First time since I believe Darkmoon without a Golden Legendary outside of the Golden packs... Oh well, I guess I have a billion dust and probably gonna get all the cards anyway so I'm not complaining.
63 packs - 2 legendary, both pity timer...that "random" is suxx. Its a pure gamble, and hope blizzard will be blocked in most countries in future until they'll get rid off gamble.
I opened 300 packs 205 were free for completing the reward track to 400. Bought the 80 pack bundle got every card. 3 signature legendary 3 gold legendary not including the 2 from the bundle and numerous golden epics aerates and commons , 5600 extra dust to add to the 215k plus pile. I’ll be done with the RT by the end of the month. Opening packs for me is all about how many gold legendaries I get because I get all the cards and 6 out of 300 packs wasn’t bad. I’ll probably just buy enough gold packs to get them all because I can. So my pack openings are always good. No need to wish and hope here.
135 packs 5 legendaries and multiple copies of same epics.
I spent £75 on the bundle and cannot even make 1 full desired deck without resorting to dusting some cards. Should have bought God of war ragnarok for £55 which I thought was expensive at least I can play the full game. Last time I will spend money on this game.
Still missing: BOTH WARLOCK CARDS (ITS MY MAIN LOL), DJ Manastorm, Voone, Fizzle, Kangor, Helvaria.
Pretty satisfied... Tons of dust from dissing the rotated stuff, so I can craft both golden warlock cards since it has always been my main, but I would rather like to open them, brings more flavor to it :)
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Almost there now, whether its Fireside Gathering or on the actual launch...
For the better or worst, some had it great some had the bad but nevertheless good luck everyone and may the odds always be in your favor!
I was quite lucky with this one
I got a golden Mukla to match my golden Beastmaster Leoroxx. Now big beast hunter just has to become playable in wild and I'm set!
80 packs-
11 legendary
First time since I believe Darkmoon without a Golden Legendary outside of the Golden packs... Oh well, I guess I have a billion dust and probably gonna get all the cards anyway so I'm not complaining.
50 packs. 2 legendaries
63 packs - 2 legendary, both pity timer...that "random" is suxx. Its a pure gamble, and hope blizzard will be blocked in most countries in future until they'll get rid off gamble.
29 packs, 1 lege and like 5 epics
Best card in HS? Mastercard.
65 packs - 7 legendaries and 2 of them warrior`s, but at least i got one card i really wanted - symphony of sins and also a signature amalgam.
64 packs, 2 trash legendaries, yeah that is a great incentive to continue playing
I had some coins so i bought 10packs.. from the first one this bad boy:)
150 packs 5 legends
I opened 300 packs 205 were free for completing the reward track to 400. Bought the 80 pack bundle got every card. 3 signature legendary 3 gold legendary not including the 2 from the bundle and numerous golden epics aerates and commons , 5600 extra dust to add to the 215k plus pile. I’ll be done with the RT by the end of the month. Opening packs for me is all about how many gold legendaries I get because I get all the cards and 6 out of 300 packs wasn’t bad. I’ll probably just buy enough gold packs to get them all because I can. So my pack openings are always good. No need to wish and hope here.
The Moby Dick of whales.
I had little bit of gold, opened about 15 packs and opened 3 legendaries. Probably the luckiest I've ever been.
As always, only got myself the Mega Bundle. Total of 82 packs opened and my opening results are;
Bounce Around (ft. Garona) (Mega Bundle Golden Legendary Reward)
The One-Amalgam Band (Mega Bundle Golden Legendary Reward)
Mister Mukla
Infinitize the Maxitude
Kangor, Dancing King
Heartbreaker Hedanis
Rock Master Voone
Blackrock 'n' Roll
Photographer Fizzle
7 Legendary out of 82 packs. Can't complained, very happy with the return. Its about 1 Legendary in about every 12 packs.
Rounding it up with 2 Golden Epics, 13 Common Epics (so fair to say missing tons of it still), 4 Golden Rares & 6 Golden Commons.
So it was good with Legendary but not so with the Epics and also no sign still of Golden Legendary.
Still.... quite happy with this expansion pack opening!
135 packs 5 legendaries and multiple copies of same epics.
I spent £75 on the bundle and cannot even make 1 full desired deck without resorting to dusting some cards. Should have bought God of war ragnarok for £55 which I thought was expensive at least I can play the full game. Last time I will spend money on this game.
135 packs 10 legendaries
My best pack :
Around 180 packs (both bundles + some random packs).
4 Golden: Rhythm and Roots, CNE, Zok, 1 amalgam band,
13 Normal: Mukla + Inzah (from 1 pack), Jive insect, Blackrocknroll, Cagehead, Love everlasting, Starlight, Blingtron, Bounce around, Tony, Stranglethorn, Infinitize, Going down swinging,
0 signature :(
Still missing: BOTH WARLOCK CARDS (ITS MY MAIN LOL), DJ Manastorm, Voone, Fizzle, Kangor, Helvaria.
Pretty satisfied... Tons of dust from dissing the rotated stuff, so I can craft both golden warlock cards since it has always been my main, but I would rather like to open them, brings more flavor to it :)