Im broke. I used to play free to play for years by playing arena and just enough to get to legend. I have 370 gold where around this time I would have had 2000-3000. I don't have the pactience or the maths to work the detail but I have 370 gold half season since the changes came in.
Every expansion, I had around 6000 gold each time but now since the changes I can barely make 2000. Maybe because they are encouraging battlegrounds more I really don't know but it's a sad state for the game and players like me.
you are the one probably making mistakes on gold management, what's your level on the rewards track?
81 on rewards. The mistake is that playing arena and everaging around 7 doesnt reward you anymore. I used to play a few rounds of arena and then play ladder for a few hours, getting 10 gold every 3 wins I think it was.
What happens now is that I finish my rewards by the time I decide to play ladder and there is a lack of reward.
Usually the quests would compensate any bad arena runs and then anything you make in ladder is a bonus
I really dont know whats going on but I play the same and the reward leaves me short at the next expansion. Nothing has changed on my part
It's undoubtedly true that they are stingier than before. As f2p, I used to open around 130 packs per expansion. It's down now to about 100. The rewards track isn't the biggest culprit though. They used to give out a lot of packs for events. They barely give out any now for events. There's a lunar new year event going on now without any real prizes. I think they are giving away some meaningless cosmetics.
Kind of related - why is the the big reward for level 100 a bad skin? Give us some kind of incentive to make it to 100! A pack, a card, some gold. Something.
I think they made a small reduction on Arena rewards since you now get exp from playing. I believe you would earn even more now if you play medium long games, but the <5 min probably punish you slightly. I have well over 4000 with a similar level and it sadly sounds like it's your arena win rate that has dropped. Whether quests give gold or exp doesn't really matter on the long term, but your time playing does a lot. You can't farm gold in the same way anymore. Where people would just grind face hunter for quick 3xWins, mow you can do afk farming in Bgs or Mercenaries on your phone. However, I'd probably be more more concerned of being broke and focus on that part, to at least have a few bucks to spend here. I've also been an arena guy trying to keep it free. It's not worth the grind :)
As f2p, I used to open around 130 packs per expansion. It's down now to about 100.
That's strange. A f2player can reasonably get to lvl 200 on reward track receiving 10k gold. 2k gold usually goes to miniset, this season extra 2k gold goes to Path Of Arthas miniset (boo, Blizzard, boo). So for this expansion one could expect:
1. 60 packs from exp; 2. 15+ packs from tavern brawls. Yes, that's PITA, I know; 3. 11 packs directly from Reward Track; 4. 16+ packs for "end of month" given one always gets to Diamond 10+. Personally I'm not motivated to grind to Legend for one extra pack; 5. 5+ packs from promo events before expansion launch; 6. ~15 packs from events this season (2+2+2+2+2 free packs from the store, 5 from quest events); 7. Around 10 packs per expansion for watching championships.
This results in ~95 packs of a current expansion, ~25 Standard packs and 10 "various" packs.
Also, one shouldn't run Arena if they dont expect to average 4+ wins. Where 4 wins are usually like "you got your gold back and wasted 7 games for it" due to some rewards being dust or useless golden Commons/Rares. 5 wins do give a 'discount' for a pack.
What’s strange? I said around 100, and you figured 95. It used to be more for me (around130). I’ve tracked for years. I do think events have been a big part of that loss. Events used to give many packs. In the current event, we get 0. In the previous event, we got 1 (I’m only counting current packs). Events are now giving cosmetics for game modes I don’t play.
It's undoubtedly true that they are stingier than before. As f2p, I used to open around 130 packs per expansion. It's down now to about 100. The rewards track isn't the biggest culprit though. They used to give out a lot of packs for events. They barely give out any now for events. There's a lunar new year event going on now without any real prizes. I think they are giving away some meaningless cosmetics.
Kind of related - why is the the big reward for level 100 a bad skin? Give us some kind of incentive to make it to 100! A pack, a card, some gold. Something.
