Kibler has truly come full circle. I met him in or around 2001 at the Junior Super Series (Magic the Gathering tournament) where he was signing cards and playing exhibition games before the US Nationals tournament kicked off. At that time, he was coming off a US National Team appearance at Worlds and was deadly serious about game preparation and the decks he was playing.
Obviously, there was no streaming presence back then, so there was no opportunity to make a living off of anything except wins and high money finishes, so there was far less of the "let's play with crazy decks and have fun" mentality. Nevertheless, he was a consistent contributor to the fledgling internet community of CCGs, and I followed him off and on until the beginning of Twitch and the launch of Hearthstone. I would go so far as to say the only reason I gave Hearthstone a shot in the Beta was that Kibler had signed on.
As I stare 40 in the face, I have to admit, being a kid in the 90s and watching the whole growth of the internet space as it pertained to games of all sorts was a hell of a ride. It's hard for the younger folks to relate to the utter glee some of us feel as titles like Wolfenstein, DOOM, and Mortal Kombat get dusted off and reintroduced to the gaming world. Part of the reason I hang out on Kibler's stream is to bask in such nostalgia.
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Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
What’s fun? Is winning fun? Is playing a deck that fits your play style but loses constantly fun? I don’t have fun playing aggro Druid, despite high win rates. I tried this deck and I love priest, but it isn’t fun to lose 70% of games.
This deck needs a lot of work and I’m highly suspicious of the dragon package. Operative is great, but you need to run more dragons for it to work. Lightmaw netherdrake is also a great card if you have enough light and dark spells. I don’t really like amalgams for the sake of having more of one minion type. Twilight drake is decent here because you will have a lot of cards, but it’s still underwhelming. Kazakusan isn’t good here and doesn’t fit the strategy. Kaz hasn’t ever been great outside of Druid, even in priest which I desperately wanted to be good, and warrior sometimes being able to discount and dredge scam treasures.
I think Drakonid Operative isn’t enough to justify the dragon package. This deck feels like it’s almost there, but there just isn’t enough good steal and stall/survive tools to push it over the top. I think it will also work better as a 30 card deck, but not running renathal now is like voluntarily eating a turn 1 pyroblast.
No one ever said this was a top-tier deck, so I don't know why everyone is pointing out that it's not. We all have access to hsreplay, so there are no surprises there. But good players can win with meme decks, so why not play what's fun?
If you have to rely on an OP deck to eke out wins, there's nothing wrong with that, but don't act like a better player is crazy for not playing the most overused meta deck.
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"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
What’s fun? Is winning fun? Is playing a deck that fits your play style but loses constantly fun? I don’t have fun playing aggro Druid, despite high win rates. I tried this deck and I love priest, but it isn’t fun to lose 70% of games.
This deck needs a lot of work and I’m highly suspicious of the dragon package. Operative is great, but you need to run more dragons for it to work. Lightmaw netherdrake is also a great card if you have enough light and dark spells. I don’t really like amalgams for the sake of having more of one minion type. Twilight drake is decent here because you will have a lot of cards, but it’s still underwhelming. Kazakusan isn’t good here and doesn’t fit the strategy. Kaz hasn’t ever been great outside of Druid, even in priest which I desperately wanted to be good, and warrior sometimes being able to discount and dredge scam treasures.
I think Drakonid Operative isn’t enough to justify the dragon package. This deck feels like it’s almost there, but there just isn’t enough good steal and stall/survive tools to push it over the top. I think it will also work better as a 30 card deck, but not running renathal now is like voluntarily eating a turn 1 pyroblast.
I've seen more luck with shadow/thief priest TBH, but Kibbler just likes dragons which is why he was running them I think.
I've also seen many versions of Thief priests this expansion, so there is definitely some stuff that works as a core package. in terms of a refined list though, I don't think such a thing exists right now. Everyone I've seen play Thief priest runs it differently, no versions have caught on as it's not even recognised on tier lists, it's a very niche archetype (hipster deck/meme deck or whatever)
I do love finding niche decks I can win with though, it means you win more as no one knows what is going on when they play you. cards coming out of total leftfield that they didn't expect. I'm finding a lot of success playing mid range hunter decks right now for this reason, I keep changing my deck so there is always new combos coming out (I know it's actually technically a tier 2 deck, but you can run so many different cards in the archetype that it can be hard for the opponent to anticipate your moves... I think some see this as a bad thing though, and want uniformity)
To me fun in this game depends on my goal. if I am wanting to win I want to cut down on RNG as much as possible and be able to have control over what I'm doing... If we're talking just messing around and the outcome does not matter, I actually like decks with absurd RNG like thief decks, evolve decks etc and OTK's (to a lesser degree, I am not so good at OTK's until I play a lot of games with a deck, so often become frustrated and give up)
I mainly play my Hunter decks to win games, but I will play Shaman decks to have fun currently (although both paths are obviously fun in their own right) I've always liked Evolve Shaman, I hear I just missed out on it being a top tier deck as well, but was nerfed...
Maybe after these next batch of nerfs, my Shaman deck can do better again... Then again, I probably just need to learn to play the deck properly.
Deck is definetly viable in the top legend bracket, Bunnyhoppor hit rank 1# with the deckversion from Glory, I myself got to top 20# legend with it. You just need to realise that you don't have a true win condition by yourself, you rather try to steal or interrupt the win condition from your opponent. With that mindset you get quite far with this deck and can also find (probably) joy in those long games. True pain starts when you face quest priest, almost chanceless there, or hit the mirror matchup, where games take almost an hour and it ends in a draw cause you both hit the limit of maximum turns.
