The last deck I really enjoyed playing was Galakrond Priest. That came out at the end of 2019. So, by the end of 2021 there hasn't been a deck I have enjoyed in standard. This checks out as I haven't really played standard since.
I did enjoy playing Seek Knowledge Priest in Duels for a while. But, they banned that, ending that fun.
I'm not sure if I left standard to it left me. But, it certainly feels like something changed in the game after Descent of Dragons where the designers decided to take away everything I enjoyed about playing standard away.
Then again about a year ago, they decided to do the same thing to Duels.
I almost feel like there was a designer watching me play, and any time I liked a deck or a card they nerfed it. Paranoia much??
I'm wondering if my enjoyment of the game is just over, or is this a cyclical thing? Will they print something this expansion that I would enjoy or is it just more of the same stuff? I suspect it'll just be more of the same. As a matter of fact, I won't be surprised if face decks get a huge boost in this expansion as they start pushing games ending in 5 turns instead of 7.
I feel like control priest is in a good place for the moment, actually. They got deathrattle taunts that draw, heal, and aoe the board. There is a lot of removal, cheap heal and draws, and even a few options to disrupt minion based combos. I found a list here that I have been playing with a few modifications. Been doing well, although I only play a few games a day. They can take like 10+ minutes and often go to fatigue, but I find that enjoyable and I recall Galakrond priest being much the same.
I enjoyed quite a few decks last year. Too bad the experience was outweighed by all the fun-killing cards and decks that were extremely popular, compounded by Team 5's refusal to nerf the obvious problem children. The upcoming year looks like it will have just as many problems, and we haven't even seen all the cards yet.
If last year hadn't been such a soul-sucking combofest, I might have been more willing to give this new stuff a chance, even though the theme doesn't appeal to me. But looking back, I'm pretty sure I have better things to do with my time and money.
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"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
The future/direction of Hearthstone is going towards Aggro and Combo OTKs decks, so the game is doomed for slow Control decks and players, the game is not meant for us as they cater more to those who like fast mobile games these days.
Standard seems to be terrible metas followed by another terrible meta after they botch the nerfs followed by a lame meta where there is a variety of unfun decks.
I appreciate that they finally did some wild nerfs they easily could have done a year ago.
Wild still has flaws but is playable and far more so than it has been in a while.
Battlegrounds is somehow boring and uninteresting right now, I wouldn't call it bad but it was way better during quests to me.
I see no one excited about any of those 3 modes. A shame, but maybe it is hard to keep a game like this fun forever.
If you like galakrond priest probably means you like value decks that creates random things. I love that too! I only play wild and im not familiar with standard meta but potions rogue or thief rogue I think can be some fun decks. Also more tempo orientated so the game feels a little more active.
I don't understand.. Battleground is so fresh and we are still discovering builds synergies ecc... And its such a chill mode. Put some music on and chill on the game.
For standard I can't talk couse I never play it but for wild I can agree 100% with you. Meta is so nice and fun.. There are so many decks available.
Only thing I don't like about hs is how slow it is, talking about all these interactions ecc.. Like the engine of the game itself is old. They should change engine and make the game smoother and faster
I loved playing Tess Rogue since witchwood, before it was just some random things like totem shaman in grand tournament with Thunder Bluff Valiant but I always liked playing the game when expension comes out.
I had a huge sunk cost fallacy in this game, maintained a large collection, still ground to legend most seasons or sometimes Diamond 5. I quit playing constructed 2-3 seasons ago and not one pang of regret. The game had gotten so bad with 'weighted' RNG that wins and losses never felt like I had anything to do with them. So glad I left this game in the rearview. I still play some battlegrounds when I do the elliptical, but that's it. Activision will never see another dime.
I enjoy the game. Flick between barely playing, standard, duels and BG. If I don't really enjoy it, I play little to none for a week or up to a few months.
This community doesn't change. If you hate it so much, move on and do something else. I used to enjoy loads of things that I don't anymore, I don't wastey time bitching and moaning about it I do something else.
Can't understand the logic at all. We're so spoiled with variety of games, from free to indie to AAA. Services like game pass, ps+ and free games on steam make it easier than ever to do something you enjoy.
