People will play with Kazakusan and then realise that he doesn't end games. The meta will stay mostly the same, quest hunter might move up to be playable.
You can't say this guy is not in the right though. Hearthstone has not innovated a lot these last few years. Sure there were some additions that shook up the game a bit such as Demon Hunter and spell schools. Other than that, the last year has only been recycling of old concepts.
The lack of innovation is explained by the sheer amount unrelated game modes which are being put out as well. What do Mercenaries and Battlegrounds even have to do with base game Hearthstone other than being set in the same universe? They are completely unrelated and just a way to save the sinking ship that is hearthstone (from a business perspective).
But he IS wrong, minisets are not supposed to introduce new concepts, thats the big expansion's job! All minisets have only ever delved deeper in interactions/concepts already introduced by prior expansions, they NEVER gave us what he is complaining about.
Whether the recent full expansions are lacking innovation or not is another story entirely (dont think they are, but that is rightfully debatable). Again, misplaced expectations.
Man, you are wrong this is the issue. Hearthstone is going pretty bad, I am not saying it and RMD01 either, data is saying this. Check Twitch's view about Hearthstone. Only Battleground saved Hearthstone, this is a fact. Most of the streamers are now in BG and not in constructed.
So, design is pretty bad and time is passing. In this specific context, the design team gave us the worst of themself, I even find this set offensive. It is offensive for a customer to see this reprinted crap to purchase.
Anyway, that you don't understand anything about HS is clear in your answers.
And yet you're STILL here! If the game is as bad as you described why didnt you just quit?! I'll never understand the ppl who keep saying the game is dying/went to shit but keep playing it or wasting their time badmouthing it on forums, must be a weird fetish or something.
If we were back at Ben Brodes era we would have zero new content to engage with in between expansions, so im very glad we even have anything new to play at all rn.
The game didnt get worse, it just got older, if you want higher levels of novelty you should wait for rotation or just find another game.
Man, your interpretation is in the way that you like it.
I am not some sort of "weird fetish" like you want. I am playing Hearthstone, I am playing it since the Old Gods more or less. I am playing BG and mercenaries now. I was also playing sometimes wild, but it is too repetitive now. I left constructed standard more or less one year ago. It was way too repetitive. For sure this mini-set, for me, only underlined how badly developed is constructed. I left standard constructed because the new ideas are the crap ones that we saw.
I will also leave mercenaries if they don't address very shortly the issue of the surplus of coins. This is another topic so badly developed and we are waiting for a solution since November. I am bored now to wait.
@Shipmen if you're out of the loop then let me clarify something: minisets are not the same as the old adventures, they are not the main course, they are snacks. Thats it, just snacks.
You cant expect the same lvl of satisfaction from snacks as you do from banquets right? They are just something for us to keep chewing on while we wait for the main course.
Thats what I mean by misplaced expectations. None of your complaints could have been answered by a miniset from the very start.
Can we all go back to the main topic now? Thank you.
Lack of creativity is really a major concern. This game is really boring with these vulgar reprints.
none of these are reprints. They have different uses, have different keywords, are in different classes, or have different costs that change how they are built into archetypes. Reprints are 1:1.
Call it reprints or "revisited cards" anyway, for me it is not fun at all playing cards that more or less already existed.
Lack of innovation is huge here.
i hope daddy microsoft will fire over half the dev team of hearthstone.......xD
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"because democracy basically means government by the people, of the people, for the people, but the people are retarded. So let us say: government by the retarded, for the retarded, of the retarded." - Osho Rajneesh
@Shipmen if you're out of the loop then let me clarify something: minisets are not the same as the old adventures, they are not the main course, they are snacks. Thats it, just snacks.
You cant expect the same lvl of satisfaction from snacks as you do from banquets right? They are just something for us to keep chewing on while we wait for the main course.
Thats what I mean by misplaced expectations. None of your complaints could have been answered by a miniset from the very start.
