Ok so, hi, it's been a while I had dropped Hearthstone for a couple of months for several reasons like: 1) The critical mass of offensively toxic cards/decks being played, printed and even supported lately, with the announcement of the "corrupt and later discard opponent hand" card being the straw that broke the camel's back (even though I don't know how good it turned out to be, it's mere existence is an inexcusable, objective flaw of the game) 2)University stuff 3)Me creating the most deliciously infuriating (for the opponent) Pokémon showdown team in history 4)Smash ultimate 5)My computer overheating just by playing HS, forcing me to play on the phone (which I don't really like) 6)Other random BS
After the new expansion announcement however, I got some hype back in me (mainly thanks to the "40 health/40 cards guy" , even though adding this many cards can make games WAY longer, the fact that both players can run it in any class seems to make him ok, for now at least) but I wanted to be reassured that coming back would be a good idea so I'm asking: How's the meta looking? (Mainly in wild as I almost only play there, but I'm also interested in standard) How are we doing in terms of toxic decks/cards? A.K.A. Are there any new (or old) OTK/mill/infinite BS decks and cards that are even semi-relevant in the meta? One last thing: this is a question regarding ALL ranks from bronze upwards since I "paused" for more than a month I'm going to have to play my way back up so literally ANY input can be valuable as long as it's...you know...true.
Ty to everyone that took time to respond and even to those who didn't but still read the whole thing.
Wild is pretty fine, the deck I used to see the most before getting legend rank was aggro rogue and it's totally manageable, even more now with 40 health guy.
Druid and Portal mage are extremely toxic for slow deck, literally (and I mean it) unwinnable.
But overall the format is enjoyable, if you have a big enough collection with the key cards.
Some tech cards are also running rampant and ruining some archetypes but that's ok
Wild's at a pretty healthy spot right now. The only infuriating deck I saw the most (played up to D4) was Pirate Rogue, and that's because I was playing Druid which falls behind in removal. Due to the wide range of decks, I rarely see the same deck(s) over and over, it's quite nice right now. As for relevant OTKs, no, not really. I've been running a homemade OTK deck that I'm surprised nobody else has come up with because of its really good winrate. And mill still exists, but you fight them here and there, it's not toxic.
1. Wild meta is pretty fine rn definitely the best it has been in a long time. I'd say the meta is warped around Pirate Rogue (Aggro Rogue) and Quest Mage/ Some sort of late game druid (C'thun or Togg) to a smaller degree. So the other decks must be able to counter these decks. Stuff like Evenlock and Freeze Shaman have ways to deal with aggro boards and set up their own while having enough powerful threats to also fight against the slower decks and some others like Pillager Rogue or Big Priest (both lower tiers) try to bust out opponents with explosive turns.
2. Depends on what you call toxic. Pirate Rogue kills you stupid fast and they have a 3 mana weapon that can do 12 damage while also buffing a pirate. Evenlock has hordes of huge minions that be played very early and do 16 damage on turn 6 or 32 if they have 2 giants on board. Quest mage literally skips your turns. Late game druid variants have 20 mana and do shit that you could call unfair given how quickly they are able to cycle through their deck. Pillager rogue can OTK you from very high amounts of health (it can do well over 30 easily) and something like Big Priest doesn't do anything but clear your board most of the game and then it goes brrr and starts revivng minions over and over and locks you out. So yeah, you could say the main strategies have toxic components.
3. I think that you keep the star bonus for the last season you played. I don't play classic every month but when I do, I usually have pretty much the same star bonus as before. Not sure if there's any decay as in if you don't play 2 months in a row, maybe you'll go from an 8-star bonus to a 7 one but I'm not sure at all about that, you'd have to check it yourself.
For standard. The most efficient otk's only dealt about 30 damage, so renenthal has done a good job. You can still play quest priest, but I don't think that deck is too prevalent for now.
