Before the next expansion hits, I was wondering how successful F2P players were? Dusting all goldens, full refund cards and duplicates, hitting legend each month and finishing achievements was hard work. I:
Collected 157/170 Sunken City cards (18/29 Legendaries)
Am up to 76% achievement completion on Sunken City
Have 9700 gold saved up
I think my MMR is so bad right now from throwing games that I am the bottom of Legend rank playing diamond 10 players, and my wins don't even move my rank up. Casting Holy Maki Roll on Kotori Lightblade was a slog.
That's a very impressive collection for F2P. A decent amount of legendaries and only 2 missing epics, with 100 packs in the bank. Did you play a ton of arena? Prioritized crafting epics?
That's a very impressive collection for F2P. A decent amount of legendaries and only 2 missing epics, with 100 packs in the bank. Did you play a ton of arena? Prioritized crafting epics?
Nah no arena. It must be the good back log of cards from previous expansions. I opened 100 packs this expansion and got a good amount of Legendaries. The dust refunds put in a lot of work this round too, I manually do it when I need to craft, I never press the button.
Key is to craft versalite and good overall cards. reno, zephyr, zillax etc wil always be good in many decks
I usually craft a Tier 1 deck when I have 2 days to get to Legendary. The other 28 days I am grinding achievements. The climb to D5 with trash tier decks is satisfying.
Before the next expansion hits, I was wondering how successful F2P players were? Dusting all goldens, full refund cards and duplicates, hitting legend each month and finishing achievements was hard work. I:
I think my MMR is so bad right now from throwing games that I am the bottom of Legend rank playing diamond 10 players, and my wins don't even move my rank up. Casting Holy Maki Roll on Kotori Lightblade was a slog.
Ready to do it again though.
6300 gold atm. I only play ranked till legend and then I switch to Battlegrounds
You have to specify how much you actually play as f2p here, 6k and 9k gold already means you guys play quite a lot.
That's a very impressive collection for F2P. A decent amount of legendaries and only 2 missing epics, with 100 packs in the bank. Did you play a ton of arena? Prioritized crafting epics?
If you play wild things are much better. You don't need to craft so many legenderies.
I play only wild, usually at legend if I have time to play and I have 30k dust sitting and 10kgold.
I don't buy many packs each expansion usually 40-50
With the cards I have currently I have several tier 1-2 decks for wild without needing to craft many new cards
Key is to craft versalite and good overall cards. reno, zephyr, zillax etc wil always be good in many decks
The f2p life is to not play HS ;)
You have to specify how much you actually play as f2p here, 6k and 9k gold already means you guys play quite a lot.
A few hours per day.
I play probably on average 8 games a day. But I haven't always been F2P, only the past 3 expansions. I bought the 50 packs previously for a while.
Nah no arena. It must be the good back log of cards from previous expansions. I opened 100 packs this expansion and got a good amount of Legendaries. The dust refunds put in a lot of work this round too, I manually do it when I need to craft, I never press the button.
I usually craft a Tier 1 deck when I have 2 days to get to Legendary. The other 28 days I am grinding achievements. The climb to D5 with trash tier decks is satisfying.
Im 100% f2p