So far I've tried a few decks in wild. Thief rogue is pretty fun with a few new ways to generate cards. I almost had a crazy comeback discovering the old reno hero card from the new Maestra. They were able to get N'Zoth down in time to finish me off though. There is some decent support for the priest questline that I'm doing to test out next. I would love to hear about what decks everyone else is liking on day one so I can try them out!
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So far I've tried a few decks in wild. Thief rogue is pretty fun with a few new ways to generate cards. I almost had a crazy comeback discovering the old reno hero card from the new Maestra. They were able to get N'Zoth down in time to finish me off though. There is some decent support for the priest questline that I'm doing to test out next. I would love to hear about what decks everyone else is liking on day one so I can try them out!