Concerning mostly standard: If you didn't like Tickatus, you might hate Immolate, a card I see being played a lot in Curse Warlock (a deck which is pretty toxic to begin with), that does nothing against aggro or midrange, but single-handedly kills a lot of Combo or Control. If you play a 40 card deck though, the loss of some of your hand might not be as terrible if you have enough redundancy in your win conditions and enough draw.
Just realized you probably weren't talking about Tickatus at all, nevermind. I got thrown off by the keyword corrupt.
Some tech cards are also running rampant and ruining some archetypes but that's ok
I don't really see how that can ever be classified as ok but from what I'm gathering the immense(ly stupid) OTK/mill/infinite craze that was going on sort of slowed down a bit correct?
Wild's at a pretty healthy spot right now. The only infuriating deck I saw the most (played up to D4) was Pirate Rogue, and that's because I was playing Druid which falls behind in removal. Due to the wide range of decks, I rarely see the same deck(s) over and over, it's quite nice right now. As for relevant OTKs, no, not really. I've been running a homemade OTK deck that I'm surprised nobody else has come up with because of its really good winrate. And mill still exists, but you fight them here and there, it's not toxic.
well while I don't enjoy playing aggro I'm usually ok playing vs it...that may be a good sign (also I'm VERY glad to hear the "less OTK" part)
1. Wild meta is pretty fine rn definitely the best it has been in a long time. I'd say the meta is warped around Pirate Rogue (Aggro Rogue) and Quest Mage/ Some sort of late game druid (C'thun or Togg) to a smaller degree. So the other decks must be able to counter these decks. Stuff like Evenlock and Freeze Shaman have ways to deal with aggro boards and set up their own while having enough powerful threats to also fight against the slower decks and some others like Pillager Rogue or Big Priest (both lower tiers) try to bust out opponents with explosive turns.
2. Depends on what you call toxic. Pirate Rogue kills you stupid fast and they have a 3 mana weapon that can do 12 damage while also buffing a pirate. Evenlock has hordes of huge minions that be played very early and do 16 damage on turn 6 or 32 if they have 2 giants on board. Quest mage literally skips your turns. Late game druid variants have 20 mana and do shit that you could call unfair given how quickly they are able to cycle through their deck. Pillager rogue can OTK you from very high amounts of health (it can do well over 30 easily) and something like Big Priest doesn't do anything but clear your board most of the game and then it goes brrr and starts revivng minions over and over and locks you out. So yeah, you could say the main strategies have toxic components.
3. I think that you keep the star bonus for the last season you played. I don't play classic every month but when I do, I usually have pretty much the same star bonus as before. Not sure if there's any decay as in if you don't play 2 months in a row, maybe you'll go from an 8-star bonus to a 7 one but I'm not sure at all about that, you'd have to check it yourself.
1 yea, quest mage and BS druid are the only things that sound scarily toxic in that part
2 strong is one thing (like aggro rogue, evenlock...though coul you explain the 32 dmg part?), it means the deck does powerful things, toxic is another (quest mage and, from what I can tell, some druids), it can meaan many things but usually it means it's basically impossible to beat it as a specific archetype while others run over it
3 probably you do, I don't however because my "stopped playing" was a slow burn where I'd play less and less each season resulting in less bonus stars
For standard. The most efficient otk's only dealt about 30 damage, so renenthal has done a good job. You can still play quest priest, but I don't think that deck is too prevalent for now.
Concerning mostly standard: If you didn't like Tickatus, you might hate Immolate, a card I see being played a lot in Curse Warlock (a deck which is pretty toxic to begin with), that does nothing against aggro or midrange, but single-handedly kills a lot of Combo or Control. If you play a 40 card deck though, the loss of some of your hand might not be as terrible if you have enough redundancy in your win conditions and enough draw.
Just realized you probably weren't talking about Tickatus at all, nevermind. I got thrown off by the keyword corrupt.
