I have been trying to think of some fun ideas to entertain myself with when it comes to video creation. I was thinking about making a series where I would essentially challenge myself and make decks only utilizing the core set (as everyone has that) and then common / rare cards. I am essentially just wondering if anyone would find this to be something worth investing time and effort into or not.
Thanks in advance for your time.
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F2P decks with only common and rare cards = aggro hunter/demon hunter decks = not interested sorry
There are those but I am sure I can come up with some that are not just aggro decks. I know in the past I was just messing around and came up with a pretty solid big shaman list that was a budget one. Appreciate the feed back though!
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Trump has an amazing F2P series on his channel, and I expect him to make the same one for Nathria. The thing that stands out isn’t the fact that he uses budget decks. It’s showing players that want or have to be F2P how to do that efficiently. He doesn’t use budget decks, but he focuses on just 1 or 2 normal decks.
There will always be an audience for budget decks, but in my experience, you get the lists from websites such as this. Videos showcasing them at length just doesn’t seem to resonate well.
I voted NO. Not because I don't think that plenty of people would love to learn F2P/beginner strategies, but because I'm in greater need for ways to try out all of my cards. A lot of people here probably already have a fair share of cards and look for ways to expand their deck selection and try new things or just get help with the climb. That's why I think you will get more NO's here.
I voted NO. Not because I don't think that plenty of people would love to learn F2P/beginner strategies, but because I'm in greater need for ways to try out all of my cards. A lot of people here probably already have a fair share of cards and look for ways to expand their deck selection and try new things or just get help with the climb. That's why I think you will get more NO's here.
See that is what I was thinking and one of the reasons I wanted to see what people thought. I am guessing most people in the community have most of the cards. I just like doing challenges and enjoy deck building more than playing the actual game. Once again I really appreciate the feedback.
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I have been trying to think of some fun ideas to entertain myself with when it comes to video creation. I was thinking about making a series where I would essentially challenge myself and make decks only utilizing the core set (as everyone has that) and then common / rare cards. I am essentially just wondering if anyone would find this to be something worth investing time and effort into or not.
Thanks in advance for your time.
Check out my Youtube Channel for Hearthstone Videos be sure to Subscribe :)
Brads Gaming Youtube Channel
F2P decks with only common and rare cards = aggro hunter/demon hunter decks = not interested sorry
There are those but I am sure I can come up with some that are not just aggro decks. I know in the past I was just messing around and came up with a pretty solid big shaman list that was a budget one. Appreciate the feed back though!
Check out my Youtube Channel for Hearthstone Videos be sure to Subscribe :)
Brads Gaming Youtube Channel
Trump has an amazing F2P series on his channel, and I expect him to make the same one for Nathria. The thing that stands out isn’t the fact that he uses budget decks. It’s showing players that want or have to be F2P how to do that efficiently. He doesn’t use budget decks, but he focuses on just 1 or 2 normal decks.
There will always be an audience for budget decks, but in my experience, you get the lists from websites such as this. Videos showcasing them at length just doesn’t seem to resonate well.
I voted NO. Not because I don't think that plenty of people would love to learn F2P/beginner strategies, but because I'm in greater need for ways to try out all of my cards. A lot of people here probably already have a fair share of cards and look for ways to expand their deck selection and try new things or just get help with the climb. That's why I think you will get more NO's here.
See that is what I was thinking and one of the reasons I wanted to see what people thought. I am guessing most people in the community have most of the cards. I just like doing challenges and enjoy deck building more than playing the actual game. Once again I really appreciate the feedback.
Check out my Youtube Channel for Hearthstone Videos be sure to Subscribe :)
Brads Gaming Youtube Channel