I've been playing HS for 10 years and have been playing Duels exclusively for the last 3.5 The ladder grind is boring and not something I have any time or desire for. Battlegrounds is fun but it is a 30-40mins commitment; sometimes I just want to play a quick game and move on with my day. Arena is fun but I get frustrated with the RNG of the draft sometimes, I ragequit every few months but admittedly always go back to it. Duels is the only mode that I continue to have persistent interest in because there is a tremendous amount of strategy around deck construction (countering meta decks) and ability for experimentation.
If Duels gets removed, that will probably be the end of my 10 year HS adventure. I hope this decision is reversed
Blizzard is gonna move treasures to Arena so this means that they will basically kill 2 modes in one blow. I never liked Duels mostly because of the treasures. They were only fine in PvE but now that the treasures are coming to Arena, I will have to quit Hearthstone as well.
GG Blizzard. That is a quite start of the year I shall say.
Duels will end because the developers deem it too much effort to make balance and treasure updates in accordance with new sets getting released.
Maybe Duels has become a limitation for the design team they like to get rid of, maybe they are just out of ideas and lack the motivation to launch Duels 2.0, with a new set of characters, treasures etc. But most likely, they simply don't have the resources anymore to support the mode.
Perhaps they could freeze a certain build of the mode, similar to Mercenaries, and leave it like that. But there's no way they will reconsider their decision.
II'm in the same boat, I've played since launch, and I had been hopeful for the 10th anniversary this year, though I hadn't played much this expansion for the first time since launch, I was waiting to see what they would do next.
Then this. I have uninstalled Hearthstone, and unless they backtrack I'm not sure I will be back. I've been a whale in the past, having spent probably a thousand dollars on this game total, and ten years of consistent playtime, but the current hearthstone management is terrible. I had kept some hope that maybe the change to Microsoft ownership would cause some improvement, but apparently not.
There were entire classes I never played in standard/wild that I played the heck out of in Duels, every time a new Demon hunter card was announced I was excited to play it in Duels, but I've probably played like 3 games of Demon hunter total in constructed.
I'm sure Duels earned Blizzard plenty of money they just couldn't see, because it wasn't monetized separately from constructed, but the best part of unlocking new cards each expansion was playing more new gimmick decks.
If I had to make one critique of Duels it was the sets. it started out with a small subset, and each expansion they would add 2 new sets (the newest and one older one). this meant that the potential for breaking combos got worse, and decks stagnated. if I were them I would have done an Arena-like rotation of sets for Duels, so each season you can log in and try something new. what i would NOT do is kill the only mode that felt fresh and new each time
Of course like everyone else I hated the change to the bucket system, tagging each of 140 cards in an expansion with a tag is probably something that should already have been being done for future cataloging, and probably took one intern like a day to do, so not doing it probably saved almost no money, and now shutting down the mode will save that same amount of money again, so good job Blizz, enjoy all the money you won't earn from this change.
On a slightly more positive note, go and watch the initial launch trailer for Duels, it's up there with the best announcements they've ever made, it will make you laugh and cheer at how great it is, and then cry that it's all being burned to the ground and that they will probably remove the trailer out of spite too.
No. Good riddance. Also remove Battlegrounds, Classic, Twist, and Wild/Standard. There should be two modes - Hearthstone and Arena. All cards, all sets.
However, it should be well balanced and Bli$$ard should stop spamming garbage content for moneygrabbing.
Release fewer sets with higher quality. And bring back the expansions with wings, bosses and PvE progression.
As a fan of the streamer Roffle but definitely not duels, I could say that his views got more while he made content for duels. This means that a huge amount of players like this mode.
I’m personally playing every other mode but duels. I hated monster hunt and this stuff so much, I even didn‘t finished one of them. You most of time got complete garbage from beginning or you finally got the nuts with your deck and then you where matched against the only boss which could beat your deck. I got so angry about that, I never want to play something like that again. Just not funny to me.
Though it’s sad that they didn‘t found a solution for all the players which enjoy this mode.
But they also did a bad start with twist. One month was pretty cool, as I could play the only funny priestdeck for me again, dragonpriest. But they ruined the fun by just adding a imo lame rule and a set. Players expected more crazy and funny rules for unusual deckbuilding. It got stalled pretty fast sadly. Their problem is that they making always a huge announcement and then don‘t do what players expecting. Same with Brawl as they announced there will be a team exclusively for this mode. Have you seen much new brawls since that? I haven‘t. No wonder this behavior seems lazy to players . They better should be honest. But that‘s not how you make money.
I never played Duel but I understand the pain for those who liked it.
Hearthstone is dead for me since they removed classic.
I stoped buying packs a long time ago but kept getting the battle pass and the battleground pass to maximize freebies.
Since they removed classic they did not had a single penny from me and they will never again.
I use to be the guy having only full golden standard and wild deck. Non golden card use to not worth being played.... oh well. Normal cards are totally fine😅
I only play battleground once in a while but even there I dont like the turn the game took with the spells
Duels was the only thing i could play if i got bored with usual classes. Nowadays duels is the only thing that keep me in game.
Build half of your deck and pick "random" treasures and cards, felt like mix of arena and normal mode. New hero powers, multiclasses. Sure it was never balanced, and almost no effort into balancing. Yet it was so far best for me.
To the people spamming "I nEvEr PlAiEd DuElS dElEtE iT":
I have never played with your mum but i also dont want her to stop existing. Think about it.
Sorry for crap english.
Public Mod Note
Post Was Warned for Trolling.
