Class idendity, cheap and easy. You have all the answers. This archetype doesn't get more support than others. 9 out of 10 Alterac hunter cards don't directly support face hunter, if Bloodseeker even is direct support, which is questionable for a honorable kill card. 6 out of 10 are nearly unplayable in face hunter.
There was a period in Standard back in 2018-2019 when Hunter class itself was in the dumpster. Face Hunter and all other Hunter archetypes could not compete with all the existing Control and OTK decks.
Hunter got stronger again when Demon Hunter was introduced into the game along with more printed cheap Aggro cards in 2020.
With the upcoming rotation when most of its strong cards from 2020 are leaving, let see where Hunter will stand.. maybe the Big Beast and Tempo Deathrattle archetypes will see more play.
Basically, it's aggro theory. Control decks rely on different answers to what their opponent is doing and sometimes the will have the perfect answer, a "good enough" one, or sometimes no answer at all. Aggro decks on the other hand can just focus on 0laying threats, so while there are sometimes bad answers, there are almost never no bad threats. Face hunter persists, because it is the penultimate form of this gameplay style.
You make it sound like all the agro hunter decks have been practically identical. It's a little like asking why control priest or burn mage have always been a thing.
Face Hunters are basically saints at this point. What a time to be alive, when the Face Hunter decks are the honest decks that interact the most with the board state, just playing threats and hitting face. I'm being a bit facetious, but the reality is that hunter is a very fair class to play against in Standard. It's nice to see a deck susceptible to counterplay in the year of solitaire.
I believe the devs said once that hunter cards conceptually designed with "forward motion" in mind. The idea being to keep pushing toward the end of the game. And the end of the game is killing your opponent.
Their hero power is the answer. You don't have a lot of flexibility with what it does, it just makes sense.
Also, people just like playing short games where they win as fast as possible, apparently. I don't understand it, but it seems to be a thing.
It's probably good for design to have a fast and consistant deck archetype. I wouldn't be surprised if face hunter is one of the main pillars around wich the game is built and designed. It would make sense
It's probably good for design to have a fast and consistant deck archetype. I wouldn't be surprised if face hunter is one of the main pillars around wich the game is built and designed. It would make sense
It definitely is, yeah. It is *THE* aggro deck, it's never going anywhere, nor should it. As much as people like shitting on face hunter historically, they've always been shut down hard by something. Normally by control. It's obviously a problem that control isn't a viable playstyle atm, but the cause of that is all the combo decks. They've powercrept the amount of card draw and tutoring to insane levels now, it's almost absurd that people are complaining about hunter of all things currently.
Unless you're a wild player. Quest Hunter in wild is cancerous.
This was the real reason for the thread. It was never about the question of "why."
Lying beneath the salt is probably a layer of frustration because some deck of yours has a really great win rate against everything in the meta -- except face hunter. If you pause for a moment and think about it, you'll understand that that's exactly the way things have to be. No deck can be perfect -- otherwise, there's no point in having any of the other decks. We'd all just be playing mirror matches of the One Perfect Deck all the time.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
This was the real reason for the thread. It was never about the question of "why."
Lying beneath the salt is probably a layer of frustration because some deck of yours has a really great win rate against everything in the meta -- except face hunter. If you pause for a moment and think about it, you'll understand that that's exactly the way things have to be. No deck can be perfect -- otherwise, there's no point in having any of the other decks. We'd all just be playing mirror matches of the One Perfect Deck all the time.
Most of these people don't remember the time where we did have one best deck. So good that it stood alone at tier one and you'd face it half the time: Midrange shaman. With Troggs, Totem Golems, and Thunder bluff valian, having resources, refill and efficiency far better than any other class. Countering that deck was not easy or efficient. That was an interesting time, but people weren't happier than now,
The problem is that they keep printing face cards. Piercing shot and Rhino are two of the biggest problem. Rhino might as well have charge cause that's what it's effect pretty much does, it plays control and hits face at the same time, meanwhile, blizz added a bunch of ways to tutor it out, copy it, and buff it. It's the usual problem with the current meta. You can't play something that does nothing when it's played, cause stuff like Rhino kills a minion, hits face, and creates a threat on board that has to be IMMEDIATELY dealt with.
Face Hunters are basically saints at this point. What a time to be alive, when the Face Hunter decks are the honest decks that interact the most with the board state, just playing threats and hitting face. I'm being a bit facetious, but the reality is that hunter is a very fair class to play against in Standard. It's nice to see a deck susceptible to counterplay in the year of solitaire.
100% at least hunters interact with the board. What a trash game hs has become. Is so boring playing against not doing nothing decks which is basically the whole meta. Pirate warrior, face hunter, hero power mage are at least interacting with the board. Control warlock also interacts with the board.
