That buff to disruptive spellbreaker is far too powerful. This not only it lets you choose to remove your opponent's answer but also gives you hand knowledge which is incredibly powerful in itself with 0 drawback.
Warrior could definitely use some love but this is not the way and would just be awful to play against and this is already a strong card. I'd say this is one of the only cards actually they don't need to buff.
I can probably say in full confidence that no cards that'll be going out of the classic rotation will be touched or nerfed until the middle of the next expansion and that's ONLY if they are performing well in Wild. Both Guff, Brann, and the Gnoll are gone in a months time and the dev team won't be touching those cards because they would have done so sometime last year when they dropped.
I can probably say in full confidence that no cards that'll be going out of the classic rotation will be touched or nerfed until the middle of the next expansion and that's ONLY if they are performing well in Wild. Both Guff, Brann, and the Gnoll are gone in a months time and the dev team won't be touching those cards because they would have done so sometime last year when they dropped.
Completely disagree, I can almost guarantee you gnoll will be nerfed. It just wasn't so much of an issue in the past.
As someone who's played almost exclusively quest demon hunter since launch, besides a few stops to play svalnna priest and plaguespreader priest : Quest demon hunter and (Miracle) Rogue absolutely needs to be nerfed.
For quest demon hunter, Unleash Fel is the main culprit. it's absolutely the mvp of the deck with Silvermoon Arcanist , even with its first nerf. +2 spell power is just too strong at 3 mana, even with the downside of not being able to target face (which hardly matters in Demon Hunter anyway). I could see a mana increase in either of these card. Or both in the worst case scenario.
For Rogue... As usual the culprit is Shadowstep . Such an iconic card, not sure blizzard is ready to axe the card yet. But it's probably the main culprit in why Miracle Rogue is so overpowered. Alternatively they could try to hit multiple other key cards in Rogue ( Serrated Bone Spike (-1 damage to make it harder to trigger), Ghoulish Alchemist (+1 mana to make it not zero mana when played with shadowstep) ... Maybe Sinstone Graveyard again).
I could also see them nerfing Alastor, ramp druid, and / or Shock spitter Hunter (depending on how overboard they want to go, since i'm affraid hunter's going to be a problem again after rogue and DH are gone)
I'm not going to predict specific buffs, but I think priest warrior and death knight (again) probably deserve some. Shaman could go either way, shaman decks aren't too popular, but I think they are more underrated than bad.
Wildpaw Gnoll cost less 1 for each non-rogue class card added to your hand Sinstone Graveyard Remove stealth, summon ghost with stats equal to number of cards you played this round (-1/1) Overall nerf to concotions. Make em 4 mana or something Unleash Fel not going face Final Showdown redesign somehow, if u increase X cards to draw its gonna be buff so xD And either redesign to shadowstep ( i hope not ) or just rotate it alongside Brann, Shockspitter might be 4 mana and will still be annoying as long as Brann is here
Just stop cards from hitting face. Nerf astalor and shockspitter and other cards to hit enemy minions .
But then you will have the problem that the only ways of winning feasibly are board damage from minions or possibly fatigue, which then makes the whole game become stale and less fun for everyone. Having unexpected and surprising ways to win a game is what makes the game fun and more interactive and immersive.
Unexpected and surprising 40 dmg from shockspitters or lets say our beloved Denathrius back then, way more interactive than board trading.
Yes, tier 3. On both Vicious Syndicate and HSReplay, Ramp Druid is listed as a tier 3 deck with a win rate below 50%.
I can't imagine why you think it's better than that. If you ever tried to use it, you'd see how bad it is.
It's not about deck tier or winrate it's about deck popularity meaning you face it more than most decks. So when you lose to the same combo over and over again at high ranks you know it's due for a change and Brann is the only card that creates the combo
Druid doesn't come anywhere close to Blood DK in terms of popularity. Frost DK and Thief Rogue also outnumber it by significant margins. My guess is, you're playing one of those, which is why you're so mad about Druid. NEWS FLASH: Those decks are also annoying to play against!
You should actually rejoice when you see a bad deck become popular -- it means you can score a lot of easy W's by playing a deck that counters it. In this case, that's just about anything that is even slightly competitive. Sure, it probably feels bad when Druid beats your slow-as-molasses homebrew, but that's not really a nerf situation.
If you're a "never aggro" player, then this is 100% your problem, not the game's. You choose not to punish a bad deck. You choose to play a slow deck that is even more popular than the one you're complaining about. You deserve to lose a few games to Brastalor along the way.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
Yes, tier 3. On both Vicious Syndicate and HSReplay, Ramp Druid is listed as a tier 3 deck with a win rate below 50%.
