You KNEW the Hearthstone devs DO NOT actually play the game, especially WILD.
These nerfs are your fault. You said "Big Shaman" and these incompetent devs that DO NOT play Hearthstone believed you.
And they did exactly what you said. Possibly the shittest mass nerfs ever seen in the game.
Now we all suffer the consequences.
You KNEW you were dealing with devs that don't play this game. They took you word for word.
Zeddy, you mean well, but you are no fucking Brian Kibler. When he explains what is wrong, he does it in a way that a child can understand exactly what is wrong. And when I say child, I mean average Hearthstone dev that does not even play this game.
You went for "sound bites" and easy to understand "tip of the iceberg" examples. And they fixed your iceberg examples, you DOLT.
Look at the damage you have done! It is unreal. It the future, you better FREAKING LEARN how to communicate better.
This post is so stupid. How can you accuse a streamer of mistakes, whose job is to entertain people and not the incompetent devs. If nerfs suck, it's obviously the monkeys who made them, not the streamer, to blame.
You also describe the dev's low skills:"these incompetent devs that DO NOT play Hearthstone believed you" but then is the streamer's fault?
You should pissed off with the people who are supposed to handle this chaos, not with the entertainers.
As a video game dev myself (not at blizzard), i just wanted to add that devs very rarely actively play their own game because they do not have time to do that. Designers of course do a lot of personal testing of what they make, and how it fits in the general game, but you have to realize that this is a job; you have (~)8h work days in which you have tasks and objectives to fulfill within time constraints, you don't spend that time just playing the game to stay up to date with the meta, it's just not doable or realistic, unless doing it on your own free time, which, let me tell you, when you work on a game, you most likely want to clear your head off of it when you're back home (which is also healthy for designers to do, playing lots of different games).
So yeah, of course they try to get the best possible feel of the meta they can at all times, and of course everyone, including them, want to have the most objective view on the meta as possible, but you'd be surprised how much live-ops devs (have to) rely on content creators to stay up to date rather than personal direct experience.
As a video game dev myself (not at blizzard), i just wanted to add that devs very rarely actively play their own game because they do not have time to do that. Designers of course do a lot of personal testing of what they make, and how it fits in the general game, but you have to realize that this is a job; you have (~)8h work days in which you have tasks and objectives to fulfill within time constraints, you don't spend that time just playing the game to stay up to date with the meta, it's just not doable or realistic, unless doing it on your own free time, which, let me tell you, when you work on a game, you most likely want to clear your head off of it when you're back home (which is also healthy for designers to do, playing lots of different games).
So yeah, of course they try to get the best possible feel of the meta they can at all times, and of course everyone, including them, want to have the most objective view on the meta as possible, but you'd be surprised how much live-ops devs (have to) rely on content creators to stay up to date rather than personal direct experience.
Sorry @Thex_ but this is another nonsense. How can you say that "devs very rarely actively play their own game because they do not have time to do that. " "you don't spend that time just playing the game to stay up to date with the meta".
This is your job, these are stupid excuses. The game has to work, if not it is THEIR fault, there are no excuses. And this is not only related with dev, but in all jobs.
I am a construction engineer, I work more than 8 hours a day. If the building collapses and I tell you: well, you see, I worked more than 8 hours a day, I don't live there, it fell, I'm very sorry, these things can happen, I did my best. Are you pissed? It is more or less the same.
As a video game dev myself (not at blizzard), i just wanted to add that devs very rarely actively play their own game because they do not have time to do that. Designers of course do a lot of personal testing of what they make, and how it fits in the general game, but you have to realize that this is a job; you have (~)8h work days in which you have tasks and objectives to fulfill within time constraints, you don't spend that time just playing the game to stay up to date with the meta, it's just not doable or realistic, unless doing it on your own free time, which, let me tell you, when you work on a game, you most likely want to clear your head off of it when you're back home (which is also healthy for designers to do, playing lots of different games).
So yeah, of course they try to get the best possible feel of the meta they can at all times, and of course everyone, including them, want to have the most objective view on the meta as possible, but you'd be surprised how much live-ops devs (have to) rely on content creators to stay up to date rather than personal direct experience.
