For me personally it depense on what deck I play. but overall way to many mages and a mix between ramp and aggro druid.
it's rather dull to face the same decks over and over again, mostly because I like to do janky stuff and get some achievements done along the way. It has never been harder than it is now to come up with you own off meta decks and not get completly smashed to pieces over and over again.
I was never the meta-grinder guy. Instead if copying the best possible decks, I played only those that gave me fun and I am not regrettng it. I will never be a HS professional tournament player and never really wanted to become one. I treat games as my time to relax and clear my mind. If some decks are just too unbalanced then I go away. That's why I left Hearthstone awhile ago and returned only for Battlegrounds.
Lots of Mages, which I actually don't mind. (as a Quest Hunter xD)
Implock is still beyond disturbing, but it's the only deck I consistently lose to.
Aggro Druid need good drawing, or they'll just run out of Gas after Explosive Trap.
Daddy D Druid is way more annoying, whenever they Highroll you can just watch along when things become "Moviestone".
Rogue you can also not win when they Highroll their stupid Miracle sequence with a 19-3 weapon.
Huntard Mirror is 50-50
Rest should be favorable with Quest Hunter.
What's awesome is Quest Priest beats the lot. Easy climb. High WR. So why do people not play it more?
Same reason as OP stated lots of agro. It's the beginning of the month and Quest priest is 15 minutes games on the short side. Often reaching full draw of 40 cards. Ouch!
But I'm having fun with an over 70% wr!
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What is the class that is infesting ladder now? Share your thoughts. I am seeing alot of aggro druid lately.
For me personally it depense on what deck I play. but overall way to many mages and a mix between ramp and aggro druid.
it's rather dull to face the same decks over and over again, mostly because I like to do janky stuff and get some achievements done along the way. It has never been harder than it is now to come up with you own off meta decks and not get completly smashed to pieces over and over again.
Agreed, i would personally prefer to have fun laddering with decks i enjoy.
I was never the meta-grinder guy. Instead if copying the best possible decks, I played only those that gave me fun and I am not regrettng it. I will never be a HS professional tournament player and never really wanted to become one. I treat games as my time to relax and clear my mind. If some decks are just too unbalanced then I go away. That's why I left Hearthstone awhile ago and returned only for Battlegrounds.
Yes, same old meta deck opponents game after game is very taxing.
Lots of Mages, which I actually don't mind. (as a Quest Hunter xD)
Implock is still beyond disturbing, but it's the only deck I consistently lose to.
Aggro Druid need good drawing, or they'll just run out of Gas after Explosive Trap.
Daddy D Druid is way more annoying, whenever they Highroll you can just watch along when things become "Moviestone".
Rogue you can also not win when they Highroll their stupid Miracle sequence with a 19-3 weapon.
Huntard Mirror is 50-50
Rest should be favorable with Quest Hunter.
Yes, besides the annoying meta decks most importantly is to be able to enjoy your deck.
Barely playing rto do my quests at the moment, I face mainly mages which I rock as implock, but usually loae to as demon hunter
whatever deck you are playing's hard counter
What's awesome is Quest Priest beats the lot. Easy climb. High WR. So why do people not play it more?
Same reason as OP stated lots of agro. It's the beginning of the month and Quest priest is 15 minutes games on the short side. Often reaching full draw of 40 cards. Ouch!
But I'm having fun with an over 70% wr!