I quit HS right after the Deep Sea expansion (I forgot it's name). I just lost interest due to the meta being worse and worse each time. I took a moderate break now, I saw a new class come out and all. Is the game worth comming back to?
It's the same game, meta doesn't get worse every time, it got to its worst point years ago and it's going to stay there forever, it's just you getting bored. If you were bored enough to quit, it's not worth coming back. My opinion of course and you shouldn't let me tell you what to do with your life.
I don’t get the same enjoyment I used to, especially when it comes to building an off meta deck in standard. I don’t mind a few games a week, but I don’t feel like investing more time than that. I also don’t spend real money any more, I feel I spent enough since beta to pay for this game.
I think your meta experience vary mostly according to the classes you like to play. A new expansion (and rotation) is coming right away, so we'll have a twist. Also, I saw people here in Hearthpwn that loved and others that hated the Festival of Legends expansion theme. If you are on the liking side, it will probably be worth it.
On another note, tho, for a set of countries, this is the first expansion (start of) that have the prices reajusted for everything. You may consider this if investing $$$ on the game to be worth it.
I know it's probably not the answer you're looking for, but if I'm to be honest with you - you just do what you want. It's not such a difficult decision, unless you were once hooked on spending lots of money on hearthstone. In such case, I wouldn't come back. In any other case, I'd just give it a go and see if I can once again enjoy playing the game. Remember that there's a new expansion coming next week though.
I think most people, including me, have gotten tired of the game ending quests and high value, mostly uncounterable hero cards and ofc Brann shenanigans. I'd give it a month and ask again, see if those cards rotating out of standard helps. But we ain't gonna know until the meta settles after a couple of weeks.
I'm not entirely hopeful it's gonna change much for the better, I wouldn't be surprised if huge unavoidable burst and otks plague the meta again
If you're on about coming back today, don't. For your own sake, don't.
No. Pursue something fulfilling, not numbers that change meaninglessly on a screen. Go lift some weights, walk the streets, hit the library n get some books, get into politics.
I get it if u still want to game but there are just so many better games than this pathetic excuse for a cash grab. Its so obvious every expansion that they are running out of ideas. Class identity is gone, powercreep is nuts, wild is just broken and with 2 new classes in such a short span of time packs have a diluted value, so you must buy more AND theres a mini-set. PLEASE don't waste your attention on this game any more.
I quit after the scholomance academy and came back later because they lured me in with free packs etc. Its a scam, get out while u can lol
Why not? It's just some light-hearted casual fun. If you do come back, April would be the most ideal time to do so due to the rotation. I came back after 3 years and am having fun.
I personally love the new death knight class can play aggro or control with it honestly it’s super fun and competitive. It’s a lot better than stormwind was if stormwind had anything to do with you quitting.
Im right with you in terms of quitting after the sunken city. I had a lot of fun in that expansion, but the meta in the next one: murder at castle nathria was HORRENDOUS and it got even worse with the stupid edgelord theme they went with in March of the Lich King. Most of the people who played this game quit years ago and the majority of the people who stayed unfortunately have horrible opinions about everything, and Blizzard has finally been listening to them and catering to them since Sunken City, so I have little faith for this game going forward. For instance, I see the vocal majority of people on this site say shit like "Prince Renathol was the best thing they've ever added to this game" and unironically got angry when they nerfed Theotar, the Mad Duke" Both cards were neutral legendaries you had to craft and were included in more than 60% of decks and literally prevented any deck that wasn't "40 of your class's best cards/legendaries thrown together with little to no synergy and grind out 30 minute long games where you play the same cards over and over with almost no potential of anything random or wacky happening" And they won't shut up about the stupid "warrior isn't strong enough because hearth arena said they have an overall winrate that's 5% lower than the other classes in the current meta" And they actually want them to buff cards when the power creep in this game has never been higher.
That being said, I am looking forward to this expansion however because I think the theme is 10/10. I think it's really cool that they're going with a 1970s woodstock theme + death metal and rave references in it. It's extremely unique, unexpected and the art work, especially the signature cards is absolutely gorgeous. I gave up trying to be competitive in this game years ago, so I play mostly for the occasional meme deck and to collect the cards just so I can look at them. I think the first month is going to be extremely fun achievement hunting. I can totally see it going downhill fast in the months after it though. Also, battlegrounds and mercenaries (if you have patience) are very fun. I think mercenaries had a lot of potential, but they killed it (literally) now. Its a total shame because they could've fixed it with a few design changes.
