Since Druid has no real weakness it forces the meta to be extremely toxic in order to compete. The only current way to beat a Druid that knows what he is doing (60+ Iq) is to play extremely toxic hyper Aggro rush decks such as miracle rouge and shockspitter hunter in order to end the game as quickly as possible.
Druid needs a complete overhaul or a major nerf. Druid has been a huge issue since Guff was printed allowing for broken card combinations which should have never existed.
Currently Druid has no real weakness in the past it had no removal or very limited removal as a drawback for its ramp. Now Druid has no real weakness and can do every single thing in the game better than any other class it just has to survive 3-4 rounds early game then it has won. Earthen scales is a huge problem which alters all your pervious effort useless scale of Onyxia is absolutely disgusting moonlight guidance is game breaking and to top it off if you have bad card draw you can just play aquatic form and get your desired card instantly.
Hof Guff, Earthen scales, scale of Onyxia and moonlight guidance or complete change how ramping works because we can’t have both its extremely boring to wait for a Druid play with himself in order to concede the game or get extremely lucky with disruption.
Agree, Guff as a card should have never been printed. Basically gives druid 2 turns. For the rest of the game. At least before the patch druid would get around +20-30 armor. However, now it starts at +40 armor minimum. Don't remeber when druid was ever a bad class.
Hmm. You listed at least 2 decks (possibly more) that you state can beat this Druid deck that you are having a problem. If that's true, then it must surely mean that the Hunter and Rogue decks are even worse, if they are that good and therefore more in need of a nerf than druid?
Besides which, there is so much disruption available (at least 4-5 cards now) that can ruin Druid's whole gameplan.
Hmm. You listed at least 2 decks (possibly more) that you state can beat this Druid deck that you are having a problem. If that's true, then it must surely mean that the Hunter and Rogue decks are even worse, if they are that good and therefore more in need of a nerf than druid?
Besides which, there is so much disruption available (at least 4-5 cards now) that can ruin Druid's whole gameplan.
^^100% correct on the disruption. Blood DK seems to be a fair matchup because of how devastating Mutanus, Theotar and Patchwerk are. However, disruption really feels bad and I would prefer it not be so ubiquitous, so maybe I somewhat agree with OP??
Let me show you guys what druid gets for literally not playing the game for 6 turns. Literally turn 1 2 3 and 4 he play only 1 card. And you can imagine the rest.
I play the game to have fun and yes to get to legend but there is a reason not everyone plays Druid to get free legend because it’s mind numbingly boring and easy.
So, you have made these accounts to rant about a class you should just craft and win with? OOOOKKKKEEEYAY
I made this account because I was so fed up with this major issue to address it to increase the possibility of changes and bring more awareness (that is how you get stuff done in the world by doing something). I don’t know how that is a bad thing but you do you.
Since Druid has no real weakness it forces the meta to be extremely toxic in order to compete. The only current way to beat a Druid that knows what he is doing (60+ Iq) is to play extremely toxic hyper Aggro rush decks such as miracle rouge and shockspitter hunter in order to end the game as quickly as possible.
Druid needs a complete overhaul or a major nerf. Druid has been a huge issue since Guff was printed allowing for broken card combinations which should have never existed.
Currently Druid has no real weakness in the past it had no removal or very limited removal as a drawback for its ramp. Now Druid has no real weakness and can do every single thing in the game better than any other class it just has to survive 3-4 rounds early game then it has won. Earthen scales is a huge problem which alters all your pervious effort useless scale of Onyxia is absolutely disgusting moonlight guidance is game breaking and to top it off if you have bad card draw you can just play aquatic form and get your desired card instantly.
Hof Guff, Earthen scales, scale of Onyxia and moonlight guidance or complete change how ramping works because we can’t have both its extremely boring to wait for a Druid play with himself in order to concede the game or get extremely lucky with disruption.
