In my opinion, HS has been going downhill at light speed for a while now.
I think Blizzard has finally created a state where the game is basically unfixable. There are way too many fundamental problems with the game at this point. We would need straight up card changes on a scale which has never been seen to get remotely back to older Hearthstone.
Personally I've quit altogether. (I was on my last leg when the mini set came out)
With that said, I still like to keep up with the news and see what the community is up to.
I'm just curious where others are at. Has this been the final nail in the coffin for many of you like it has been me? Do you think Hearthstone has hit an irrepairable state? Are you playing significantly less? Maybe you still enjoy it?
I think it was already at an irreparable state before this expansion... the last couple have been broken messes... this one is just all of that turned up to 11, and the devs clearly don't care, because SOMEONE is still throwing down money for this crap.
I've entirely given up on Standard... I only play Wild now... at least the clown show decks there have been there forever, and there's far more variety in them.
I still play for the daily quests and such, but I have no interest at all in climbing ladder,
I have quit this game like 2 or 3 times already and came back with Whizbang, not knowing what I was getting myself into.
Regarding standard, I personally feel like the nerfs were decent overall, but that they missed the Window Shopper/stupid 3-mana weapon from DH combo and there is this 3 mana hunter spell (Saddle up, I think) that refills their board after you clear it. These cards need to be changed to allow for counterplay, but standard is honestly not in a bad state, especially given past metas and experiences and the short time this set is out now. In general, I would wish for a reduction in card strength for standard and Whizbang doesn't seem to be a strong set overall, but I would like to see more reduction. Maybe we should give up on the illusion that a return to old HS will ever happen. I like to finish achievements and that's getting more and more difficult in standard because games are often too short.
I can't say anything about wild but from what I heard, priest is pretty good there. It seems quite balanced, I guess? Also no idea YET about duels, but will try it.
Arena looks fairly low-balanced. The 1-legendary-per-deck rule is nice in theory but I think it should be around pick 10. Why? Because some legendaries are extremely synergistic and it should be a high-risk-high-rewards move to pick them during draft. Also, Harth Stonebrew should be removed from the pool tbh. The card creates toxic moments like freeze mage and unnerfed dh bomb hands that just get you back from any bad position you are in. I have had it work for and against me and it's crazy. In general, some classes are just way too good in arena compared to others (especially dh, hunter, and dk). You need to highroll like crazy during draft to make up for that.
Battleground is honestly more fun than it has ever been for me. I am only playing it casually, though.
Overall, I have seen MANY, MANY, MANY MUCH WORSE states of the game (Stormwind, Shamanstone, Druidstone,...). If anything, I would say that the last year expansions are more problematic than Whizbang. Plagues are annoying because they cancel all singleton cards (and I picked plagues as my loaner deck and will play it on ranked, still sad about how they work). But overall, I am not mad at the state of the game.
The end of exp farming in mercenaries makes me very sad because I actually enjoyed playing the mode and I have no incentive to do that anymore.
The powergap between the good and bad cards in this Expansion was insane. Look at botface for example, I have no idea how that card made it through...
In fact this Expansion was very weak, there is a handful of crazy powerful cards but in general they need to buff half of the set to get on par with the old crap that is going rampage all over the ladder.
What came out good was aggro and warlock (wheel) everything else is playing old stuff or nothing at all. Even warlock is just old stuff, except that wheel made it finally viable, in an abusive way lol.
I wonder how powerful the next Expansion has to be to actually impact this game enough.
You'll have to overpower things like Odyn and Sif or aggro with infinite refill.
I bought the megabundle too, opened most legendaries but cant find a fun deck. I thought i can play overhead priest, cant make it work, or highlander but no plague counter. Trying to make owl druid work but i always die, maybe I'm just bad.
I basically quit playing, except for a bit of bgs, before this expansion, but I think that was just life pulling me in other directions. Not even sure why I just opened hearthpwn, but I wish you all a lovely time with or without HS <3
It’s funny to read ‘SOME PEOPLE ARE STILL PAYING FOR THIS’ followed by people saying they bought mega-bundles.
I play when there’s a new expansion then stop until the next expansion once I’ve experienced the meta. I don’t need to experience the same meta for two months, there’s not enough variety to justify it. Warlock is wheel at the moment, that’s it. Same can be said with most archetypes.
