for 150 packs, it's about a 1 in 10 chance of getting 6 or fewer legendaries. Sure that's very below average, but it is not a super rare probability. (It is also approximately 1 in 10 of getting 12 or more legendaries, so if you know anyone like that, they had something equally unlikely happen).
So yeah, 6 is unlucky, but play hearthstone long enough and you will see things 100x more unluckier happen.
Hello everyone!!, I am Chroxar, a player from Argentina. I wanted to tell you that out of 94 packages, 80 + 5 of the pre-purchase plus the first ones of the battle pass. I got the 2 golden legendary gifts and another 12 legendary (2 golden) Then I opened another 85 packages with gold and got 4 more legendary
I don't think anything changed with their algorithm and it was just down to luck. I got 5 legendary drops in 48 packs, in addition to the two free legendaries.
2 in 10, but stopped opening after, didn't want to risk getting more Legendaries that I may want in Gold. That is literally always the most annoying thing happening during Pack Openings, lol.
All the people complaining just needs to work on their pack opening skills. Myself opened three packs yesterday and got two Legendary. The DH hero and another hero.
Out of 150 packs, only 6 legendary (1 is Drek'Thar)...and only 2 are hero cards...
10(1), 42(2), 80(3), 95(4), 131(5), 149(6)
What the actual fuck Blizzard?!?!
I don't think I've ever seen a worse opening...
I got 4 out of 27 packs. One was Golden :D
I got 6 out of 100 packs:
2 legendaries at 3rd pack
1 legendary at 38th pack
1 legendary at 47th pack
1 legendary at 56th pack
1 legendary at 94th pack
I mean, it's below average, but not insanely so. Why do you think it is so terrible?
Look at the gap between legendary, that is WAY below average.
Same here. 120 packs, 4 legends... It's a joke
Had 6 legendaries out of my 150 pre-order, then bought 10 more packs with gold, 3 consecutive legendaries in those 10 packs, 1 is golden too, crazy.
so u got a huge pile of Dust.. go craft them..
for 150 packs, it's about a 1 in 10 chance of getting 6 or fewer legendaries. Sure that's very below average, but it is not a super rare probability. (It is also approximately 1 in 10 of getting 12 or more legendaries, so if you know anyone like that, they had something equally unlikely happen).
So yeah, 6 is unlucky, but play hearthstone long enough and you will see things 100x more unluckier happen.
The good news is that someone probably had a great pack opening to even things out. Hope they post here too.
You are barely operating outside -1 SD. aka statistically inconsequential.
Hello everyone!!, I am Chroxar, a player from Argentina. I wanted to tell you that out of 94 packages, 80 + 5 of the pre-purchase plus the first ones of the battle pass. I got the 2 golden legendary gifts and another 12 legendary (2 golden) Then I opened another 85 packages with gold and got 4 more legendary
wtf you talking about you have 25 per legendary...
out of the past 4 years i had 2 times below 30 per legendary...
i have had 31-33-34-37 per legendary and i am not jokeing... in the past 4 years...
so stop crying for haveing 25 per legendary its not as bad as you thing
25 per legendary is not that far off....
I don't think anything changed with their algorithm and it was just down to luck. I got 5 legendary drops in 48 packs, in addition to the two free legendaries.
2 in 10, but stopped opening after, didn't want to risk getting more Legendaries that I may want in Gold. That is literally always the most annoying thing happening during Pack Openings, lol.
I got 2 out if 50 packs. Hit pity timer twice
All the people complaining just needs to work on their pack opening skills. Myself opened three packs yesterday and got two Legendary. The DH hero and another hero.
12 Legendarys and 1 golden Legendary in 220 packs