Feeling a little bored after reaching legend in Wild for the n-th time I have decided to try Standard. O M G guys. I can't believe how anyone could play this format. After a hundred games or so, I feel like every single game comes down to who can play the biggest Sir Denatharius first. The games are so long that I can feel my beard grow. No crazy combos, nothing. Oh, and I feel really sorry for people with no star multiplier bonus...
See you all in Wild. Don't waste your life playing standard :)
i play it when i get bored of wild for a change of pace. but i do agree, i feel gross sometimes when i play standard any time after i hit legend in wild. Atleast there is a huge variety of match ups in wild vs standard. And while yes there are some games that are big priest, its not as rampant as many try to make it out to be.
just seems like standard is basically every deck has the same win condition at the end of the match that is waiting to power it up for the win and thats it. Even the big tournaments for hearthstone standard has become boring with their matches up that i can only watch them for 30 mins before i turn it off due to the same decks being played with the same win conditions every match. Which is basically 1 card.
I find it funny when wild players call standard gross. Like, you start summoning Neptulon every turn from turn 4 as priest, you get infinite mana by turn 7 as druid, and you get a monster board by turn 3 as any aggro deck. How is standard even close to this?
The point is that Standard has the same decks with the same win-con. Yes those powerful things like Neptulon and crazy druid stuff happens in wild, along with lot of other extremely powerful decks. Standard is gross because it's boring and ubiquitous . Wild has multiple viable archetypes for all the classes, except for DH and Warrior atm :( You can play so many different decks and rank up on ladder. Shit will obviously get very hard at diamond 5 up to legend.
See you all in Wild life. Don't waste your life playing standardHearthstone :)
Fixed your typo(s) here
Nah, think I'am good. I'll rather play in a meta where Priest isn't horrific. and scrap by carrying my 55%'ish winrate through. at least Standart (while boring) is consistent, since you can track your matchups stats reliably, as they will differ much less frequently.
To each their own. I prefer Standard precisely because there are fewer crazy combos and less interaction. Though I will say that I miss Dirty Rat and the ability to play true control decks.
Playing Standard after starting to play Wild 4 months ago is a massive snoozefest. If I didn't make the switch I probably would've quit the game a while ago, there isn't shit to play on Standard.
I find it funny when wild players call standard gross. Like, you start summoning Neptulon every turn from turn 4 as priest, you get infinite mana by turn 7 as druid, and you get a monster board by turn 3 as any aggro deck. How is standard even close to this?
Druid is the furthest thing from being a problem in Wild, all of the top Aggro decks are great but there's so much efficient control in Wild that Control decks can trump them almost every time. The only issue is the highrolling in Priest and Mage having infinite turns, which wouldn't be an issue if they actually cared about the format and gave it Wild-modified versions of Standard cards instead of banning them.
A Big Priest that doesn't highroll is usually dogshit and a Quest Mage that gets both Parrots disrupted, aggro'd (w/ Secret disruption), or sometimes Curse of Agony'd is in the mud. But yeah, you shouldn't have to run strictly control and disruption just to even have a chance of winning.
I find it funny when wild players call standard gross. Like, you start summoning Neptulon every turn from turn 4 as priest, you get infinite mana by turn 7 as druid, and you get a monster board by turn 3 as any aggro deck. How is standard even close to this?
I find it funny when people don't understand what the OP is saying. He didn't say that at all. I'll repeat it, maybe this time you'll get it: he said games are loooong, booooring and liniar, coming down to just who kills their opponent with Denathrius. Exactly the opposite of what you mentioned about wild.
I find it funny when wild players call standard gross. Like, you start summoning Neptulon every turn from turn 4 as priest, you get infinite mana by turn 7 as druid, and you get a monster board by turn 3 as any aggro deck. How is standard even close to this?
who said standard is close to this? OP said it is exactly the opposite of those same boring standard games.
so what priests summon Neptulon every turn? he gets compeltely wrecked by good control and extremely aggro decks.
infinite mana by T7 as druid? when did you play wild last time? I encounter druid once every 30 games in wild and he is usually garbage against my control/otk decks
monster board T3 as any aggro deck? you also have heavy board clears as any control deck. In fact, aggro seems the least useful in wild at the moment (in my experience of course) - except shaman
I was looking to complete some quests last evening, as I already hit legend in wild I went on and tried to see what decks I could come up in standard... it felt so weird to have such a limited card pool, and possible strategies to build, that I went back to wild and made an infinite Azsharan Sentinel rogue to do my quests. Right after that, I made a Quest-Jade-Elemental-Murloc shaman for a different quest.
Granted both decks performed poorly in ranked, they still managed to get a few wins and were a good change of pace (I rank up with quest otk shaman or control warlock).
I can not go back to standard, honestly. It would feel too limiting, and boring. Even though wild is more collection-dependant, the matchups are alot more polarized, and the games can be very highrolly, it still feels like the most engaging format to me.
