Curious what everyone thinks will be nerfed or buffed in the near future. The obvious one is something needs to be done about Zill and Hydration Station. I think maybe either take reborn off virus module or change hydration to resurrect 3 different highest cost taunts. Horizons Edge also may lose some durability cause 15 damage from a single location is pretty nuts. Concierge will probably get changed to 1 less but not less than 1. And finally I think Lamplighter will get changed to 4 mana.
Not sure what needs buffing but I think this expansion it’s lots of fun so far
Death knight is not really that good on Standard so I guess Horizon's Edge won't be nerfed what needs nerfing is Zilliax Deluxe 3000 and Hydration Station. Remove Reborn in Virus and maybe put it in Haywire. Hydration Station needs to be changed to three different taunt minions. Pirate DH needs to be hit as well as does Lamplighter.
Zilliax is an obvious target but for me I would remove the elusive tag and reduce the mana cost. This opens up spell disruption for multiple classes and it's already possible for some classes to deal with him effectively. Or you target hydration station and make it different minions which is probably the better nerf imo as Zilliax wasn't a massive problem prior to this expac (though seeing him every game is a bit anoying).
Lamplighter is such a broken card I'm not sure there's a way to adjust it without making either no difference or killing the card. If you put it to 4 mana rogue can still reduce it to 1 and copy with Sonya (and bounce it). For mage and shaman it does push back the double lamplighter to turn 8 on average, but I'm not sure how often the double lamplighter on the same turn was a problem outside of rogue. With that in mind you probably need to make it at least 5+. You could also change it to target minion only but that would kill the card completely (which is no bad thing imo).
The matches are so polarised right now though that I feel any nerf is going to swing the game hard into a new meta with a new OP outlying deck, so I don't think this is going to be an easy balance sweep to get right...Pain warlock is right on the brink of being super offensive but gets wrecked by aggro and over the top damage (which are both of deck archetype people have in their nerf sights).
I agree with all the nerf proposals but they should do some nerfs to this charging pirate BS too. And let’s not forget that as soon as these decks get nerfed paladin will kick in again so keep an eye on Painter's Virtue. This weapon should have been nerfed ages ago.
It's a simple fix in the coding for Zilliax with Reborn. Only real, new copies should be additionally summoned by Hydration Station and Boom. Reborn explicitly says return to life after dying, not summon a new copy.
In the meantime, other cards need to be addressed like New Heights adding great late game power with the higher mana cap AND helping you get there faster all in one card. IMO should only increase the cap and not ramp.
Continuing the hate on Druids, Concierge definitely needs to have the (but not less than 1) text added, and Doomkin needs to only last 1-2 turns.
Warriors are also problematic, but I think the Reborn fix I mentioned earlier should help. If not, maybe make Deepminer Brann only affect non-legendary battlecries, or make some other powerful cards like Bomboss and Boom be end of turn effects instead of battlecries.
I also hear some complaints about Elemental Rogue and Pirate Demon Hunter/Shaman. IMO some tweaks might be necessary, but I really like the trifecta of aggro v combo v control/value so I hope there will be a nicer balance after the first patch or two.
Lamplighter is like if Archmage Antonidas cost 0 mana and the fireballs cost 1 less and did more damage. It's ridiculous who thought that was a good idea???
Anyways I don't feel like predicting nerfs, please just nerf all the broken ramp stuff, Zilliax and some otk cards that are overtuned
and I know this isn't really a broken card but Boomboss Tho'grun is a card I hate more than Lamplighter even, I would love to see it nerfed it just nullifies every other control deck that plays against it. Deepminer Brann can get nerfed to the ground as well.
Zilliax is an obvious target but for me I would remove the elusive tag and reduce the mana cost. This opens up spell disruption for multiple classes and it's already possible for some classes to deal with him effectively. Or you target hydration station and make it different minions which is probably the better nerf imo as Zilliax wasn't a massive problem prior to this expac (though seeing him every game is a bit anoying).