I'll tell you what's helped me though, when it comes to hearthstone - basically switching off the community. I've come here because I've ten minutes and nothing to do wulle I wait but 99% of the time, I don't read, watch or interact with the community at all and the game is so much better for it. Honestly, the most toxic, poisoned, negative community I've seen in any game.
Basically a bunch of man children wailing that the game doesn't cater to them. Boo. Hoo.
Honestly, the most toxic, poisoned, negative community I've seen in any game.
Perhaps less toxic now that you are doing other things.
Am I wrong to wonder why it they couldn't have nerfed Pillager rogue and Quest Mage a year ago? Or why Demon hunter had to be nerfed 13 times on release?
It has been 2 years that I have played very little, mostly around the rotation and when others things I like aren't popping out. The powercreep of these last sets have brought the Meta to a quick stagnation because you can't have new decks succed when the main cards are too strong.
They want to print more powerful cards so people who want to stay competitive gives them money, but they end up eventually ruining hte game.
If a Tier 1 deck is close in terms of power with a Tier 2 or 3 deck, they can switch places if a favorable match up to one of the lower tier decks becomes more popular. When the Tier 1 decks are 6% to 10% over the other tiers, that is impossible.
The last deck I enjoyed that was actually powerful was Highlander Mage in Frozen Throne. It ticked all the boxes I want out of a deck.
1. Value oriented. I don't like winning by combo or burst because games feel really samey. 2. Not overly popular. Playing what I'm already seeing in 30% of games is no fun. 3. Skill is rewarded. You had so many options both in deckbuilding and in gameplay, it was not a deck for bad players.
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The last deck I really enjoyed playing was Galakrond Priest. That came out at the end of 2019. So, by the end of 2021 there hasn't been a deck I have enjoyed in standard. This checks out as I haven't really played standard since.
I did enjoy playing Seek Knowledge Priest in Duels for a while. But, they banned that, ending that fun.
I'm not sure if I left standard to it left me. But, it certainly feels like something changed in the game after Descent of Dragons where the designers decided to take away everything I enjoyed about playing standard away.
Then again about a year ago, they decided to do the same thing to Duels.
I almost feel like there was a designer watching me play, and any time I liked a deck or a card they nerfed it. Paranoia much??
I'm wondering if my enjoyment of the game is just over, or is this a cyclical thing? Will they print something this expansion that I would enjoy or is it just more of the same stuff? I suspect it'll just be more of the same. As a matter of fact, I won't be surprised if face decks get a huge boost in this expansion as they start pushing games ending in 5 turns instead of 7.
I guess we will find out soon enough.
Dude I feel you. I am a warrior/warlock Main. In both classes intressted in control or at least controlish decks.
There was nothing mentionworthy in a while.
Gladly I also like midrange hunter decks and thats viable atm, even though nobody rly knows
Agree can't see how expansion makes game any better. Its a aggro or rng clown fiesta at this point
Was playing BGs for first time this season and now since the battle buddies came out its terrible too. :(
Zombies playing This game
I feel like control priest is in a good place for the moment, actually. They got deathrattle taunts that draw, heal, and aoe the board. There is a lot of removal, cheap heal and draws, and even a few options to disrupt minion based combos. I found a list here that I have been playing with a few modifications. Been doing well, although I only play a few games a day. They can take like 10+ minutes and often go to fatigue, but I find that enjoyable and I recall Galakrond priest being much the same.
I enjoyed quite a few decks last year. Too bad the experience was outweighed by all the fun-killing cards and decks that were extremely popular, compounded by Team 5's refusal to nerf the obvious problem children. The upcoming year looks like it will have just as many problems, and we haven't even seen all the cards yet.
If last year hadn't been such a soul-sucking combofest, I might have been more willing to give this new stuff a chance, even though the theme doesn't appeal to me. But looking back, I'm pretty sure I have better things to do with my time and money.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
The future/direction of Hearthstone is going towards Aggro and Combo OTKs decks, so the game is doomed for slow Control decks and players, the game is not meant for us as they cater more to those who like fast mobile games these days.