I think you're absolutely right here. I really have no interest in hero skins at all
I think they made a small reduction on Arena rewards since you now get exp from playing. I believe you would earn even more now if you play medium long games, but the <5 min probably punish you slightly. I have well over 4000 with a similar level and it sadly sounds like it's your arena win rate that has dropped. Whether quests give gold or exp doesn't really matter on the long term, but your time playing does a lot. You can't farm gold in the same way anymore. Where people would just grind face hunter for quick 3xWins, mow you can do afk farming in Bgs or Mercenaries on your phone. However, I'd probably be more more concerned of being broke and focus on that part, to at least have a few bucks to spend here. I've also been an arena guy trying to keep it free. It's not worth the grind :)
I would accept that my win rate dropped in arena. I feel as though the class disparity has never felt more present than it does right now. Death knights can feel like a mini boss on arena at times. Rush them down before they heal to full. Might aswell use this chance to share my arena experience why i'm at it
I think they made a small reduction on Arena rewards since you now get exp from playing. I believe you would earn even more now if you play medium long games, but the <5 min probably punish you slightly. I have well over 4000 with a similar level and it sadly sounds like it's your arena win rate that has dropped. Whether quests give gold or exp doesn't really matter on the long term, but your time playing does a lot. You can't farm gold in the same way anymore. Where people would just grind face hunter for quick 3xWins, mow you can do afk farming in Bgs or Mercenaries on your phone. However, I'd probably be more more concerned of being broke and focus on that part, to at least have a few bucks to spend here. I've also been an arena guy trying to keep it free. It's not worth the grind :)
I would accept that my win rate dropped in arena. I feel as though the class disparity has never felt more present than it does right now. Death knights can feel like a mini boss on arena at times. Rush them down before they heal to full. Might aswell use this chance to share my arena experience why i'm at it
Holy shit, dude, that's awesome! I have seen your stats somewhere else before, but you managed to impress me once more (I'm not being sarcastic).
Your e-penis is so much bigger than mine, I should be ashamed! :P
I would accept that my win rate dropped in arena. I feel as though the class disparity has never felt more present than it does right now. Death knights can feel like a mini boss on arena at times. Rush them down before they heal to full.
Fortunately, I have been having a lot of fun with druid in arena lately, without any fear to death knights.
Also, some hours ago, Blizzard announced they are going to remove Malignant Horror from this game mode. It was about time! :P
This is because the game is loosing attractiveness and it is also going to lose the all market in China. Blizzard’s answer in this game should have been to make the game more appealing in terms of money (more free things, in order to increase the public and to retain the clients) but they decided the opposite, so to make everything more expensive and to ask more money for everything. Meanwhile they are not innovative enough and there are arising new competitors, like Marvel Snap. In my opinion Blizzard is managing everything terribly.
Some minutes ago, I finished an arena run with 5 Power of the Wild in my deck. Yeah, that was fun! :)
Ive had some fun token buff druid runs aswell but 5 power of the wilds is pretty awesome. Kodo Mount is an exceptionally good card
Yep, Kodo Mount is pretty good, can't deny that, but there is a much better rare card in the druid arsenal: Park Panther. Finished a run with 10 wins as druid minutes ago with two of them in my deck and 1 Witching Hour to summon another one. :)
You can't farm gold in mode where 1 class has ~60% winrate and all other classes are on the verge of 45% wr? Shocking. New system has nothing to do with your lack of gold
This is because the game is loosing attractiveness and it is also going to lose the all market in China. Blizzard’s answer in this game should have been to make the game more appealing in terms of money (more free things, in order to increase the public and to retain the clients) but they decided the opposite, so to make everything more expensive and to ask more money for everything. Meanwhile they are not innovative enough and there are arising new competitors, like Marvel Snap. In my opinion Blizzard is managing everything terribly.
I don't think you can give out free stuff from a game in decline. From a buisness perspective; your game is dying > give free stuff. As an investor you would exit. Like everything in capitalism. It all relies on positive growth, negatives will scare the investors away.
I am so fucking drunk. I't took me about 45 mins to write this. Have a wonder winter
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Im broke. I used to play free to play for years by playing arena and just enough to get to legend.
I have 370 gold where around this time I would have had 2000-3000.
I don't have the pactience or the maths to work the detail but I have 370 gold half season since the changes came in.
Every expansion, I had around 6000 gold each time but now since the changes I can barely make 2000. Maybe because they are encouraging battlegrounds more I really don't know but it's a sad state for the game and players like me.
I wish quests gave gold again
you are the one probably making mistakes on gold management, what's your level on the rewards track?
81 on rewards. The mistake is that playing arena and everaging around 7 doesnt reward you anymore. I used to play a few rounds of arena and then play ladder for a few hours, getting 10 gold every 3 wins I think it was.
What happens now is that I finish my rewards by the time I decide to play ladder and there is a lack of reward.
Usually the quests would compensate any bad arena runs and then anything you make in ladder is a bonus
I really dont know whats going on but I play the same and the reward leaves me short at the next expansion. Nothing has changed on my part
It's undoubtedly true that they are stingier than before. As f2p, I used to open around 130 packs per expansion. It's down now to about 100. The rewards track isn't the biggest culprit though. They used to give out a lot of packs for events. They barely give out any now for events. There's a lunar new year event going on now without any real prizes. I think they are giving away some meaningless cosmetics.
