Let me just open this by saying that I love hearthstone and card games in general, but with that said I have an extremely fragile mind in terms of raging and feeling "cheated" when playing against other players (pvp). With the recent patch I see and feel that more highlander and control warriors has come into the game, and every single time I see I warrior a switch flips inside my head, I can't stand losing to them with these kinds of decks and I just want to play and enjoy my own decks.
I feel like it's 8/10 times a warrior match up so I won't concede everytime I see one, so my question is, how do I deal with this rage :(?
The word fairness needs to be eliminated from your vocabulary in everyday life, nothing is fair- random yes- but not fair. Perspective is simpler this way- trust me.
As for hearthstone- that's the last place you should expect it
I guess it's cause you think being creative and stuff should be rewarded. I thought the same way. In some metas it worked, but imo mostly in wild. I made it a few times to legend with own "fun" decks. In standard you can forget that shit, since you lack options with the limited card pool. And with the latest expandion it's as bad as it gets.
Hunter & Warrior will just faceroll you big time. I tried to play "fun" decks, like hero power priest, burgle rogue...it gets you to platin 10, after it's 100% anihilation by fotm decks.
So the conflict is, you either are creative and try to have fun (but you lose a lot), or you just decide to win more often and switch to the 1-2 broken decks but you feel like a bot playing those decks, aka it gets boring really quick.
All we can really do is to tell you the things you already know. However, there's a difference between knowing something and feeling it. Knowing that it's just a game and tha\t it isn't something you should get too stressed about doesn't actually deal with the problem.
Don't expect there to be a quick fix. Don't expect that all of a sudden you'll "get it". It's an issue we all deal with (I think) and it's something that gets easier over time. After winning and losing thousands of games, one bad game or even one bad meta becomes less important. If I can get through Jade Druid, Even Warrior, Big Priest and Secret Mage, I can outlast the current meta. :)
My number one tip? The thing it took me way too long to work out? If you want to be competitive, you need to play a competitive deck, and play it well. That takes more practice than you might think. And even then, you might still lose.
If you're finding it hard to stay level, it's possible the real trigger lies outside the game and Hearthstone, which is supposed to be a tool to help you relax, is exacerbating your outside frustrations, rather than relieving them. If that's the case, the best (and hardest) thing to do is to talk to people.
But always remember.... you're playing a game where you're pretending to be a fantasy character in a make-believe tavern, playing an imaginary card game. :)
Thank you... Mentally this helped me realize something i knew but also didn't and had to hear.
I didn't really play much outside of Badlands, Whizbang and Standard so i dont know how "bad" HS has been over the years, and maybe i should just focus on getting better with 1 or 2 meta decks instead of trying all kinds of "fun" ones.
I will try to go in with another mentality, but sometimes i just want to punch something when losing so it's going to be tough! But thank you immensely for this message and taking your time, really hope this helps someone else too.
Yeah the dopamin hit i get from beating warriors with bad draw makes my day, it just only happens like 1/15 times unfortunately :P I do like highlander priest tho, its fun!
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Hey everyone!
Let me just open this by saying that I love hearthstone and card games in general, but with that said I have an extremely fragile mind in terms of raging and feeling "cheated" when playing against other players (pvp). With the recent patch I see and feel that more highlander and control warriors has come into the game, and every single time I see I warrior a switch flips inside my head, I can't stand losing to them with these kinds of decks and I just want to play and enjoy my own decks.
I feel like it's 8/10 times a warrior match up so I won't concede everytime I see one, so my question is, how do I deal with this rage :(?
The word fairness needs to be eliminated from your vocabulary in everyday life, nothing is fair- random yes- but not fair. Perspective is simpler this way- trust me.
As for hearthstone- that's the last place you should expect it
Yeah i totally get you, it's more the feeling of unfairness than it actually is unfair because i know as you say, its random
You are probably having a hard time in real life because I have the same feelings when playing Hearthstone during my lows.
I guess it's cause you think being creative and stuff should be rewarded. I thought the same way. In some metas it worked, but imo mostly in wild. I made it a few times to legend with own "fun" decks. In standard you can forget that shit, since you lack options with the limited card pool. And with the latest expandion it's as bad as it gets.
Hunter & Warrior will just faceroll you big time. I tried to play "fun" decks, like hero power priest, burgle rogue...it gets you to platin 10, after it's 100% anihilation by fotm decks.
So the conflict is, you either are creative and try to have fun (but you lose a lot), or you just decide to win more often and switch to the 1-2 broken decks but you feel like a bot playing those decks, aka it gets boring really quick.
Greetings mediocre players, if you really want to win, it's all good news.
You are 1 click away from winning ...
All we can really do is to tell you the things you already know. However, there's a difference between knowing something and feeling it. Knowing that it's just a game and tha\t it isn't something you should get too stressed about doesn't actually deal with the problem.
Don't expect there to be a quick fix. Don't expect that all of a sudden you'll "get it". It's an issue we all deal with (I think) and it's something that gets easier over time. After winning and losing thousands of games, one bad game or even one bad meta becomes less important. If I can get through Jade Druid, Even Warrior, Big Priest and Secret Mage, I can outlast the current meta. :)
My number one tip? The thing it took me way too long to work out? If you want to be competitive, you need to play a competitive deck, and play it well. That takes more practice than you might think. And even then, you might still lose.
If you're finding it hard to stay level, it's possible the real trigger lies outside the game and Hearthstone, which is supposed to be a tool to help you relax, is exacerbating your outside frustrations, rather than relieving them. If that's the case, the best (and hardest) thing to do is to talk to people.
But always remember.... you're playing a game where you're pretending to be a fantasy character in a make-believe tavern, playing an imaginary card game. :)
Good luck, mate.
Thank you...
Mentally this helped me realize something i knew but also didn't and had to hear.
I didn't really play much outside of Badlands, Whizbang and Standard so i dont know how "bad" HS has been over the years, and maybe i should just focus on getting better with 1 or 2 meta decks instead of trying all kinds of "fun" ones.
I will try to go in with another mentality, but sometimes i just want to punch something when losing so it's going to be tough! But thank you immensely for this message and taking your time, really hope this helps someone else too.
Nothing feels better than to out play a highlander warrior with my priest highlander, but often I loose to it because I get unlucky. It is what it is.
Yeah the dopamin hit i get from beating warriors with bad draw makes my day, it just only happens like 1/15 times unfortunately :P I do like highlander priest tho, its fun!