I've had this scenario before. 2500 armor druid while I was anticipating myself drawing platebreaker after 6 turns of him emote spamming. That was pretty fun
It's not impossible to win against it if you have an idealized board setup and can delay fatigue or cause the opponent to fatigue. I've beaten it before without the likes of Platebreaker, Mechathun, the steeds, priest quest, etc. Last time I tried though, I lost after getting the Druid down to 25 armor from around 2500. But I get the feeling some people don't think they can win as much as they want to make the Druid sit through it. Just play the Mechathun version if this bothers you.
Play as Linecracker Druid (if you can't beat em, join em)
If the other player concedes after getting your over 2,500 armor, smart
If the other player insists on trying to knock down over 2,500 armor until they fatigue, not smart.
Thank you for you time.
These kind of posts are so weird. Why are you people so obsessed with others intelligence? Being super smart (or just smart) is not that important in life, only being well adapted to the social enviroment that surrounds you (which can change at any moment, especially these days) is what really matters (and no, you can't really change your other personal traits only by being smart, maybe you could modify a bit some, but that is all).
Play as Linecracker Druid (if you can't beat em, join em)
If the other player concedes after getting your over 2,500 armor, smart
If the other player insists on trying to knock down over 2,500 armor until they fatigue, not smart.
Thank you for you time.
Stop searching for a sense of intellectual superiority in a childrens card game.
Yea, this a post with no meaning at all, why even post something like this?
Yeah its probably their fist time facing 2500 armour... They will get sooner or later that there is no way they win
I've had this scenario before. 2500 armor druid while I was anticipating myself drawing platebreaker after 6 turns of him emote spamming. That was pretty fun
- Shudderstone
How to test someone's insecurity: put others down at any given moment to convince yourself you are smart.
If you play this deck and this is something that bothers you, who's really the intelligent person?
I'd suggest playing a deck with a win condition that doesn't rely on someone conceding/fatiguing.
It's not impossible to win against it if you have an idealized board setup and can delay fatigue or cause the opponent to fatigue. I've beaten it before without the likes of Platebreaker, Mechathun, the steeds, priest quest, etc. Last time I tried though, I lost after getting the Druid down to 25 armor from around 2500. But I get the feeling some people don't think they can win as much as they want to make the Druid sit through it. Just play the Mechathun version if this bothers you.
posting a meme deck from 2019, not smart.
still playing hearthstone in 2023, not smart
thank you for YOU time
2500 armor does not protect from Riverdare combo.
These kind of posts are so weird. Why are you people so obsessed with others intelligence? Being super smart (or just smart) is not that important in life, only being well adapted to the social enviroment that surrounds you (which can change at any moment, especially these days) is what really matters (and no, you can't really change your other personal traits only by being smart, maybe you could modify a bit some, but that is all).
This was an unproductive thread all round. Post more constructively next time, everyone.
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!