As expected, the card is toxic (the 6 mana 8/8 design mistake was 100% contributing in lowering my enjoyment dw)
Ty everyone, I have now started getting my older decks "up to snuff" based on what you said, if what you said is true then I'm back to playing regularly, we'll see
Ok so, hi, it's been a while I had dropped Hearthstone for a couple of months for several reasons like: 1) The critical mass of offensively toxic cards/decks being played, printed and even supported lately, with the announcement of the "corrupt and later discard opponent hand" card being the straw that broke the camel's back (even though I don't know how good it turned out to be, it's mere existence is an inexcusable, objective flaw of the game) 2)University stuff 3)Me creating the most deliciously infuriating (for the opponent) Pokémon showdown team in history 4)Smash ultimate 5)My computer overheating just by playing HS, forcing me to play on the phone (which I don't really like) 6)Other random BS
After the new expansion announcement however, I got some hype back in me (mainly thanks to the "40 health/40 cards guy" , even though adding this many cards can make games WAY longer, the fact that both players can run it in any class seems to make him ok, for now at least) but I wanted to be reassured that coming back would be a good idea so I'm asking: How's the meta looking? (Mainly in wild as I almost only play there, but I'm also interested in standard) How are we doing in terms of toxic decks/cards? A.K.A. Are there any new (or old) OTK/mill/infinite BS decks and cards that are even semi-relevant in the meta? One last thing: this is a question regarding ALL ranks from bronze upwards since I "paused" for more than a month I'm going to have to play my way back up so literally ANY input can be valuable as long as it's...you know...true.
Ty to everyone that took time to respond and even to those who didn't but still read the whole thing.
Ohoy me mate, i been absent from the game for 2 years ,just bef demon hunter launch and got back into HS this february ,just before yearly rotation so ill tell you my story it may help.
Dunno how long you been away,for me it was a no brainer to start climbing wild since i had no standard cards except for the core set.I started of with a decent Token deck Druid, and quickly saw the imense power up that happened over the years.So after i played an opponent with Quest Hunter ,the whole card seemes busted to me so i crafed it and kept altering the deck as i climbed the ladder ending in D2. Back then at higher ranks Quest Pirate warrior/Quest Rouge/Quest Mage/Armor Druid/Mecha Druid/Mecha Lock/Quest Hunter/Combo Priest were very freqent decks, the rotation only happened mid of April so i had time to climb to legend in March/April with my Quest Hunter with bonus stars(way way WAY easyer then old ranked system) even though i don't play much like 10 hours/week.It took me 12 hours to legend, fast pace 5 min games
After the rotation i didn't think much would change in wild so i started focusing on standard to get back into it,bought the preorder and used all my acumulated gold to buy old packs from the other 3 sets that would stay in standard.To my surprise Quest Hunter/Quest Rouge/Quest Warrior all fell out of there top position and Mech Paladin/Mech Mage/Pirate Rouge/Big Priest/Switcharo Priest/Holy control Paladin emerged .In conclusion i can say the meta is healthy,even though You have OP cards in wild, new cards shift the meta and i can say the chance of encountering OTK decks is small but there usualy mechathun or quest mage , not the OTK/mill/infinite BS decks. In the end i settled with a Mech mage that i started altering abit to late so i didnt get to Legend in May but, was still In the D1/3 zone, then after the mini expension launched in June again there was a shift in meta,people trying new decks it was easy to get to Legend with my Mech Mage. Also started playing Standard with demon Hunter in may Getting to P2 and then in June with Murloc Shaman to D8. I can say that Standard has more variety and is more competitive so harder to rank up
Actually Now Its perfectly playable. Worst meta in the history was before sunken city for me. Now you can play what you want because od renathal you dont have worry about being dead in turn 4. In standard i dont play Wild. The most toxic decks for me Are alignment druids, lucky casino rogues, mech mage thanks to mecha Sharks and quest Hunter that Is not that powerful but still pain in the ass
I'm the happiest with Hearthstone in years since the early release of Prince Renathal. I'm doing nothing but 40 card pile memes, and I see a lot of other people doing the same thing. It helps that since I mostly play Magic now that my Hearthstone rank is in the toilet, hehe.
