It's the most pathetic, elementary coding/programming of "RNG" product probably ever.
Every game it's either the User or the Opponent getting EVERYTHING they need to respond and beat their opponent.
This game isn't random they are pre-plugged games, especially if you're on a win streak the game looks to stop that asap.
When you throw a box of crayons in the air, the Mona Lisa doesn't show up on the sidewalk... but in Hearthstone shite-digital-RNG realm, it happens almost every game.
It's freaking terrible, it's why your game always drops in the app store every year. Why you make less profits every year... ITS NOT THE CARDS AS MUCH AS IT IS THE CRAPPY CODING FOR YOUR "RNG" PRODUCT THE GAME RELIES ON TO APPARENTLY FUNCTION.
past RNG is not determined of future results... you can constantly get screwed on RNG i know cuz i did 30 RUNS in the taverns of time NO MAGE the moment i got mage i got 12 wins EZ
and i'm not even BSing cuz i streamed 30 straight runs over a few weeks :) so i counted and the proof is there
More importantly, why do you play with your wallet? Go to a psychologist and ask him to help you stop hurting yourself by playing this and by spending money in it.
There are so many good games out there, old and new...
especially if you're on a win streak the game looks to stop that asap.
The only thing in your face is your lack of understanding and bias of "getting EVERYTHING they need to respond and beat their opponent". I mean, yes the game ends with one side beating the other.
Also when you are on a win streak your MMR goes up and you will face stronger and stronger opponents to match your skill level. That isn't to "stop" you but to keep equal (MMR) matches. It just happens that after a few games into a streak, your opponent will be stronger than you and you lose.
Use the deck tracker to record 20 games and show us where this happens every game - or wait for 3nnui to tell you about the patent and how the goal of this rigging is to make you spend more money or something.
Of course you are going to lose when you are on a winning streak. Not to would be more of a statistical anomaly. Let's do some bad statistics while assuming you have 75% win rate. That's 1 loss in four games. Even three wins in a row starts to feel like an outlier when you think of it like that and most decks have much less of a win rate then that.
People made this complaint about Spotify's song shuffle.
Now the app preprogrammes (very poorly) the "random" shuffled songs, to make people THINK that each song is being played more equally. It didnt work, and sometimes it plays the same song twice or thrice in a row because it gets confused. I hope Activision never take people like you seriously.
especially if you're on a win streak the game looks to stop that asap.
The only thing in your face is your lack of understanding and bias of "getting EVERYTHING they need to respond and beat their opponent". I mean, yes the game ends with one side beating the other.
Also when you are on a win streak your MMR goes up and you will face stronger and stronger opponents to match your skill level. That isn't to "stop" you but to keep equal (MMR) matches. It just happens that after a few games into a streak, your opponent will be stronger than you and you lose.
Use the deck tracker to record 20 games and show us where this happens every game - or wait for 3nnui to tell you about the patent and how the goal of this rigging is to make you spend more money or something.
I'm always glad to find your voice of reason in these threads so i don't have to write the stuff myself.
I'm always glad to find your voice of reason in these threads so i don't have to write the stuff myself.
It's not like I don't understand people: they win a game, then another and a third. They are on a roll! Then they get omega clapped in the next game. How can that be?! They played the same as before and that has worked for three games! Now the opponent had that AoE to clear the board right after you dumped your hand, the removal when you got to buff your big minion, the life gain when you run out of damage.
Since this didn't happen before, there must be something going on: the players didn't change, right? (wrong) So it must be the game that wants you to stop winning.
The fourth opponent did change. As did the second and the third. Just that you didn't notice it for the second and third because their game decisions weren't good enough to beat you. The fourth did make decisions that were good enough: he greeded on the AoE, held the removal for longer or went for tempo earlier which led to your loss.
And RNG does play a role and we have all seen and experienced the Trolden moments where players get the perfect top deck - but there are more active decisions involved that affect the outcome of a game. It's just easier to not look at your own impact and blame it on RNG instead.
One thing I will never understand is if you don't like the game then stop playing it. Why come to a forum specifically built for the game itself and cry about things you don't like. Just stop no one is making you play a game... also if you're getting this upset take a deep breath remember... its a video game....
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It's so bad.
It's so in your face.
