Anyone else fed up with pretty much every game being decided by discover or randomly discovered cards?
When discover was introduced I really liked it. It gave a flexbility to the cards and allowed you to adapt your gameplan to the current game state. It was a relatively skill based mechanic - picking the best card you were offered for the current game and deciding what card your opponent might have picked. Discover came at a cost though - you lost tempo and only had a few discover cards in your deck.
Now it feels like every single game is decided by discover (or cards that are otherwise randomly added to hand). I've had games where the opponent is out of gas but they discover The Sunwell into whatever, into draw get the picture (in the specific example I have in mind my opponent (a mage) played The Sunwell into Fight Over Me to steal my Sister Svalna which gave them unlimited Void Scripture and Reverberations. A game I was winning instantly became a loss because of some random BS. The Sunwell was also discovered during the game...)
Death knight on the ropes? You should have played around the discovered The Scourge which they got a 1 mana discount on.
Mage - their whole deck style is discovered. You have no ability to predict or play around half the cards. Rogues are similar, although not nearly as bad as they used to be.
The worst part is that there's often no thought to playing any of these cards and they don't even result in a tempo loss in most cases.
For me the skill element of this game can be split into three parts.
1) Deck design
2) Knowledge of the opponents deck
3) Which cards to play and which trades to make.
The first one is a moot point because pretty much everyone used net decked tier 1 decks and don't design their own. The last one is still broadly player controlled (although some curvestone face decks remove most of the decision making). The second one, however, is being slowly eroded by randomly discovered cards. You can know every single card in your opponents deck and still have no idea which cards you need to play around because half the cards in their hand didn't start in their deck. This is a terrible design imo. The more random it becomes the more the game turns into a coin flip. Nobody want to play a game where you flip a coin...
I'm not against the odd crazy game, but when every game turns into a shitshow where none of your choices mattered because you didn't play around the discovered card, it makes it all seem a bit pointless.
It's funny to hear someone make a complaint against discover while running the infinite discover card themselves.
Don't get me wrong, it's entirely valid to dislike discover and I've heard the view shared by others here on this forum, but it is not one I personally have. I love discover and how it's one of the biggest things a virtual card game like hearthstone can do that a physical one like MtG can not.
I run other discover cards too. You can't hamstring yourself by avoiding a powerful mechanic even if you don't like the prevelance of the mechanic in the game. I would prefer these cards didn't exist - but they do, so you have to use them if you want to win.
As I said in my post - I actually really like the concept of discover as a mechanic. I just think there's far too much of it now and it often becomes the defining part of a game.
I run other discover cards too. You can't hamstring yourself by avoiding a powerful mechanic even if you don't like the prevelance of the mechanic in the game. I would prefer these cards didn't exist - but they do, so you have to use them if you want to win.
As I said in my post - I actually really like the concept of discover as a mechanic. I just think there's far too much of it now and it often becomes the defining part of a game.
Even if you are limited to 1 discover per game, your opponent could still get the Scourge with a cost reduction on it that wins them the game.
You are just unhappy because you lost to discover. That happens, I am sure you have won much more games thanks to this mechanic.
This game is an RNG fiesta I don't really understand how people don't realize that. Skill is irrelevant because if you don't draw your good cards you still lose.
If you don't discover better than your opponent you lose.
It is all luck. What makes streamers and high-legend players rank is just the amount of time they spend and basic knowledge of the game.
Even though discover may be superfluous, it's normal that Mages pretty much never run out of cards - discover and spell generation is their strength and "class identity", so you should know that trying to outlast them will rarely if ever work.
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Anyone else fed up with pretty much every game being decided by discover or randomly discovered cards?
When discover was introduced I really liked it. It gave a flexbility to the cards and allowed you to adapt your gameplan to the current game state. It was a relatively skill based mechanic - picking the best card you were offered for the current game and deciding what card your opponent might have picked. Discover came at a cost though - you lost tempo and only had a few discover cards in your deck.
Now it feels like every single game is decided by discover (or cards that are otherwise randomly added to hand). I've had games where the opponent is out of gas but they discover The Sunwell into whatever, into draw get the picture (in the specific example I have in mind my opponent (a mage) played The Sunwell into Fight Over Me to steal my Sister Svalna which gave them unlimited Void Scripture and Reverberations. A game I was winning instantly became a loss because of some random BS. The Sunwell was also discovered during the game...)
Death knight on the ropes? You should have played around the discovered The Scourge which they got a 1 mana discount on.
Mage - their whole deck style is discovered. You have no ability to predict or play around half the cards. Rogues are similar, although not nearly as bad as they used to be.
The worst part is that there's often no thought to playing any of these cards and they don't even result in a tempo loss in most cases.
For me the skill element of this game can be split into three parts.
1) Deck design
2) Knowledge of the opponents deck
3) Which cards to play and which trades to make.
The first one is a moot point because pretty much everyone used net decked tier 1 decks and don't design their own. The last one is still broadly player controlled (although some curvestone face decks remove most of the decision making). The second one, however, is being slowly eroded by randomly discovered cards. You can know every single card in your opponents deck and still have no idea which cards you need to play around because half the cards in their hand didn't start in their deck. This is a terrible design imo. The more random it becomes the more the game turns into a coin flip. Nobody want to play a game where you flip a coin...
I'm not against the odd crazy game, but when every game turns into a shitshow where none of your choices mattered because you didn't play around the discovered card, it makes it all seem a bit pointless.
It's funny to hear someone make a complaint against discover while running the infinite discover card themselves.
Don't get me wrong, it's entirely valid to dislike discover and I've heard the view shared by others here on this forum, but it is not one I personally have. I love discover and how it's one of the biggest things a virtual card game like hearthstone can do that a physical one like MtG can not.
I run other discover cards too. You can't hamstring yourself by avoiding a powerful mechanic even if you don't like the prevelance of the mechanic in the game. I would prefer these cards didn't exist - but they do, so you have to use them if you want to win.
As I said in my post - I actually really like the concept of discover as a mechanic. I just think there's far too much of it now and it often becomes the defining part of a game.
Even if you are limited to 1 discover per game, your opponent could still get the Scourge with a cost reduction on it that wins them the game.
You are just unhappy because you lost to discover. That happens, I am sure you have won much more games thanks to this mechanic.
The most popular class is Paladin and they have literally one discover card. So calm down. Saying each game is decided by discover is just not true.
This game is an RNG fiesta I don't really understand how people don't realize that. Skill is irrelevant because if you don't draw your good cards you still lose.
If you don't discover better than your opponent you lose.
It is all luck. What makes streamers and high-legend players rank is just the amount of time they spend and basic knowledge of the game.
Even though discover may be superfluous, it's normal that Mages pretty much never run out of cards - discover and spell generation is their strength and "class identity", so you should know that trying to outlast them will rarely if ever work.