Sorry @Thex_ but this is another nonsense. How can you say that "devs very rarely actively play their own game because they do not have time to do that. " "you don't spend that time just playing the game to stay up to date with the meta".
This is your job, these are stupid excuses. The game has to work, if not it is THEIR fault, there are no excuses. And this is not only related with dev, but in all jobs.
I am a construction engineer, I work more than 8 hours a day. If the building collapses and I tell you: well, you see, I worked more than 8 hours a day, I don't live there, it fell, I'm very sorry, these things can happen, I did my best. Are you pissed? It is more or less the same.
So first of: exactly, you're a construction engineer. If a game dev came at you and told you you really need to throw weights at the wall as hard as you can to try and break it until you're sure it doesn't break, that'd probably sound stupid to you and obviously they don't know the reality of your job, right? So yes, that, but in reverse too.
But also, no, our job as game dev isn't to play our game. Our job is to make it. As i mentioned with the 8 hour work days part of my message, our job is to construct it. Again, yes every dev wishes they could know the game by heart as much as the most avid players do, but that's just not doable when you have deadlines to meet and producers trying to fit objectives into budget and time constraints... Once again: a game dev's job is not playing games. Even game designers. They play games to get inspiration/comparison point, they play their own game to make sure to get the best feel they can, but at the end of the day, they have deadlines to deliver on.
You don't spend your time just chilling and walking around in your building to make sure it feels nice, you work on actually making it while making sure it stands up.
Quick Correction, he is anything but "well meaning". Very difficult to attribute positive intentions to a man who redefines "person of color" to include or exclude Asians as his personal soapbox demands.
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Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
So first of: exactly, you're a construction engineer. If a game dev came at you and told you you really need to throw weights at the wall as hard as you can to try and break it until you're sure it doesn't break, that'd probably sound stupid to you and obviously they don't know the reality of your job, right? So yes, that, but in reverse too.
But also, no, our job as game dev isn't to play our game. Our job is to make it. As i mentioned with the 8 hour work days part of my message, our job is to construct it. Again, yes every dev wishes they could know the game by heart as much as the most avid players do, but that's just not doable when you have deadlines to meet and producers trying to fit objectives into budget and time constraints... Once again: a game dev's job is not playing games. Even game designers. They play games to get inspiration/comparison point, they play their own game to make sure to get the best feel they can, but at the end of the day, they have deadlines to deliver on.
You don't spend your time just chilling and walking around in your building to make sure it feels nice, you work on actually making it while making sure it stands up.
Sure that I have also to "spend my time walking around in my building to make sure it feels nice" if I don't have direct time to do it, I have to pay someone to do it (these are indeed technically called "punch lists" or "snagging lists"). You have to list all the defects, also only aesthetical and the construction company has to adjust them, otherwise, penalties. This was indeed the metaphor. Sorry because otherwise who have to do the tests? The consumer (the user)? Like Blizzard is doing? Because the dev already worked 8 hours? Ahahaha too funny.
So first of: exactly, you're a construction engineer. If a game dev came at you and told you you really need to throw weights at the wall as hard as you can to try and break it until you're sure it doesn't break, that'd probably sound stupid to you and obviously they don't know the reality of your job, right? So yes, that, but in reverse too.
But also, no, our job as game dev isn't to play our game. Our job is to make it. As i mentioned with the 8 hour work days part of my message, our job is to construct it. Again, yes every dev wishes they could know the game by heart as much as the most avid players do, but that's just not doable when you have deadlines to meet and producers trying to fit objectives into budget and time constraints... Once again: a game dev's job is not playing games. Even game designers. They play games to get inspiration/comparison point, they play their own game to make sure to get the best feel they can, but at the end of the day, they have deadlines to deliver on.
You don't spend your time just chilling and walking around in your building to make sure it feels nice, you work on actually making it while making sure it stands up.
Sure that I have also to "spend my time walking around in my building to make sure it feels nice" if I don't have direct time to do it, I have to pay someone to do it (these are indeed technically called "punch lists" or "snagging lists"). You have to list all the defects, also only aesthetical and the construction company has to adjust them, otherwise, penalties. This was indeed the metaphor. Sorry because otherwise who have to do the tests? The consumer (the user)? Like Blizzard is doing? Because the dev already worked 8 hours? Ahahaha too funny.
