Don’t worry about it, you’re doing me a favour. Whenever I feel a temptation to play the game again, I’ll read something along the lines of: « I knowingly abused something I knew was broken and I found it hilarious » and it’ll kill any urge I might’ve had to get involved with the userbase in any way shape or form. So I end using my time doing more productive and fun things.
... and yet, for some reason, you're here... replying to a forum about a game you allegedly don't play. Certainly not "productive", and if this is what passes as "fun" in your world...
Destroy Minion spells for 3 mana. Problem here is DK AOE damage kills useless minions, then these spells pick off your biggest threats with literally no drawback. Makes it too difficult to get ahead of Blood DK. Siphon Soul for 5 mana is legit interaction for instance
Vampiric Blood NERF/DELETE or BALANCE; 3 Mana, +5 life, spend 5Corpses to +5 and draw
Soul Stealer, NERF/DELETE. 8mana, 3/3, LOSEa corpse for each minion destroyed
Frostwyrm 7 mana; NERF TO 4 DAMAGE 4/4 TOKEN
Discover Rune Cards, NERF to only usable Rune cards
The entire game would be in a better place except for Pure Paladin needs nerf list too. You want a community that expands, that buys products like candy. The problem with DK is the power trade off for mana cost per turn. It's too cheap and easy to negate your opponent and stuff their entire deck's strategy. Instance; turn 5 opponent has managed to get 3-4x cheap minions on battlefield. DK just wipes it and gains health back (+vampiric blood interaction makes this more miserable). Opponent's turn 6 they play a big minion to offset the setback they just had turn 5.. the DK just spends 3 mana and removes that. Now opponent is screwed for most part waiting for 12 turns for game to end.
Enjoyable product= more player base More player base = more $$ More $$ = better product
You can make changes @BlizzardActvision, just use your free-will and get er done.
Soul stealer should be a spell that destroys all minions and gives corpses for each minion destroyed, but it should not give you a minion on the field. Board clears can have other advantages outside of clearing the board, but they should not also give you board advantage. Either that or I want to see Twisting Nether buffed to summon a 5/5 and give me 2 health for every minion destroyed.
A 5/5 in exchange for being locked behind triple blood is fine.
That, and no one complained about it until now, because the deck is viable now.
Are you insane?! Twisting Nether is 8 mana kill the board. Soul Stealer is 8 mana, kill the board, SUMMON A 5/5 AND gain a sh*tload of corpses. In what sane world are those two cards the same?! And no, the triple rune "penalty" is not enough. The least they could do is remove the corpses gain.
A 5/5 in exchange for being locked behind triple blood is fine.
That, and no one complained about it until now, because the deck is viable now.
Are you insane?! Twisting Nether is 8 mana kill the board. Soul Stealer is 8 mana, kill the board, SUMMON A 5/5 AND gain a sh*tload of corpses. In what sane world are those two cards the same?! And no, the triple rune "penalty" is not enough. The least they could do is remove the corpses gain.
No he is not insane. Nether is a very very bad aoe, soulstealer is a good one, but not an op one. When the game goes to turn 8+, you in turn shiuld be able to kill the 5/5 and develop on board simultaneosly. And if you play board based aggro and you get wiped for 8 mana, its ok if you lose that game 95% of the time since your gameplan (killing them fast) already failed hard. it alsk doesnt make sense to nerf late game aoe. If you want to nerf a control deck, you nerf its capability to reach the lategame or its lethality (eg astalor). removing the corpse gain would be fine though
Destroy Minion spells for 3 mana. Problem here is DK AOE damage kills useless minions, then these spells pick off your biggest threats with literally no drawback. Makes it too difficult to get ahead of Blood DK. Siphon Soul for 5 mana is legit interaction for instance
Vampiric Blood NERF/DELETE or BALANCE; 3 Mana, +5 life, spend 5Corpses to +5 and draw
Soul Stealer, NERF/DELETE. 8mana, 3/3, LOSEa corpse for each minion destroyed
Frostwyrm 7 mana; NERF TO 4 DAMAGE 4/4 TOKEN
Discover Rune Cards, NERF to only usable Rune cards
The entire game would be in a better place except for Pure Paladin needs nerf list too. You want a community that expands, that buys products like candy. The problem with DK is the power trade off for mana cost per turn. It's too cheap and easy to negate your opponent and stuff their entire deck's strategy. Instance; turn 5 opponent has managed to get 3-4x cheap minions on battlefield. DK just wipes it and gains health back (+vampiric blood interaction makes this more miserable). Opponent's turn 6 they play a big minion to offset the setback they just had turn 5.. the DK just spends 3 mana and removes that. Now opponent is screwed for most part waiting for 12 turns for game to end.