I can't imagine why you think it's better than that. If you ever tried to use it, you'd see how bad it is.
It's not about deck tier or winrate it's about deck popularity meaning you face it more than most decks. So when you lose to the same combo over and over again at high ranks you know it's due for a change and Brann is the only card that creates the combo
Druid doesn't come anywhere close to Blood DK in terms of popularity. Frost DK and Thief Rogue also outnumber it by significant margins. My guess is, you're playing one of those, which is why you're so mad about Druid. NEWS FLASH: Those decks are also annoying to play against!
You should actually rejoice when you see a bad deck become popular -- it means you can score a lot of easy W's by playing a deck that counters it. In this case, that's just about anything that is even slightly competitive. Sure, it probably feels bad when Druid beats your slow-as-molasses homebrew, but that's not really a nerf situation.
If you're a "never aggro" player, then this is 100% your problem, not the game's. You choose not to punish a bad deck. You choose to play a slow deck that is even more popular than the one you're complaining about. You deserve to lose a few games to Brastalor along the way.
Since the early nerfs this expansion Ramp/Combo druid (it's called Ramp on HSreplay) is a top 5 most popular deck from Diamond 10 to Legend. IT IS the most common druid deck played by a long shot and you're stacking it up against DK which is a brand new hero class of course it's going to be popular and it's still not by much. Thief and now the Maestra Miracle rogue is nearly identical to Ramp druid in popularity because it's a great counter to druid.
It seems like you think people want card nerfs purely out of frustration. That is never the driving force behind nerfs. it all comes down to the playrate/winrate when team 5 makes their decision that is why some if not most of the cards listed in this post will be nerfed. If certain cards consistently create an "UN-FUN" experience then they will be addressed. This is not my opinion this is a fact of how the developers read into the data of this game.
Imo, damage from hands should never exceed 15, its like the classic mage double fireball frostbolt turn 10.
I just took 64 damage from Brann and double Astalor on turn 6. Such fun. I agree damage from hand should be capped. Not removed altogether otherwise it would obviously just make the game boring for everyone who likes interesting and interactive games.
Just stop cards from hitting face. Nerf astalor and shockspitter and other cards to hit enemy minions .
But then you will have the problem that the only ways of winning feasibly are board damage from minions or possibly fatigue, which then makes the whole game become stale and less fun for everyone. Having unexpected and surprising ways to win a game is what makes the game fun and more interactive and immersive.
Unexpected and surprising 40 dmg from shockspitters or lets say our beloved Denathrius back then, way more interactive than board trading.
You are literally interacting with the opposing player rather than ignoring them and only attacking minions. Its the very definition of “interactivity”. Not sure what more you want. Lol
Just stop cards from hitting face. Nerf astalor and shockspitter and other cards to hit enemy minions .
But then you will have the problem that the only ways of winning feasibly are board damage from minions or possibly fatigue, which then makes the whole game become stale and less fun for everyone. Having unexpected and surprising ways to win a game is what makes the game fun and more interactive and immersive.
Unexpected and surprising 40 dmg from shockspitters or lets say our beloved Denathrius back then, way more interactive than board trading.
You are literally interacting with the opposing player rather than ignoring them and only attacking minions. Its the very definition of “interactivity”. Not sure what more you want. Lol
??? So by ,,opponent" u mean their ONLY their face? Their board is not ,,opposing player" Damn, that's next lvl. So if 2 burn decks match, and noone is gonna play ANY minion, both just cast spells at enemy face, that's the most interaction you can get in hearthstone?
Just stop cards from hitting face. Nerf astalor and shockspitter and other cards to hit enemy minions .
But then you will have the problem that the only ways of winning feasibly are board damage from minions or possibly fatigue, which then makes the whole game become stale and less fun for everyone. Having unexpected and surprising ways to win a game is what makes the game fun and more interactive and immersive.
Unexpected and surprising 40 dmg from shockspitters or lets say our beloved Denathrius back then, way more interactive than board trading.
You are literally interacting with the opposing player rather than ignoring them and only attacking minions. Its the very definition of “interactivity”. Not sure what more you want. Lol
??? So by ,,opponent" u mean their ONLY their face? Their board is not ,,opposing player" Damn, that's next lvl. So if 2 burn decks match, and noone is gonna play ANY minion, both just cast spells at enemy face, that's the most interaction you can get in hearthstone?
