This is not a bug. They usually add the next couple of months' card backs when they do a major patch. Similar to how upcoming hero portraits, BG cosmetics etc. is often added before they become available. All the new hero portraits from the MotLK battle pass is there too, and a new Malganis one we haven't seen before.
I just found new card backs for January, February, March and April pf 2023 in collection (see attachements)
Looks like bugfest is there once again. Fireside pack openings not working, new DK hero power could be discovered in wild and now this.
On the other hand, cardback for January looks very nice!
This is not a bug. They usually add the next couple of months' card backs when they do a major patch. Similar to how upcoming hero portraits, BG cosmetics etc. is often added before they become available. All the new hero portraits from the MotLK battle pass is there too, and a new Malganis one we haven't seen before.
well, i didnt know that. thanks for clearing that for me mate.