I don’t think it’s fair to say they don’t care or have bad intentions. I’m sure the team cares, they just can’t handle it, which is different. Maybe it’s the decision makers who are under qualified, I don’t know. I think it’s one of those things where very few people could manage a game of this scope and they haven’t found the right people to do it or won’t put them in charge. You end up with people in charge who probably shouldn’t be.
It’s funny to read ‘SOME PEOPLE ARE STILL PAYING FOR THIS’ followed by people saying they bought mega-bundles
Sad... I believe the word you're looking for is "sad".
I mean... let's be honest, I'm quite certain there's WORSE places I've wasted $70 than on a HS bundle, once upon a time... and I'm working diligently to find all the footage to prove that and have it deleted... :D
But... it's their money, they can waste it as they please, of course... I just hate that people wasting their money that way is giving Blizzard the hilariously false impression that they're doing something right with this game... because THAT hasn't been the case since shortly after they launched Death Knights...
Yeah, I feel like I play less and less with each expansion.
Pretty much since the introduction of the rewards track I would say the game has gone in a direction that I don't like. I used to go for 100% (normal) collection but I don't feel much excitement anymore. I guess part is also that I have already spent so much so I can dust old garbage for new stuff etc. But indeed I dropped from spending like 600 per year to maybe 60 at most.
One thing for example is those exclusive cosmetics which I hate. Is this supposed to be a single player game? At least for me I don't really want to use something that the other person can't get themselves anymore. I can't even begin to comprehend that some people even like this sort of exclusiveness for exactly this reason.
The main reason though is really the crazy powercreep or just how new cards are made maybe. It almost feels the game is becoming more like Legends of Runeterra which I played a bit. The annoying thing was that about everything was either rush them down quickly or crazy unbeatable end game win condition. Maybe for competitive people that's good but I really don't enjoy that. For example in HS we now have cards like Sargeras or Odyn. Those are such "terminal win conditions". What are you supposed to do against that? Should've gone face harder? Pull out an even crazier thing of your own?
I mean, to be fair, I only enjoy playing decks filled with RNG and Discover, with no real win condition. But I feel like such decks had a better chance in the past but now it's either go face or become god pretty much. A nice game of just playing your best and a lot of back and forth where eventually one player (on average the better player) wins are basically non-existent outside of friendly games.
This is where I still hope they will do something soon: The social aspect and playing with friends or meeting up with like-minded people in guilds etc. I personally think the game can be very fun with the right people. But just playing against random people is (at least for me) becoming less and less fun with each expansion. So I really hope they will improve on the social stuff. I tried it myself a few times in the past but it often felt weird and also there's only so much you can do. Some better social functions would do a lot for casual people like me. But maybe it's not bad enough for them to care yet or they will hone in on the competitive audience instead. It just feels like without them having to invest that much they could make it much more enjoyable for casual people like me. I would happily spend more on the game if it would feel like it actually is worth that much. Currently it really is not.
But indeed I dropped from spending like 600 per year to maybe 60 at most.
600 bucks a year? 600 BUCKS! Holy mother of god. Are you a millionaire? I honestly thought (naively) people spend like, say, 30 bucks a year on Hearthstone. I've spent money twice: once for a tavern pass and once for some packs, that's over years of playing. So, like maybe 50$ in total?
The reason I find 600$ shocking is because I never imagined there could ever be a need for it. Just by that initial investment and playing the game, I always had enough dust/gold to get the cards I wanted. I only play one archetype though, that might be it.
Just to be clear, I'm not judging you on spending that much, I just wasn't even aware that it was possible that people would want to spend that much a year. I guess it explains why the game remains afloat financially. Even a few players spending this much equates to quite a lot of revenue.
The social aspect and playing with friends or meeting up with like-minded people in guilds etc. I personally think the game can be very fun with the right people. But just playing against random people is (at least for me) becoming less and less fun with each expansion.
Well, for one thing they can make an ACTUAL Casual room, rather than the current Casual which is 99%, "I'm using a Tier 1 NetDeck, but I'm too much of a fucking chickenshit to 'risk' my 'ranking' by playing it against people who are actually looking to be competitive rather than just having fun."
