151 regular Packs and just 5 legendaries. Got a lot of epics but I'm really disappointed. Haven't played in 5 years and this expansion got me hyped again but yeah, no luck at all. At least in those 5 signature packs or what they are called I got a golden Svalna which looks halfway decent.
5 legendaries from 92 packs for me, 1 golden. Could be worse. I got a lot of golden cards. Dunno what the odds are for those, but I feel like I got a lot more of them than in previous xpacs.
Is two legendaries in 85 packs even possible? I got one in the first 10 and then proceeded to open 75+ and only got on additional legendary.
Unfortunately, yes. The pity timer is 40 packs so you can get 1 in the first 10, then hit 40 packs until you get the second one and then nothing again. So your third will be in the next 5 packs.
Almost there now, whether its Fireside Gathering or on the actual launch...
good luck everyone and may the odds always be in your favor!
Can u even open yet? Not working for me even in a FG
I got incredibly lucky this time.
10 legendaries, 2 of them being golden in the mega bundle. not that bad imo.
Pay to win!
151 regular Packs and just 5 legendaries. Got a lot of epics but I'm really disappointed. Haven't played in 5 years and this expansion got me hyped again but yeah, no luck at all. At least in those 5 signature packs or what they are called I got a golden Svalna which looks halfway decent.
5 legendaries from 92 packs for me, 1 golden. Could be worse. I got a lot of golden cards. Dunno what the odds are for those, but I feel like I got a lot more of them than in previous xpacs.
Is two legendaries in 85 packs even possible? I got one in the first 10 and then proceeded to open 75+ and only got on additional legendary.
Unfortunately, yes. The pity timer is 40 packs so you can get 1 in the first 10, then hit 40 packs until you get the second one and then nothing again. So your third will be in the next 5 packs.
Got 8 legenderies out of 89 packs. 1 golden, 2 signeture version,but now I have the normal and signeture version of the same warrior legendary.
11 legendaries from both bundles, my record so far
11 legendaries from both bundles and one of them is signature, one is mage minion that will be in golden so pretty good.
Bought both bundles 144 packs. 15 legendaries 2 were signature - rogue and warrior.
Opened a Legendary in pack #5, one in pack #17, and pack #18 had this:
And this in packs #25 and 31
I actually pulled the legendary I was most interested in on my second pack! Guess it saves dust.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
15 packs, 1 signature DH legendary I wish was dustable, and 1 DK legendary.
did you get tavern pass? because I buy it and I have nothing
And then I opened *one* Standard pack and got this:
Tavern Pass is extra progression rewards on the reward track,
Is this normal? o.O In one standard pack :)