Title. The card just feels way too overbearing. Zilliax with perfect+virus is hands down the best minion in the game right now, it's pretty silly that a neutral minion is just so far in power level above class legendaries. It usually trades 3/4 for one, heals the opponent to full and is often a wall that a lot of classes have no option to deal with except for some very very sad trading.
The fact that, even in Brann warrior, perfect+virus zilliax is used over a zilliax with battlecry speaks volumes. When Boom resummons 2 (or 4) of them, the only card in the whole format that can deal with it is Reno, another insane card. It's instant game over for most decks.
-1 mana from the virus module to compensate, or heck replace reborn with windfury - reborn is what makes is so impossibly hard to deal with and windfury would be a nice option to let you poison-kill two minions of your choosing.
I dont disagree with the sentiment of your post - perfect + virus does feel very strong and shuts out a lot of other strategies once it hits the board.
That said, I think Zilliax feels overbearing due to the fact that pretty much every deck uses some version of the card. You see Zilliax in nearly every game you play and it's often very impactful on the board.
As for the specifics of perfec + virus, I think the main issue is generally the interaction with other cards, specifically Inventor Boom. If I was to change something about the card I think it would be the "elusive" tag rather than reborn. It still trades 4/1 with minions, but opens up a whole lot more options spell-wise for classes which currently cant deal with it outside of Yogg.
When used how you're describing it it's an 8 mana card that feels like a game winner. Even Reno at 9 can be beaten by any class and Brann on 8 is useless if you're facing down a giant board or don't have the right cards/excavated enough to close out the game. I think a 1 mana increase could actually help it a lot. Remember we don't want to kill the card, we want it to be fairer. What I will say is this season I have been playing a lot of wild and I'm using it there in multiple decks and at the start it kept getting Yogg'd which started shutting me out! Removing reborn from the module will kill the card for a lot of decks and I dread to think what abominations will rise up. I don't want to be getting killed by 3 3/1s every game.
As for the specifics of perfec + virus, I think the main issue is generally the interaction with other cards, specifically Inventor Boom. If I was to change something about the card I think it would be the "elusive" tag rather than reborn. It still trades 4/1 with minions, but opens up a whole lot more options spell-wise for classes which currently cant deal with it outside of Yogg.
Inventor Boom would be nerfed indirectly with the removal of reborn, because zilliax dies twice it automatically becomes the 2 highest cost mechs. Barrow Buster is cut from many lists just to ensure this happens. The fact that they get random attacks and CAN STILL rush into other things after those attacks makes it crazy, because zilliax loses its shield, can suicide into something big killing it, then gets to attack a THIRD TIME. Boom is very very strong but if there was only one zilliax involved, it'd probably be more bearable.
You could change Boom to "two different mechs" but this is imo just bandaiding a problem with the omnipotent mech itself.
When used how you're describing it it's an 8 mana card that feels like a game winner. Even Reno at 9 can be beaten by any class and Brann on 8 is useless if you're facing down a giant board or don't have the right cards/excavated enough to close out the game. I think a 1 mana increase could actually help it a lot. Remember we don't want to kill the card, we want it to be fairer. What I will say is this season I have been playing a lot of wild and I'm using it there in multiple decks and at the start it kept getting Yogg'd which started shutting me out! Removing reborn from the module will kill the card for a lot of decks and I dread to think what abominations will rise up. I don't want to be getting killed by 3 3/1s every game.
Of course, we don't want to kill the card which is why I suggested adding windfury instead or a compensation buff for the loss of reborn. You mentioned that Yogg stealing it is a counter - is it fair that there is only one, legendary non-reno card that can deal with it? Aman'Thul is the only other card I can think of that "deals" with god-zilliax, because if you hard kill it you're just going to get blown out of the game by boom. Again, a 1/30 class card in a deck.
I do agree that the card is much more problematic in warrior, but it is still too much in a single card in other classes too. My fear is that I struggle to see how they can print a card in the current rotation that everyone has access to which isn't overly broken itself, like the reno hero which was pushed too hard. Nothing deals with a boom/zilliax board currently and they'd need to print more "fuck your whole board" cards like plague of death, which would again be class restricted. Neutral "poof" / transform cards that can bypass elusive are almost never printed, and if they ever became too strong they'd get nerfed because everyone would be using them - aka old tinkmaster overspark. MCT is the only other card I can think of that can "kill" god-zilliax while denying boom and that has a condition which is hard to satisfy.
I'm just struggling to see a world where something even better than this is printed this rotation, and for the entire rest of the rotation nothing printed matters because warrior always wins with this two-card combo.
Adding to whats been said before, there are plenty more effects which can easily get through the shield and minion without providing healing - so many I wont list them. Obvioulsy Zilliax "dies" with most of them, so he can still be resurrected, and most wont overcome the reborn part (does Corpse Explosion work? I'm not sure). Here's a couple more that "counter" Zilliax without him dying (obviously my interpretation of "counter" is quite wide here). Some of these are good for 1 turn only (which might be all you needed)!
I think if they remove reborn from the virus module it would need a serious mana reduction or stat boost. Otherwise it's just like an expensive (probably less flexible) Tigress Plushy. The card will still see play - just not with the virus module.