Lamplighter is such a broken card I'm not sure there's a way to adjust it without making either no difference or killing the card. If you put it to 4 mana rogue can still reduce it to 1 and copy with Sonya (and bounce it). For mage and shaman it does push back the double lamplighter to turn 8 on average, but I'm not sure how often the double lamplighter on the same turn was a problem outside of rogue. With that in mind you probably need to make it at least 5+. You could also change it to target minion only but that would kill the card completely (which is no bad thing imo).
The matches are so polarised right now though that I feel any nerf is going to swing the game hard into a new meta with a new OP outlying deck, so I don't think this is going to be an easy balance sweep to get right...Pain warlock is right on the brink of being super offensive but gets wrecked by aggro and over the top damage (which are both of deck archetype people have in their nerf sights).
I'm not against the idea of a Sonya nerf, but it's nearly alway cards with mana reductions that cause the issue. If it was restricted to actual 1 mana cards Sonya would be fine (with some definite bullshit potential).
It's a bit of a bugbear for me in Hearthstone. Cards get "fluid" mana costs and often get to benefit from having both. The classic Goldshire Gnoll problem - you get to play him for 0 then get to treat him as a 10 mana for evolve. Similarly when mage had Grey Sage Parrot they could play a discounted spell with Balinda Stonehearth and repeat it with the parrot even though the spell clearly cost 5 mana.
None of this is really relevant to Sonya - you just triggered some PTSD!
On a more serious note, the focus on bounce effects in Rogue is getting really old for me. The battlecries are so powerful, that seeing them repeated multiple times is exceptionally frustrating. That would be another potential nerf - ban Shadowstep... They wont do it though but it would stop lamplighter becoming a 1 mana minion for Sonya and reduce the number of potential lamplighters to only (*counts bouce effects*)...7 or 8.... (2 from deck, 2 from Breakdance with an additional 2 copied by Sonya and potentially 2 more with Bounce Around (ft. Garona)))
Breakdance - is also a stupid card. The main drawback to boucning is tempo loss. Now you get to bounce, get the battlecry and get a rush minion of the same stats.
Initially, I was thinking that Corpsicle was my target because of the incredibly efficient corpse generating abilities of Death Knight. Then I started seeing TONS of Pirate DH and the ability for that class to create a copious amount of charge minions is kinda ridiculous, so right now my vote goes in that direction.
But the biggest issue for me is the number of Warriors I see that run Inventor Boom that summon back Zilliax Deluxe 3000 several times over and that is truly annoying.
Seabreeze Chalice to 2 mana deal 3 randomly. This way it no longer costs 0 off Concierge. I do not see how changing Concierge's would do anything.
This suggestion is essentially a buff to that deck in Wild, so no thanks. 6 total damage changed to 9 is a pretty bad "nerf".
As others have said, Hydration Station, Lamplighter, and Concierge (to "But not Less than (1).") are all fair adjustments. Zilliax and some adjustment to Demon Hunter as well would be a great round 1.
Edited bit: My comment on Challice is in its usage in MAGE decks in Wild. I totally get that the card is problematic in Standard in a Druid deck, but that is because of Concierge, not Chalice itself.
Zilliax and lamplighter 100% is gonna get nerfed. Problem is Paladin, Warlock and Druid just gonna rise to T1 after. The whole game is in shambles and is only gonna get worse with each expansion. Team 5 are truly incompetent.
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 should only come back once, unless explicitly copied by it's own battlecry module or another card, NOT Reborn. Reborn's effect returns the minion to life, it should NOT count as an additional copy.
New Heights Should only increase your mana cap by 3. Having it do that and ramp at 3 mana is grossly overpowered in terms of efficiency
Deepminer Brann should not affect Legendary battlecries, or make some battlecries End of Turn instead or something.