I play quite a bit of svalna priest, it’s fun and I have a positive winrate. Give it a try if you liked Galakrond priest.
Standard seems to be terrible metas followed by another terrible meta after they botch the nerfs followed by a lame meta where there is a variety of unfun decks.
I appreciate that they finally did some wild nerfs they easily could have done a year ago.
Wild still has flaws but is playable and far more so than it has been in a while.
Battlegrounds is somehow boring and uninteresting right now, I wouldn't call it bad but it was way better during quests to me.
I see no one excited about any of those 3 modes. A shame, but maybe it is hard to keep a game like this fun forever.
If you like galakrond priest probably means you like value decks that creates random things. I love that too! I only play wild and im not familiar with standard meta but potions rogue or thief rogue I think can be some fun decks. Also more tempo orientated so the game feels a little more active.
I don't understand.. Battleground is so fresh and we are still discovering builds synergies ecc... And its such a chill mode. Put some music on and chill on the game.
For standard I can't talk couse I never play it but for wild I can agree 100% with you. Meta is so nice and fun.. There are so many decks available.
Only thing I don't like about hs is how slow it is, talking about all these interactions ecc.. Like the engine of the game itself is old. They should change engine and make the game smoother and faster
I loved playing Tess Rogue since witchwood, before it was just some random things like totem shaman in grand tournament with Thunder Bluff Valiant but I always liked playing the game when expension comes out.
I had a huge sunk cost fallacy in this game, maintained a large collection, still ground to legend most seasons or sometimes Diamond 5. I quit playing constructed 2-3 seasons ago and not one pang of regret. The game had gotten so bad with 'weighted' RNG that wins and losses never felt like I had anything to do with them. So glad I left this game in the rearview. I still play some battlegrounds when I do the elliptical, but that's it. Activision will never see another dime.
I enjoy the game. Flick between barely playing, standard, duels and BG. If I don't really enjoy it, I play little to none for a week or up to a few months.
This community doesn't change. If you hate it so much, move on and do something else. I used to enjoy loads of things that I don't anymore, I don't wastey time bitching and moaning about it I do something else.
Can't understand the logic at all. We're so spoiled with variety of games, from free to indie to AAA. Services like game pass, ps+ and free games on steam make it easier than ever to do something you enjoy.
I'll tell you what's helped me though, when it comes to hearthstone - basically switching off the community. I've come here because I've ten minutes and nothing to do wulle I wait but 99% of the time, I don't read, watch or interact with the community at all and the game is so much better for it. Honestly, the most toxic, poisoned, negative community I've seen in any game.
Basically a bunch of man children wailing that the game doesn't cater to them. Boo. Hoo.
Perhaps less toxic now that you are doing other things.
Am I wrong to wonder why it they couldn't have nerfed Pillager rogue and Quest Mage a year ago? Or why Demon hunter had to be nerfed 13 times on release?
The curation of this game is curious at times.
2021 was the weakest imo
Combo decks galore
If blizzard reduced the cards available each expansion it would be better for us, but they would loose money.
and they don’t loose money. They want you to pay $$.
it’s a cash cow that won’t stop until we all stop playing.
also, fuck priest.
It has been 2 years that I have played very little, mostly around the rotation and when others things I like aren't popping out. The powercreep of these last sets have brought the Meta to a quick stagnation because you can't have new decks succed when the main cards are too strong.
They want to print more powerful cards so people who want to stay competitive gives them money, but they end up eventually ruining hte game.
If a Tier 1 deck is close in terms of power with a Tier 2 or 3 deck, they can switch places if a favorable match up to one of the lower tier decks becomes more popular. When the Tier 1 decks are 6% to 10% over the other tiers, that is impossible.
Can it really be since 2014 that i enjoyed playing HS?! ;)
The last deck I enjoyed that was actually powerful was Highlander Mage in Frozen Throne. It ticked all the boxes I want out of a deck.
1. Value oriented. I don't like winning by combo or burst because games feel really samey.
2. Not overly popular. Playing what I'm already seeing in 30% of games is no fun.
3. Skill is rewarded. You had so many options both in deckbuilding and in gameplay, it was not a deck for bad players.