This post after less than one month is already aged badly.
We have seen in less than one month:
Blizzard losing the biggest market in China
Blizzard reducing the esports with crazy answers, like:
"Does this mean HS Esports is being cancelled in 2024?
We don’t have anything to share on the 2024 program at this time."
Does this mean that Hearthstone is declining/failing?
The current scope of Hearthstone Esports is separate from the success of Hearthstone. We are thrilled with the upcoming content plans for the game and can’t wait for players to get to see what is being worked on in the years to come
Blizzard stops update mercenaries because they "align their goals and focus on continuing to make Hearthstone the best digital card game in the world"
So, we will see if HS has passed the "test of time" because the future, to me, seems uncertainty as hell. And, if I have to say the true, I am happy about it. I loved this game, but Blizzard pissed me off too many times. They are a bad company.
HS being fun or not is both subjective and flexible. It goes up and down, has good periods and bad periods.
This is the first time I've visited this site in many, many months. I've honestly found that what makes HS the least fun..... Is its community. For what is now probably over a year/18 months, I've not engaged with any aspect of the community, not looked for expansion news etc, I've gone in to everything about HS just blind.
I have no care for heat ranl I finish anymore, I play decks I enjoy and if I stop enjoying them or there aren't any, I play a different mode or just stop logging in for several weeks all together.
Maybe I don't play for 2 or 3 months, then have a 6 week burst where I play every evening. I just come and go as I please and have no idea what the community consensus is on overpowered cards, decks or the state of any modes.
The end result is sometimes I love HS, sometimes I don't but my overall enjoyment of it is so much better without any of the noise surrounding the game. There are a good amount of odd posters on here, people who seem very bitter but addicted for whatever reason. My advice would be to just leave the game and community. It clearly isn't impacting you in a positive way. Come back if you feel bored and need something to play casually or whatever, then dip out again if you aren't enjoying it. The festering negativity of the community in general leaves you with this sinking feeling that the game is bad, but you keep playing because ultimately, the game is pretty fun and easy to pick up, play for a bit and put down.
Overall, I find HS to be a net positive in terms of providing me with a time killer or just straight up casual fun. Too many people take it way too seriously and have what seems to be a really unhealthy relationship with the game. They despise it and Blizzard etc but still crank out hundreds of posts on here and probably hundreds of in game hours. It has some messed up metas and Blizzard have made some very poor choices over the years but if the meta or whatever isn't fun, just dip out. It will have changed completely in 3 or 4 months but the fact that it's always there and can be picked up and played with basically zero need to know what's gone on, keeps it a constant in my library.
- people are lured into it for different reasons and with different strategies
- they are encouraged to keep spending
- their stupid brains don't realize it's a trick to keep you invested so you never stop playing
- the target audience seems to be kids of at most 24 years of age. Yes, they are kids. Men grow up at around 26-28. A 24 year-old male is rarely a grown-up person with respect to life and choices (i.e. there are always exceptions but that's not the point).
- netdecking is amplifying all of the above
Smart moves from blizzard? Sure. Immoral much? Definitely. Does "immoral" make lots of money? Oh yea baby, let it flow. Should we do something about it? Definitely. Why don't we? Because we are too stupid or suffering from a god complex. What's that??? When the game's whales need to feel powerful or like they matter in this world, they spend their very-easily-earned money on this game. But isn't it their right? Of course, but it also shows how "smart" they are and why things never change in this world.
Meanwhile, the homeless guy you see every day on your way to the bank, to retrieve your 1million$ pocket money, has almost froze to death because he can't afford a ride to the nearest shelter.
PS: i'm waiting for the world to have matter replicators so we won't require money anymore, for almost anything. No one starves to death, no one lacks basic clothing etc. An economy without money and based on research and self fulfilment is the best humanity has to offer. Too bad it's gonna be an utopia for a good while due to greed and power. Technically we are not that far from it - quantum mechanics and computing is the first step.
Nice thread.
This is a great example of what I mention above. I've no idea why you're here or putting time into the game, I can only assume that this is an emotional rant and you don't really mean or believe that this is a fair summary of the game. I think you'd need to be truly moronic to genuinely think this about a game (or anything else for that matter) and yet be putting time into not only the game but also being active on an external site. Nothing you say here fairly addresses the question at all, it's clearly very emotional and biased and goes off onto weird tangents about homeless people.
