Lately, I have introduced the game to my GF. During her climb from 50 to 0 (on the beginner track), I realize how much I dig old school meta, where good trade and knowledge of card was what mattered the most. And how it is madness as soon as you reach real ranking.
This meta is already just not really fun for me honestly. Warlock and Mage are boring as hell to play against, everything is just about who has the best curve. I feel like either I win because my opponent did not had the perfect draw... Or I loose because of the same reason. It's a shame, I wish the questline were different, and their reward way less powerful.
I 200% agree with OP, people are way overreacting. Here are my 2$ about the meta
People have already realized that aggro decks destroy all those uninteractive combo decks and that's why for example Miracle Bleed Rogue has more or less disappeared from the meta. Yes it can OTK you on t6, yes it is completely unfun to play against and uninteractive, but also the deck is just bad and mostly offers free wins to most of the meta so there is nothing that needs addressing there. If your greedy 'control' deck always loses to them, so what. Just concede and move on to the next game.
Similar arguments to Miracle Bleed Rogue apply to Quest Warlock with Steeler of Souls. Unfun deck to face, can OTK you by t6-t7, but it performs badly and is quickly being replaced by Zoo-based Quest Warlock decks. Zoo Warlock sacrifices t1 tempo by playing the quest in order to get the 2x deal 3 + heal for 3 later on that discounts the Giants, as well as to have a late game win condition (quest reward) vs slow decks. But otherwise it is a very interactive, board-centric zoo-type deck. It is a strong deck, but it has none of the features that people complain about here (uninteractivity, early OTK, 10 cards per turn, etc...)
Quest Mage is not even that good and has also more or less disappeared from the meta with more and more decks running Cult Neophytes and even Robes of Protection. It was very popular on the first couple of days of the expansion because people always liked to play Spell Mage as a deck and it got some new tools that transformed it from a bottom tier deck to playable again. But the deck is not even close to being oppressive or even popular any more at high ranks (I've faced exactly 2 in my last 50 games)
What the introduction of the quests did to the meta is to make it a bit more 'rock-paper-scissors' as there are a lot more matchups that are 80-20 than 60-40 or 50-50, but overall there is always a balance and as aggro decks are rising in popularity (thanks to how badly they destroy these combo decks), control decks will eventually become more popular too, but will probably need to get a bit more refined (= less greedy)
Being out of cards feels bad though and I don’t think blizzard want anyone to feel bad anymore while they’re playing HS. They want everyone to have massive plays every turn and each game to end in an explosion of colours and fancy effects at the cost of considerably dumbing down the game.
Except Priest. Their card draw ability still feels vanilla compared to everyone else. Most cards want you to spend 2 mana on your heropower and then more mana to play that minion with the draw effect. All that for one card.
Playing devils advocate as someone who enjoys playing priest, I would say discover and the ease in which priest finds answer cards is even more divisive than draw.
Fair enough, I'm obviously biased based on my personal experience so far. Discover is ok in Shadow Priest but I'm still ending up with an nearly empty hand waiting for key pieces sitting somewhere in my deck more than I'd like while my opponents are juggling half of their deck each turn burning through their quests.
If you're daring enough to play quest Priest you've the problem that the quest forces you to make sub-par decissions. Discover is a wasted turn if you don't pull the exact cost card you need and worse if you accidentally discount a card you needed later on. That's just not working well in this kind of meta.
I'd rather draw through my own deck to find the cards I put in there and get the quest done as fast as possible than rely on discover.
There are too many things that are inherently broken in this game now. The devs had decided to take this road and no amount of nerfs will change that. They want to appeal to the casual playerbase by printing very easy to navigate, near broken cards. It's the casuals that bring in the big bucks. They want to suggest that anyone can be at the top of the food chain, all they need is a credit card and 5 mins to look up the latest netdeck. The devs might nerf a thing or two just to silence the disgruntled masses but in reality nothing really changes, broken stuff remain broken and the mentality stays the same.
There are too many things that are inherently broken in this game now. The devs had decided to take this road and no amount of nerfs will change that. They want to appeal to the casual playerbase by printing very easy to navigate, near broken cards. It's the casuals that bring in the big bucks. They want to suggest that anyone can be at the top of the food chain, all they need is a credit card and 5 mins to look up the latest netdeck. The devs might nerf a thing or two just to silence the disgruntled masses but in reality nothing really changes, broken stuff remain broken and the mentality stays the same.