I've been playing HS for 10 years and have been playing Duels exclusively for the last 3.5
The ladder grind is boring and not something I have any time or desire for. Battlegrounds is fun but it is a 30-40mins commitment; sometimes I just want to play a quick game and move on with my day. Arena is fun but I get frustrated with the RNG of the draft sometimes, I ragequit every few months but admittedly always go back to it. Duels is the only mode that I continue to have persistent interest in because there is a tremendous amount of strategy around deck construction (countering meta decks) and ability for experimentation.
If Duels gets removed, that will probably be the end of my 10 year HS adventure. I hope this decision is reversed
Blizzard is gonna move treasures to Arena so this means that they will basically kill 2 modes in one blow. I never liked Duels mostly because of the treasures. They were only fine in PvE but now that the treasures are coming to Arena, I will have to quit Hearthstone as well.
GG Blizzard. That is a quite start of the year I shall say.
How you know this? Treasures in Arena would be great!
F**k no.
Good riddance. Maybe they'll also remove standard and wild next year and BGs by Easter.
Duels will end because the developers deem it too much effort to make balance and treasure updates in accordance with new sets getting released.
Maybe Duels has become a limitation for the design team they like to get rid of, maybe they are just out of ideas and lack the motivation to launch Duels 2.0, with a new set of characters, treasures etc. But most likely, they simply don't have the resources anymore to support the mode.
Perhaps they could freeze a certain build of the mode, similar to Mercenaries, and leave it like that. But there's no way they will reconsider their decision.
II'm in the same boat, I've played since launch, and I had been hopeful for the 10th anniversary this year, though I hadn't played much this expansion for the first time since launch, I was waiting to see what they would do next.
Then this. I have uninstalled Hearthstone, and unless they backtrack I'm not sure I will be back. I've been a whale in the past, having spent probably a thousand dollars on this game total, and ten years of consistent playtime, but the current hearthstone management is terrible. I had kept some hope that maybe the change to Microsoft ownership would cause some improvement, but apparently not.
There were entire classes I never played in standard/wild that I played the heck out of in Duels, every time a new Demon hunter card was announced I was excited to play it in Duels, but I've probably played like 3 games of Demon hunter total in constructed.
I'm sure Duels earned Blizzard plenty of money they just couldn't see, because it wasn't monetized separately from constructed, but the best part of unlocking new cards each expansion was playing more new gimmick decks.
If I had to make one critique of Duels it was the sets. it started out with a small subset, and each expansion they would add 2 new sets (the newest and one older one). this meant that the potential for breaking combos got worse, and decks stagnated. if I were them I would have done an Arena-like rotation of sets for Duels, so each season you can log in and try something new. what i would NOT do is kill the only mode that felt fresh and new each time
Of course like everyone else I hated the change to the bucket system, tagging each of 140 cards in an expansion with a tag is probably something that should already have been being done for future cataloging, and probably took one intern like a day to do, so not doing it probably saved almost no money, and now shutting down the mode will save that same amount of money again, so good job Blizz, enjoy all the money you won't earn from this change.
On a slightly more positive note, go and watch the initial launch trailer for Duels, it's up there with the best announcements they've ever made, it will make you laugh and cheer at how great it is, and then cry that it's all being burned to the ground and that they will probably remove the trailer out of spite too.
No. Good riddance. Also remove Battlegrounds, Classic, Twist, and Wild/Standard. There should be two modes - Hearthstone and Arena. All cards, all sets.
However, it should be well balanced and Bli$$ard should stop spamming garbage content for moneygrabbing.
Release fewer sets with higher quality. And bring back the expansions with wings, bosses and PvE progression.
Your profile picture really shows who you are. Just an angry silly chicken.
As a fan of the streamer Roffle but definitely not duels, I could say that his views got more while he made content for duels. This means that a huge amount of players like this mode.
I’m personally playing every other mode but duels. I hated monster hunt and this stuff so much, I even didn‘t finished one of them. You most of time got complete garbage from beginning or you finally got the nuts with your deck and then you where matched against the only boss which could beat your deck. I got so angry about that, I never want to play something like that again. Just not funny to me.
Though it’s sad that they didn‘t found a solution for all the players which enjoy this mode.
But they also did a bad start with twist. One month was pretty cool, as I could play the only funny priestdeck for me again, dragonpriest. But they ruined the fun by just adding a imo lame rule and a set. Players expected more crazy and funny rules for unusual deckbuilding. It got stalled pretty fast sadly. Their problem is that they making always a huge announcement and then don‘t do what players expecting. Same with Brawl as they announced there will be a team exclusively for this mode. Have you seen much new brawls since that? I haven‘t. No wonder this behavior seems lazy to players . They better should be honest. But that‘s not how you make money.
I never played Duel but I understand the pain for those who liked it.
Hearthstone is dead for me since they removed classic.
I stoped buying packs a long time ago but kept getting the battle pass and the battleground pass to maximize freebies.
Since they removed classic they did not had a single penny from me and they will never again.
I use to be the guy having only full golden standard and wild deck. Non golden card use to not worth being played.... oh well. Normal cards are totally fine😅
I only play battleground once in a while but even there I dont like the turn the game took with the spells
I will sign.
Duels was the only thing i could play if i got bored with usual classes. Nowadays duels is the only thing that keep me in game.
Build half of your deck and pick "random" treasures and cards, felt like mix of arena and normal mode. New hero powers, multiclasses. Sure it was never balanced, and almost no effort into balancing. Yet it was so far best for me.
To the people spamming "I nEvEr PlAiEd DuElS dElEtE iT":
I have never played with your mum but i also dont want her to stop existing. Think about it.
Sorry for crap english.
No thanks. I would have no problem signing a petition to ensure it gets removed though.