So I used to look forward to the first couple of days of each expansion. You could try out different combinations of cards, explore the ideas, the tribes and have a blast until the meta settled after a couple of days. Then came team 5.
Team 5 announced their change in direction with demon hunter. I still followed the new expansions with some interest despite my misgivings about this game, I enjoyed theory crafting and trying to come up with interesting deck concepts that would surprise and sometimes delight my opponents. But I took a look at DH and came to the forums here and reddit. I was like guys, I think we have a problem, DH looks broken as fuck, I mean really broken, as in it will make the game unplayable. Of course the shills on reddit and here bombarded me with downvotes and mockery, so I knew I was probably right. Turns out I was on the money and the team 5 design team, if you could call them that had no clue how to balance or make a game fun. It was powercreep for the lowest common denominator and it revealed if there is playtesting at Blizzard still, they are either incompetent or disregarded.
So since then, I pretty much only play to fulfill my quests and I play battlegrounds when I do my eliptical in the morning. Lately the game is so bad that I have trouble even completing the weekly quests. Not that I can't win 5 games, I have trouble mustering the will to play 5 games each week it is so bad.
So I decided to try a new approach this expansion. Go in cold, no streams, no reveals nothing. Just craft a couple of cards and make a deck, see what I think after a couple of hours. So I did that and ran up repeatedly against 2 decks that were so braindead, so unfun to play against that their existence made the idea of playing hearthstone just as repugnant as the first day of DH. Of course those decks were implock and freeze mage. They have made these things so simple, so consistent and so overwhelming that there is no room for gameplay at all. I thought this might be it, sunken cost fallacy and morbid curiosity be damned, I may finally be done with constructed hearthstone.
But then I thought, if the game is designed for stupid assholes, might as well play like one and see how much fun it is. So I check implock, hmm, only need to craft the legend fucker, will go with that. Hmmm, whose the most annoying hero, perfect, this nemsy bitch is insufferable. So I immediately concede my first 10 games to get good RNG (the game is rigged remember, the same dudes who told you DH is balanced are the ones who claim it isn't). Afterwards I play 10 more, go 9-1 all the while emoting, roping and being the douchiest of bags. And guess what, this is what the game is designed for.
So the next time you worry about how team 5 is ruining hearthstone, just be an idiot. If you can find the inner (expletive deleted), Team 5 made a game just for you.
Ive played HS for about 3 years and it wasn’t til December 2019 that I’ve been able to get legend consistently no matter of the meta. Not saying the game is perfect but in all honest opinion the game is fun and it actually takes a bit of skill in learning how to play. Peoples experience with HS seems to be the same as any other card game, where they blame the developers for making OP cards/classes and thats the reason why they lose. Which is not the case. I wanna say u expect the game to give u wins and glory without u actually putting in the time and effort. Good luck in ur future endeavors.
Wow, this time you managed to write as many as four paragraphs before mentioning that the game is "rigged". Impressive. Calling intentionally lowering your MMR in order to act like the douchiest of bags against worse/less experienced players "getting a good RNG" and something "the game is designed for" is not that impressive. I suppose being the douchiest of bags is not something anyone should be proud of in general. Friendly reminder: with the new in-game report system you may actually finally be done with constructed hearthstone one day and we will see a colorful tantrum here about how you got banned by evil Blizzard for expressing your wonderful personality, because, you know, worse players tend to take these things to heart more often and will probably send a lot of reports.
So I used to look forward to the first couple of days of each expansion. You could try out different combinations of cards, explore the ideas, the tribes and have a blast until the meta settled after a couple of days. Then came team 5.
What a start, just a shame that team 5 MADE hearthstone from day 1 and were always responsible for creating the game. Actually it was more or less the whole purpose of the team it seems... I agree that the DH launch was a shit show, but same was rastakhans rumble and knights of the frozen throne. Personally, this expansion is probably the most "back to normal" feel I've had ever in this game.
My biggest complying about this game is their inability to give real new things to the game able to justify the price of 50 bucks. I therefore considered the idea of introducing DH amazing. Anyway, it is their inability to balance the class to punish, not the idea. I mean, how can you sell an imbalance crap? This was the issue for me. Rastakhans Rumble was a terrible expansion because it was not an expansion for me, but it was nothing, 0. Knights of the Frozen Throne was for me beautiful. Of course, it wasn't exactly in balance, but it brought real news, the Hero Cards.
I hate the reprints and the stillness of this game with no news.
Dear God, you've been saying "you're done with constructed Hearthstone" for months/ years now. But you keep coming back with the same tedious BS you've been spewing out for years. Maybe you should see a therapist. Seriously.
My sister sed that Hearthstone (was once) a strategic game and she’s not wrong the only strategy left in hearthstone is crafting and how you spend gold and money. ya I think all the guys who came here to strategists game play are going to leave sooner or later if they have not already or tern into Angry chicken.
My sister sed that Hearthstone (was once) a strategic game and she’s not wrong the only strategy left in hearthstone is crafting and how you spend gold and money. ya I think all the guys who came here to strategists game play are going to leave sooner or later if they have not already or tern into Angry chicken.
The only "strategists" are the Activi$ion marketing department milking the naive addicted Blizzard fanbase with cutting edge Microtransaction-Baits and weekly Cosmetics and Loot Boxes, capitalizing on something which is called "FOMO" (Fear of Missing Out) a psychological flaw in many people, well mostly younger people specifically.
Heck, even Pokemon Arena games require more Strategy than HS.
Your quality of shitposting has decreased greatly in my absence.
Nevertheless, it's nice to know I can step away from the forum for a year, come back, and see that no progress whatsoever has been made in the war against cognitive dissonance.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
So I used to look forward to the first couple of days of each expansion. You could try out different combinations of cards, explore the ideas, the tribes and have a blast until the meta settled after a couple of days. Then came team 5.
