I’m at the point where I’m just grateful to lose to stuff like Frost DK or DH by turn 7 or 8 as opposed to the 20 minutes of torture trying to finish a single game against blood DK or Druid.
Buff all warrior fire cards and Armor cards. They are small baby version of druid cards it’s ridiculous.
Nerf: Shadow priest Frostworm fury, dh, Druid, rouge (mainly pirate weapon stuff and a bit of concoction spam) Warlock (mana cheat is ridiculous), Paladin, shaman (totems)
Buff: mage (be very careful with burn stuff, perhaps buff skeleton package for value playstyle) Priest (a lot of cards are simply too fair compared to rest of the meta, reduce svalna to a 5 mana drop and the spell she gives to 2 mana) Undead dk buff perhaps reduce mana cost of 1 or 2 cards Shaman (cards that doesn’t include totems), Paladin (mainly the core stuff like hammer of wrath etc), Hunter leave as it is, gonna rise up after other classes have been tuned down in worst case reduce mana cost of 1-2 cards.
DK powerlevel is fine people are just tilted by new classes and/or play bad decks. And no you didn't find the DK player, I have 100 wins with the class, I bet you tilted guys have more.
The only problem I see is that the discover nerf is sometimes a buff, yeah you can't find 3 runes anymore but there are also powerful 2 and 1 rune options that are more consistently discovered now. But yeah, isn't it what people wanted too, being able to more easily play around RNG ?
And this will be fixed in a couple expansions, they just need to print very specific synergy cards that are unplayable outsider ou synergy, like that 1 mana deathrattle spell.
Buff all warrior fire cards and Armor cards. They are small baby version of druid cards it’s ridiculous.
Nerf: Shadow priest Frostworm fury, dh, Druid, rouge (mainly pirate weapon stuff and a bit of concoction spam) Warlock (mana cheat is ridiculous), Paladin, shaman (totems)
Buff: mage (be very careful with burn stuff, perhaps buff skeleton package for value playstyle) Priest (a lot of cards are simply too fair compared to rest of the meta, reduce svalna to a 5 mana drop and the spell she gives to 2 mana) Undead dk buff perhaps reduce mana cost of 1 or 2 cards Shaman (cards that doesn’t include totems), Paladin (mainly the core stuff like hammer of wrath etc), Hunter leave as it is, gonna rise up after other classes have been tuned down in worst case reduce mana cost of 1-2 cards.
So you want to nerf warlocks, who is simply non-existant in this meta? Or idk, maybe there's secret Silver 7 meta that im not aware of
Might not be high above 50% wr but super frustrating for some classes to play against with the constant mana cheat. Performance of a deck or play style is not everything but also the feel. Example: shudderwock, ress priest, freeze mage
Because I played like 20 games today and 12 were DK Frost, I really don't even know why I even waste my time with this game.
Mass Hypnosis. Brother you can get out of the Matrix. they want mindless addicts
6 mana 5/6 creature that doesn't even attack most games is now 3/6, how didn't' you see that huge nerf?
Its our fault really.
We should have nipped this in the bud with our wallets.But we didn't. And I am to blame as much as anybody.
Why should they try to balance things when they sell more cards by having op cards for certain classes?
They know what classes are op.And they know how to fix it.But why bother?
Again they don't care about the game...
If they thought they could sell more cards by balancing the sets they would.
I only play one class, so its not going to be hard not buying expansions anymore .
One other thing, I think i read somewhere that standard hearthstone is not the top format anymore.
If that's true,then they should consider why that is.
there has been nerfs sadly they havent made any real change
You should read the patch notes if you haven't already:
I'm not making this up, they really did write that.
Frost DK is a baby compared to DH and Druid right now tbh.
I’m at the point where I’m just grateful to lose to stuff like Frost DK or DH by turn 7 or 8 as opposed to the 20 minutes of torture trying to finish a single game against blood DK or Druid.
Buff all warrior fire cards and Armor cards. They are small baby version of druid cards it’s ridiculous.
Nerf: Shadow priest
Frostworm fury, dh, Druid, rouge (mainly pirate weapon stuff and a bit of concoction spam)
Warlock (mana cheat is ridiculous), Paladin, shaman (totems)
Buff: mage (be very careful with burn stuff, perhaps buff skeleton package for value playstyle)
Priest (a lot of cards are simply too fair compared to rest of the meta, reduce svalna to a 5 mana drop and the spell she gives to 2 mana)
Undead dk buff perhaps reduce mana cost of 1 or 2 cards
Shaman (cards that doesn’t include totems), Paladin (mainly the core stuff like hammer of wrath etc), Hunter leave as it is, gonna rise up after other classes have been tuned down in worst case reduce mana cost of 1-2 cards.
DK powerlevel is fine people are just tilted by new classes and/or play bad decks. And no you didn't find the DK player, I have 100 wins with the class, I bet you tilted guys have more.
The only problem I see is that the discover nerf is sometimes a buff, yeah you can't find 3 runes anymore but there are also powerful 2 and 1 rune options that are more consistently discovered now. But yeah, isn't it what people wanted too, being able to more easily play around RNG ?
And this will be fixed in a couple expansions, they just need to print very specific synergy cards that are unplayable outsider ou synergy, like that 1 mana deathrattle spell.
So you want to nerf warlocks, who is simply non-existant in this meta? Or idk, maybe there's secret Silver 7 meta that im not aware of
Might not be high above 50% wr but super frustrating for some classes to play against with the constant mana cheat. Performance of a deck or play style is not everything but also the feel. Example: shudderwock, ress priest, freeze mage