Can we all go back to the main topic now? Thank you.
This is the point. I was in the topic. I gave my prediction about the meta. You have your forecast about Onyxia, I have mine.
People will play even less constructed. This is a vulgar reprint. Constructed will continue to lose interest.
Nothing will change after a few days. Yeah ramp druid will play another high cost card and discover it from bag.
Rotation needed, untill then no late game value deck (besides Druid) can be competitive.
Eg, Why play a dragon priest deck when quest priest will win games quicker and more consistently.
Quest priest is one of the slowest decks out there. And it loses at least 60% of all it's games in higher ranks. Priest quiet sucks in standard right now.
I predict that the people complaining the loudest will all buy the miniset and keep playing for years to come, but they'll still troll the forums with shit posts whenever they aren't playing the game.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
Sadly i won't see any changes. As soon as the meta gets slower the Demon Seed will take over. It is a deck control can't win against. Same goes for Jade Druid back in the day.
Sadly i won't see any changes. As soon as the meta gets slower the Demon Seed will take over. It is a deck control can't win against. Same goes for Jade Druid back in the day.
Just dont play fatigue, every slow deck has a better strategy nowadays anyway.
Druid's option for board clearing has been missing lately. Beside some small "ping" option in Lunar Eclipse and Bogbeam, we had no real "Aoe" or "target removal" option. Feral Rage and Moontouched Amulet are also very poor option for removing a target from the board. Taunt being a thing make targeting difficult.
Boomkin dealing 1 more damage than Lunar Eclipse or Bogbeam and having a 4/5 body could swing the board control to your favor early/mid game. Also, Boomkin can target your opponent for 4 damage. Love the versatility.
I see Scale of Onyxia as an alternative to Goliath, Sneed's Masterpiece. It's potentially 14 damage you may use to clear your opponent creature. I really doubt the Whelps are going to survive long enough to deal face damage.
Raid Boss Onyxia serve the same purpose of Scale of Onyxia but with a body that will "likely" survive long enough to go face the next turn? But is it worth the 2 additional mana compared to Goliath, Sneed's Masterpiece.
I often reach fatigue as a druid player. Kazakusan mean I will have 10 more card (aka maybe 5 more turn) of not doing self damage. He also offer a lot of good tools that could end the game.
Sadly i won't see any changes. As soon as the meta gets slower the Demon Seed will take over. It is a deck control can't win against. Same goes for Jade Druid back in the day.
Just dont play fatigue, every slow deck has a better strategy nowadays anyway.
Curse of agony is kinda new. Be cool to give it a bit more support. Probably get nerfed instead.
Something to disrupt decks that draw their entire deck by turn 6, warlock saving the day once again Kappa.
You know right that after completing the quest and gliding the 4mana becomes 2mana and you'll basically be able to draw your entire deck, since most of the cards will be 0mana or so...
You can't say this guy is not in the right though. Hearthstone has not innovated a lot these last few years. Sure there were some additions that shook up the game a bit such as Demon Hunter and spell schools. Other than that, the last year has only been recycling of old concepts.
The lack of innovation is explained by the sheer amount unrelated game modes which are being put out as well. What do Mercenaries and Battlegrounds even have to do with base game Hearthstone other than being set in the same universe? They are completely unrelated and just a way to save the sinking ship that is hearthstone (from a business perspective).
But he IS wrong, minisets are not supposed to introduce new concepts, thats the big expansion's job! All minisets have only ever delved deeper in interactions/concepts already introduced by prior expansions, they NEVER gave us what he is complaining about.
Whether the recent full expansions are lacking innovation or not is another story entirely (dont think they are, but that is rightfully debatable). Again, misplaced expectations.
Man, you are wrong this is the issue. Hearthstone is going pretty bad, I am not saying it and RMD01 either, data is saying this. Check Twitch's view about Hearthstone. Only Battleground saved Hearthstone, this is a fact. Most of the streamers are now in BG and not in constructed.