Ok so, hi, it's been a while
I had dropped Hearthstone for a couple of months for several reasons like:
1) The critical mass of offensively toxic cards/decks being played, printed and even supported lately, with the announcement of the "corrupt and later discard opponent hand" card being the straw that broke the camel's back (even though I don't know how good it turned out to be, it's mere existence is an inexcusable, objective flaw of the game)
2)University stuff
3)Me creating the most deliciously infuriating (for the opponent) Pokémon showdown team in history
4)Smash ultimate
5)My computer overheating just by playing HS, forcing me to play on the phone (which I don't really like)
6)Other random BS
After the new expansion announcement however, I got some hype back in me (mainly thanks to the "40 health/40 cards guy" , even though adding this many cards can make games WAY longer, the fact that both players can run it in any class seems to make him ok, for now at least) but I wanted to be reassured that coming back would be a good idea so I'm asking:
How's the meta looking? (Mainly in wild as I almost only play there, but I'm also interested in standard)
How are we doing in terms of toxic decks/cards? A.K.A. Are there any new (or old) OTK/mill/infinite BS decks and cards that are even semi-relevant in the meta?
One last thing: this is a question regarding ALL ranks from bronze upwards since I "paused" for more than a month I'm going to have to play my way back up so literally ANY input can be valuable as long as it's...you know...true.
Ty to everyone that took time to respond and even to those who didn't but still read the whole thing.
Wild is pretty fine, the deck I used to see the most before getting legend rank was aggro rogue and it's totally manageable, even more now with 40 health guy.
Druid and Portal mage are extremely toxic for slow deck, literally (and I mean it) unwinnable.
But overall the format is enjoyable, if you have a big enough collection with the key cards.
Some tech cards are also running rampant and ruining some archetypes but that's ok
Wild's at a pretty healthy spot right now. The only infuriating deck I saw the most (played up to D4) was Pirate Rogue, and that's because I was playing Druid which falls behind in removal. Due to the wide range of decks, I rarely see the same deck(s) over and over, it's quite nice right now. As for relevant OTKs, no, not really. I've been running a homemade OTK deck that I'm surprised nobody else has come up with because of its really good winrate. And mill still exists, but you fight them here and there, it's not toxic.
1. Wild meta is pretty fine rn definitely the best it has been in a long time. I'd say the meta is warped around Pirate Rogue (Aggro Rogue) and Quest Mage/ Some sort of late game druid (C'thun or Togg) to a smaller degree. So the other decks must be able to counter these decks. Stuff like Evenlock and Freeze Shaman have ways to deal with aggro boards and set up their own while having enough powerful threats to also fight against the slower decks and some others like Pillager Rogue or Big Priest (both lower tiers) try to bust out opponents with explosive turns.
2. Depends on what you call toxic. Pirate Rogue kills you stupid fast and they have a 3 mana weapon that can do 12 damage while also buffing a pirate. Evenlock has hordes of huge minions that be played very early and do 16 damage on turn 6 or 32 if they have 2 giants on board. Quest mage literally skips your turns. Late game druid variants have 20 mana and do shit that you could call unfair given how quickly they are able to cycle through their deck. Pillager rogue can OTK you from very high amounts of health (it can do well over 30 easily) and something like Big Priest doesn't do anything but clear your board most of the game and then it goes brrr and starts revivng minions over and over and locks you out. So yeah, you could say the main strategies have toxic components.
3. I think that you keep the star bonus for the last season you played. I don't play classic every month but when I do, I usually have pretty much the same star bonus as before. Not sure if there's any decay as in if you don't play 2 months in a row, maybe you'll go from an 8-star bonus to a 7 one but I'm not sure at all about that, you'd have to check it yourself.
For standard. The most efficient otk's only dealt about 30 damage, so renenthal has done a good job. You can still play quest priest, but I don't think that deck is too prevalent for now.
The game sucks ass.
Concerning mostly standard: If you didn't like Tickatus, you might hate Immolate, a card I see being played a lot in Curse Warlock (a deck which is pretty toxic to begin with), that does nothing against aggro or midrange, but single-handedly kills a lot of Combo or Control. If you play a 40 card deck though, the loss of some of your hand might not be as terrible if you have enough redundancy in your win conditions and enough draw.