Concierge needs to have the (but not less than 1) text at LEAST while it's in Standard
Lamplighter can go to 4 mana if it really is an issue with Shadowstep and Sonya, otherwise a small rework like "If you've played an elemental on your last 3 turns, deal 5 damage." or something similar
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Curious what everyone thinks will be nerfed or buffed in the near future.
The obvious one is something needs to be done about Zill and Hydration Station. I think maybe either take reborn off virus module or change hydration to resurrect 3 different highest cost taunts.
Horizons Edge also may lose some durability cause 15 damage from a single location is pretty nuts.
Concierge will probably get changed to 1 less but not less than 1.
And finally I think Lamplighter will get changed to 4 mana.
Not sure what needs buffing but I think this expansion it’s lots of fun so far
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 loses reborn and gets mana buffed back to 3 mana
Concierge goes to 5 mana
Death knight is not really that good on Standard so I guess Horizon's Edge won't be nerfed what needs nerfing is Zilliax Deluxe 3000 and Hydration Station. Remove Reborn in Virus and maybe put it in Haywire. Hydration Station needs to be changed to three different taunt minions. Pirate DH needs to be hit as well as does Lamplighter.
whats the best meta deck rn? anyone got a list? im assmuing its a taunt druid
This guy needs a buff xD
Xpac just came out less than a week ago...
Follow HSReplay if you need help that badly.
Seabreeze Chalice to 2 mana deal 3 randomly. This way it no longer costs 0 off Concierge. I do not see how changing Concierge's would do anything.
Send Zilliax into Wild and somehow nerf spell druid. They are both ruining the game
Zilliax is an obvious target but for me I would remove the elusive tag and reduce the mana cost. This opens up spell disruption for multiple classes and it's already possible for some classes to deal with him effectively. Or you target hydration station and make it different minions which is probably the better nerf imo as Zilliax wasn't a massive problem prior to this expac (though seeing him every game is a bit anoying).
Lamplighter is such a broken card I'm not sure there's a way to adjust it without making either no difference or killing the card. If you put it to 4 mana rogue can still reduce it to 1 and copy with Sonya (and bounce it). For mage and shaman it does push back the double lamplighter to turn 8 on average, but I'm not sure how often the double lamplighter on the same turn was a problem outside of rogue. With that in mind you probably need to make it at least 5+. You could also change it to target minion only but that would kill the card completely (which is no bad thing imo).
The matches are so polarised right now though that I feel any nerf is going to swing the game hard into a new meta with a new OP outlying deck, so I don't think this is going to be an easy balance sweep to get right...Pain warlock is right on the brink of being super offensive but gets wrecked by aggro and over the top damage (which are both of deck archetype people have in their nerf sights).
I agree with all the nerf proposals but they should do some nerfs to this charging pirate BS too.
And let’s not forget that as soon as these decks get nerfed paladin will kick in again so keep an eye on Painter's Virtue. This weapon should have been nerfed ages ago.
It's a simple fix in the coding for Zilliax with Reborn. Only real, new copies should be additionally summoned by Hydration Station and Boom. Reborn explicitly says return to life after dying, not summon a new copy.
In the meantime, other cards need to be addressed like New Heights adding great late game power with the higher mana cap AND helping you get there faster all in one card. IMO should only increase the cap and not ramp.
Continuing the hate on Druids, Concierge definitely needs to have the (but not less than 1) text added, and Doomkin needs to only last 1-2 turns.
Warriors are also problematic, but I think the Reborn fix I mentioned earlier should help. If not, maybe make Deepminer Brann only affect non-legendary battlecries, or make some other powerful cards like Bomboss and Boom be end of turn effects instead of battlecries.
I also hear some complaints about Elemental Rogue and Pirate Demon Hunter/Shaman. IMO some tweaks might be necessary, but I really like the trifecta of aggro v combo v control/value so I hope there will be a nicer balance after the first patch or two.
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[card]Concierge[/card] easy fix, cant cost less than 1.