Play it, or don't play it. It's up to you. I havent bought a bundle for this since Saviors of Uldum (the best meta they ever had), but I usually get the tavern pass. (I didn't last expac though because fuck that garbage and the cosmetics blew ass). The best thing about the game now, however is that it's ironically more free to play than ever. I have 6000+ gold atm and 26 unopened packs Ive gotten just from tavern brawls, and daily quests.
I think I have been away for couple of years, I don't care to come back myself. Lots of fun memories and I know game will only get worse and worse, so don't want to ruin fun memories :) So no, if you got away and your happy, then stay away.
Hard to say. Been watching Kibler play the new decks and Powercreeping is alive and well. I just wish they’d tone down the wild power swings, why does it need to be so over the top? If they could only lower the power level to promote more interactions between player. Anyway, we’ll see with the upcoming expansion.
I agree with most comments: the choice is yours. I think the rotation is the best time to return and if you don't like the expansion, better to catch that early and move on to try again later.
Meta depends on what's dominate and what you like, as I hated the heavy discover metas that plagued the game from SoU/RoS/DoD/AoU/SA/MatDF I've enjoyed these last 3 expansions since my own return to the game.
I'd rather die to mild un-interactive bullshit that the opponent actually put into their deck (That I too can add) than shit that wasn't even on their radar.
I see the vocal majority of people on this site say shit like "Prince Renathol was the best thing they've ever added to this game" and unironically got angry when they nerfed Theotar, the Mad Duke" Both cards were neutral legendaries you had to craft
I just want to correct you here real quick and say that you cannot craft Prince Renathal, he was the free login reward for it's expansion, now you only need to open one Castle Nathria pack to get him. You also did not need to add him to your decks. I played all variations of DH decks of the last two expansions and you were better without him long before the nerf, you shredded XL decks even better because of your consistency. Most decks were like that, with the exception of most Druid/Rogue/Priest that benefited from being given more cards in XL.
I agree with most comments: the choice is yours. I think the rotation is the best time to return and if you don't like the expansion, better to catch that early and move on to try again later.
Meta depends on what's dominate and what you like, as I hated the heavy discover metas that plagued the game from SoU/RoS/DoD/AoU/SA/MatDF I've enjoyed these last 3 expansions since my own return to the game.
I'd rather die to mild un-interactive bullshit that the opponent actually put into their deck (That I too can add) than shit that wasn't even on their radar.
I see the vocal majority of people on this site say shit like "Prince Renathol was the best thing they've ever added to this game" and unironically got angry when they nerfed Theotar, the Mad Duke" Both cards were neutral legendaries you had to craft
I just want to correct you here real quick and say that you cannot craft Prince Renathal, he was the free login reward for it's expansion, now you only need to open one Castle Nathria pack to get him. You also did not need to add him to your decks. I played all variations of DH decks of the last two expansions and you were better without him long before the nerf, you shredded XL decks even better because of your consistency. Most decks were like that, with the exception of most Druid/Rogue/Priest that benefited from being given more cards in XL.
yeah, you're right. I realized that after i wrote that. You did get him and denathrius for free. I too played mostly DH in castle nathria, but from my experience, like 2/3 of decks I faced, at least at my rank, were against renathol decks, and maybe I'm just really unlucky, but despite playing an extremely aggressive variant, my opponents would win with like 4 or 5 hp remaining every game whilst passing at least 3 turns before turn 6 and playing a curve that didnt seem like they sacrificed anything because none of their cards had synergy anyway. And me personally, I just hate the 40 playstyle because 1: it makes your deck more expensive to craft and 2: because I like making my own decks that involve strategies revolving around specific cards that no one else plays and 40 card decks, whilst a lot of the time would benefit me, just make my deck feel less fun. And I felt during that meta that you had to play that. You certainly cannot win still with a slower game plan vs it now despite it being nerfed, because they will always win in fatigue no matter how aggressively they drew cards.
I quit HS right after the Deep Sea expansion (I forgot it's name). I just lost interest due to the meta being worse and worse each time. I took a moderate break now, I saw a new class come out and all. Is the game worth comming back to?