Weird moral high ground to take. If you're that bothered, get off your armchair, log out of hearthstone and put your time into doing soenthing productive for people less fortunate than yourself.
So dishonest to suggest that the only reason people play and put money into the game is because they are stupid. You're showing your own ignorance in even suggesting that.
The irony in you repeatedly bashing people's intelligence but then thinking this is a clever, insightful, logical and objective post is just funny.
Put. The. Game. Down. Log out of this site. Do something with your time that makes you happy and feels producotbe. Go solve homelessness etc, you're clearly way too big brain and intelligent to be messing about on a kid's game (your words, not mine). Do you not feel embarrassed to be slating it and the reasons people have to for playing it whilst simultaneously being active outside the game etc?
Take your moral and intellectual superiority and do something useful, friend.
- people are lured into it for different reasons and with different strategies
- they are encouraged to keep spending
- their stupid brains don't realize it's a trick to keep you invested so you never stop playing
- the target audience seems to be kids of at most 24 years of age. Yes, they are kids. Men grow up at around 26-28. A 24 year-old male is rarely a grown-up person with respect to life and choices (i.e. there are always exceptions but that's not the point).
- netdecking is amplifying all of the above
Smart moves from blizzard? Sure. Immoral much? Definitely. Does "immoral" make lots of money? Oh yea baby, let it flow. Should we do something about it? Definitely. Why don't we? Because we are too stupid or suffering from a god complex. What's that??? When the game's whales need to feel powerful or like they matter in this world, they spend their very-easily-earned money on this game. But isn't it their right? Of course, but it also shows how "smart" they are and why things never change in this world.
Meanwhile, the homeless guy you see every day on your way to the bank, to retrieve your 1million$ pocket money, has almost froze to death because he can't afford a ride to the nearest shelter.
PS: i'm waiting for the world to have matter replicators so we won't require money anymore, for almost anything. No one starves to death, no one lacks basic clothing etc. An economy without money and based on research and self fulfilment is the best humanity has to offer. Too bad it's gonna be an utopia for a good while due to greed and power. Technically we are not that far from it - quantum mechanics and computing is the first step.
Nice thread.
This is a great example of what I mention above. I've no idea why you're here or putting time into the game, I can only assume that this is an emotional rant and you don't really mean or believe that this is a fair summary of the game. I think you'd need to be truly moronic to genuinely think this about a game (or anything else for that matter) and yet be putting time into not only the game but also being active on an external site. Nothing you say here fairly addresses the question at all, it's clearly very emotional and biased and goes off onto weird tangents about homeless people.
Weird moral high ground to take. If you're that bothered, get off your armchair, log out of hearthstone and put your time into doing soenthing productive for people less fortunate than yourself.
So dishonest to suggest that the only reason people play and put money into the game is because they are stupid. You're showing your own ignorance in even suggesting that.
The irony in you repeatedly bashing people's intelligence but then thinking this is a clever, insightful, logical and objective post is just funny.
Put. The. Game. Down. Log out of this site. Do something with your time that makes you happy and feels producotbe. Go solve homelessness etc, you're clearly way too big brain and intelligent to be messing about on a kid's game (your words, not mine). Do you not feel embarrassed to be slating it and the reasons people have to for playing it whilst simultaneously being active outside the game etc?
Take your moral and intellectual superiority and do something useful, friend.
It's funny how you're still here too, mister defender of the weak. You were also never, in any of your posts, able to discern simple text from emotional rants. It's like you filter everything you read through what you actually believe and feel.
It's not wrong, we all kind of do that. But stop coming here and bashing what people say because you can't get over your subjectivity. You don't even realize you're doing it.
And yea, i stopped playing this shit game long ago. Forums are a nice means of passing time and to trigger people like you. I like the psychology involved. I would also love to come back to the game and that is why i still care a bit. Otherwise i would've left this site too. It's fun and funny to see how people act in certain situations.
I mostly agree with you. One funny thing. We don't know if Diablo Immortal is making money or not. Indeed, it is very difficult to tell because even if the app is selling (but badly compared to other apps like this) it was a thing so bad for Blizzard's reputation that they created diseconomies.
Anyway, what we know is that, even with Diablo Immortal and Overwatch 2 during the year, Blizzard lost money. They published recently their financial statement of the year 2022.