Actually I don't see Druid toxic , just because you can't beat a specific deck with your own deck doesn't mean his is toxic , and you don't have to play aggro to beat it , I played the deck and it's not that strong , also u can beat it with control dk easy
Hmm. You listed at least 2 decks (possibly more) that you state can beat this Druid deck that you are having a problem. If that's true, then it must surely mean that the Hunter and Rogue decks are even worse, if they are that good and therefore more in need of a nerf than druid?
Besides which, there is so much disruption available (at least 4-5 cards now) that can ruin Druid's whole gameplan.
So because only 2 decks can potentially beat the most problematic deck ever it is not as bad as I stated? Do you understand your own logic? The meta is forced to be extremely toxic in order to compete against Druid. Solve the Druid problem and the latter will follow. But I take it to my understanding that you are a Druid main since you are defending the current absurd state of it.
And yes disruption is a thing but it’s irrelevant against Druid once he has ramped up and starts drawing unless as I said earlier you get extremely lucky. I have played over 30 games against Druid on ladder while at bronze to diamond 4 playing blood dk and frost burn dk guess how many out of those games I won? 2. Before you tell me I’m a bad player I keep track of my games and review them to see what I could have done differently to win and I couldn’t do anything differently because Druid is playing a single player game with himself with you as a spectator. It doesn’t matter what you do you will lose anyways unless you get extremely lucky and he gets extremely unlucky (very unlikely but possible). I take it you are a casual player who logs in the at start of every week to complete your quests with your Druid main in that case I understand your arguments.
Since Druid has no real weakness it forces the meta to be extremely toxic in order to compete. The only current way to beat a Druid that knows what he is doing (60+ Iq) is to play extremely toxic hyper Aggro rush decks such as miracle rouge and shockspitter hunter in order to end the game as quickly as possible.
Druid needs a complete overhaul or a major nerf. Druid has been a huge issue since Guff was printed allowing for broken card combinations which should have never existed.
Currently Druid has no real weakness in the past it had no removal or very limited removal as a drawback for its ramp. Now Druid has no real weakness and can do every single thing in the game better than any other class it just has to survive 3-4 rounds early game then it has won. Earthen scales is a huge problem which alters all your pervious effort useless scale of Onyxia is absolutely disgusting moonlight guidance is game breaking and to top it off if you have bad card draw you can just play aquatic form and get your desired card instantly.
Hof Guff, Earthen scales, scale of Onyxia and moonlight guidance or complete change how ramping works because we can’t have both its extremely boring to wait for a Druid play with himself in order to concede the game or get extremely lucky with disruption.
Actually I don't see Druid toxic , just because you can't beat a specific deck with your own deck doesn't mean his is toxic , and you don't have to play aggro to beat it , I played the deck and it's not that strong , also u can beat it with control dk easy
Please provide proof and sources on how you can beat it with control dk easy at higher ranks with a positive win rate against druid? Enlighten us all
Yes, Druid is toxic. It's only Druid and Rogue if you climb ladder D5 to legend as Rogue can make absurd 20+ weapon and 20+ stealth minion turn 6, but still more Druid.
I play this game since The Grand Tournament with occasional breaks from time to time, andI must say that there weren't that many times when Druid wasn't completely disgusting on ladder.
Since Druid has no real weakness it forces the meta to be extremely toxic in order to compete. The only current way to beat a Druid that knows what he is doing (60+ Iq) is to play extremely toxic hyper Aggro rush decks such as miracle rouge and shockspitter hunter in order to end the game as quickly as possible.
Druid needs a complete overhaul or a major nerf. Druid has been a huge issue since Guff was printed allowing for broken card combinations which should have never existed.
Currently Druid has no real weakness in the past it had no removal or very limited removal as a drawback for its ramp. Now Druid has no real weakness and can do every single thing in the game better than any other class it just has to survive 3-4 rounds early game then it has won. Earthen scales is a huge problem which alters all your pervious effort useless scale of Onyxia is absolutely disgusting moonlight guidance is game breaking and to top it off if you have bad card draw you can just play aquatic form and get your desired card instantly.