I mean yeah, when you talk about paying someone else to do it, that's literally the job of QA (quality assurance), aka testers, and that's also similar to deferring to content creators. (And unfortunately we all know how activision treats QA, which honestly has an impact on almost all their games at this point...). The biggest difference i could think of right now between construction work and video games (especially live ops), apart from the obvious fact that you literally have the livelyhood of people in your hands and need to make entirely sure it's perfectly safe and up to code and all, is that in video games you are driven almost entirely by tight release schedules.
We (usually) work in agile workflow, which is basically a workflow where you have "sprints" of around 2 or 3 weeks, and each sprint has a set of objectives for that sprint. The purpose of a sprint is to have a "deliverable" at the end of it, that's a version that can be played and has as much of the features and new things as the sprint was intended to have. Then sprints are all working towards an "epic", which is the big release objective. So the point i'm making is that we're always trying to reach for a specific goal that we then move on from because we have other objectives to achieve. And the funniest part of all of that is that all of it is driven by executives above the whole team that pressure the producers to push for this and that release and get shit out the door to align with their quarter and stuff and usually those are people who literally barely even know what the game even plays like at all and just know what things sell in what circumstances and just want to push numbers up for their next quarter, with barely any (if any) view on future development, because "that's a problem for later". This last part is exactly why you see so much stuff like content releases that sometimes look like they clearly had no regards to what this means for the future of the game or whatever like that -> because they don't. Or at least the execs calling the shots don't.
Anyway, rant over. All of that to say: yes, devs and game designers don't have time to play the game that much because the priority of money-holders isn't in that, it's in innovation and new content. That's also what QA and/or R&D is for (which game designers can do some of, but again, isn't their job, or the priority they are usually given), but the former is unfortunately usually sacrified by idiot execs "because it costs a lot", without a care for the fact that less QA == less quality. And yes, i derailed heavily, but my point to your message was somewhere in there i think.
Ah, the typical post of a kid that does not understand the world doesn't spin around them. How nice.
Listen, OP, Blizzard barely gives any shit about wild and if that format is of your preference, very well, but Blizzard has no obligation to do the fixes that you want. They try to think objectively, of all people from all ranks, not of Toribasher from Hearthpwn.
Streamers don't pick up the phone, call Blizzard and some Blizzard official answers them "So, what do we nerf today, Mr. Streamer? Your wish is my suggestion, haha, got it?". Where did you get this idea from?
So keep in mind nobody owes you nothing. You play the game if you enjoy it or you don't if you hate it or can't stand the decisions of people that make the game.
@AndreiRo: Bro, did you really post this after you flooded the group therapy with insults to other players and blizzard? You sure you dont have anger management issues? I looked at your post history, and 9/10 posts are filled of hatred to this game, devs and other players.You ok buddy?
@AndreiRo: Bro, did you really post this after you flooded the group therapy with insults to other players and blizzard? You sure you dont have anger management issues? I looked at your post history, and 9/10 posts are filled of hatred to this game, devs and other players.You ok buddy?
Are you going full cancel culture based on someone's posts in the vent thread? He makes good points in the non-vent threads and i don't see the problem.
@AndreiRo: Bro, did you really post this after you flooded the group therapy with insults to other players and blizzard? You sure you dont have anger management issues? I looked at your post history, and 9/10 posts are filled of hatred to this game, devs and other players.You ok buddy?
Are you going full cancel culture based on someone's posts in the vent thread? He makes good points in the non-vent threads and i don't see the problem.
Learn what cancel culture is, before using this term.You kids use english words and dont even know their meaning or purpose.He doesnt make good points if he insults a lot of players and devs.If a person cant have a discussion without insulting, than maybe its time to see a doctor?Nice try white knight
Why do you have to care what some fucked up dude says over some bullshit stream??
Go do something better with your life, OP. I'm sure you can form your own opinion on most things, without needing to hear it from some stranger.