The fact that you are posting on a Hearthstone fansite proves that you would care at least a little bit. Even if you tell yourself you are only here to kill time, with HS gone, that's one less website for you to visit when you're bored.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
The fact that you are posting on a Hearthstone fansite proves that you would care at least a little bit. Even if you tell yourself you are only here to kill time, with HS gone, that's one less website for you to visit when you're bored.
I don't need the game to be active to post how much I think it's shit.
I feel like everyone looks at old HS through rose-tinted glasses. Sure the game direction has gotten kind of insane with all the power creep, but I feel like the devs care a lot more about at least trying to make the game enjoyable, as opposed to the whole "we won't buff bad cards, we'll just print new ones" and "bad cards need to exist so that new players know what bad cards are" philosophy they had going pretty much until Brode left. The fact that they left cards like Patches and Undertaker in their initial state for as long as they did was also pretty absurd.
They've explored a lot more design space to try to keep the game interesting, which has had some negative consequences, but we've gotten some cool stuff like Dredge and Tradable out of it.
Gee, this thread degenerated really fast towards the end. Just want to point out to people that look at real cash spenders with hatred or envy: just because people spend money to skip some grind, it does not mean they are stupid or bad people. Addiction can be a thing, but it can happen to f2p players who cannot close the game until sunrise. So long as playing does not take over your life in terms of expenses or time spent, it's fine.
I have been on both sides, f2p and wallet warrior. To be honest, just grinding arena or some crap deck in casual does not make you smarter. I got tired of doing that for years. I am wasting more money by being f2p ironically, because i can work in that time and instead of earning the equivalent of 1 pack per hour in game currency, i can earn the equivalent of 10 or more in real pay. So why torture myself by losing with unoptimised decks or grinding spinoff game modes, when I just want to play a game I love with every card available? Some people cannot afford that luxury, some people love slow-burn updating their decks, and all of that is fine. Stop looking at your neighbour with hatred.
Going back on topic: I think hearthstone stood the test of time much better than other games, but I feel it is coming at an end of a cycle. If esports stop completely (even though the community will make tournaments), you know the game will live for 1 or 2 more years max.
- people are lured into it for different reasons and with different strategies
- they are encouraged to keep spending
- their stupid brains don't realize it's a trick to keep you invested so you never stop playing
- the target audience seems to be kids of at most 24 years of age. Yes, they are kids. Men grow up at around 26-28. A 24 year-old male is rarely a grown-up person with respect to life and choices (i.e. there are always exceptions but that's not the point).
- netdecking is amplifying all of the above
Smart moves from blizzard? Sure. Immoral much? Definitely. Does "immoral" make lots of money? Oh yea baby, let it flow. Should we do something about it? Definitely. Why don't we? Because we are too stupid or suffering from a god complex. What's that??? When the game's whales need to feel powerful or like they matter in this world, they spend their very-easily-earned money on this game. But isn't it their right? Of course, but it also shows how "smart" they are and why things never change in this world.
Meanwhile, the homeless guy you see every day on your way to the bank, to retrieve your 1million$ pocket money, has almost froze to death because he can't afford a ride to the nearest shelter.
PS: i'm waiting for the world to have matter replicators so we won't require money anymore, for almost anything. No one starves to death, no one lacks basic clothing etc. An economy without money and based on research and self fulfilment is the best humanity has to offer. Too bad it's gonna be an utopia for a good while due to greed and power. Technically we are not that far from it - quantum mechanics and computing is the first step.
Nice thread.
This is a great example of what I mention above. I've no idea why you're here or putting time into the game, I can only assume that this is an emotional rant and you don't really mean or believe that this is a fair summary of the game. I think you'd need to be truly moronic to genuinely think this about a game (or anything else for that matter) and yet be putting time into not only the game but also being active on an external site. Nothing you say here fairly addresses the question at all, it's clearly very emotional and biased and goes off onto weird tangents about homeless people.
Weird moral high ground to take. If you're that bothered, get off your armchair, log out of hearthstone and put your time into doing soenthing productive for people less fortunate than yourself.
So dishonest to suggest that the only reason people play and put money into the game is because they are stupid. You're showing your own ignorance in even suggesting that.
The irony in you repeatedly bashing people's intelligence but then thinking this is a clever, insightful, logical and objective post is just funny.
Put. The. Game. Down. Log out of this site. Do something with your time that makes you happy and feels producotbe. Go solve homelessness etc, you're clearly way too big brain and intelligent to be messing about on a kid's game (your words, not mine). Do you not feel embarrassed to be slating it and the reasons people have to for playing it whilst simultaneously being active outside the game etc?