Just realized you probably weren't talking about Tickatus at all, nevermind. I got thrown off by the keyword corrupt.
Ceterum censeo classum magi esse delendam.
I don't really see how that can ever be classified as ok but from what I'm gathering the immense(ly stupid) OTK/mill/infinite craze that was going on sort of slowed down a bit correct?
well while I don't enjoy playing aggro I'm usually ok playing vs it...that may be a good sign (also I'm VERY glad to hear the "less OTK" part)
1 yea, quest mage and BS druid are the only things that sound scarily toxic in that part
2 strong is one thing (like aggro rogue, evenlock...though coul you explain the 32 dmg part?), it means the deck does powerful things, toxic is another (quest mage and, from what I can tell, some druids), it can meaan many things but usually it means it's basically impossible to beat it as a specific archetype while others run over it
3 probably you do, I don't however because my "stopped playing" was a slow burn where I'd play less and less each season resulting in less bonus stars
good to hear
As expected, the card is toxic (the 6 mana 8/8 design mistake was 100% contributing in lowering my enjoyment dw)
Ty everyone, I have now started getting my older decks "up to snuff" based on what you said, if what you said is true then I'm back to playing regularly, we'll see
It's a steaming pile of dogshit. Team 5 can't balance or playtest. The entire company seems to be run by marketing drones.
Ohoy me mate, i been absent from the game for 2 years ,just bef demon hunter launch and got back into HS this february ,just before yearly rotation so ill tell you my story it may help.
Dunno how long you been away,for me it was a no brainer to start climbing wild since i had no standard cards except for the core set.I started of with a decent Token deck Druid, and quickly saw the imense power up that happened over the years.So after i played an opponent with Quest Hunter ,the whole card seemes busted to me so i crafed it and kept altering the deck as i climbed the ladder ending in D2. Back then at higher ranks Quest Pirate warrior/Quest Rouge/Quest Mage/Armor Druid/Mecha Druid/Mecha Lock/Quest Hunter/Combo Priest were very freqent decks, the rotation only happened mid of April so i had time to climb to legend in March/April with my Quest Hunter with bonus stars(way way WAY easyer then old ranked system) even though i don't play much like 10 hours/week.It took me 12 hours to legend, fast pace 5 min games
After the rotation i didn't think much would change in wild so i started focusing on standard to get back into it,bought the preorder and used all my acumulated gold to buy old packs from the other 3 sets that would stay in standard.To my surprise Quest Hunter/Quest Rouge/Quest Warrior all fell out of there top position and Mech Paladin/Mech Mage/Pirate Rouge/Big Priest/Switcharo Priest/Holy control Paladin emerged .In conclusion i can say the meta is healthy,even though You have OP cards in wild, new cards shift the meta and i can say the chance of encountering OTK decks is small but there usualy mechathun or quest mage , not the OTK/mill/infinite BS decks. In the end i settled with a Mech mage that i started altering abit to late so i didnt get to Legend in May but, was still In the D1/3 zone, then after the mini expension launched in June again there was a shift in meta,people trying new decks it was easy to get to Legend with my Mech Mage. Also started playing Standard with demon Hunter in may Getting to P2 and then in June with Murloc Shaman to D8. I can say that Standard has more variety and is more competitive so harder to rank up
Actually Now Its perfectly playable. Worst meta in the history was before sunken city for me. Now you can play what you want because od renathal you dont have worry about being dead in turn 4. In standard i dont play Wild. The most toxic decks for me Are alignment druids, lucky casino rogues, mech mage thanks to mecha Sharks and quest Hunter that Is not that powerful but still pain in the ass
Play and enjoy while it lasts... it's gonna get a whole lot worse with all those new broken cards in Castle Nathria
I'm the happiest with Hearthstone in years since the early release of Prince Renathal. I'm doing nothing but 40 card pile memes, and I see a lot of other people doing the same thing. It helps that since I mostly play Magic now that my Hearthstone rank is in the toilet, hehe.
Honestly? Same as always.