It's been nearly 10 years and face hunter has never gone away in standard.
Why is that the main deck that gets the most support?
Yes. I know. It's cheap. It's easy.
I'm salty.
Class idendity, cheap and easy. You have all the answers. This archetype doesn't get more support than others. 9 out of 10 Alterac hunter cards don't directly support face hunter, if Bloodseeker even is direct support, which is questionable for a honorable kill card. 6 out of 10 are nearly unplayable in face hunter.
Face Hunter is huge in keeping the meta in check ... without a fast aggro deck, things get wonky... real quick.
There was a period in Standard back in 2018-2019 when Hunter class itself was in the dumpster. Face Hunter and all other Hunter archetypes could not compete with all the existing Control and OTK decks.
Hunter got stronger again when Demon Hunter was introduced into the game along with more printed cheap Aggro cards in 2020.
With the upcoming rotation when most of its strong cards from 2020 are leaving, let see where Hunter will stand.. maybe the Big Beast and Tempo Deathrattle archetypes will see more play.
Basically, it's aggro theory. Control decks rely on different answers to what their opponent is doing and sometimes the will have the perfect answer, a "good enough" one, or sometimes no answer at all. Aggro decks on the other hand can just focus on 0laying threats, so while there are sometimes bad answers, there are almost never no bad threats. Face hunter persists, because it is the penultimate form of this gameplay style.
Kripp explains more:
"Speculation is foolish when the tools of certainty are available." —Cinna, Vedalken Consul
The answer is hero power.
This is also the reason why hunter rarely had any other competetive Deck. With such a hero Power you must go face.
You make it sound like all the agro hunter decks have been practically identical. It's a little like asking why control priest or burn mage have always been a thing.
I think because it's cheap.
Face Hunters are basically saints at this point. What a time to be alive, when the Face Hunter decks are the honest decks that interact the most with the board state, just playing threats and hitting face. I'm being a bit facetious, but the reality is that hunter is a very fair class to play against in Standard. It's nice to see a deck susceptible to counterplay in the year of solitaire.
I believe the devs said once that hunter cards conceptually designed with "forward motion" in mind. The idea being to keep pushing toward the end of the game. And the end of the game is killing your opponent.
Their hero power is the answer. You don't have a lot of flexibility with what it does, it just makes sense.
Also, people just like playing short games where they win as fast as possible, apparently. I don't understand it, but it seems to be a thing.
It's probably good for design to have a fast and consistant deck archetype. I wouldn't be surprised if face hunter is one of the main pillars around wich the game is built and designed. It would make sense
It definitely is, yeah. It is *THE* aggro deck, it's never going anywhere, nor should it. As much as people like shitting on face hunter historically, they've always been shut down hard by something. Normally by control. It's obviously a problem that control isn't a viable playstyle atm, but the cause of that is all the combo decks. They've powercrept the amount of card draw and tutoring to insane levels now, it's almost absurd that people are complaining about hunter of all things currently.
Unless you're a wild player. Quest Hunter in wild is cancerous.
It exists to keep people from playing greedy decks. Simple, and great.
This was the real reason for the thread. It was never about the question of "why."
Lying beneath the salt is probably a layer of frustration because some deck of yours has a really great win rate against everything in the meta -- except face hunter. If you pause for a moment and think about it, you'll understand that that's exactly the way things have to be. No deck can be perfect -- otherwise, there's no point in having any of the other decks. We'd all just be playing mirror matches of the One Perfect Deck all the time.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
As long as Hunter's HP will be "deal 2 face", face hunter will always exist
That's how the class was designed from the beggining
Most of these people don't remember the time where we did have one best deck. So good that it stood alone at tier one and you'd face it half the time: Midrange shaman. With Troggs, Totem Golems, and Thunder bluff valian, having resources, refill and efficiency far better than any other class. Countering that deck was not easy or efficient. That was an interesting time, but people weren't happier than now,
Me go face
The problem is that they keep printing face cards. Piercing shot and Rhino are two of the biggest problem. Rhino might as well have charge cause that's what it's effect pretty much does, it plays control and hits face at the same time, meanwhile, blizz added a bunch of ways to tutor it out, copy it, and buff it. It's the usual problem with the current meta. You can't play something that does nothing when it's played, cause stuff like Rhino kills a minion, hits face, and creates a threat on board that has to be IMMEDIATELY dealt with.
100% at least hunters interact with the board. What a trash game hs has become. Is so boring playing against not doing nothing decks which is basically the whole meta. Pirate warrior, face hunter, hero power mage are at least interacting with the board. Control warlock also interacts with the board.
For me to ensure Face Even Hunter's Wild climb.