It's the most pathetic, elementary coding/programming of "RNG" product probably ever.
Every game it's either the User or the Opponent getting EVERYTHING they need to respond and beat their opponent.
This game isn't random they are pre-plugged games, especially if you're on a win streak the game looks to stop that asap.
When you throw a box of crayons in the air, the Mona Lisa doesn't show up on the sidewalk... but in Hearthstone shite-digital-RNG realm, it happens almost every game.
It's freaking terrible, it's why your game always drops in the app store every year. Why you make less profits every year... ITS NOT THE CARDS AS MUCH AS IT IS THE CRAPPY CODING FOR YOUR "RNG" PRODUCT THE GAME RELIES ON TO APPARENTLY FUNCTION.
this is the perfect game of clownism
gamblers falacy
past RNG is not determined of future results... you can constantly get screwed on RNG i know cuz i did 30 RUNS in the taverns of time NO MAGE the moment i got mage i got 12 wins EZ
and i'm not even BSing cuz i streamed 30 straight runs over a few weeks :) so i counted and the proof is there
when RNG hates u IT HATES U
Why do you people keep playing this?
More importantly, why do you play with your wallet? Go to a psychologist and ask him to help you stop hurting yourself by playing this and by spending money in it.
There are so many good games out there, old and new...
Maybe its not the RNG coding but you clicking on the wrong cards? I mean you even confused the "create new thread" button with the salt thread.
The only thing in your face is your lack of understanding and bias of "getting EVERYTHING they need to respond and beat their opponent".
I mean, yes the game ends with one side beating the other.
Also when you are on a win streak your MMR goes up and you will face stronger and stronger opponents to match your skill level. That isn't to "stop" you but to keep equal (MMR) matches. It just happens that after a few games into a streak, your opponent will be stronger than you and you lose.
Use the deck tracker to record 20 games and show us where this happens every game - or wait for 3nnui to tell you about the patent and how the goal of this rigging is to make you spend more money or something.
Of course you are going to lose when you are on a winning streak. Not to would be more of a statistical anomaly. Let's do some bad statistics while assuming you have 75% win rate. That's 1 loss in four games. Even three wins in a row starts to feel like an outlier when you think of it like that and most decks have much less of a win rate then that.
Also, salt post for the salt thread. :P
People made this complaint about Spotify's song shuffle.
Now the app preprogrammes (very poorly) the "random" shuffled songs, to make people THINK that each song is being played more equally. It didnt work, and sometimes it plays the same song twice or thrice in a row because it gets confused. I hope Activision never take people like you seriously.
Bro...Pull yourself together
it's only game why u hef to be mad?
just consume and be excited for new product
I'm always glad to find your voice of reason in these threads so i don't have to write the stuff myself.
It's not like I don't understand people: they win a game, then another and a third. They are on a roll!
Then they get omega clapped in the next game. How can that be?! They played the same as before and that has worked for three games!
Now the opponent had that AoE to clear the board right after you dumped your hand, the removal when you got to buff your big minion, the life gain when you run out of damage.
Since this didn't happen before, there must be something going on: the players didn't change, right? (wrong) So it must be the game that wants you to stop winning.
The fourth opponent did change. As did the second and the third. Just that you didn't notice it for the second and third because their game decisions weren't good enough to beat you. The fourth did make decisions that were good enough: he greeded on the AoE, held the removal for longer or went for tempo earlier which led to your loss.
And RNG does play a role and we have all seen and experienced the Trolden moments where players get the perfect top deck - but there are more active decisions involved that affect the outcome of a game. It's just easier to not look at your own impact and blame it on RNG instead.
One thing I will never understand is if you don't like the game then stop playing it. Why come to a forum specifically built for the game itself and cry about things you don't like. Just stop no one is making you play a game... also if you're getting this upset take a deep breath remember... its a video game....
Check out my Youtube Channel for Hearthstone Videos be sure to Subscribe :)
Brads Gaming Youtube Channel
Oh, boo… I hate it when I can’t win every single match because I’m clearly the best player ever with just bad luck too
Not sure about your mental state, but with posts like this OP I am sure you are NOT a good player.
Since this thread only barely had a discussable topic and is not being taken seriously by anyone, closign this here before things get out of hand further.
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!