And for anyone who thinks this isn't a feasible thing... I used to be a moderator (Adept) on the original Magic Online app... you could report people for using tournament-caliber decks in rooms specifically intended for casual/fun play - and we would review their game logs and see what deck they were playing and issue them escalating levels of warning if they were found to be violating the spirit of the Casual Play rooms.
Considering there was no broken, tier S deck before rotation and there is no broken tier S deck after the very first round of nerfs, i don't know what you're talking about.
600 bucks a year? 600 BUCKS! Holy mother of god. Are you a millionaire? I honestly thought (naively) people spend like, say, 30 bucks a year on Hearthstone. I've spent money twice: once for a tavern pass and once for some packs, that's over years of playing. So, like maybe 50$ in total?
The reason I find 600$ shocking is because I never imagined there could ever be a need for it. Just by that initial investment and playing the game, I always had enough dust/gold to get the cards I wanted. I only play one archetype though, that might be it.
Just to be clear, I'm not judging you on spending that much, I just wasn't even aware that it was possible that people would want to spend that much a year. I guess it explains why the game remains afloat financially. Even a few players spending this much equates to quite a lot of revenue.
I buy both preorders, tavern passes, BG battle passes and gold mini sets. It’s still massively cheaper than my other hobbies. Biking, fly fishing, warhammer and vinyl records all eclipse my hearthstone budget by at least double. I also really like this set and have been playing quite a lot of it.
i left a few expansions back but recently came back, i still think its a polished looking interface and love the nostalgia of the game, sounds, characters. im sad that Merc's is not supported anymore as i enjoyed playing that. i pretty much quit investing much when they went to Battlepass as i used to be able to get 80-100 packs from the gold quests and pick up packs with that occasionally buying a hero i liked.
overall i would be sad if it shut down but i cant invest much int the game anymore.
I would just go to the Wiki and copy off all the cards and make my own hard copy of the game... and fixing all the things I felt needed to be fixed.
... honestly, we should probably all just go do that anyway.
I can say from personal experience that this is a great idea ON PAPER (get it?) because I did that with another card game (and still have almost the entire card sets of that game on my pc), but as soon as random card generation comes in, you will regret doing that. Unless you buff every card creator to only delivering a limited pool of cards, which then turns the game into boring card creation battles till someone dies.
Regarding game balancing, it wasn't until yesterday that I realised that OG Jaina DK is actually in the arena pool right now...Who the f..k thought that this is a good idea? Like wow...just wow
In my opinion, HS has been going downhill at light speed for a while now.
I think Blizzard has finally created a state where the game is basically unfixable. There are way too many fundamental problems with the game at this point. We would need straight up card changes on a scale which has never been seen to get remotely back to older Hearthstone.
Personally I've quit altogether. (I was on my last leg when the mini set came out)
With that said, I still like to keep up with the news and see what the community is up to.
I'm just curious where others are at. Has this been the final nail in the coffin for many of you like it has been me? Do you think Hearthstone has hit an irrepairable state? Are you playing significantly less? Maybe you still enjoy it?
I think it was already at an irreparable state before this expansion... the last couple have been broken messes... this one is just all of that turned up to 11, and the devs clearly don't care, because SOMEONE is still throwing down money for this crap.
I've entirely given up on Standard... I only play Wild now... at least the clown show decks there have been there forever, and there's far more variety in them.
I still play for the daily quests and such, but I have no interest at all in climbing ladder,
I have quit this game like 2 or 3 times already and came back with Whizbang, not knowing what I was getting myself into.
Regarding standard, I personally feel like the nerfs were decent overall, but that they missed the Window Shopper/stupid 3-mana weapon from DH combo and there is this 3 mana hunter spell (Saddle up, I think) that refills their board after you clear it. These cards need to be changed to allow for counterplay, but standard is honestly not in a bad state, especially given past metas and experiences and the short time this set is out now. In general, I would wish for a reduction in card strength for standard and Whizbang doesn't seem to be a strong set overall, but I would like to see more reduction. Maybe we should give up on the illusion that a return to old HS will ever happen. I like to finish achievements and that's getting more and more difficult in standard because games are often too short.
I can't say anything about wild but from what I heard, priest is pretty good there. It seems quite balanced, I guess? Also no idea YET about duels, but will try it.