So, design is pretty bad and time is passing. In this specific context, the design team gave us the worst of themself, I even find this set offensive. It is offensive for a customer to see this reprinted crap to purchase.
Anyway, that you don't understand anything about HS is clear in your answers.
And yet you're STILL here! If the game is as bad as you described why didnt you just quit?! I'll never understand the ppl who keep saying the game is dying/went to shit but keep playing it or wasting their time badmouthing it on forums, must be a weird fetish or something.
If we were back at Ben Brodes era we would have zero new content to engage with in between expansions, so im very glad we even have anything new to play at all rn.
The game didnt get worse, it just got older, if you want higher levels of novelty you should wait for rotation or just find another game.
He never once Said the game is dying. He mentions leaving constructed for BG mainly, but also arena, duels and Mercs (if ur in to it) even though he blames BG and Mercs for lack of creativity.
Also i agree that we just need to Wait for a rotation, however that still wont prevent design reprints. Which is the main issue in his argument.
He never once Said the game is dying. He mentions leaving constructed for BG mainly, but also arena, duels and Mercs (if ur in to it) even though he blames BG and Mercs for lack of creativity.
Also i agree that we just need to Wait for a rotation, however that still wont prevent design reprints. Which is the main issue in his argument.
No beef just saying
He clearly said "Battlegrounds saved Hearthstone", even linked twitch tracker to "prove" the game is dying cuz its losing viewer count, if thats not a doomsayer I dont know what is.
He forgets that constructed still gets more views than Runeterra, MtG Arena or any of its other competitors on average.
Constructed is not dying, digital card games as a whole are simply not as popular anymore, it became a niche genre, thats all. Some ppl have a hard time accepting that for some reason.
As for the lack of innovation, they introduced spell schools this year, thats the biggest innovation we've had since Demon Hunter, which happened LAST YEAR. The truth is, he simply doesnt like constructed anymore, and hes trying to pin down the reason for that but cant. Sometimes you just get burned out and thats fine, but the game is not the culprit here.
I often reach fatigue as a druid player. Kazakusan mean I will have 10 more card (aka maybe 5 more turn) of not doing self damage. He also offer a lot of good tools that could end the game.
Does having no minions in your deck fulfill Kazakusans condition? Not sure it does, but if its true then its much better than I thought at first, could see it being a tech choice for druid/priest if meta slows down.
People will play with Kazakusan and then realise that he doesn't end games. The meta will stay mostly the same, quest hunter might move up to be playable.
Edit - I was wrong on Kaza
Only free on the weekends :(
Man, your interpretation is in the way that you like it.
I am not some sort of "weird fetish" like you want. I am playing Hearthstone, I am playing it since the Old Gods more or less. I am playing BG and mercenaries now. I was also playing sometimes wild, but it is too repetitive now. I left constructed standard more or less one year ago. It was way too repetitive. For sure this mini-set, for me, only underlined how badly developed is constructed. I left standard constructed because the new ideas are the crap ones that we saw.
I will also leave mercenaries if they don't address very shortly the issue of the surplus of coins. This is another topic so badly developed and we are waiting for a solution since November. I am bored now to wait.
@Shipmen if you're out of the loop then let me clarify something: minisets are not the same as the old adventures, they are not the main course, they are snacks. Thats it, just snacks.
You cant expect the same lvl of satisfaction from snacks as you do from banquets right? They are just something for us to keep chewing on while we wait for the main course.
Thats what I mean by misplaced expectations. None of your complaints could have been answered by a miniset from the very start.
Can we all go back to the main topic now? Thank you.
Pirate warrior lmao, like this is even a discussion...
i hope daddy microsoft will fire over half the dev team of hearthstone.......xD
"because democracy basically means government by the people, of the people, for the people, but the people are retarded. So let us say: government by the retarded, for the retarded, of the retarded." - Osho Rajneesh
This is the point. I was in the topic. I gave my prediction about the meta. You have your forecast about Onyxia, I have mine.