So are you saying BOTH are in actual fact, versions of “interaction” then? Just so we’re clear…
I’m just tired of the hand dmg. I get slapped with 30 all the way to 70+ face dmg from hand on turn 9-10 all the god damn time, cause half these decks just tutor out the stuff they need. Blood dk’s “play” is to survive and chip away . There is no “survive” when DH draws 100% of the deck turn 9 then slaps your face for 70 dmg turn 10.
why do they even make decks like blood dk when they print crap like that?
Why are you guys playing ranked constructed anyway if all cards and/or decks are annoying to play against? You should go to other modes and relax tbh. Like I grinded Duels very hard in the last couple days and after getting exhausted by the meta (and disappointed by a 5-3 run with the craziest priest deck I have ever seen), I decided to switch to BG and even Mercenaries sometimes. And you know what? I just feel relaxed af. No pressure, no deranking (or at least idc for my BG rank), no stupid OTK combos before you can play 2 cards... Games in BG are quite divers due to quests and you can experiment without getting punished. And mercenaries is PvE quest farming, which is just a chill mode with many lethal quizzes.
Its probably worth mentioning that many (including myself) play constructed for the season rewards which are ultra valuable to us F2P / low-spend players
I think the biggest issue with all the surprise "from-hand" damage is less about the lack of interactivity between the opposing player and your own stuff, and more about the lack of your ability to interact with the oponents game plan (even though you know exacltly what it is).
The bog standard response is "play aggro", but you can't do that after you've started a game. It's pretty disappointing to know you're going to lose because the deck your playing is basically hard countered by the opposing deck, and imo that is a massive design flaw for any game. Sure, there will be better & worse match ups, but it absolutely shouldn't be paper, scissor, stone (even though that's the analogy everyone uses).
I hope the nerfs will target some or all of:
1) Mana cheat. Things should only very rarely cost 0 mana imo, and 10 mana things should generally be 10 mana (and not 0 or 5).
2) The early high-rolls (e.g. non-games because your opponent got 2 Gnolls or a Denathrius on turn 2). I'm fine with this sort of thing later in the game when you have a chance to respond.
3) Discover. There's far too much in general, but against DK in particular it's really frustraing as the discover pools are so small. The whole point of runes (if I understood it correctly) was to limit powerful 3-run cards to a single rune. The discover mechanic avoids this limitation and with so many "discover" cards it gets frustrating. Often these are 1 for 1 "removal - discover removal", which means that resources are essentially endless. Also - it would be nice if people were limited to 1 or 2 copies of each card in line with deck building constrainsts...Being hit with Frostwyrm's Fury for the 5th time isn't fun. Playing around and baiting out a card used to be a thing in Hearthstone...
4) Cheap card draw. Card draw is far too cheap imo. I makes decks far too consistent, too quickly. The game was better when people didn't always have the answer and didn't always have resources.
While I understand the nature of the "interaction" argument, it is also worth mentioning that this is not always as much the case as some people seem to think it is. Probably the biggest example of this would be the ShockSpitter Hunter deck. First, let me say that yes, I agree this deck is obnoxious to play against because it provides a real feels-bad moment for you when you lose to it. But acknowledging that aside, people still make the claim that this deck is un-interactive, which is not the case. Consider the game-plan of the deck. The opponent wants to try and attack with a weapon as many times as possible to then play repeating shock spitters to your face for the win.
I played a game recently against this opponent, and was able to easily interact with them and counter their game plan by repeatedly freezing the opponent with appropriate cards and effects, meaning that they could not generate the damage required to boost the ShockSpitters high enough. All this while chipping away the opponent health for the final win. It must have been at least as annoying for them as it would have been for me if I had lost to their combo.
As an addendum I have also beaten this deck with disruption a great many times. I well timed Theotar or Mutanus is perfect for wrecking their combo before they get a chance to play it.
Ad finally, if you dont have any of the above options available to you, there is also the falback of making sure that whatever the opponent is attacking into is going to really hurt them (a high damage taunt minion for example). Sure, this is less effective if they have the Immunity bow out. But lastly, dont forget that weapon removal tech is also still a thing and the Viper card is still useful with its tradability option.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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That buff to disruptive spellbreaker is far too powerful. This not only it lets you choose to remove your opponent's answer but also gives you hand knowledge which is incredibly powerful in itself with 0 drawback.
Warrior could definitely use some love but this is not the way and would just be awful to play against and this is already a strong card. I'd say this is one of the only cards actually they don't need to buff.