Arena looks fairly low-balanced. The 1-legendary-per-deck rule is nice in theory but I think it should be around pick 10. Why? Because some legendaries are extremely synergistic and it should be a high-risk-high-rewards move to pick them during draft. Also, Harth Stonebrew should be removed from the pool tbh. The card creates toxic moments like freeze mage and unnerfed dh bomb hands that just get you back from any bad position you are in. I have had it work for and against me and it's crazy. In general, some classes are just way too good in arena compared to others (especially dh, hunter, and dk). You need to highroll like crazy during draft to make up for that.
Battleground is honestly more fun than it has ever been for me. I am only playing it casually, though.
Overall, I have seen MANY, MANY, MANY MUCH WORSE states of the game (Stormwind, Shamanstone, Druidstone,...). If anything, I would say that the last year expansions are more problematic than Whizbang. Plagues are annoying because they cancel all singleton cards (and I picked plagues as my loaner deck and will play it on ranked, still sad about how they work). But overall, I am not mad at the state of the game.
The end of exp farming in mercenaries makes me very sad because I actually enjoyed playing the mode and I have no incentive to do that anymore.
The powergap between the good and bad cards in this Expansion was insane. Look at botface for example, I have no idea how that card made it through...
In fact this Expansion was very weak, there is a handful of crazy powerful cards but in general they need to buff half of the set to get on par with the old crap that is going rampage all over the ladder.
What came out good was aggro and warlock (wheel) everything else is playing old stuff or nothing at all. Even warlock is just old stuff, except that wheel made it finally viable, in an abusive way lol.
I wonder how powerful the next Expansion has to be to actually impact this game enough.
You'll have to overpower things like Odyn and Sif or aggro with infinite refill.
bought the big bundle and opened the packs, but havent played a single game since- I just cant
Legend count: 33 Total AP count: 36K
I bought the megabundle too, opened most legendaries but cant find a fun deck. I thought i can play overhead priest, cant make it work, or highlander but no plague counter. Trying to make owl druid work but i always die, maybe I'm just bad.
I basically quit playing, except for a bit of bgs, before this expansion, but I think that was just life pulling me in other directions. Not even sure why I just opened hearthpwn, but I wish you all a lovely time with or without HS <3
It’s funny to read ‘SOME PEOPLE ARE STILL PAYING FOR THIS’ followed by people saying they bought mega-bundles.
I play when there’s a new expansion then stop until the next expansion once I’ve experienced the meta. I don’t need to experience the same meta for two months, there’s not enough variety to justify it. Warlock is wheel at the moment, that’s it. Same can be said with most archetypes.
I don’t think it’s fair to say they don’t care or have bad intentions. I’m sure the team cares, they just can’t handle it, which is different. Maybe it’s the decision makers who are under qualified, I don’t know. I think it’s one of those things where very few people could manage a game of this scope and they haven’t found the right people to do it or won’t put them in charge. You end up with people in charge who probably shouldn’t be.
Sad... I believe the word you're looking for is "sad".
I mean... let's be honest, I'm quite certain there's WORSE places I've wasted $70 than on a HS bundle, once upon a time... and I'm working diligently to find all the footage to prove that and have it deleted... :D
But... it's their money, they can waste it as they please, of course... I just hate that people wasting their money that way is giving Blizzard the hilariously false impression that they're doing something right with this game... because THAT hasn't been the case since shortly after they launched Death Knights...
Yeah, I feel like I play less and less with each expansion.
Pretty much since the introduction of the rewards track I would say the game has gone in a direction that I don't like. I used to go for 100% (normal) collection but I don't feel much excitement anymore. I guess part is also that I have already spent so much so I can dust old garbage for new stuff etc. But indeed I dropped from spending like 600 per year to maybe 60 at most.
One thing for example is those exclusive cosmetics which I hate. Is this supposed to be a single player game? At least for me I don't really want to use something that the other person can't get themselves anymore. I can't even begin to comprehend that some people even like this sort of exclusiveness for exactly this reason.
The main reason though is really the crazy powercreep or just how new cards are made maybe. It almost feels the game is becoming more like Legends of Runeterra which I played a bit. The annoying thing was that about everything was either rush them down quickly or crazy unbeatable end game win condition. Maybe for competitive people that's good but I really don't enjoy that. For example in HS we now have cards like Sargeras or Odyn. Those are such "terminal win conditions". What are you supposed to do against that? Should've gone face harder? Pull out an even crazier thing of your own?
