I spent the whole day playing nothing but Twist today.
Be reminded this is just my speculation from about 5-10 games with each hero.
This is my initial impressions of the Heroes.
S= Arfus is the control warrior of this format. Illidan is the burn deck that will kill you turn 8 with Jace no matter what you do.
A= Leeroy is just too op and annihilates all decks that run big cards.
Patches isn't too good late game but kills board decks.
B= Trees are ok if you don't clear them. Kael'thas is good tempo and good late game highrolls but RNG.
C= Rafaam is mid effect mid hero power, you may win if you make it to late game but early game is garbage. Finely is good vs board decks cuz he never runs out of rush murlocs.
D= Those 4 are Ok but they are one strategy decks that don't work out in all matches.
F= Bad decks.
KEK= The designer never actually played HS and these decks are weaker than most standard decks.
Maybe I just got lucky, but i've yet to see Illidan win against me. It's really not that consistent. Definitely not on Arfus level, at the very least.
C'htun didn't feel as bad for me, he's more like a low C. Playing C'htun even just as a big body is good enough. But maybe I just got lucky on average
I think I agree with everything else. Although I wasn't able to test everything, Patches leeroy and arfus are definitely right. Arfus should absolutely be in a tier on its own.
Illidan is currently my most played with score of 17-2, and those 2 losses were mainly my fault cuz I kept bad hand. The perfect mulligans is keeping Jace and any card that draws or generates cards (except Luna) and using your hero power more often to be always at full health while reducing your hand, Jace always killed my opponents with just the damage spells before I got to attack with all the attack buffs he gave me.
I don't know how they're unlocking Gul'dan since I don't see him in my deck options, but I've encountered 3 of them, and they've all 3 wiped me turn 1 ... no idea what I could even mulligan to counter that starter. Very fun and interactive game play.
I'm not doing too bad with Voljin. It can generate quite a lot of early pression, and secrets are always painful to deal with. But yeah, Arfus is op, but if you can't keep the chain of runes going it loses a lot of it's strength
Oh no - I’m at a very middling rank in Twist and already every game is a 30 minute Arfus mirror :( I decided early that it was my favourite and after playing it experimenting with other decks was not enjoyable
Does it have a counter or is it just the best deck?
It actually deserves KEK rank.Why? For the same reasons this deck isn't played competitively in standard.
Shaman has two major problems in this deck and in general:lack of draw which makes it slow and the fact that its minion based.
Most of the other decks have major clear and damage spells.
Not saying you can't win with this deck but I am saying your going to have to play twice as many games to climb with it.
Time will tell.
I mean the issue is that it has a passive hero power that improves C'Thun and an active hero power: pay a mana tax and an understated minion to improve C'Thun.
So before turn 7-8 you're effectively playing without a hero power. And Leeroy's already killed you by then.
Then it's not like C'Thun will board wipe and kill the enemy hero by turn 8 so you can't play him as a finisher but you're probably behind on board already. If you play him to catch up he's vulnerable to all sorts of steal effects and then you're literally playing without a passive hero power. Even just killing him means he's gone until you discover and play that high cost minion that puts him back in your deck.
I wonder if he'd be good if the hero power cost 0.
I think I’m 0 wins 10 losses with Cthun so far. Im certain about the 0 wins part I don’t know exactly how many games I’ve played/lost.
Maybe I just got lucky, but i've yet to see Illidan win against me. It's really not that consistent. Definitely not on Arfus level, at the very least.
C'htun didn't feel as bad for me, he's more like a low C. Playing C'htun even just as a big body is good enough. But maybe I just got lucky on average
I think I agree with everything else. Although I wasn't able to test everything, Patches leeroy and arfus are definitely right. Arfus should absolutely be in a tier on its own.
Illidan is currently my most played with score of 17-2, and those 2 losses were mainly my fault cuz I kept bad hand.
The perfect mulligans is keeping Jace and any card that draws or generates cards (except Luna) and using your hero power more often to be always at full health while reducing your hand, Jace always killed my opponents with just the damage spells before I got to attack with all the attack buffs he gave me.
Al'akir tier D? What do you smoke my man?
As I mentioned those are from my games.
I only managed to win in the games I drop Therazane early.
Warlock deck is missing.
110% another S-Tier
I don't know how they're unlocking Gul'dan since I don't see him in my deck options, but I've encountered 3 of them, and they've all 3 wiped me turn 1 ... no idea what I could even mulligan to counter that starter. Very fun and interactive game play.
LoL wth?
Guldan isn't on the heroes list for anyone.
And what's that deck? 4 15/15s on turn 1?
I'm not doing too bad with Voljin. It can generate quite a lot of early pression, and secrets are always painful to deal with. But yeah, Arfus is op, but if you can't keep the chain of runes going it loses a lot of it's strength
Oh no - I’m at a very middling rank in Twist and already every game is a 30 minute Arfus mirror :( I decided early that it was my favourite and after playing it experimenting with other decks was not enjoyable
Does it have a counter or is it just the best deck?
I agree that Arfus is incredible. I think I’m 9-1 in first 10 games with him. If you are able to drop Azerite Ox on turn 4, it’s usually GG.
Well I'm about 1 win 15 losses now, got my first win against another Cthun player.
I think C'Thun's not very good.
I'm not discounting the possibility that I'm also not very good.
Your right!
It actually deserves KEK rank.Why? For the same reasons this deck isn't played competitively in standard.
Shaman has two major problems in this deck and in general:lack of draw which makes it slow and the fact that its minion based.
Most of the other decks have major clear and damage spells.
Not saying you can't win with this deck but I am saying your going to have to play twice as many games to climb with it.
Time will tell.
This is 2nd best deck in terms of win rate. The rest doesn't matter.
c'thun has 30% winrate right now
I completely based by evaluation on Arfus and Leeroy matchups, if it can't beat one of both of those then it doesn't deserver high spot.
And you got this info where?....
The Gul'dan deck IS illegal and people have been and will be banned over taking the steps necessary to use it.
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!
I mean the issue is that it has a passive hero power that improves C'Thun and an active hero power: pay a mana tax and an understated minion to improve C'Thun.
So before turn 7-8 you're effectively playing without a hero power. And Leeroy's already killed you by then.
Then it's not like C'Thun will board wipe and kill the enemy hero by turn 8 so you can't play him as a finisher but you're probably behind on board already. If you play him to catch up he's vulnerable to all sorts of steal effects and then you're literally playing without a passive hero power. Even just killing him means he's gone until you discover and play that high cost minion that puts him back in your deck.
I wonder if he'd be good if the hero power cost 0.