I can not go back to standard, honestly. It would feel too limiting, and boring. Even though wild is more collection-dependant, the matchups are alot more polarized, and the games can be very highrolly, it still feels like the most engaging format to me.
to be honest wild is indeed more expensive as you start playing. but once you get to a few completed decks, it actually gets cheaper than standard because you would definitely use less cards from each expansion as they come up.
granted you would have to craft other old cards that synergize well now, but it still gets cheaper as time goes by
I can not go back to standard, honestly. It would feel too limiting, and boring. Even though wild is more collection-dependant, the matchups are alot more polarized, and the games can be very highrolly, it still feels like the most engaging format to me.
to be honest wild is indeed more expensive as you start playing. but once you get to a few completed decks, it actually gets cheaper than standard because you would definitely use less cards from each expansion as they come up.
granted you would have to craft other old cards that synergize well now, but it still gets cheaper as time goes by
I admit I never felt the issue that strongly, considering that I play from release, I still have my first original Loatheb, Mountain Giants since the days of the very first handlock. Sometimes I play arena burning free tickets, sometimes I buy packs with gold, sometimes with money.
But for a new player, it could be indeed quite expensive to get into wild. Yet it also seems that the standard legendaries are a must have to be competitive, since the pool is so small, the deck gets alot weaker when you replace a card with a placeholder. In wild, there are more rares and commons to choose from that will fit, which is why Reno decks are so much stronger in wild I think.
There are some really good decks out there: Even Shaman, Pirate Rogue, Quest Mage, Reno Priest, Big Priest, Beast Hunter, Curse Warlock.
I'll add pillager Rogue, Quest frog Shaman, Quest Shudderwock Shaman, OTK priest, Celestial Druid, togwaggle Druid, enrage handbuff Warrior, aggro shadow Priest, quest shard Priest, disruption Warlock, giant windfury Warlock, renathal pirate Warrior, seed Hunter, quest Hunter, relic DH, are some other decks that can be successful on the ladder.
All can be susceptible to their counters obviously, and some are better than others, but it's fun to see these decks. I never lost an OTK shaman mirror (my build is the best and I'm the best at it :P ), but I admit I don't see alot of them.
I prefer wild, only because I can climb more consistently, whereas in standard the games feel like a real crap-shot.
I made legend in both formats this month, and Wild was by far the easier. I used Pirate Rogue, but there are a number of well-established decks that you will climb consistently with. However with standard, I had some massive swings, the worst was losing 5 games in a row on Diamond 1. I had to change decks 3 times to finally get across the line. I feel like standard has a higher penalty for who you get matched up with.
For example, in Wild as Pirate Rogue, there isn't any deck that I feel that it is an auto loss. Matches like Even Shaman can be a coin flip, but I never feel like it's completely one-sided. Another common match is Big Priest, and again they can be beaten, depending on how early they are able to play Shadow Essence.
However in Standard, if you are, for example, Ramp Druid and you face Aggro Druid, you might as well concede. Or if you are Imp Lock and you come across Wig Priest, you are in for a rough match. I feel that every deck in Standard feels like that, and that's before you even consider cards like Theotar, the Mad Duke. It just feels much harder to have a consistent climb.
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Feeling a little bored after reaching legend in Wild for the n-th time I have decided to try Standard. O M G guys. I can't believe how anyone could play this format. After a hundred games or so, I feel like every single game comes down to who can play the biggest Sir Denatharius first. The games are so long that I can feel my beard grow. No crazy combos, nothing. Oh, and I feel really sorry for people with no star multiplier bonus...
See you all in Wild. Don't waste your life playing standard :)
I find the deck very boring in standard that's why i'm in wild :)
i play it when i get bored of wild for a change of pace. but i do agree, i feel gross sometimes when i play standard any time after i hit legend in wild. Atleast there is a huge variety of match ups in wild vs standard. And while yes there are some games that are big priest, its not as rampant as many try to make it out to be.
just seems like standard is basically every deck has the same win condition at the end of the match that is waiting to power it up for the win and thats it. Even the big tournaments for hearthstone standard has become boring with their matches up that i can only watch them for 30 mins before i turn it off due to the same decks being played with the same win conditions every match. Which is basically 1 card.
I find it funny when wild players call standard gross. Like, you start summoning Neptulon every turn from turn 4 as priest, you get infinite mana by turn 7 as druid, and you get a monster board by turn 3 as any aggro deck. How is standard even close to this?
The point is that Standard has the same decks with the same win-con. Yes those powerful things like Neptulon and crazy druid stuff happens in wild, along with lot of other extremely powerful decks. Standard is gross because it's boring and ubiquitous . Wild has multiple viable archetypes for all the classes, except for DH and Warrior atm :( You can play so many different decks and rank up on ladder. Shit will obviously get very hard at diamond 5 up to legend.
Nah, think I'am good. I'll rather play in a meta where Priest isn't horrific. and scrap by carrying my 55%'ish winrate through. at least Standart (while boring) is consistent, since you can track your matchups stats reliably, as they will differ much less frequently.
To each their own. I prefer Standard precisely because there are fewer crazy combos and less interaction. Though I will say that I miss Dirty Rat and the ability to play true control decks.
