This whole time I thought Hedge Maze was the Rogue location (because I'm blind I guess :/), and then Sinstone Graveyard was revealed. I don't understand the bouncing between what classes they push deathrattle archetypes for, considering like 4 classes have deathrattle support in standard right now. I'm also just salty after being excited for more deathrattle rogue cards. People who still play Hadronox in wild are probably hard as hell right now XD
If you've played standard a bunch lately you've surely died to bomb rogue a couple of times, it doesn't need more triggers while the Graveyard objective is in standard, DR rogue with any more support would probably be oppressive right now, even with 40hp, the thing that tones it down in the first place.
I'm guessing the DR druid support is them trying to help ramp druid early game without giving them removal and specifically big removal. Trying to encourage location+kodo, and later location+colaque, to get you to develop board with taunt while also gaining armor, is my guess.
Obviusly it is was to early to form a definite statement, nur at this point IMO 3 Mana and a cardslot Just to gain some amor (and in top having to play more ATM unplayable minions just to bei able to activate it in the first place) doesnt cut it at all for Druid... Unlike Warrior, Druid right now doesnt even have additional use for its amorgain. So Druid would need much bigger DR rewards to make this worth it.anything that isnt a huge Mana Cheat or Tempo swing or burst/otk/RandomBS Potential doesnt See Play anymore these days. The days of "honest Arena Style Decks) in Standart ist looong gone. Even Aggressive Decks cant win anymore by just curving out "normal" Minions
I mean there's the neutral 8drop colossus that would kill 6 minions when triggered on turn played etc, plus whatever DRs they add, there is potential, not sure if it will be enough with the expected overall powerspike.
This whole time I thought Hedge Maze was the Rogue location (because I'm blind I guess :/), and then Sinstone Graveyard was revealed. I don't understand the bouncing between what classes they push deathrattle archetypes for, considering like 4 classes have deathrattle support in standard right now. I'm also just salty after being excited for more deathrattle rogue cards. People who still play Hadronox in wild are probably hard as hell right now XD
If you've played standard a bunch lately you've surely died to bomb rogue a couple of times, it doesn't need more triggers while the Graveyard objective is in standard, DR rogue with any more support would probably be oppressive right now, even with 40hp, the thing that tones it down in the first place.
I'm guessing the DR druid support is them trying to help ramp druid early game without giving them removal and specifically big removal. Trying to encourage location+kodo, and later location+colaque, to get you to develop board with taunt while also gaining armor, is my guess.
Obviusly it is was to early to form a definite statement, nur at this point IMO 3 Mana and a cardslot Just to gain some amor (and in top having to play more ATM unplayable minions just to bei able to activate it in the first place) doesnt cut it at all for Druid... Unlike Warrior, Druid right now doesnt even have additional use for its amorgain. So Druid would need much bigger DR rewards to make this worth it.anything that isnt a huge Mana Cheat or Tempo swing or burst/otk/RandomBS Potential doesnt See Play anymore these days. The days of "honest Arena Style Decks) in Standart ist looong gone. Even Aggressive Decks cant win anymore by just curving out "normal" Minions
I mean there's the neutral 8drop colossus that would kill 6 minions when triggered on turn played etc, plus whatever DRs they add, there is potential, not sure if it will be enough with the expected overall powerspike.
True, I forgot about the collosal! That would actually be a big swing If pulled of in the right circunstance. Still more will be needed