Take your moral and intellectual superiority and do something useful, friend.
It's funny how you're still here too, mister defender of the weak. You were also never, in any of your posts, able to discern simple text from emotional rants. It's like you filter everything you read through what you actually believe and feel.
It's not wrong, we all kind of do that. But stop coming here and bashing what people say because you can't get over your subjectivity. You don't even realize you're doing it.
And yea, i stopped playing this shit game long ago. Forums are a nice means of passing time and to trigger people like you. I like the psychology involved. I would also love to come back to the game and that is why i still care a bit. Otherwise i would've left this site too. It's fun and funny to see how people act in certain situations.
I mostly agree with you. One funny thing. We don't know if Diablo Immortal is making money or not. Indeed, it is very difficult to tell because even if the app is selling (but badly compared to other apps like this) it was a thing so bad for Blizzard's reputation that they created diseconomies.
Anyway, what we know is that, even with Diablo Immortal and Overwatch 2 during the year, Blizzard lost money. They published recently their financial statement of the year 2022.
The amount of hate some of you guys fester is just both insane and hilarious.
Bashing on a forum while constantly denying the fact that you're obsessed with this company and the game, is just behind help.
I came here for some insights yet ended up seeing how bad online gaming addiction can make the most arrogant, spiteful individual I've ever seen. If there were ever maggots festering over anything, it's clearly your soul and nothing else.
Some of you really need medical attentions. Or maybe just try change your horrendous life in anyway or anything, because I don't believe a healthy person can ever post anything that match what's seen in here and a few other threads, all the over the top giga brain talks and looking down, insanities in full swing.
Edit: Enjoying cruety also seems to be some guy's favorite past time, no comments, better not to spend more time in here.
This post after less than one month is already aged badly.
We have seen in less than one month:
So, we will see if HS has passed the "test of time" because the future, to me, seems uncertainty as hell. And, if I have to say the true, I am happy about it. I loved this game, but Blizzard pissed me off too many times. They are a bad company.
If Blizzard kills Hearthstone, you can bet someone will either leak or recreate the source code well enough for private servers to pop up.
Servers without Blizz's greedy bullshit, which would probably be the best thing for the game.
Yes, but without new contents :). Who will work for free?
HS being fun or not is both subjective and flexible. It goes up and down, has good periods and bad periods.
This is the first time I've visited this site in many, many months. I've honestly found that what makes HS the least fun..... Is its community. For what is now probably over a year/18 months, I've not engaged with any aspect of the community, not looked for expansion news etc, I've gone in to everything about HS just blind.
I have no care for heat ranl I finish anymore, I play decks I enjoy and if I stop enjoying them or there aren't any, I play a different mode or just stop logging in for several weeks all together.
Maybe I don't play for 2 or 3 months, then have a 6 week burst where I play every evening. I just come and go as I please and have no idea what the community consensus is on overpowered cards, decks or the state of any modes.
The end result is sometimes I love HS, sometimes I don't but my overall enjoyment of it is so much better without any of the noise surrounding the game. There are a good amount of odd posters on here, people who seem very bitter but addicted for whatever reason. My advice would be to just leave the game and community. It clearly isn't impacting you in a positive way. Come back if you feel bored and need something to play casually or whatever, then dip out again if you aren't enjoying it. The festering negativity of the community in general leaves you with this sinking feeling that the game is bad, but you keep playing because ultimately, the game is pretty fun and easy to pick up, play for a bit and put down.
Overall, I find HS to be a net positive in terms of providing me with a time killer or just straight up casual fun. Too many people take it way too seriously and have what seems to be a really unhealthy relationship with the game. They despise it and Blizzard etc but still crank out hundreds of posts on here and probably hundreds of in game hours. It has some messed up metas and Blizzard have made some very poor choices over the years but if the meta or whatever isn't fun, just dip out. It will have changed completely in 3 or 4 months but the fact that it's always there and can be picked up and played with basically zero need to know what's gone on, keeps it a constant in my library.
This is a great example of what I mention above. I've no idea why you're here or putting time into the game, I can only assume that this is an emotional rant and you don't really mean or believe that this is a fair summary of the game. I think you'd need to be truly moronic to genuinely think this about a game (or anything else for that matter) and yet be putting time into not only the game but also being active on an external site. Nothing you say here fairly addresses the question at all, it's clearly very emotional and biased and goes off onto weird tangents about homeless people.