Hof Guff, Earthen scales, scale of Onyxia and moonlight guidance or complete change how ramping works because we can’t have both its extremely boring to wait for a Druid play with himself in order to concede the game or get extremely lucky with disruption.
Agree, Guff as a card should have never been printed. Basically gives druid 2 turns. For the rest of the game. At least before the patch druid would get around +20-30 armor. However, now it starts at +40 armor minimum. Don't remeber when druid was ever a bad class.
So, you have made these accounts to rant about a class you should just craft and win with? OOOOKKKKEEEYAY
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="440" height="400" style="-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;-webkit-transform: scale(1);" ></iframe>
So you're saying everyone should play Druid? OOOOKKKKEEEYAY
Hmm. You listed at least 2 decks (possibly more) that you state can beat this Druid deck that you are having a problem.
If that's true, then it must surely mean that the Hunter and Rogue decks are even worse, if they are that good and therefore more in need of a nerf than druid?
Besides which, there is so much disruption available (at least 4-5 cards now) that can ruin Druid's whole gameplan.
This and this and $this
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="440" height="400" style="-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;-webkit-transform: scale(1);" ></iframe>
nope, did not..just these two fam
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="440" height="400" style="-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;-webkit-transform: scale(1);" ></iframe>
^^100% correct on the disruption. Blood DK seems to be a fair matchup because of how devastating Mutanus, Theotar and Patchwerk are. However, disruption really feels bad and I would prefer it not be so ubiquitous, so maybe I somewhat agree with OP??
Let me show you guys what druid gets for literally not playing the game for 6 turns. Literally turn 1 2 3 and 4 he play only 1 card. And you can imagine the rest.
I play the game to have fun and yes to get to legend but there is a reason not everyone plays Druid to get free legend because it’s mind numbingly boring and easy.
I made this account because I was so fed up with this major issue to address it to increase the possibility of changes and bring more awareness (that is how you get stuff done in the world by doing something). I don’t know how that is a bad thing but you do you.
Actually I don't see Druid toxic , just because you can't beat a specific deck with your own deck doesn't mean his is toxic , and you don't have to play aggro to beat it , I played the deck and it's not that strong , also u can beat it with control dk easy
So because only 2 decks can potentially beat the most problematic deck ever it is not as bad as I stated? Do you understand your own logic? The meta is forced to be extremely toxic in order to compete against Druid. Solve the Druid problem and the latter will follow. But I take it to my understanding that you are a Druid main since you are defending the current absurd state of it.
And yes disruption is a thing but it’s irrelevant against Druid once he has ramped up and starts drawing unless as I said earlier you get extremely lucky. I have played over 30 games against Druid on ladder while at bronze to diamond 4 playing blood dk and frost burn dk guess how many out of those games I won? 2. Before you tell me I’m a bad player I keep track of my games and review them to see what I could have done differently to win and I couldn’t do anything differently because Druid is playing a single player game with himself with you as a spectator. It doesn’t matter what you do you will lose anyways unless you get extremely lucky and he gets extremely unlucky (very unlikely but possible). I take it you are a casual player who logs in the at start of every week to complete your quests with your Druid main in that case I understand your arguments.
Please provide proof and sources on how you can beat it with control dk easy at higher ranks with a positive win rate against druid? Enlighten us all
Better card draw than Warlock
More Armor than Warrior
Better ability to stall than Priest/Mage
Better board than Shaman/Hunter
More removal than Warlock/Priest
More cheat than any class
way too powerful in Standard
Bro, being apart of the problem isnt a solution. Particiapating in toxicity make you toxic as well.
Yes, Druid is toxic. It's only Druid and Rogue if you climb ladder D5 to legend as Rogue can make absurd 20+ weapon and 20+ stealth minion turn 6, but still more Druid.
been bricked by druids from D5 for the past 4 hours so yeah its not great
when druid was not toxic though
remember green men??
I play this game since The Grand Tournament with occasional breaks from time to time, andI must say that there weren't that many times when Druid wasn't completely disgusting on ladder.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!