I can probably say in full confidence that no cards that'll be going out of the classic rotation will be touched or nerfed until the middle of the next expansion and that's ONLY if they are performing well in Wild. Both Guff, Brann, and the Gnoll are gone in a months time and the dev team won't be touching those cards because they would have done so sometime last year when they dropped.
Guff is fine. Buff Nellie . Astalor should be 3,6,9. Bring back dirty rat next year.
Completely disagree, I can almost guarantee you gnoll will be nerfed. It just wasn't so much of an issue in the past.
good thing you are not a developer. Waaaay too broken buffs.
As someone who's played almost exclusively quest demon hunter since launch, besides a few stops to play svalnna priest and plaguespreader priest : Quest demon hunter and (Miracle) Rogue absolutely needs to be nerfed.
For quest demon hunter, Unleash Fel is the main culprit. it's absolutely the mvp of the deck with Silvermoon Arcanist , even with its first nerf. +2 spell power is just too strong at 3 mana, even with the downside of not being able to target face (which hardly matters in Demon Hunter anyway). I could see a mana increase in either of these card. Or both in the worst case scenario.
For Rogue... As usual the culprit is Shadowstep . Such an iconic card, not sure blizzard is ready to axe the card yet. But it's probably the main culprit in why Miracle Rogue is so overpowered.
Alternatively they could try to hit multiple other key cards in Rogue ( Serrated Bone Spike (-1 damage to make it harder to trigger), Ghoulish Alchemist (+1 mana to make it not zero mana when played with shadowstep) ... Maybe Sinstone Graveyard again).
I could also see them nerfing Alastor, ramp druid, and / or Shock spitter Hunter (depending on how overboard they want to go, since i'm affraid hunter's going to be a problem again after rogue and DH are gone)
I'm not going to predict specific buffs, but I think priest warrior and death knight (again) probably deserve some. Shaman could go either way, shaman decks aren't too popular, but I think they are more underrated than bad.
Wildpaw Gnoll cost less 1 for each non-rogue class card added to your hand
Sinstone Graveyard Remove stealth, summon ghost with stats equal to number of cards you played this round (-1/1)
Overall nerf to concotions. Make em 4 mana or something
Unleash Fel not going face
Final Showdown redesign somehow, if u increase X cards to draw its gonna be buff so xD
And either redesign to shadowstep ( i hope not ) or just rotate it alongside Brann,
Shockspitter might be 4 mana and will still be annoying as long as Brann is here
Unexpected and surprising 40 dmg from shockspitters or lets say our beloved Denathrius back then, way more interactive than board trading.
Druid doesn't come anywhere close to Blood DK in terms of popularity. Frost DK and Thief Rogue also outnumber it by significant margins. My guess is, you're playing one of those, which is why you're so mad about Druid. NEWS FLASH: Those decks are also annoying to play against!
You should actually rejoice when you see a bad deck become popular -- it means you can score a lot of easy W's by playing a deck that counters it. In this case, that's just about anything that is even slightly competitive. Sure, it probably feels bad when Druid beats your slow-as-molasses homebrew, but that's not really a nerf situation.
If you're a "never aggro" player, then this is 100% your problem, not the game's. You choose not to punish a bad deck. You choose to play a slow deck that is even more popular than the one you're complaining about. You deserve to lose a few games to Brastalor along the way.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
Since the early nerfs this expansion Ramp/Combo druid (it's called Ramp on HSreplay) is a top 5 most popular deck from Diamond 10 to Legend. IT IS the most common druid deck played by a long shot and you're stacking it up against DK which is a brand new hero class of course it's going to be popular and it's still not by much. Thief and now the Maestra Miracle rogue is nearly identical to Ramp druid in popularity because it's a great counter to druid.
It seems like you think people want card nerfs purely out of frustration. That is never the driving force behind nerfs. it all comes down to the playrate/winrate when team 5 makes their decision that is why some if not most of the cards listed in this post will be nerfed. If certain cards consistently create an "UN-FUN" experience then they will be addressed. This is not my opinion this is a fact of how the developers read into the data of this game.
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Imo, damage from hands should never exceed 15, its like the classic mage double fireball frostbolt turn 10.
I just took 64 damage from Brann and double Astalor on turn 6. Such fun.
I agree damage from hand should be capped. Not removed altogether otherwise it would obviously just make the game boring for everyone who likes interesting and interactive games.