Who knows what they'll do though. They arguably made the Virus module slightly better for control decks by removing stealth while nerfing it for rogues. Given the mix-n-match nature of the card I can easily imagine they create another broken combination trying to address the issues with the virus module (or maybe they'll just nuke the virus from orbit...it's the only way to be sure...)
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Title. The card just feels way too overbearing. Zilliax with perfect+virus is hands down the best minion in the game right now, it's pretty silly that a neutral minion is just so far in power level above class legendaries. It usually trades 3/4 for one, heals the opponent to full and is often a wall that a lot of classes have no option to deal with except for some very very sad trading.
The fact that, even in Brann warrior, perfect+virus zilliax is used over a zilliax with battlecry speaks volumes. When Boom resummons 2 (or 4) of them, the only card in the whole format that can deal with it is Reno, another insane card. It's instant game over for most decks.
-1 mana from the virus module to compensate, or heck replace reborn with windfury - reborn is what makes is so impossibly hard to deal with and windfury would be a nice option to let you poison-kill two minions of your choosing.
I dont disagree with the sentiment of your post - perfect + virus does feel very strong and shuts out a lot of other strategies once it hits the board.
That said, I think Zilliax feels overbearing due to the fact that pretty much every deck uses some version of the card. You see Zilliax in nearly every game you play and it's often very impactful on the board.
As for the specifics of perfec + virus, I think the main issue is generally the interaction with other cards, specifically Inventor Boom. If I was to change something about the card I think it would be the "elusive" tag rather than reborn. It still trades 4/1 with minions, but opens up a whole lot more options spell-wise for classes which currently cant deal with it outside of Yogg.
Inventor Boom can't ressurect a frog...
When used how you're describing it it's an 8 mana card that feels like a game winner. Even Reno at 9 can be beaten by any class and Brann on 8 is useless if you're facing down a giant board or don't have the right cards/excavated enough to close out the game. I think a 1 mana increase could actually help it a lot. Remember we don't want to kill the card, we want it to be fairer. What I will say is this season I have been playing a lot of wild and I'm using it there in multiple decks and at the start it kept getting Yogg'd which started shutting me out! Removing reborn from the module will kill the card for a lot of decks and I dread to think what abominations will rise up. I don't want to be getting killed by 3 3/1s every game.
Inventor Boom would be nerfed indirectly with the removal of reborn, because zilliax dies twice it automatically becomes the 2 highest cost mechs. Barrow Buster is cut from many lists just to ensure this happens. The fact that they get random attacks and CAN STILL rush into other things after those attacks makes it crazy, because zilliax loses its shield, can suicide into something big killing it, then gets to attack a THIRD TIME. Boom is very very strong but if there was only one zilliax involved, it'd probably be more bearable.
You could change Boom to "two different mechs" but this is imo just bandaiding a problem with the omnipotent mech itself.
Of course, we don't want to kill the card which is why I suggested adding windfury instead or a compensation buff for the loss of reborn. You mentioned that Yogg stealing it is a counter - is it fair that there is only one, legendary non-reno card that can deal with it? Aman'Thul is the only other card I can think of that "deals" with god-zilliax, because if you hard kill it you're just going to get blown out of the game by boom. Again, a 1/30 class card in a deck.
I do agree that the card is much more problematic in warrior, but it is still too much in a single card in other classes too. My fear is that I struggle to see how they can print a card in the current rotation that everyone has access to which isn't overly broken itself, like the reno hero which was pushed too hard. Nothing deals with a boom/zilliax board currently and they'd need to print more "fuck your whole board" cards like plague of death, which would again be class restricted. Neutral "poof" / transform cards that can bypass elusive are almost never printed, and if they ever became too strong they'd get nerfed because everyone would be using them - aka old tinkmaster overspark. MCT is the only other card I can think of that can "kill" god-zilliax while denying boom and that has a condition which is hard to satisfy.
I'm just struggling to see a world where something even better than this is printed this rotation, and for the entire rest of the rotation nothing printed matters because warrior always wins with this two-card combo.
And Reno is the only legendary non-Yogg card :)
But seriously Reno, Yogg, Sargeras, Kologarn, Sylvanas, Reska, Sir Finley, the Intrepid, Royal Librarian, Aman'Thul, Mind Control Tech, Wave of Nostalgia, Repackage .
Adding to whats been said before, there are plenty more effects which can easily get through the shield and minion without providing healing - so many I wont list them. Obvioulsy Zilliax "dies" with most of them, so he can still be resurrected, and most wont overcome the reborn part (does Corpse Explosion work? I'm not sure). Here's a couple more that "counter" Zilliax without him dying (obviously my interpretation of "counter" is quite wide here). Some of these are good for 1 turn only (which might be all you needed)!
Reska, the Pit Boss
King Plush
Sheriff Barrelbrim (I assume this works)
Tough Crowd
Both Reno and Virus Module getting balanced this week: https://www.hearthpwn.com/news/10941-balance-patch-coming-this-week-standard
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!
I think if they remove reborn from the virus module it would need a serious mana reduction or stat boost. Otherwise it's just like an expensive (probably less flexible) Tigress Plushy. The card will still see play - just not with the virus module.
Who knows what they'll do though. They arguably made the Virus module slightly better for control decks by removing stealth while nerfing it for rogues. Given the mix-n-match nature of the card I can easily imagine they create another broken combination trying to address the issues with the virus module (or maybe they'll just nuke the virus from orbit...it's the only way to be sure...)