Weird moral high ground to take. If you're that bothered, get off your armchair, log out of hearthstone and put your time into doing soenthing productive for people less fortunate than yourself.
So dishonest to suggest that the only reason people play and put money into the game is because they are stupid. You're showing your own ignorance in even suggesting that.
The irony in you repeatedly bashing people's intelligence but then thinking this is a clever, insightful, logical and objective post is just funny.
Put. The. Game. Down. Log out of this site. Do something with your time that makes you happy and feels producotbe. Go solve homelessness etc, you're clearly way too big brain and intelligent to be messing about on a kid's game (your words, not mine). Do you not feel embarrassed to be slating it and the reasons people have to for playing it whilst simultaneously being active outside the game etc?
Take your moral and intellectual superiority and do something useful, friend.
Anyone with any kind of intelligence have not put any money into hearthstone
Spoken like someone who has invested way too much money into the game.
Bro you got to let go whatever hate is festering inside, can't be good for you.
Only time, no money.
If the game vanished today I wouldn't care.
I mostly agree with you. One funny thing. We don't know if Diablo Immortal is making money or not. Indeed, it is very difficult to tell because even if the app is selling (but badly compared to other apps like this) it was a thing so bad for Blizzard's reputation that they created diseconomies.
Anyway, what we know is that, even with Diablo Immortal and Overwatch 2 during the year, Blizzard lost money. They published recently their financial statement of the year 2022.
The fact that you are posting on a Hearthstone fansite proves that you would care at least a little bit. Even if you tell yourself you are only here to kill time, with HS gone, that's one less website for you to visit when you're bored.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
I don't need the game to be active to post how much I think it's shit.
I feel like everyone looks at old HS through rose-tinted glasses. Sure the game direction has gotten kind of insane with all the power creep, but I feel like the devs care a lot more about at least trying to make the game enjoyable, as opposed to the whole "we won't buff bad cards, we'll just print new ones" and "bad cards need to exist so that new players know what bad cards are" philosophy they had going pretty much until Brode left. The fact that they left cards like Patches and Undertaker in their initial state for as long as they did was also pretty absurd.
They've explored a lot more design space to try to keep the game interesting, which has had some negative consequences, but we've gotten some cool stuff like Dredge and Tradable out of it.
Gee, this thread degenerated really fast towards the end. Just want to point out to people that look at real cash spenders with hatred or envy: just because people spend money to skip some grind, it does not mean they are stupid or bad people. Addiction can be a thing, but it can happen to f2p players who cannot close the game until sunrise. So long as playing does not take over your life in terms of expenses or time spent, it's fine.
I have been on both sides, f2p and wallet warrior. To be honest, just grinding arena or some crap deck in casual does not make you smarter. I got tired of doing that for years. I am wasting more money by being f2p ironically, because i can work in that time and instead of earning the equivalent of 1 pack per hour in game currency, i can earn the equivalent of 10 or more in real pay. So why torture myself by losing with unoptimised decks or grinding spinoff game modes, when I just want to play a game I love with every card available? Some people cannot afford that luxury, some people love slow-burn updating their decks, and all of that is fine. Stop looking at your neighbour with hatred.
Going back on topic: I think hearthstone stood the test of time much better than other games, but I feel it is coming at an end of a cycle. If esports stop completely (even though the community will make tournaments), you know the game will live for 1 or 2 more years max.
addicts usually dont think they are addicted. oh Boy if there is one Day a internet police or detective who cares for statistics...
hearthstone league of legend and diablo wouldnt be legal anymore, safer to consume meth lol
game died years ago, just a few maggots scrounging around the corpse these days
The amount of hate some of you guys fester is just both insane and hilarious.
Bashing on a forum while constantly denying the fact that you're obsessed with this company and the game, is just behind help.
I came here for some insights yet ended up seeing how bad online gaming addiction can make the most arrogant, spiteful individual I've ever seen. If there were ever maggots festering over anything, it's clearly your soul and nothing else.
Some of you really need medical attentions. Or maybe just try change your horrendous life in anyway or anything, because I don't believe a healthy person can ever post anything that match what's seen in here and a few other threads, all the over the top giga brain talks and looking down, insanities in full swing.
Edit: Enjoying cruety also seems to be some guy's favorite past time, no comments, better not to spend more time in here.