Lamplighter is like if Archmage Antonidas cost 0 mana and the fireballs cost 1 less and did more damage. It's ridiculous who thought that was a good idea???
Anyways I don't feel like predicting nerfs, please just nerf all the broken ramp stuff, Zilliax and some otk cards that are overtuned
and I know this isn't really a broken card but Boomboss Tho'grun is a card I hate more than Lamplighter even, I would love to see it nerfed it just nullifies every other control deck that plays against it. Deepminer Brann can get nerfed to the ground as well.
Nerf Sonya too
I'm not against the idea of a Sonya nerf, but it's nearly alway cards with mana reductions that cause the issue. If it was restricted to actual 1 mana cards Sonya would be fine (with some definite bullshit potential).
It's a bit of a bugbear for me in Hearthstone. Cards get "fluid" mana costs and often get to benefit from having both. The classic Goldshire Gnoll problem - you get to play him for 0 then get to treat him as a 10 mana for evolve. Similarly when mage had Grey Sage Parrot they could play a discounted spell with Balinda Stonehearth and repeat it with the parrot even though the spell clearly cost 5 mana.
None of this is really relevant to Sonya - you just triggered some PTSD!
On a more serious note, the focus on bounce effects in Rogue is getting really old for me. The battlecries are so powerful, that seeing them repeated multiple times is exceptionally frustrating. That would be another potential nerf - ban Shadowstep... They wont do it though but it would stop lamplighter becoming a 1 mana minion for Sonya and reduce the number of potential lamplighters to only (*counts bouce effects*)...7 or 8.... (2 from deck, 2 from Breakdance with an additional 2 copied by Sonya and potentially 2 more with Bounce Around (ft. Garona)))
Breakdance - is also a stupid card. The main drawback to boucning is tempo loss. Now you get to bounce, get the battlecry and get a rush minion of the same stats.
Breakdance and shadowstep being in standard at the same time is kinda crazy
I Agree with Zilliax 3000 and/or Hydration Station, Lamplighter, Concierge (maybe Seabreeze Chalice instead), but Horizon's Edge have no reason to be nerfed right now, since neither DK or warlock are particularly strong ATM.
Initially, I was thinking that Corpsicle was my target because of the incredibly efficient corpse generating abilities of Death Knight. Then I started seeing TONS of Pirate DH and the ability for that class to create a copious amount of charge minions is kinda ridiculous, so right now my vote goes in that direction.
But the biggest issue for me is the number of Warriors I see that run Inventor Boom that summon back Zilliax Deluxe 3000 several times over and that is truly annoying.
This suggestion is essentially a buff to that deck in Wild, so no thanks. 6 total damage changed to 9 is a pretty bad "nerf".
As others have said, Hydration Station, Lamplighter, and Concierge (to "But not Less than (1).") are all fair adjustments. Zilliax and some adjustment to Demon Hunter as well would be a great round 1.
Edited bit: My comment on Challice is in its usage in MAGE decks in Wild. I totally get that the card is problematic in Standard in a Druid deck, but that is because of Concierge, not Chalice itself.
Zilliax and lamplighter 100% is gonna get nerfed. Problem is Paladin, Warlock and Druid just gonna rise to T1 after. The whole game is in shambles and is only gonna get worse with each expansion. Team 5 are truly incompetent.
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 should only come back once, unless explicitly copied by it's own battlecry module or another card, NOT Reborn. Reborn's effect returns the minion to life, it should NOT count as an additional copy.
Hydration Station should bring back 3 different minions
New Heights Should only increase your mana cap by 3. Having it do that and ramp at 3 mana is grossly overpowered in terms of efficiency
Deepminer Brann should not affect Legendary battlecries, or make some battlecries End of Turn instead or something.
Concierge needs to have the (but not less than 1) text at LEAST while it's in Standard
Lamplighter can go to 4 mana if it really is an issue with Shadowstep and Sonya, otherwise a small rework like "If you've played an elemental on your last 3 turns, deal 5 damage." or something similar
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