If you are looking for "confirmation", like most members of any stupid cult do, then i suggest a psychologist. Maybe it'll help you not need strangers to tell you what to do with your time/life.
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Zeddy, you well meaning ignoramus.
You KNEW the Hearthstone devs DO NOT actually play the game, especially WILD.
These nerfs are your fault. You said "Big Shaman" and these incompetent devs that DO NOT play Hearthstone believed you.
And they did exactly what you said. Possibly the shittest mass nerfs ever seen in the game.
Now we all suffer the consequences.
You KNEW you were dealing with devs that don't play this game. They took you word for word.
Zeddy, you mean well, but you are no fucking Brian Kibler. When he explains what is wrong, he does it in a way that a child can understand exactly what is wrong. And when I say child, I mean average Hearthstone dev that does not even play this game.
You went for "sound bites" and easy to understand "tip of the iceberg" examples. And they fixed your iceberg examples, you DOLT.
Look at the damage you have done! It is unreal. It the future, you better FREAKING LEARN how to communicate better.
Talk about toxic posting.
Zeddy said to do something about mine and ban swordfish, yet those are both still untouched in wild.
This post is so stupid. How can you accuse a streamer of mistakes, whose job is to entertain people and not the incompetent devs. If nerfs suck, it's obviously the monkeys who made them, not the streamer, to blame.
You also describe the dev's low skills:"these incompetent devs that DO NOT play Hearthstone believed you" but then is the streamer's fault?
You should pissed off with the people who are supposed to handle this chaos, not with the entertainers.
You managed to write so much sarcasm that I almost lost track of it, impressive!
On that note, I've seen a lot of "the problem is......" statements that didn't really seem to cut it.
Constructive criticism isnt toxic posting
As a video game dev myself (not at blizzard), i just wanted to add that devs very rarely actively play their own game because they do not have time to do that. Designers of course do a lot of personal testing of what they make, and how it fits in the general game, but you have to realize that this is a job; you have (~)8h work days in which you have tasks and objectives to fulfill within time constraints, you don't spend that time just playing the game to stay up to date with the meta, it's just not doable or realistic, unless doing it on your own free time, which, let me tell you, when you work on a game, you most likely want to clear your head off of it when you're back home (which is also healthy for designers to do, playing lots of different games).
So yeah, of course they try to get the best possible feel of the meta they can at all times, and of course everyone, including them, want to have the most objective view on the meta as possible, but you'd be surprised how much live-ops devs (have to) rely on content creators to stay up to date rather than personal direct experience.
Sorry @Thex_ but this is another nonsense. How can you say that "devs very rarely actively play their own game because they do not have time to do that. " "you don't spend that time just playing the game to stay up to date with the meta".
This is your job, these are stupid excuses. The game has to work, if not it is THEIR fault, there are no excuses. And this is not only related with dev, but in all jobs.
I am a construction engineer, I work more than 8 hours a day. If the building collapses and I tell you: well, you see, I worked more than 8 hours a day, I don't live there, it fell, I'm very sorry, these things can happen, I did my best. Are you pissed? It is more or less the same.
So first of: exactly, you're a construction engineer. If a game dev came at you and told you you really need to throw weights at the wall as hard as you can to try and break it until you're sure it doesn't break, that'd probably sound stupid to you and obviously they don't know the reality of your job, right? So yes, that, but in reverse too.
But also, no, our job as game dev isn't to play our game. Our job is to make it. As i mentioned with the 8 hour work days part of my message, our job is to construct it. Again, yes every dev wishes they could know the game by heart as much as the most avid players do, but that's just not doable when you have deadlines to meet and producers trying to fit objectives into budget and time constraints...
Once again: a game dev's job is not playing games. Even game designers. They play games to get inspiration/comparison point, they play their own game to make sure to get the best feel they can, but at the end of the day, they have deadlines to deliver on.
You don't spend your time just chilling and walking around in your building to make sure it feels nice, you work on actually making it while making sure it stands up.
Quick Correction, he is anything but "well meaning". Very difficult to attribute positive intentions to a man who redefines "person of color" to include or exclude Asians as his personal soapbox demands.