I'm still playing and enjoying the game because I'm playing wild, as I like highrolls and deckbuilding aggressive strategies.
As I see it, the rank doesn't matter, the competitive scene is almost extinct and trying hard to get to rank 1 in this unbalanced state of the game is likely to drive you mad before you do it, so for me rank doesn't matter at all.
If you like the game more for the former (deckbuilding, highrolling your deck's gameplan, completing quests) I'd say it's worth coming back but if it's the latter and you also want a full collection, I'd advise not to.
I quit HS right after the Deep Sea expansion (I forgot it's name). I just lost interest due to the meta being worse and worse each time. I took a moderate break now, I saw a new class come out and all. Is the game worth comming back to?
It's the same game, meta doesn't get worse every time, it got to its worst point years ago and it's going to stay there forever, it's just you getting bored. If you were bored enough to quit, it's not worth coming back. My opinion of course and you shouldn't let me tell you what to do with your life.
I don’t get the same enjoyment I used to, especially when it comes to building an off meta deck in standard.
I don’t mind a few games a week, but I don’t feel like investing more time than that.
I also don’t spend real money any more, I feel I spent enough since beta to pay for this game.
I think your meta experience vary mostly according to the classes you like to play. A new expansion (and rotation) is coming right away, so we'll have a twist.
Also, I saw people here in Hearthpwn that loved and others that hated the Festival of Legends expansion theme. If you are on the liking side, it will probably be worth it.
On another note, tho, for a set of countries, this is the first expansion (start of) that have the prices reajusted for everything. You may consider this if investing $$$ on the game to be worth it.
I know it's probably not the answer you're looking for, but if I'm to be honest with you - you just do what you want. It's not such a difficult decision, unless you were once hooked on spending lots of money on hearthstone. In such case, I wouldn't come back. In any other case, I'd just give it a go and see if I can once again enjoy playing the game. Remember that there's a new expansion coming next week though.
I think most people, including me, have gotten tired of the game ending quests and high value, mostly uncounterable hero cards and ofc Brann shenanigans. I'd give it a month and ask again, see if those cards rotating out of standard helps. But we ain't gonna know until the meta settles after a couple of weeks.
I'm not entirely hopeful it's gonna change much for the better, I wouldn't be surprised if huge unavoidable burst and otks plague the meta again
If you're on about coming back today, don't. For your own sake, don't.
No. Pursue something fulfilling, not numbers that change meaninglessly on a screen. Go lift some weights, walk the streets, hit the library n get some books, get into politics.
I get it if u still want to game but there are just so many better games than this pathetic excuse for a cash grab. Its so obvious every expansion that they are running out of ideas. Class identity is gone, powercreep is nuts, wild is just broken and with 2 new classes in such a short span of time packs have a diluted value, so you must buy more AND theres a mini-set. PLEASE don't waste your attention on this game any more.
I quit after the scholomance academy and came back later because they lured me in with free packs etc. Its a scam, get out while u can lol
Why not? It's just some light-hearted casual fun. If you do come back, April would be the most ideal time to do so due to the rotation.
I came back after 3 years and am having fun.
I personally love the new death knight class can play aggro or control with it honestly it’s super fun and competitive. It’s a lot better than stormwind was if stormwind had anything to do with you quitting.
Honestly, probably not, it hasn't even been a year, you'll get tired quickly.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Im right with you in terms of quitting after the sunken city. I had a lot of fun in that expansion, but the meta in the next one: murder at castle nathria was HORRENDOUS and it got even worse with the stupid edgelord theme they went with in March of the Lich King. Most of the people who played this game quit years ago and the majority of the people who stayed unfortunately have horrible opinions about everything, and Blizzard has finally been listening to them and catering to them since Sunken City, so I have little faith for this game going forward. For instance, I see the vocal majority of people on this site say shit like "Prince Renathol was the best thing they've ever added to this game" and unironically got angry when they nerfed Theotar, the Mad Duke" Both cards were neutral legendaries you had to craft and were included in more than 60% of decks and literally prevented any deck that wasn't "40 of your class's best cards/legendaries thrown together with little to no synergy and grind out 30 minute long games where you play the same cards over and over with almost no potential of anything random or wacky happening" And they won't shut up about the stupid "warrior isn't strong enough because hearth arena said they have an overall winrate that's 5% lower than the other classes in the current meta" And they actually want them to buff cards when the power creep in this game has never been higher.
