just play it because you can rank up faster?
Developers' inability to balance is one thing; players choosing to abuse it is another.
What is fun in Hearthstone?
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to read the lamentations in the forum.
It's when your opponent's hero goes, "I'm running out of cards!"
I like long matches which require a constant back and forth between players like chess. OTK/Burst is what I dislike the most and which it was cut from the game entirely. Aggro is close behind but it's bearable, except Treant Druid which was unacceptable and which I roped back then out of frustration. I also think control requires the most skill and I enjoy challenging myself. Which is why I always play off-meta (and I'm constantly annoyed that no one else does).
I haven't played the game since the miniset but Big Spell Mage that is definitely something I would consider roping/antagonize my opponent. I don't like players who exploit loopholes. I can't help myself.
I never play BG or Arena. I might play Arena eventually but it's quite a learning curve.
Aggro and OTK victory conditions (to me) rely on limiting player interactions as opposed to promoting them. Come to think of it, I think I prefer decks without victory conditions.
Reading how many enjoy OTK/Aggro, I better understand why most games are tailored to end at turn 5. I hope this is just trend and we'll go back to more tactical games.
Drawing a lot, combo, play a lot of card in one turn, OTK (not all of them it has to be kinda cool, Malygos Rogue / Malygos Druid / Draka / Moonbeam Druid ...)
All of this deck had Gadgetzan Auctionner so I had all I wanted combine, Draw a lot, play a lot of card, OTK ... I was so mad they made it quit the Core Set AND nerf it ...
My fun is doing as much achievement as I can. Every new expansion, first I try to complete all the achievements before starting to play seriously. Otherwise, winning is fun, losing is not.
It's not about RNG. It's about math. Kappa.
Value orientated control decks with no other win condition than beating off the meat waves of agro minions until there are no reinforcements left.
Fun = Hitting the opponent's face.
I stopped playing months ago. It's not so fun anymore, to be honest. It was too expensive for a card game. I still enjoy battlegrounds now and then
For me the fun would be everyone trying their best to make random stuff work with potential super fun and unexpected combos. I love all the RNG in Mage and the possibility to have access to so many cool and interesting stuff in Rogue is amazing.
Needless to say I have less and less fun with each expansion. There's always something that "tryhards" will "abuse" to get consistent wins. An interesting example is Portalmancer Skyla: You can "abuse" it for like turn 5 Tsunamis. But it's actually also a "fun" card I use. But to have access to the new Espionage to shuffle random cards into my deck. (Unfortunately with some "mana cheating"; I wish it would cost less and shuffle in normal cost cards.)
Nowadays the only way I usually have fun is to play friendly games with people like me. But I only have about 3 or so that are really into it like me. I really wish there would be better social features to find new friends. I litterally have to rely on sending friend request to random people I run into and hope for the best. I also used the forum here and elsewhere and even multiple times but for the most part it was almost entirely pointless every time. Most people in places like that are "competitive" but I am and looking for "casual" players that just like to have fun playing around with random stuff. Where do you find people like that? In-game groups could help. "Cult of Yogg-Saron" Need I say more?
Lately I've been playing Battlegrounds; Duos mostly. In some way that mode is exactly what I love. Just trying to make random stuff work and it's always gonna be a different experience and you can do some cool combos. But what I love about regular HS is this constant back and forth. In Battlegrounds your warband always stays and just gets bigger and bigger. I always like to say that everyone is basically playing Jade Druid in Battlegrounds. And that was and is one of my most hated decks in HS. So... yeah, it's not as fun as it could be for me. I wonder how it would look if they made it so that minion death would be permanent. From the beginning with that desgin in mind of course. I think that could be super fun. But probably only for people like me and that's at best 1% of players, so... yeah, makes sense they didn't do that I guess.
I also really miss new dungeon-run type adventures. Those also were really fun to me. But it also makes sense it didn't generate enough profits. I wish they could somehow figure out a better way to monetize it because it really was amazing and it just got better and better. Sometimes I wish there would be something like a "wishing well" you could just throw money in and the devs could do with it whatever they want. Of course with "the suits"/CEOs/investors or what to call all of them taking a big cut. In theory that could work. In reality though I imagine 99% of people don't like the idea of "wasting" your money like that. I probably would use it from time to time. I mean when others "waste" their money on something like a 60$ skin why don't I truly throw away my money for nothing except that it might enable something like dungeon-run type adventues again. I think there's a lot of fun stuff the dev team would consider doing if only they were "allowed to" do it.
Yes I do... For me winning is fun I genuinely hate slogfests where opponents already know they win against me but still continue to draw out the game. I find satisfaction at getting my opponents health to 0. So yeah winning is where I derive my fun from.
Play your favorite deck in your favorite mode, make it yourself or netdeck it, emote or don't, GLHF.
My least favorite games are the ones where turns 2-5 you either don't have the counters and the game is over or you HAVE the counters the game is also over but you need to deal 30 damage first (if they don't concede).
I like big high impact cards and when a quick aggro game is over, win or lose, I don't feel like I've engaged any meaningful competition.
But that's just me looking at the conclusion (I like control decks) and then retrofitting my reasoning to fit with that. I assume Aggro players do the same.
Why would I prefer short games over long games, though?
If I've got some free time and I'm choosing to use it playing Hearthstone why should I care if I play 4 games in 20 minutes or 2?
Is it just because you want to rank up as quickly as possible?
Also, especially if you care about ranking up:
Why not concede?