Wondering if anyone has made any good decks with the DK's in them yet? I've seen a few decent looking control decks in the decks section, but wondering if there are any mid range decks or anything that run a DK?
I know we used to have a variety of Decks for Warlock back in FT that ran the DK (even Zoo) and would like to run something a bit faster than a 40 card Control deck.
Has anyone tried Running Gul'Dan in an Imp Deck or anything? I'm mainly wanting to complete the quest (need to play one 3 x) and don't want to get bogged down in long games with a control deck.
Can we complete the quests in friendly mode, as I might just do that.
Malfurion is great in ramp Druid. You never play him before guff, but he has a much better hero power once you’ve ramped up enough. Spreading plague is disgusting in ramp Druid, it’s the best deck right now.
I've tried a budget big spell mage w/ Jaina and also secret. NGL I like it more than Dawngrasp; more fun but the elementals can save a game. Could run both just for Dawngrasps battlecry.
Secret rarely reaches turn 9
Budget BSM was okay, full meta deck I imagine it'd be good still. Think I went 2-3 doing quest.
From what I've seen, the only DKs being played, as I predicted, are the hunter and shaman ones since the archetype they support were already meta.
Thanks... I have an Evolve Shaman saved (is this what you mean, or are there any more mid range, board based shaman decks, maybe a Murloc based one would work?) Also do you have an example of a Hunter deck, would it just slot into a standard big beast deck, maybe?
Malfurion is great in ramp Druid. You never play him before guff, but he has a much better hero power once you’ve ramped up enough. Spreading plague is disgusting in ramp Druid, it’s the best deck right now.
I do have a Ramp Deck saved that I got from here, I will test it out. Thanks.
I've tried a budget big spell mage w/ Jaina and also secret. NGL I like it more than Dawngrasp; more fun but the elementals can save a game. Could run both just for Dawngrasps battlecry.
Secret rarely reaches turn 9
Budget BSM was okay, full meta deck I imagine it'd be good still. Think I went 2-3 doing quest.
Thanks. I did want to try running jaina as Mage has a lot of Frost stuff currently as well. I will have to try it out.
Have you seen any ping/freeze decks running her yet?
Jaina would be great if the hero power from Varden carried over, unfortunately just wildfire does. The dream of control mage with neptulon and geddon isn’t going to cut it.
Uther + Jailor is quite strong; beat it by one horsemen. Rune casted objection and his Reno got burnt or that was an L. If it draws Order in the court early I imagine it's way stronger. I had no finishers drawn until jailor was played but Mordesh & Kel then that objection beat him down enough.
Uther + Jailor is quite strong; beat it by one horsemen. Rune casted objection and his Reno got burnt or that was an L. If it draws Order in the court early I imagine it's way stronger. I had no finishers drawn until jailor was played but Mordesh & Kel then that objection beat him down enough.
if you survive 5 turns after jailor is played aren't you winning anyways? i feel like the normal jailor variant with cariel is more consistent since it keeps you alive longer
Nice to see new decks shaking up the boring Standart Meta a bit.
I still feel like all you need to do is adding Defile to the already dominating Curse Implock list, and you'll still be upwards 60% Tier S, as no other deck even touches it right now.
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Wondering if anyone has made any good decks with the DK's in them yet? I've seen a few decent looking control decks in the decks section, but wondering if there are any mid range decks or anything that run a DK?
I know we used to have a variety of Decks for Warlock back in FT that ran the DK (even Zoo) and would like to run something a bit faster than a 40 card Control deck.
Has anyone tried Running Gul'Dan in an Imp Deck or anything? I'm mainly wanting to complete the quest (need to play one 3 x) and don't want to get bogged down in long games with a control deck.
Can we complete the quests in friendly mode, as I might just do that.
From what I've seen, the only DKs being played, as I predicted, are the hunter and shaman ones since the archetype they support were already meta.
Malfurion is great in ramp Druid. You never play him before guff, but he has a much better hero power once you’ve ramped up enough. Spreading plague is disgusting in ramp Druid, it’s the best deck right now.
I've tried a budget big spell mage w/ Jaina and also secret. NGL I like it more than Dawngrasp; more fun but the elementals can save a game. Could run both just for Dawngrasps battlecry.
Secret rarely reaches turn 9
Budget BSM was okay, full meta deck I imagine it'd be good still. Think I went 2-3 doing quest.
Thanks... I have an Evolve Shaman saved (is this what you mean, or are there any more mid range, board based shaman decks, maybe a Murloc based one would work?) Also do you have an example of a Hunter deck, would it just slot into a standard big beast deck, maybe?
I do have a Ramp Deck saved that I got from here, I will test it out. Thanks.
Thanks. I did want to try running jaina as Mage has a lot of Frost stuff currently as well. I will have to try it out.
Have you seen any ping/freeze decks running her yet?
I think Frost Lich Jaina has some potential still.
Jaina would be great if the hero power from Varden carried over, unfortunately just wildfire does. The dream of control mage with neptulon and geddon isn’t going to cut it.
I might have found one, probably not, but I guess I'll never know cause the deckbuilder is bugged.
Uther + Jailor is quite strong; beat it by one horsemen. Rune casted objection and his Reno got burnt or that was an L. If it draws Order in the court early I imagine it's way stronger. I had no finishers drawn until jailor was played but Mordesh & Kel then that objection beat him down enough.
if you survive 5 turns after jailor is played aren't you winning anyways? i feel like the normal jailor variant with cariel is more consistent since it keeps you alive longer
This guy went hardcore healing over the usual early - mid game minions and was negating fatigue easily + Reno, he coulda lived 10 turns lol.
Nice to see new decks shaking up the boring Standart Meta a bit.
I still feel like all you need to do is adding Defile to the already dominating Curse Implock list, and you'll still be upwards 60% Tier S, as no other deck even touches it right now.