That being said, I am looking forward to this expansion however because I think the theme is 10/10. I think it's really cool that they're going with a 1970s woodstock theme + death metal and rave references in it. It's extremely unique, unexpected and the art work, especially the signature cards is absolutely gorgeous. I gave up trying to be competitive in this game years ago, so I play mostly for the occasional meme deck and to collect the cards just so I can look at them. I think the first month is going to be extremely fun achievement hunting. I can totally see it going downhill fast in the months after it though. Also, battlegrounds and mercenaries (if you have patience) are very fun. I think mercenaries had a lot of potential, but they killed it (literally) now. Its a total shame because they could've fixed it with a few design changes.
Play it, or don't play it. It's up to you. I havent bought a bundle for this since Saviors of Uldum (the best meta they ever had), but I usually get the tavern pass. (I didn't last expac though because fuck that garbage and the cosmetics blew ass). The best thing about the game now, however is that it's ironically more free to play than ever. I have 6000+ gold atm and 26 unopened packs Ive gotten just from tavern brawls, and daily quests.
I think I have been away for couple of years, I don't care to come back myself. Lots of fun memories and I know game will only get worse and worse, so don't want to ruin fun memories :) So no, if you got away and your happy, then stay away.
Hard to say. Been watching Kibler play the new decks and Powercreeping is alive and well. I just wish they’d tone down the wild power swings, why does it need to be so over the top? If they could only lower the power level to promote more interactions between player. Anyway, we’ll see with the upcoming expansion.
blizz makes even more mistakes nowadays and still get their balls Sucked... are you a balls licker?
game is hot garbage, walking away is the best decision any player can make.
I agree with most comments: the choice is yours. I think the rotation is the best time to return and if you don't like the expansion, better to catch that early and move on to try again later.
Meta depends on what's dominate and what you like, as I hated the heavy discover metas that plagued the game from SoU/RoS/DoD/AoU/SA/MatDF I've enjoyed these last 3 expansions since my own return to the game.
I'd rather die to mild un-interactive bullshit that the opponent actually put into their deck (That I too can add) than shit that wasn't even on their radar.
I just want to correct you here real quick and say that you cannot craft Prince Renathal, he was the free login reward for it's expansion, now you only need to open one Castle Nathria pack to get him. You also did not need to add him to your decks. I played all variations of DH decks of the last two expansions and you were better without him long before the nerf, you shredded XL decks even better because of your consistency. Most decks were like that, with the exception of most Druid/Rogue/Priest that benefited from being given more cards in XL.
yeah, you're right. I realized that after i wrote that. You did get him and denathrius for free. I too played mostly DH in castle nathria, but from my experience, like 2/3 of decks I faced, at least at my rank, were against renathol decks, and maybe I'm just really unlucky, but despite playing an extremely aggressive variant, my opponents would win with like 4 or 5 hp remaining every game whilst passing at least 3 turns before turn 6 and playing a curve that didnt seem like they sacrificed anything because none of their cards had synergy anyway. And me personally, I just hate the 40 playstyle because 1: it makes your deck more expensive to craft and 2: because I like making my own decks that involve strategies revolving around specific cards that no one else plays and 40 card decks, whilst a lot of the time would benefit me, just make my deck feel less fun. And I felt during that meta that you had to play that. You certainly cannot win still with a slower game plan vs it now despite it being nerfed, because they will always win in fatigue no matter how aggressively they drew cards.
No, the game is not worth it anymore unfortunely.
Depends what's worth for you.
I'm still playing and enjoying the game because I'm playing wild, as I like highrolls and deckbuilding aggressive strategies.
As I see it, the rank doesn't matter, the competitive scene is almost extinct and trying hard to get to rank 1 in this unbalanced state of the game is likely to drive you mad before you do it, so for me rank doesn't matter at all.
If you like the game more for the former (deckbuilding, highrolling your deck's gameplan, completing quests) I'd say it's worth coming back but if it's the latter and you also want a full collection, I'd advise not to.
I haven't played this trash in almost two weeks and I've never felt better.