Team 5 announced their change in direction with demon hunter. I still followed the new expansions with some interest despite my misgivings about this game, I enjoyed theory crafting and trying to come up with interesting deck concepts that would surprise and sometimes delight my opponents. But I took a look at DH and came to the forums here and reddit. I was like guys, I think we have a problem, DH looks broken as fuck, I mean really broken, as in it will make the game unplayable. Of course the shills on reddit and here bombarded me with downvotes and mockery, so I knew I was probably right. Turns out I was on the money and the team 5 design team, if you could call them that had no clue how to balance or make a game fun. It was powercreep for the lowest common denominator and it revealed if there is playtesting at Blizzard still, they are either incompetent or disregarded.
So since then, I pretty much only play to fulfill my quests and I play battlegrounds when I do my eliptical in the morning. Lately the game is so bad that I have trouble even completing the weekly quests. Not that I can't win 5 games, I have trouble mustering the will to play 5 games each week it is so bad.
So I decided to try a new approach this expansion. Go in cold, no streams, no reveals nothing. Just craft a couple of cards and make a deck, see what I think after a couple of hours. So I did that and ran up repeatedly against 2 decks that were so braindead, so unfun to play against that their existence made the idea of playing hearthstone just as repugnant as the first day of DH. Of course those decks were implock and freeze mage. They have made these things so simple, so consistent and so overwhelming that there is no room for gameplay at all. I thought this might be it, sunken cost fallacy and morbid curiosity be damned, I may finally be done with constructed hearthstone.
But then I thought, if the game is designed for stupid assholes, might as well play like one and see how much fun it is. So I check implock, hmm, only need to craft the legend fucker, will go with that. Hmmm, whose the most annoying hero, perfect, this nemsy bitch is insufferable. So I immediately concede my first 10 games to get good RNG (the game is rigged remember, the same dudes who told you DH is balanced are the ones who claim it isn't). Afterwards I play 10 more, go 9-1 all the while emoting, roping and being the douchiest of bags. And guess what, this is what the game is designed for.
So the next time you worry about how team 5 is ruining hearthstone, just be an idiot. If you can find the inner (expletive deleted), Team 5 made a game just for you.
Seems like I want to say “good riddance” to a player like you..
If only that would work...
Everyone who disagrees is a Blizzard shill, therefore their arguments are void, therefore I'm correct by default.
Ive played HS for about 3 years and it wasn’t til December 2019 that I’ve been able to get legend consistently no matter of the meta. Not saying the game is perfect but in all honest opinion the game is fun and it actually takes a bit of skill in learning how to play. Peoples experience with HS seems to be the same as any other card game, where they blame the developers for making OP cards/classes and thats the reason why they lose. Which is not the case. I wanna say u expect the game to give u wins and glory without u actually putting in the time and effort. Good luck in ur future endeavors.
Wow, this time you managed to write as many as four paragraphs before mentioning that the game is "rigged". Impressive.
Calling intentionally lowering your MMR in order to act like the douchiest of bags against worse/less experienced players "getting a good RNG" and something "the game is designed for" is not that impressive. I suppose being the douchiest of bags is not something anyone should be proud of in general.
Friendly reminder: with the new in-game report system you may actually finally be done with constructed hearthstone one day and we will see a colorful tantrum here about how you got banned by evil Blizzard for expressing your wonderful personality, because, you know, worse players tend to take these things to heart more often and will probably send a lot of reports.
English is not my native language, so, with a high probability, mistakes were made.
What a start, just a shame that team 5 MADE hearthstone from day 1 and were always responsible for creating the game. Actually it was more or less the whole purpose of the team it seems... I agree that the DH launch was a shit show, but same was rastakhans rumble and knights of the frozen throne. Personally, this expansion is probably the most "back to normal" feel I've had ever in this game.
My biggest complying about this game is their inability to give real new things to the game able to justify the price of 50 bucks. I therefore considered the idea of introducing DH amazing. Anyway, it is their inability to balance the class to punish, not the idea. I mean, how can you sell an imbalance crap? This was the issue for me. Rastakhans Rumble was a terrible expansion because it was not an expansion for me, but it was nothing, 0. Knights of the Frozen Throne was for me beautiful. Of course, it wasn't exactly in balance, but it brought real news, the Hero Cards.
I hate the reprints and the stillness of this game with no news.
Nice blog post
Dear God, you've been saying "you're done with constructed Hearthstone" for months/ years now. But you keep coming back with the same tedious BS you've been spewing out for years. Maybe you should see a therapist. Seriously.
My sister sed that Hearthstone (was once) a strategic game and she’s not wrong the only strategy left in hearthstone is crafting and how you spend gold and money. ya I think all the guys who came here to strategists game play are going to leave sooner or later if they have not already or tern into Angry chicken.
The only "strategists" are the Activi$ion marketing department milking the naive addicted Blizzard fanbase with cutting edge Microtransaction-Baits and weekly Cosmetics and Loot Boxes, capitalizing on something which is called "FOMO" (Fear of Missing Out) a psychological flaw in many people, well mostly younger people specifically.
Heck, even Pokemon Arena games require more Strategy than HS.
I'm sorry to hear that you're not enjoying the game. Luckily, no one is forcing you to play it, so use this opportunity to take a break.
Your quality of shitposting has decreased greatly in my absence.
Nevertheless, it's nice to know I can step away from the forum for a year, come back, and see that no progress whatsoever has been made in the war against cognitive dissonance.
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
You would be saying the same thing if we were in a faster meta between murlock, shamloc, treant druid, beast druid, & token DH