Playing Standard after starting to play Wild 4 months ago is a massive snoozefest. If I didn't make the switch I probably would've quit the game a while ago, there isn't shit to play on Standard.
Druid is the furthest thing from being a problem in Wild, all of the top Aggro decks are great but there's so much efficient control in Wild that Control decks can trump them almost every time. The only issue is the highrolling in Priest and Mage having infinite turns, which wouldn't be an issue if they actually cared about the format and gave it Wild-modified versions of Standard cards instead of banning them.
A Big Priest that doesn't highroll is usually dogshit and a Quest Mage that gets both Parrots disrupted, aggro'd (w/ Secret disruption), or sometimes Curse of Agony'd is in the mud. But yeah, you shouldn't have to run strictly control and disruption just to even have a chance of winning.
I find it funny when people don't understand what the OP is saying. He didn't say that at all. I'll repeat it, maybe this time you'll get it: he said games are loooong, booooring and liniar, coming down to just who kills their opponent with Denathrius. Exactly the opposite of what you mentioned about wild.
who said standard is close to this? OP said it is exactly the opposite of those same boring standard games.
so what priests summon Neptulon every turn? he gets compeltely wrecked by good control and extremely aggro decks.
infinite mana by T7 as druid? when did you play wild last time? I encounter druid once every 30 games in wild and he is usually garbage against my control/otk decks
monster board T3 as any aggro deck? you also have heavy board clears as any control deck. In fact, aggro seems the least useful in wild at the moment (in my experience of course) - except shaman
I was looking to complete some quests last evening, as I already hit legend in wild I went on and tried to see what decks I could come up in standard... it felt so weird to have such a limited card pool, and possible strategies to build, that I went back to wild and made an infinite Azsharan Sentinel rogue to do my quests. Right after that, I made a Quest-Jade-Elemental-Murloc shaman for a different quest.
Granted both decks performed poorly in ranked, they still managed to get a few wins and were a good change of pace (I rank up with quest otk shaman or control warlock).
I can not go back to standard, honestly. It would feel too limiting, and boring. Even though wild is more collection-dependant, the matchups are alot more polarized, and the games can be very highrolly, it still feels like the most engaging format to me.
My comments refer mostly to the wild format.
to be honest wild is indeed more expensive as you start playing. but once you get to a few completed decks, it actually gets cheaper than standard because you would definitely use less cards from each expansion as they come up.
granted you would have to craft other old cards that synergize well now, but it still gets cheaper as time goes by
I admit I never felt the issue that strongly, considering that I play from release, I still have my first original Loatheb, Mountain Giants since the days of the very first handlock. Sometimes I play arena burning free tickets, sometimes I buy packs with gold, sometimes with money.
But for a new player, it could be indeed quite expensive to get into wild. Yet it also seems that the standard legendaries are a must have to be competitive, since the pool is so small, the deck gets alot weaker when you replace a card with a placeholder. In wild, there are more rares and commons to choose from that will fit, which is why Reno decks are so much stronger in wild I think.
My comments refer mostly to the wild format.
Guys what’s the best 2 decks In wild?im thinking about switching…standard is getting really boring
There are some really good decks out there: Even Shaman, Pirate Rogue, Quest Mage, Reno Priest, Big Priest, Beast Hunter, Curse Warlock.
There's no best, it's really rock paper scissor tbh. Unless turn 3 Neptulon, that usually beats everything.
I'll add pillager Rogue, Quest frog Shaman, Quest Shudderwock Shaman, OTK priest, Celestial Druid, togwaggle Druid, enrage handbuff Warrior, aggro shadow Priest, quest shard Priest, disruption Warlock, giant windfury Warlock, renathal pirate Warrior, seed Hunter, quest Hunter, relic DH, are some other decks that can be successful on the ladder.
All can be susceptible to their counters obviously, and some are better than others, but it's fun to see these decks. I never lost an OTK shaman mirror (my build is the best and I'm the best at it :P ), but I admit I don't see alot of them.
My comments refer mostly to the wild format.
I don't know about boring but I find it much easier to climb in Wild than Standard.
I prefer wild, only because I can climb more consistently, whereas in standard the games feel like a real crap-shot.
I made legend in both formats this month, and Wild was by far the easier. I used Pirate Rogue, but there are a number of well-established decks that you will climb consistently with. However with standard, I had some massive swings, the worst was losing 5 games in a row on Diamond 1. I had to change decks 3 times to finally get across the line. I feel like standard has a higher penalty for who you get matched up with.
For example, in Wild as Pirate Rogue, there isn't any deck that I feel that it is an auto loss. Matches like Even Shaman can be a coin flip, but I never feel like it's completely one-sided. Another common match is Big Priest, and again they can be beaten, depending on how early they are able to play Shadow Essence.
However in Standard, if you are, for example, Ramp Druid and you face Aggro Druid, you might as well concede. Or if you are Imp Lock and you come across Wig Priest, you are in for a rough match. I feel that every deck in Standard feels like that, and that's before you even consider cards like Theotar, the Mad Duke. It just feels much harder to have a consistent climb.