I mean, to be fair, I only enjoy playing decks filled with RNG and Discover, with no real win condition. But I feel like such decks had a better chance in the past but now it's either go face or become god pretty much. A nice game of just playing your best and a lot of back and forth where eventually one player (on average the better player) wins are basically non-existent outside of friendly games.
This is where I still hope they will do something soon: The social aspect and playing with friends or meeting up with like-minded people in guilds etc. I personally think the game can be very fun with the right people. But just playing against random people is (at least for me) becoming less and less fun with each expansion. So I really hope they will improve on the social stuff. I tried it myself a few times in the past but it often felt weird and also there's only so much you can do. Some better social functions would do a lot for casual people like me. But maybe it's not bad enough for them to care yet or they will hone in on the competitive audience instead. It just feels like without them having to invest that much they could make it much more enjoyable for casual people like me. I would happily spend more on the game if it would feel like it actually is worth that much. Currently it really is not.
What a waste of money!
600 bucks a year? 600 BUCKS! Holy mother of god. Are you a millionaire? I honestly thought (naively) people spend like, say, 30 bucks a year on Hearthstone. I've spent money twice: once for a tavern pass and once for some packs, that's over years of playing. So, like maybe 50$ in total?
The reason I find 600$ shocking is because I never imagined there could ever be a need for it. Just by that initial investment and playing the game, I always had enough dust/gold to get the cards I wanted. I only play one archetype though, that might be it.
Just to be clear, I'm not judging you on spending that much, I just wasn't even aware that it was possible that people would want to spend that much a year. I guess it explains why the game remains afloat financially. Even a few players spending this much equates to quite a lot of revenue.
Well, for one thing they can make an ACTUAL Casual room, rather than the current Casual which is 99%, "I'm using a Tier 1 NetDeck, but I'm too much of a fucking chickenshit to 'risk' my 'ranking' by playing it against people who are actually looking to be competitive rather than just having fun."
And for anyone who thinks this isn't a feasible thing... I used to be a moderator (Adept) on the original Magic Online app... you could report people for using tournament-caliber decks in rooms specifically intended for casual/fun play - and we would review their game logs and see what deck they were playing and issue them escalating levels of warning if they were found to be violating the spirit of the Casual Play rooms.
Playing a lot more since last expansion dropped
Considering there was no broken, tier S deck before rotation and there is no broken tier S deck after the very first round of nerfs, i don't know what you're talking about.
The meta in standard is healthy and mostly fun.
$50 preorder
$80 preorder
$20 battlepass
$150 total.
3 times a year, that's $450.
Play some Battlegrounds too, and buy the Tavern pass? Another $60 a year.
Now you are over $500 and haven't bought a single cosmetic or extra pack or Diamond card or anything.
And you know what? That's still cheaper than going to a bar and having a few drinks ONCE a month for the year. Let alone if it is a weekly habit.
There's nothing wrong or weird about spending these amounts on a hobby if you can afford it.
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!
I buy both preorders, tavern passes, BG battle passes and gold mini sets. It’s still massively cheaper than my other hobbies. Biking, fly fishing, warhammer and vinyl records all eclipse my hearthstone budget by at least double. I also really like this set and have been playing quite a lot of it.
i left a few expansions back but recently came back, i still think its a polished looking interface and love the nostalgia of the game, sounds, characters.
im sad that Merc's is not supported anymore as i enjoyed playing that.
i pretty much quit investing much when they went to Battlepass as i used to be able to get 80-100 packs from the gold quests and pick up packs with that occasionally buying a hero i liked.
overall i would be sad if it shut down but i cant invest much int the game anymore.
I would just go to the Wiki and copy off all the cards and make my own hard copy of the game... and fixing all the things I felt needed to be fixed.
... honestly, we should probably all just go do that anyway.
I can say from personal experience that this is a great idea ON PAPER (get it?) because I did that with another card game (and still have almost the entire card sets of that game on my pc), but as soon as random card generation comes in, you will regret doing that. Unless you buff every card creator to only delivering a limited pool of cards, which then turns the game into boring card creation battles till someone dies.
Regarding game balancing, it wasn't until yesterday that I realised that OG Jaina DK is actually in the arena pool right now...Who the f..k thought that this is a good idea? Like wow...just wow