I just got OTK'd by a DK who played two 16/16 Frail Ghouls with charge (the hero power ghouls) from hand. It didn't say how they were created and he didn't pull them back into his hand so I can't figure out how he had them at all. I'm playing as even warlock and I have no ability that sends cards back into the opponents hand. I haven't posted on this site for a long time and I haven't played very consistently this expansion but came back for Genn and Baku so I'm really trying to figure what happened.
I just got OTK'd by a DK who played two 16/16 Frail Ghouls with charge (the hero power ghouls) from hand. It didn't say how they were created and he didn't pull them back into his hand so I can't figure out how he had them at all. I'm playing as even warlock and I have no ability that sends cards back into the opponents hand. I haven't posted on this site for a long time and I haven't played very consistently this expansion but came back for Genn and Baku so I'm really trying to figure what happened.
Google search: Is Hearthstone free to play?
Panda bouncers, maybe some other effect that hit the board? Would need more info to determine the exact cause.
It can be done with:
It's a pretty slow line, and is done primarily to help against slow matchups where bursting them down is difficult.