I'm personally tired of studying the meta and queueing the same decks in both standard and wild every time. Got top 500 legend in both formats and the reward is just queueing into tryhard players that probably dream of taking that number 1 legend spot. I have no interest in that, to be honest the most fun I have with Hearthstone right now is while doing quests and that's it.
I'm curious how do you enjoy the game, if you found a way for yourself to enjoy the game a bit more casually or "semi-casual", basically enjoying the game without giving a fuck about wins that much?
Not interested in the casual mode, ranked is still the way to go because you farm wins on the heroes in time and that gives you a sense of progression.
same here. i dont give a f... about rank, wins etc. playin wild and when i que to quest hunter or pirate warrior, i just auto quit and move to next matchup. Im tired of those try hard, face decks. No fun in playin against them.
Ranked is mostly for d5 every month with slow deck and after that i just play in casual mode, its more fun, i ussually meet interesting decks that end up in looong grindy matchups, new combos and also, lot of new people in friend list.
I dunno if it requires a certain mindset. Anyways I consider myself a legend on demand Player and thats fine enough for me.
From time to time I enjoy a Deck/meta enough to hit legend, when I dont I am happy with d5.
Since I can bring any Deck to d5 with relative ease I can play whatever I like the most atm.
Also I play only standard (ranked) and battleground. I give a fuck about any other mode not even the free pack can make me play brawls or any other mode. I even abandon quest I dont want to do.
To sum it up, all I do in this game is what I want to do, everything else is a waste of time and nothing can force anything upon me to change that behavior.
P.s. anyways I still have a competetive spirit in me, I wont stick with experimental stuff for more the a couple of games if it's not working
I enjoy the game more now that I play some, but less than most of the past 8 years. I don't care whether I'm doing all my dailies and weeklies. I just play when I'm in the mood. I don't know if this strategy is viable long term, though, since I don't want to pay real $ anymore for boosting my collection, and playing less means I get less gold than before. My Wild collection of legendaries is gradually being sacrificed to get dust to bolster my Standard collection.
I'm also picky about what decks I play. Some just aren't fun for me regardless of whether they're meta or not, and then I automatically lose interest if a deck archetype is more than about 7% of the ladder. Deckbuilding strategy has always been what interests me the most about HS, but it has to be off-meta deckbuilding or at least inserting a creative package of cards into a deck so I can feel like I'm contributing something. These days, you could call me a casual FunkiMonki disciple.
I go back and forth on whether I care about climbing to high ranks, aka how high a winrate my off-meta decks need to have to be fun for me. Sometimes, I've been very determined to reach Legend. Other times, I've had a lot of fun just trying to make deck concepts finally "work" for hundreds of games, getting a 48% winrate in the process.
EDIT: Also, Ladder is where it's at for me. Casual gets boring pretty quickly since I don't know if I'm really facing the meta. I don't really play Duels or (anymore) Arena or Mercenaries, and I can't remember the last time I actually did a Tavern Brawl, and BGs make me say "eww". Sometimes I venture into Classic or Wild Ladder a bit though.
I'm personally tired of studying the meta and queueing the same decks in both standard and wild every time. Got top 500 legend in both formats and the reward is just queueing into tryhard players that probably dream of taking that number 1 legend spot. I have no interest in that, to be honest the most fun I have with Hearthstone right now is while doing quests and that's it.
I'm curious how do you enjoy the game, if you found a way for yourself to enjoy the game a bit more casually or "semi-casual", basically enjoying the game without giving a fuck about wins that much?
Not interested in the casual mode, ranked is still the way to go because you farm wins on the heroes in time and that gives you a sense of progression.
All wins should count, not just ranked. Also casual is just people doing meta decks without the ladder system. There should be an off meta mode imo
same here. i dont give a f... about rank, wins etc. playin wild and when i que to quest hunter or pirate warrior, i just auto quit and move to next matchup. Im tired of those try hard, face decks. No fun in playin against them.
Ranked is mostly for d5 every month with slow deck and after that i just play in casual mode, its more fun, i ussually meet interesting decks that end up in looong grindy matchups, new combos and also, lot of new people in friend list.
I'll go for legend and thereafter only login to do the quests and quit. Done that for the last 2 years now.
Feel a bit repetitive though...
I dunno if it requires a certain mindset. Anyways I consider myself a legend on demand Player and thats fine enough for me.
From time to time I enjoy a Deck/meta enough to hit legend, when I dont I am happy with d5.
Since I can bring any Deck to d5 with relative ease I can play whatever I like the most atm.
Also I play only standard (ranked) and battleground. I give a fuck about any other mode not even the free pack can make me play brawls or any other mode. I even abandon quest I dont want to do.
To sum it up, all I do in this game is what I want to do, everything else is a waste of time and nothing can force anything upon me to change that behavior.
P.s. anyways I still have a competetive spirit in me, I wont stick with experimental stuff for more the a couple of games if it's not working
I enjoy the game more now that I play some, but less than most of the past 8 years. I don't care whether I'm doing all my dailies and weeklies. I just play when I'm in the mood. I don't know if this strategy is viable long term, though, since I don't want to pay real $ anymore for boosting my collection, and playing less means I get less gold than before. My Wild collection of legendaries is gradually being sacrificed to get dust to bolster my Standard collection.
I'm also picky about what decks I play. Some just aren't fun for me regardless of whether they're meta or not, and then I automatically lose interest if a deck archetype is more than about 7% of the ladder. Deckbuilding strategy has always been what interests me the most about HS, but it has to be off-meta deckbuilding or at least inserting a creative package of cards into a deck so I can feel like I'm contributing something. These days, you could call me a casual FunkiMonki disciple.
I go back and forth on whether I care about climbing to high ranks, aka how high a winrate my off-meta decks need to have to be fun for me. Sometimes, I've been very determined to reach Legend. Other times, I've had a lot of fun just trying to make deck concepts finally "work" for hundreds of games, getting a 48% winrate in the process.
EDIT: Also, Ladder is where it's at for me. Casual gets boring pretty quickly since I don't know if I'm really facing the meta. I don't really play Duels or (anymore) Arena or Mercenaries, and I can't remember the last time I actually did a Tavern Brawl, and BGs make me say "eww". Sometimes I venture into Classic or Wild Ladder a bit though.