I think that this should have be adreessed long time ago, once a player has the green button of "cannot perform any more actions" because have no mana or don't have more cards, a regresive count of 10 seconds rope should be enabled, so that they are under the pressure that if they wait for the last 15 seconds of rope to perform all actions, something can go wrong and therefore losing the match, it's just an idea tho, but Blizzard should have solved this ages ago.
I have trouble getting roped because I can't force myself to ...
.. play Wild, it's all OTK decks now
.. play Standard ... there are so many board removals that don't even kill the minions now whether Reno or various Titans or Objection or a Yogg Mind Control ... so Resurrect, Reborn and Deathrattle effects don't mean anything do they? Do minions really matter? Then there is Sif mage that is an OTK.
And so many board clears.
Not really a board based game like it once was.
And so many destroy effects that minion health is irrelevant.
I guess they are keeping the game "fresh", but I watched a bit of BunnyHopper and he said something ...
"Last year, I might be able to beat someone with better topdecks by being a superior player. This year, I don't skill overcoming topdecks."
That's why I wish you could just give one of your decks to the innkeeper (computer opponent) to play against. One reason I enjoyed the solo adventures was because it was so consistent. If I play against real people they might as well just "do their dailies" or randomly go AFK or disconnect which is then where the game basically ends so I just concede of course. I for one want to play a somewhat "fair" game where I felt like the other person actually had a chance to win and did their best. With a computer opponent they at least consistently do their thing and if I could give them one of my decks I also can make sure that we both have the same chance at winning. But of course it makes sense as a mainly multiplayer game that they won't even think of allowing something like that.
Alternatively some more social functions would be really nice. For example if I go against one of those that just "do their dailies" it would be very different if they could just say that to me. "sorry dude but I just doing my dailies, playing x rush minions" "seriously? ugh, fine, I guess I'll help you, " instead of me conceding because that's not what I wanted to play. Or maybe with groups so you play more with people that are maybe more invested in the game than some random stranger might be. And that for one I think is actually somewhat realistic. They might one day do that if they're not already working on it. Some better social features could be great for almost anybody. But of course there might be many that don't care and some might even don't want the game to be like this.
Well, the only thing I can say is that right now (and I think it has gotten worse over the years) I would rather play against a computer opponent than a real person. New solo adventure, playing against the innkeeper but he plays actually decent decks - that would be awesome. That or better social interactions in the game like groups to meet and play with people, talk and chat about the game. Yeah, that would probably be even better. Currently I must say that because the game lacks the above that I've grown so bored with it. The game could be so amazing but most of the time it's like "Oh, I guess they just win/do their dailies/are AFK/etc. so I might as well concede and hope for a better game next time" which of course rarely is the case because the match making system ranks you lower because of conceding.
Hopefully it will get better soon somehow. But I guess in the meantime the game can still be fun. Especially for a F2P game. I even got so bored that I made a new (fake) account. And yeah, I must say that for the most part it's much better than it used to be. I personally liked the old tutorial better but it's very good that there's an option to skip now. Still a pain in the ass to unlock wild though. But in general you get a lot of cool stuff to play with quickly. But the Blizzard bots are so annoying. I'm in Silver and I still face those bots in Ranked Standard. And they play such bad decks. I actually switched to Wild, lol. Not so great to play Wild with a Standard deck though, obviously. There really should be an option if you want to face such a bot. Or at least give them decks that somewhat resemble actual decent decks. But yeah, it's still a fun game.
Alternatively some more social functions would be really nice. For example if I go against one of those that just "do their dailies" it would be very different if they could just say that to me. "sorry dude but I just doing my dailies, playing x rush minions" "seriously? ugh, fine, I guess I'll help you, " instead of me conceding because that's not what I wanted to play.
That sounds narcissistic. What do you mean "sorry"? They are giving you free win by playing a bad deck, why they should be sorry for some reason? Concede If you want, they will not have any problem completing their daily quest next game. You're not helping them like when you allow them to spectate your game for "Watch and learn" quest.
Everyone should be able to play any deck they want. You should not expect other people to play a game exactly the way you want, it's not realistic for any multiplayer game. If you want more challenge and less people who don't care, climb higher. I can guarantee you that you will not see anyone who don't care at top 1k legend.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
English is not my native language, so, with a high probability, mistakes were made.
