I know people will complain about how this deck can be countered with ultra aggro or face damage. That's not my point. My point is that it's insane how many cards can mana cheat at low levels; it's mind-blowing. By turn 4, you can play 9 or more cards in a single turn if you have played Darkglare (turn 3 with a coin). That is disgusting. Not only you are playing cards that are free to play, but you are also completing your quest, drawing cards, healing yourself, and building a big army of giants and imprisoned horrors. Not even Rogues can compare with this number of cards in a single turn at this mana level, and that's one of their strong points! Not even Druids can cheat so much mana at this turn, and that's one of their strong points! Not even Paladins can create a wide board with so many big minions at this turn and that´s one of their strong points! It makes no sense.
Quest lock will always get you if you’re a slow deck. Reno paly, hand buff paly and a DK I’ve been playing just obliterate it. Just be a bit more aggressive, put the pressure on them. If they draw really well they can beat anything but that’s the same for any deck mate.
I know people will complain about how this deck can be countered with ultra aggro or face damage. That's not my point. My point is that it's insane how many cards can mana cheat at low levels; it's mind-blowing. By turn 4, you can play 9 or more cards in a single turn if you have played Darkglare (turn 3 with a coin). That is disgusting. Not only you are playing cards that are free to play, but you are also completing your quest, drawing cards, healing yourself, and building a big army of giants and imprisoned horrors. Not even Rogues can compare with this number of cards in a single turn at this mana level, and that's one of their strong points! Not even Druids can cheat so much mana at this turn, and that's one of their strong points! Not even Paladins can create a wide board with so many big minions at this turn and that´s one of their strong points! It makes no sense.
Blizz is watching questlock and we can only hope they nerf it in their next balance patch 2 weeks after expansion. I usually just concede to them.
Quest lock will always get you if you’re a slow deck. Reno paly, hand buff paly and a DK I’ve been playing just obliterate it. Just be a bit more aggressive, put the pressure on them. If they draw really well they can beat anything but that’s the same for any deck mate.
It was nerfed at last!. I was right 6 months before the nerf XD.
At last.. but "at least" might make more sense. We'll see.
Developers' inability to balance is one thing; players choosing to abuse it is another.