Preface: For obvious reasons the individual must remain anonymous. For reading purposes however, we will refer to him as Frank.
Me: Hey Frank nice to hear from you.
Frank: Likewise.
Me: So let's get right into it. How do you feel about the current state of Hearthstone?
Frank: Well, so far I think we have been doing some new and exciting things. Death Knight has been received well.
Me: Many players are not very happy with Death Knight's inclusion as it has been dominating the meta though.
Frank: There will always be players who feel underwhelmed. That's the nature of the business. We had similar feedback when we introduced Demon Hunter but now it's a popular class. These things take time. I'm sure Death Knight will eventually reach that level of popularity.
Me: Do you see an issue with Hearthstone as a whole - it's popularity declining as a cause for concern?
Frank: These kind of things have ebb and flows. In terms of free to play games, Hearthstone has been around for a long time. We take pride in that. A lot of people predicted it's demise when Brode left but here we are years later. Hearthstone is still strong.
Me: Do you see it ever being as popular as it was in let's say 2017?
Frank: Time flies huh? That was before my kid was born. (laughs). But seriously, who knows? All we can do is keep pushing along and continue to make an entertaining product.
Me: Have you even visited the Hearthpwn website and checked out the salt thread?
Frank: Once a year or so ago. I didn't take it too seriously. People have valid complaints even if I feel some are over the top.
Me: Any hints on the next expansion?
Frank: Sorry, you'll have to wait! In the meantime, keep enjoying Hearthstone. It's still fun and addictive.
Me: Fuck you Frank.
Frank: Fuck you too, dickhole. (laughs)
(Conversation ends)
I'm hoping to have another convo in the future. Are there any questions you guys can think of to ask?
Preface: For obvious reasons the individual must remain anonymous. For reading purposes however, we will refer to him as Frank.
Me: Hey Frank nice to hear from you.
Frank: Likewise.
Me: So let's get right into it. How do you feel about the current state of Hearthstone?
Frank: Well, so far I think we have been doing some new and exciting things. Death Knight has been received well.
Me: Many players are not very happy with Death Knight's inclusion as it has been dominating the meta though.
Frank: There will always be players who feel underwhelmed. That's the nature of the business. We had similar feedback when we introduced Demon Hunter but now it's a popular class. These things take time. I'm sure Death Knight will eventually reach that level of popularity.
Me: Do you see an issue with Hearthstone as a whole - it's popularity declining as a cause for concern?
Frank: These kind of things have ebb and flows. In terms of free to play games, Hearthstone has been around for a long time. We take pride in that. A lot of people predicted it's demise when Brode left but here we are years later. Hearthstone is still strong.
Me: Do you see it ever being as popular as it was in let's say 2017?
Frank: Time flies huh? That was before my kid was born. (laughs). But seriously, who knows? All we can do is keep pushing along and continue to make an entertaining product.
Me: Have you even visited the Hearthpwn website and checked out the salt thread?
Frank: Once a year or so ago. I didn't take it too seriously. People have valid complaints even if I feel some are over the top.
Me: Any hints on the next expansion?
Frank: Sorry, you'll have to wait! In the meantime, keep enjoying Hearthstone. It's still fun and addictive.
Me: Fuck you Frank.
Frank: Fuck you too, dickhole. (laughs)
(Conversation ends)
I'm hoping to have another convo in the future. Are there any questions you guys can think of to ask?
My mom's uncle's brother in law works at blizzard and said this is all lies.
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!
I went to middle school with Frank. We got into a lot of trouble together.
Me: *farts*
Frank: *laughs*
(Conversation ends)
I know this is fake, but who starts a conversation they initiated with “nice to hear from you”?