You are literally interacting with the opposing player rather than ignoring them and only attacking minions. Its the very definition of “interactivity”. Not sure what more you want. Lol
??? So by ,,opponent" u mean their ONLY their face? Their board is not ,,opposing player"
Damn, that's next lvl.
So if 2 burn decks match, and noone is gonna play ANY minion, both just cast spells at enemy face, that's the most interaction you can get in hearthstone?
So are you saying BOTH are in actual fact, versions of “interaction” then? Just so we’re clear…
I’m just tired of the hand dmg. I get slapped with 30 all the way to 70+ face dmg from hand on turn 9-10 all the god damn time, cause half these decks just tutor out the stuff they need. Blood dk’s “play” is to survive and chip away . There is no “survive” when DH draws 100% of the deck turn 9 then slaps your face for 70 dmg turn 10.
why do they even make decks like blood dk when they print crap like that?
Why are you guys playing ranked constructed anyway if all cards and/or decks are annoying to play against? You should go to other modes and relax tbh. Like I grinded Duels very hard in the last couple days and after getting exhausted by the meta (and disappointed by a 5-3 run with the craziest priest deck I have ever seen), I decided to switch to BG and even Mercenaries sometimes. And you know what? I just feel relaxed af. No pressure, no deranking (or at least idc for my BG rank), no stupid OTK combos before you can play 2 cards... Games in BG are quite divers due to quests and you can experiment without getting punished. And mercenaries is PvE quest farming, which is just a chill mode with many lethal quizzes.
And there are also other games or hobbies btw.
Its probably worth mentioning that many (including myself) play constructed for the season rewards which are ultra valuable to us F2P / low-spend players
I think the biggest issue with all the surprise "from-hand" damage is less about the lack of interactivity between the opposing player and your own stuff, and more about the lack of your ability to interact with the oponents game plan (even though you know exacltly what it is).
The bog standard response is "play aggro", but you can't do that after you've started a game. It's pretty disappointing to know you're going to lose because the deck your playing is basically hard countered by the opposing deck, and imo that is a massive design flaw for any game. Sure, there will be better & worse match ups, but it absolutely shouldn't be paper, scissor, stone (even though that's the analogy everyone uses).
I hope the nerfs will target some or all of:
1) Mana cheat. Things should only very rarely cost 0 mana imo, and 10 mana things should generally be 10 mana (and not 0 or 5).
2) The early high-rolls (e.g. non-games because your opponent got 2 Gnolls or a Denathrius on turn 2). I'm fine with this sort of thing later in the game when you have a chance to respond.
3) Discover. There's far too much in general, but against DK in particular it's really frustraing as the discover pools are so small. The whole point of runes (if I understood it correctly) was to limit powerful 3-run cards to a single rune. The discover mechanic avoids this limitation and with so many "discover" cards it gets frustrating. Often these are 1 for 1 "removal - discover removal", which means that resources are essentially endless. Also - it would be nice if people were limited to 1 or 2 copies of each card in line with deck building constrainsts...Being hit with Frostwyrm's Fury for the 5th time isn't fun. Playing around and baiting out a card used to be a thing in Hearthstone...
4) Cheap card draw. Card draw is far too cheap imo. I makes decks far too consistent, too quickly. The game was better when people didn't always have the answer and didn't always have resources.
While I understand the nature of the "interaction" argument, it is also worth mentioning that this is not always as much the case as some people seem to think it is.
Probably the biggest example of this would be the ShockSpitter Hunter deck. First, let me say that yes, I agree this deck is obnoxious to play against because it provides a real feels-bad moment for you when you lose to it. But acknowledging that aside, people still make the claim that this deck is un-interactive, which is not the case.
Consider the game-plan of the deck. The opponent wants to try and attack with a weapon as many times as possible to then play repeating shock spitters to your face for the win.
I played a game recently against this opponent, and was able to easily interact with them and counter their game plan by repeatedly freezing the opponent with appropriate cards and effects, meaning that they could not generate the damage required to boost the ShockSpitters high enough. All this while chipping away the opponent health for the final win. It must have been at least as annoying for them as it would have been for me if I had lost to their combo.
As an addendum I have also beaten this deck with disruption a great many times. I well timed Theotar or Mutanus is perfect for wrecking their combo before they get a chance to play it.
Ad finally, if you dont have any of the above options available to you, there is also the falback of making sure that whatever the opponent is attacking into is going to really hurt them (a high damage taunt minion for example). Sure, this is less effective if they have the Immunity bow out. But lastly, dont forget that weapon removal tech is also still a thing and the Viper card is still useful with its tradability option.