I agree that it really sucks for Highlander. Plague DK isn't very strong against other decks tho. So it's just Highlander that suffers. They should've included a new tech card this set.
Steamcleaner has never been a viable solution for highlander decks vs plague dk. I ran 2 copies and still lost more on average. It's a counter to highlander and plague dk has many counters themselves.
Knowing when to play it is a big part of being able to utilize it since a good plague dk will also play around their counters. Too bad it doesnt matter anymore since its out of standard.
Although I don't agree with OP about plague DK being a serious problem, I do think that it's bs that they can hard counter Highlander decks and screw with your draw and there is nothing you can do about it. The deck requires no skill or thought. I've lost more games from bad draw from plagues than I have ever against the individual playing the deck, the deck is as autopilot you can get and the plagues are too rewarding now. You have no way to punish then when they make bad or questionable plays. There is a reason it's the best DK deck right now, obviously steamcleaner was actually effective against plagues.
No steamcleaner anymore, how TF do you counter this shit. especially as a highlander deck?!
This plague DK was never fun to play or play against. But it even got worse.
I agree that it really sucks for Highlander. Plague DK isn't very strong against other decks tho. So it's just Highlander that suffers. They should've included a new tech card this set.
Blizzard: Let's make one deck to directly counter highlander decks. We'll call it "Plague Death Knight." It will be low tier against everything else.
This guy: Hold my beer.
Steamcleaner has never been a viable solution for highlander decks vs plague dk. I ran 2 copies and still lost more on average. It's a counter to highlander and plague dk has many counters themselves.
Knowing when to play it is a big part of being able to utilize it since a good plague dk will also play around their counters. Too bad it doesnt matter anymore since its out of standard.
and the biggest slap in the face was nerfing 2 warrior cards. was warrior even that bad no. brann is always on the bottom for me
Each card will have double the plagues, but double the choices to choose from.
-Freeze all enemies
-All mana costs doubled
-Restore max health
-Destroy all enemy minions
-Resurrect all undead
-Double hero power stats
You do know non-highlander warrior exists, right?
ok? warrior wasn't a problem highlander or not.
VS stats say otherwise. It had the highest winrate at high legend, higher than all other nerfed decks.
Although I don't agree with OP about plague DK being a serious problem, I do think that it's bs that they can hard counter Highlander decks and screw with your draw and there is nothing you can do about it. The deck requires no skill or thought. I've lost more games from bad draw from plagues than I have ever against the individual playing the deck, the deck is as autopilot you can get and the plagues are too rewarding now. You have no way to punish then when they make bad or questionable plays. There is a reason it's the best DK deck right now, obviously steamcleaner was actually effective against plagues.
sure. w/e u say