I think that this should have be adreessed long time ago, once a player has the green button of "cannot perform any more actions" because have no mana or don't have more cards, a regresive count of 10 seconds rope should be enabled, so that they are under the pressure that if they wait for the last 15 seconds of rope to perform all actions, something can go wrong and therefore losing the match, it's just an idea tho, but Blizzard should have solved this ages ago.
I have trouble getting roped because I can't force myself to ...
.. play Wild, it's all OTK decks now
.. play Standard ... there are so many board removals that don't even kill the minions now whether Reno or various Titans or Objection or a Yogg Mind Control ... so Resurrect, Reborn and Deathrattle effects don't mean anything do they? Do minions really matter? Then there is Sif mage that is an OTK.
And so many board clears.
Not really a board based game like it once was.
And so many destroy effects that minion health is irrelevant.
I guess they are keeping the game "fresh", but I watched a bit of BunnyHopper and he said something ...
"Last year, I might be able to beat someone with better topdecks by being a superior player. This year, I don't skill overcoming topdecks."
That's why I wish you could just give one of your decks to the innkeeper (computer opponent) to play against. One reason I enjoyed the solo adventures was because it was so consistent. If I play against real people they might as well just "do their dailies" or randomly go AFK or disconnect which is then where the game basically ends so I just concede of course. I for one want to play a somewhat "fair" game where I felt like the other person actually had a chance to win and did their best. With a computer opponent they at least consistently do their thing and if I could give them one of my decks I also can make sure that we both have the same chance at winning. But of course it makes sense as a mainly multiplayer game that they won't even think of allowing something like that.
Alternatively some more social functions would be really nice. For example if I go against one of those that just "do their dailies" it would be very different if they could just say that to me. "sorry dude but I just doing my dailies, playing x rush minions" "seriously? ugh, fine, I guess I'll help you, " instead of me conceding because that's not what I wanted to play. Or maybe with groups so you play more with people that are maybe more invested in the game than some random stranger might be. And that for one I think is actually somewhat realistic. They might one day do that if they're not already working on it. Some better social features could be great for almost anybody. But of course there might be many that don't care and some might even don't want the game to be like this.
Well, the only thing I can say is that right now (and I think it has gotten worse over the years) I would rather play against a computer opponent than a real person. New solo adventure, playing against the innkeeper but he plays actually decent decks - that would be awesome. That or better social interactions in the game like groups to meet and play with people, talk and chat about the game. Yeah, that would probably be even better. Currently I must say that because the game lacks the above that I've grown so bored with it. The game could be so amazing but most of the time it's like "Oh, I guess they just win/do their dailies/are AFK/etc. so I might as well concede and hope for a better game next time" which of course rarely is the case because the match making system ranks you lower because of conceding.
Hopefully it will get better soon somehow. But I guess in the meantime the game can still be fun. Especially for a F2P game. I even got so bored that I made a new (fake) account. And yeah, I must say that for the most part it's much better than it used to be. I personally liked the old tutorial better but it's very good that there's an option to skip now. Still a pain in the ass to unlock wild though. But in general you get a lot of cool stuff to play with quickly. But the Blizzard bots are so annoying. I'm in Silver and I still face those bots in Ranked Standard. And they play such bad decks. I actually switched to Wild, lol. Not so great to play Wild with a Standard deck though, obviously. There really should be an option if you want to face such a bot. Or at least give them decks that somewhat resemble actual decent decks. But yeah, it's still a fun game.
That sounds narcissistic. What do you mean "sorry"? They are giving you free win by playing a bad deck, why they should be sorry for some reason? Concede If you want, they will not have any problem completing their daily quest next game. You're not helping them like when you allow them to spectate your game for "Watch and learn" quest.
Everyone should be able to play any deck they want. You should not expect other people to play a game exactly the way you want, it's not realistic for any multiplayer game. If you want more challenge and less people who don't care, climb higher. I can guarantee you that you will not see anyone who don't care at top 1k legend.
English is not my native language, so, with a high probability, mistakes were made.
I don't understand why do you whine about this...
Do you play for win? Than why are you mad? You got your win. Somebody else who would not rope but play control deck could take as long as well.
Do you play for gaming... Just concede and search for better mannered opponent.
It is only your own problem, that you let them troll you.
Well, you ain't wrong.
Developers' inability to balance is one thing; players choosing to abuse it is another.