Deck is definetly viable in the top legend bracket, Bunnyhoppor hit rank 1# with the deckversion from Glory, I myself got to top 20# legend with it. You just need to realise that you don't have a true win condition by yourself, you rather try to steal or interrupt the win condition from your opponent. With that mindset you get quite far with this deck and can also find (probably) joy in those long games. True pain starts when you face quest priest, almost chanceless there, or hit the mirror matchup, where games take almost an hour and it ends in a draw cause you both hit the limit of maximum turns.
Yeah dude, it's became incredibly popular over the last week as well. everyone and their Grandma are playing this style of priest deck now.
Also Kibler has revised his version and took out the Dragon package. He did a video on it yesterday.
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Its just a fun deck guys, Kibler always plays off meta decks
Fun deck, but I'm currently 0-5 with it, so can't say it's good
Kibler has truly come full circle. I met him in or around 2001 at the Junior Super Series (Magic the Gathering tournament) where he was signing cards and playing exhibition games before the US Nationals tournament kicked off. At that time, he was coming off a US National Team appearance at Worlds and was deadly serious about game preparation and the decks he was playing.
Obviously, there was no streaming presence back then, so there was no opportunity to make a living off of anything except wins and high money finishes, so there was far less of the "let's play with crazy decks and have fun" mentality. Nevertheless, he was a consistent contributor to the fledgling internet community of CCGs, and I followed him off and on until the beginning of Twitch and the launch of Hearthstone. I would go so far as to say the only reason I gave Hearthstone a shot in the Beta was that Kibler had signed on.
As I stare 40 in the face, I have to admit, being a kid in the 90s and watching the whole growth of the internet space as it pertained to games of all sorts was a hell of a ride. It's hard for the younger folks to relate to the utter glee some of us feel as titles like Wolfenstein, DOOM, and Mortal Kombat get dusted off and reintroduced to the gaming world. Part of the reason I hang out on Kibler's stream is to bask in such nostalgia.
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
What’s fun? Is winning fun? Is playing a deck that fits your play style but loses constantly fun? I don’t have fun playing aggro Druid, despite high win rates. I tried this deck and I love priest, but it isn’t fun to lose 70% of games.
This deck needs a lot of work and I’m highly suspicious of the dragon package. Operative is great, but you need to run more dragons for it to work. Lightmaw netherdrake is also a great card if you have enough light and dark spells. I don’t really like amalgams for the sake of having more of one minion type. Twilight drake is decent here because you will have a lot of cards, but it’s still underwhelming. Kazakusan isn’t good here and doesn’t fit the strategy. Kaz hasn’t ever been great outside of Druid, even in priest which I desperately wanted to be good, and warrior sometimes being able to discount and dredge scam treasures.
I think Drakonid Operative isn’t enough to justify the dragon package. This deck feels like it’s almost there, but there just isn’t enough good steal and stall/survive tools to push it over the top. I think it will also work better as a 30 card deck, but not running renathal now is like voluntarily eating a turn 1 pyroblast.
No one ever said this was a top-tier deck, so I don't know why everyone is pointing out that it's not. We all have access to hsreplay, so there are no surprises there. But good players can win with meme decks, so why not play what's fun?
If you have to rely on an OP deck to eke out wins, there's nothing wrong with that, but don't act like a better player is crazy for not playing the most overused meta deck.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
I've seen more luck with shadow/thief priest TBH, but Kibbler just likes dragons which is why he was running them I think.
I've also seen many versions of Thief priests this expansion, so there is definitely some stuff that works as a core package. in terms of a refined list though, I don't think such a thing exists right now. Everyone I've seen play Thief priest runs it differently, no versions have caught on as it's not even recognised on tier lists, it's a very niche archetype (hipster deck/meme deck or whatever)
I do love finding niche decks I can win with though, it means you win more as no one knows what is going on when they play you. cards coming out of total leftfield that they didn't expect. I'm finding a lot of success playing mid range hunter decks right now for this reason, I keep changing my deck so there is always new combos coming out (I know it's actually technically a tier 2 deck, but you can run so many different cards in the archetype that it can be hard for the opponent to anticipate your moves... I think some see this as a bad thing though, and want uniformity)
To me fun in this game depends on my goal. if I am wanting to win I want to cut down on RNG as much as possible and be able to have control over what I'm doing... If we're talking just messing around and the outcome does not matter, I actually like decks with absurd RNG like thief decks, evolve decks etc and OTK's (to a lesser degree, I am not so good at OTK's until I play a lot of games with a deck, so often become frustrated and give up)
I mainly play my Hunter decks to win games, but I will play Shaman decks to have fun currently (although both paths are obviously fun in their own right) I've always liked Evolve Shaman, I hear I just missed out on it being a top tier deck as well, but was nerfed...
Maybe after these next batch of nerfs, my Shaman deck can do better again... Then again, I probably just need to learn to play the deck properly.
Just reached 256 legend with this deck....u need to learn this deck.
Deck is definetly viable in the top legend bracket, Bunnyhoppor hit rank 1# with the deckversion from Glory, I myself got to top 20# legend with it. You just need to realise that you don't have a true win condition by yourself, you rather try to steal or interrupt the win condition from your opponent. With that mindset you get quite far with this deck and can also find (probably) joy in those long games. True pain starts when you face quest priest, almost chanceless there, or hit the mirror matchup, where games take almost an hour and it ends in a draw cause you both hit the limit of maximum turns.
Yeah dude, it's became incredibly popular over the last week as well. everyone and their Grandma are playing this style of priest deck now.
Also Kibler has revised his version and took out the Dragon package. He did a video on it yesterday.