Enjoyable product= more player base More player base = more $$ More $$ = better product
You can make changes @BlizzardActvision, just use your free-will and get er done.
Soul stealer should be a spell that destroys all minions and gives corpses for each minion destroyed, but it should not give you a minion on the field. Board clears can have other advantages outside of clearing the board, but they should not also give you board advantage. Either that or I want to see Twisting Nether buffed to summon a 5/5 and give me 2 health for every minion destroyed.
There are plenty of clears that do exactly that, for example:
- dragons with aoe battlecries (duskbreaker, nethermaw, netherwing)
- the old abyssal enforcer was a meta card for some time
-lord godfrey
-the new dk finale cultist
-flurgl plus toxfin (although this really deserves a nerf, way to cheap and easy to tutor)
-animated broomstick swung the board for you while developing
-any cheap aoe can do the same in the late game, e.g. Defile then play something
A 5/5 in exchange for being locked behind triple blood is fine.
That, and no one complained about it until now, because the deck is viable now.
Are you insane?! Twisting Nether is 8 mana kill the board. Soul Stealer is 8 mana, kill the board, SUMMON A 5/5 AND gain a sh*tload of corpses. In what sane world are those two cards the same?! And no, the triple rune "penalty" is not enough. The least they could do is remove the corpses gain.
And you cant Play half of your class collection if you put soul stealer in your deck. So nope, is not insane.
Thaddius/ Flesh Behemoth/ Dar'Khan/ Rivendare Warlock is dumb and boring. Plz kill it. (And, yes, I chose this example because you posted exactly that deck yesterday.)
the "nerf" to discover would be a hard buff for DK, as their spells are too efficient. currently, the BDK has like 65 health per game on average. with your change to follow deck building rules, it would be over 100 health, as the discover pool would shrink immensely, in turn making the discover way too consistent.
the "nerf" to discover would be a hard buff for DK, as their spells are too efficient. currently, the BDK has like 65 health per game on average. with your change to follow deck building rules, it would be over 100 health, as the discover pool would shrink immensely, in turn making the discover way too consistent.
I would like to know who thought 2-mana, gain 10 health, and draw a card was a good idea. Even if it was restore 10 health instead of gain 10 health permanently, it would still be better than many other healing spells… especially with the card draw. And this is just one of the many broken cards in DK.
the "nerf" to discover would be a hard buff for DK, as their spells are too efficient. currently, the BDK has like 65 health per game on average. with your change to follow deck building rules, it would be over 100 health, as the discover pool would shrink immensely, in turn making the discover way too consistent.
I would like to know who thought 2-mana, gain 10 health, and draw a card was a good idea. Even if it was restore 10 health instead of gain 10 health permanently, it would still be better than many other healing spells… especially with the card draw. And this is just one of the many broken cards in DK.
Well its also "you lose 3 resources" that can be 3 damage to all the minions or a buff to your cards or the cost of a discovery effect. Its actually Health 5 and sometimes health 10 + draw a card. Those corpses really matter. Yes its still a really strong card but it has down-sides too.
the "nerf" to discover would be a hard buff for DK, as their spells are too efficient. currently, the BDK has like 65 health per game on average. with your change to follow deck building rules, it would be over 100 health, as the discover pool would shrink immensely, in turn making the discover way too consistent.