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
Sure that I have also to "spend my time walking around in my building to make sure it feels nice" if I don't have direct time to do it, I have to pay someone to do it (these are indeed technically called "punch lists" or "snagging lists"). You have to list all the defects, also only aesthetical and the construction company has to adjust them, otherwise, penalties. This was indeed the metaphor. Sorry because otherwise who have to do the tests? The consumer (the user)? Like Blizzard is doing? Because the dev already worked 8 hours? Ahahaha too funny.
I mean yeah, when you talk about paying someone else to do it, that's literally the job of QA (quality assurance), aka testers, and that's also similar to deferring to content creators. (And unfortunately we all know how activision treats QA, which honestly has an impact on almost all their games at this point...). The biggest difference i could think of right now between construction work and video games (especially live ops), apart from the obvious fact that you literally have the livelyhood of people in your hands and need to make entirely sure it's perfectly safe and up to code and all, is that in video games you are driven almost entirely by tight release schedules.
We (usually) work in agile workflow, which is basically a workflow where you have "sprints" of around 2 or 3 weeks, and each sprint has a set of objectives for that sprint. The purpose of a sprint is to have a "deliverable" at the end of it, that's a version that can be played and has as much of the features and new things as the sprint was intended to have. Then sprints are all working towards an "epic", which is the big release objective. So the point i'm making is that we're always trying to reach for a specific goal that we then move on from because we have other objectives to achieve. And the funniest part of all of that is that all of it is driven by executives above the whole team that pressure the producers to push for this and that release and get shit out the door to align with their quarter and stuff and usually those are people who literally barely even know what the game even plays like at all and just know what things sell in what circumstances and just want to push numbers up for their next quarter, with barely any (if any) view on future development, because "that's a problem for later". This last part is exactly why you see so much stuff like content releases that sometimes look like they clearly had no regards to what this means for the future of the game or whatever like that -> because they don't. Or at least the execs calling the shots don't.
Anyway, rant over. All of that to say: yes, devs and game designers don't have time to play the game that much because the priority of money-holders isn't in that, it's in innovation and new content. That's also what QA and/or R&D is for (which game designers can do some of, but again, isn't their job, or the priority they are usually given), but the former is unfortunately usually sacrified by idiot execs "because it costs a lot", without a care for the fact that less QA == less quality.
And yes, i derailed heavily, but my point to your message was somewhere in there i think.
Zeddy is the greatest thing to happen to Hearthstone and Reddit since Reynad! #facts
i think the nerfed cards should have been nerfed and seedy had nothing to do with it
Ah, the typical post of a kid that does not understand the world doesn't spin around them. How nice.
Listen, OP, Blizzard barely gives any shit about wild and if that format is of your preference, very well, but Blizzard has no obligation to do the fixes that you want. They try to think objectively, of all people from all ranks, not of Toribasher from Hearthpwn.
Streamers don't pick up the phone, call Blizzard and some Blizzard official answers them "So, what do we nerf today, Mr. Streamer? Your wish is my suggestion, haha, got it?". Where did you get this idea from?
So keep in mind nobody owes you nothing. You play the game if you enjoy it or you don't if you hate it or can't stand the decisions of people that make the game.
@AndreiRo: Bro, did you really post this after you flooded the group therapy with insults to other players and blizzard? You sure you dont have anger management issues? I looked at your post history, and 9/10 posts are filled of hatred to this game, devs and other players.You ok buddy?
Are you going full cancel culture based on someone's posts in the vent thread? He makes good points in the non-vent threads and i don't see the problem.
Learn what cancel culture is, before using this term.You kids use english words and dont even know their meaning or purpose.He doesnt make good points if he insults a lot of players and devs.If a person cant have a discussion without insulting, than maybe its time to see a doctor?Nice try white knight
No one is perfect.. everyone has their style...Brian is Brian... Zeddy is zeddy..
Why do you have to care what some fucked up dude says over some bullshit stream??
Go do something better with your life, OP. I'm sure you can form your own opinion on most things, without needing to hear it from some stranger.
If you are looking for "confirmation", like most members of any stupid cult do, then i suggest a psychologist. Maybe it'll help you not need strangers to tell you what to do with your time/life.