People will play even less constructed. This is a vulgar reprint. Constructed will continue to lose interest.
Here some data about HS.
I had a 65%. WR to legend... Yeah it sucks.
The card draw spell for hunter pushes quest and face into top tier imo.
And i fear the dh minion might be game breaking in quest dh otk.
I predict that the people complaining the loudest will all buy the miniset and keep playing for years to come, but they'll still troll the forums with shit posts whenever they aren't playing the game.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
Curse of agony is kinda new. Be cool to give it a bit more support. Probably get nerfed instead.
Sadly i won't see any changes. As soon as the meta gets slower the Demon Seed will take over. It is a deck control can't win against. Same goes for Jade Druid back in the day.
Just dont play fatigue, every slow deck has a better strategy nowadays anyway.
The 4 mana one? Only the right or left-most card seems clunky, sounds fun though.
Something to disrupt decks that draw their entire deck by turn 6, warlock saving the day once again Kappa.
I'm very hopeful for Boomkin, Scale of Onyxia, Kazakusan and Raid Boss Onyxia.
Druid's option for board clearing has been missing lately. Beside some small "ping" option in Lunar Eclipse and Bogbeam, we had no real "Aoe" or "target removal" option.
Feral Rage and Moontouched Amulet are also very poor option for removing a target from the board. Taunt being a thing make targeting difficult.
Boomkin dealing 1 more damage than Lunar Eclipse or Bogbeam and having a 4/5 body could swing the board control to your favor early/mid game. Also, Boomkin can target your opponent for 4 damage. Love the versatility.
I see Scale of Onyxia as an alternative to Goliath, Sneed's Masterpiece. It's potentially 14 damage you may use to clear your opponent creature. I really doubt the Whelps are going to survive long enough to deal face damage.
Raid Boss Onyxia serve the same purpose of Scale of Onyxia but with a body that will "likely" survive long enough to go face the next turn? But is it worth the 2 additional mana compared to Goliath, Sneed's Masterpiece.
My all win of the mini-set is Kazakusan.
I often reach fatigue as a druid player. Kazakusan mean I will have 10 more card (aka maybe 5 more turn) of not doing self damage.
He also offer a lot of good tools that could end the game.
Some stuff for druid, and a card for hunter.
You know right that after completing the quest and gliding the 4mana becomes 2mana and you'll basically be able to draw your entire deck, since most of the cards will be 0mana or so...
Freeze shamans will have so much fun playing against this Raid Boss Onyxia.
He never once Said the game is dying. He mentions leaving constructed for BG mainly, but also arena, duels and Mercs (if ur in to it) even though he blames BG and Mercs for lack of creativity.
Also i agree that we just need to Wait for a rotation, however that still wont prevent design reprints. Which is the main issue in his argument.
No beef just saying
He clearly said "Battlegrounds saved Hearthstone", even linked twitch tracker to "prove" the game is dying cuz its losing viewer count, if thats not a doomsayer I dont know what is.
He forgets that constructed still gets more views than Runeterra, MtG Arena or any of its other competitors on average.
Constructed is not dying, digital card games as a whole are simply not as popular anymore, it became a niche genre, thats all. Some ppl have a hard time accepting that for some reason.
As for the lack of innovation, they introduced spell schools this year, thats the biggest innovation we've had since Demon Hunter, which happened LAST YEAR. The truth is, he simply doesnt like constructed anymore, and hes trying to pin down the reason for that but cant. Sometimes you just get burned out and thats fine, but the game is not the culprit here.
Does having no minions in your deck fulfill Kazakusans condition? Not sure it does, but if its true then its much better than I thought at first, could see it being a tech choice for druid/priest if meta slows down.
It’s weird they keep printing legendaries that don’t say they are Druid legendaries… but only druids play cards that are 7+ mana…