I would like to know who thought 2-mana, gain 10 health, and draw a card was a good idea. Even if it was restore 10 health instead of gain 10 health permanently, it would still be better than many other healing spells… especially with the card draw. And this is just one of the many broken cards in DK.
Well its also "you lose 3 resources" that can be 3 damage to all the minions or a buff to your cards or the cost of a discovery effect. Its actually Health 5 and sometimes health 10 + draw a card. Those corpses really matter. Yes its still a really strong card but it has down-sides too.
The design team overestimated the difficulty of gathering corpses, and for most decks, just a few need to actually be spent in a game. I seldom, if ever, see a DK player short on corpses. It is a theoretical downside only.
... and yet, for some reason, you're here... replying to a forum about a game you allegedly don't play. Certainly not "productive", and if this is what passes as "fun" in your world...
Methinks the... person... doth protest too much.
Soul stealer should be a spell that destroys all minions and gives corpses for each minion destroyed, but it should not give you a minion on the field. Board clears can have other advantages outside of clearing the board, but they should not also give you board advantage. Either that or I want to see Twisting Nether buffed to summon a 5/5 and give me 2 health for every minion destroyed.
Are you insane?! Twisting Nether is 8 mana kill the board. Soul Stealer is 8 mana, kill the board, SUMMON A 5/5 AND gain a sh*tload of corpses. In what sane world are those two cards the same?! And no, the triple rune "penalty" is not enough. The least they could do is remove the corpses gain.
This may sound weird but dk just needs more bad cards in the discover pool. Like add 2 of each 1 rune cards that are underpowered would solve a bunch.
No he is not insane. Nether is a very very bad aoe, soulstealer is a good one, but not an op one. When the game goes to turn 8+, you in turn shiuld be able to kill the 5/5 and develop on board simultaneosly. And if you play board based aggro and you get wiped for 8 mana, its ok if you lose that game 95% of the time since your gameplan (killing them fast) already failed hard.
it alsk doesnt make sense to nerf late game aoe. If you want to nerf a control deck, you nerf its capability to reach the lategame or its lethality (eg astalor).
removing the corpse gain would be fine though
There are plenty of clears that do exactly that, for example:
- dragons with aoe battlecries (duskbreaker, nethermaw, netherwing)
- the old abyssal enforcer was a meta card for some time
-lord godfrey
-the new dk finale cultist
-flurgl plus toxfin (although this really deserves a nerf, way to cheap and easy to tutor)
-animated broomstick swung the board for you while developing
-any cheap aoe can do the same in the late game, e.g. Defile then play something
You people are all missing the point. The "D" in DK doesn't stand for "Death", it stand for "Discover"
It all makes sense now...
And you cant Play half of your class collection if you put soul stealer in your deck. So nope, is not insane.
The blood spec is dumb and boring. Plz kill it
Druid is dumb and boring, Plz Kill it.
Thaddius/ Flesh Behemoth/ Dar'Khan/ Rivendare Warlock is dumb and boring. Plz kill it. (And, yes, I chose this example because you posted exactly that deck yesterday.)
the "nerf" to discover would be a hard buff for DK, as their spells are too efficient. currently, the BDK has like 65 health per game on average. with your change to follow deck building rules, it would be over 100 health, as the discover pool would shrink immensely, in turn making the discover way too consistent.
I would like to know who thought 2-mana, gain 10 health, and draw a card was a good idea. Even if it was restore 10 health instead of gain 10 health permanently, it would still be better than many other healing spells… especially with the card draw. And this is just one of the many broken cards in DK.
Well its also "you lose 3 resources" that can be 3 damage to all the minions or a buff to your cards or the cost of a discovery effect. Its actually Health 5 and sometimes health 10 + draw a card. Those corpses really matter. Yes its still a really strong card but it has down-sides too.
The design team overestimated the difficulty of gathering corpses, and for most decks, just a few need to actually be spent in a game. I seldom, if ever, see a DK player short on corpses. It is a theoretical downside only.