Kind of related - why is the the big reward for level 100 a bad skin? Give us some kind of incentive to make it to 100! A pack, a card, some gold. Something.
I think they made a small reduction on Arena rewards since you now get exp from playing. I believe you would earn even more now if you play medium long games, but the <5 min probably punish you slightly. I have well over 4000 with a similar level and it sadly sounds like it's your arena win rate that has dropped. Whether quests give gold or exp doesn't really matter on the long term, but your time playing does a lot. You can't farm gold in the same way anymore. Where people would just grind face hunter for quick 3xWins, mow you can do afk farming in Bgs or Mercenaries on your phone. However, I'd probably be more more concerned of being broke and focus on that part, to at least have a few bucks to spend here. I've also been an arena guy trying to keep it free. It's not worth the grind :)
That's strange. A f2player can reasonably get to lvl 200 on reward track receiving 10k gold. 2k gold usually goes to miniset, this season extra 2k gold goes to Path Of Arthas miniset (boo, Blizzard, boo). So for this expansion one could expect:
1. 60 packs from exp;
2. 15+ packs from tavern brawls. Yes, that's PITA, I know;
3. 11 packs directly from Reward Track;
4. 16+ packs for "end of month" given one always gets to Diamond 10+. Personally I'm not motivated to grind to Legend for one extra pack;
5. 5+ packs from promo events before expansion launch;
6. ~15 packs from events this season (2+2+2+2+2 free packs from the store, 5 from quest events);
7. Around 10 packs per expansion for watching championships.
This results in ~95 packs of a current expansion, ~25 Standard packs and 10 "various" packs.
Also, one shouldn't run Arena if they dont expect to average 4+ wins. Where 4 wins are usually like "you got your gold back and wasted 7 games for it" due to some rewards being dust or useless golden Commons/Rares. 5 wins do give a 'discount' for a pack.
What’s strange? I said around 100, and you figured 95. It used to be more for me (around130). I’ve tracked for years. I do think events have been a big part of that loss. Events used to give many packs. In the current event, we get 0. In the previous event, we got 1 (I’m only counting current packs). Events are now giving cosmetics for game modes I don’t play.
I think you're absolutely right here. I really have no interest in hero skins at all
I would accept that my win rate dropped in arena. I feel as though the class disparity has never felt more present than it does right now. Death knights can feel like a mini boss on arena at times. Rush them down before they heal to full. Might aswell use this chance to share my arena experience why i'm at it

Holy shit, dude, that's awesome! I have seen your stats somewhere else before, but you managed to impress me once more (I'm not being sarcastic).
Your e-penis is so much bigger than mine, I should be ashamed! :P
Fortunately, I have been having a lot of fun with druid in arena lately, without any fear to death knights.
Also, some hours ago, Blizzard announced they are going to remove Malignant Horror from this game mode. It was about time! :P
Some minutes ago, I finished an arena run with 5 Power of the Wild in my deck. Yeah, that was fun! :)
Ive had some fun token buff druid runs aswell but 5 power of the wilds is pretty awesome. Kodo Mount is an exceptionally good card
This is because the game is loosing attractiveness and it is also going to lose the all market in China. Blizzard’s answer in this game should have been to make the game more appealing in terms of money (more free things, in order to increase the public and to retain the clients) but they decided the opposite, so to make everything more expensive and to ask more money for everything. Meanwhile they are not innovative enough and there are arising new competitors, like Marvel Snap.
In my opinion Blizzard is managing everything terribly.
Sorry m8 but thats absolutely imposible, do again your maths
Yep, Kodo Mount is pretty good, can't deny that, but there is a much better rare card in the druid arsenal: Park Panther. Finished a run with 10 wins as druid minutes ago with two of them in my deck and 1 Witching Hour to summon another one. :)
I mean, arena is by far the worst mode to earn experience/gold in.
Duels is so much easier to go infinite.
You can't farm gold in mode where 1 class has ~60% winrate and all other classes are on the verge of 45% wr? Shocking.
New system has nothing to do with your lack of gold
I don't think you can give out free stuff from a game in decline.
From a buisness perspective; your game is dying > give free stuff.
As an investor you would exit. Like everything in capitalism. It all relies on positive growth, negatives will scare the investors away.
I am so fucking drunk. I't took me about 45 mins to write this.
Have a wonder winter