I agree. We’re too far down the rabbit hole for any nerfs to make a difference so I don’t think they should bother. There are too many broken decks waiting in the background to replace anything that is nerfed. It’s probably time for everyone to accept and enjoy HS in its current state or move along.
People whine every meta but this was the straw breaking the camel's back. Too many decks now relying on this masturbatory approach and it's just become enough
I 200% agree with OP, people are way overreacting. Here are my 2$ about the meta
People have already realized that aggro decks destroy all those uninteractive combo decks and that's why for example Miracle Bleed Rogue has more or less disappeared from the meta. Yes it can OTK you on t6, yes it is completely unfun to play against and uninteractive, but also the deck is just bad and mostly offers free wins to most of the meta so there is nothing that needs addressing there. If your greedy 'control' deck always loses to them, so what. Just concede and move on to the next game.
Similar arguments to Miracle Bleed Rogue apply to Quest Warlock with Steeler of Souls. Unfun deck to face, can OTK you by t6-t7, but it performs badly and is quickly being replaced by Zoo-based Quest Warlock decks. Zoo Warlock sacrifices t1 tempo by playing the quest in order to get the 2x deal 3 + heal for 3 later on that discounts the Giants, as well as to have a late game win condition (quest reward) vs slow decks. But otherwise it is a very interactive, board-centric zoo-type deck. It is a strong deck, but it has none of the features that people complain about here (uninteractivity, early OTK, 10 cards per turn, etc...)
Quest Mage is not even that good and has also more or less disappeared from the meta with more and more decks running Cult Neophytes and even Robes of Protection. It was very popular on the first couple of days of the expansion because people always liked to play Spell Mage as a deck and it got some new tools that transformed it from a bottom tier deck to playable again. But the deck is not even close to being oppressive or even popular any more at high ranks (I've faced exactly 2 in my last 50 games)
What the introduction of the quests did to the meta is to make it a bit more 'rock-paper-scissors' as there are a lot more matchups that are 80-20 than 60-40 or 50-50, but overall there is always a balance and as aggro decks are rising in popularity (thanks to how badly they destroy these combo decks), control decks will eventually become more popular too, but will probably need to get a bit more refined (= less greedy)
^ this. Couldn't have said it better.
Unpopular opinion I guess, but I don't find this meta to be particularly awful. Meaning, I fully agree with OP and SirJohn. I have had no problem getting up to Diamond already (and I don't play all that much), just by playing a mix of Shadow Priest, Evolve Shaman, and Quest Warrior - none of the decks that are being called "problems" by everyone else. And what I've found is that these "problem" decks fold incredibly easily to some well-used tech cards (of which there are scores), smart playing, and heavy pressure. This has always been the rule to counter combo decks in this game, and that hasn't changed. And as far as nerfs... I dunno, no card really seems to be all that terrible. Maybe, MAYBE Battleground Battlemaster and also ***big maybe*** Aimed Shot. I also highly doubt they would ever nerf Incanter's Flow. It's an annoying card, despicably so, but so is any mana cheating card, which pretty much every class has now. (Remember when Druid was the only class that could do this reliably, being part of its class identity? Where did that go...)
What's super fun to me is that there is such a variety of decks on ladder, across ALL classes. That's actually pretty awesome. I was getting so fed up before this expansion came out facing the same 3 decks (Paladin, Shaman, Hunter), and now it's refreshing because you kind of never know what you're gonna be up against. And at the end of the day, if people are continuously losing with a deck that they copied and pasted and did not adjust the list at all to the meta they're facing, that's their fault.
I usually agree with this kind of topic, the players really complain a lot about everything but this time they screw the game pretty bad, I feel playing Solitaire now and not HearthStone.
Legend has it there was a ancient human tribe called "Control" , regretfully they extinguished in the War of Tri-Force in some place called Azeroth, against the relentless Solitaire and Smorc Tribes.
When Varian, King of Stormwind heard the appalling news and rushed North of Elwynn Forest, the Dust already settled on Turn 8 .... he was too late.
No one is complaining about priest OTK. Absolutely no one. It's not OTK that's ruining this meta. It's aggro + OTK. It's always been aggro. It will always be aggro, that is the bane of this game.
There's a lot of people going crazy saying this expansion just killed HS and that it's all solitaire and OTKs now but seriously just chill, the expansion hasn't been out for even a week, people are trying new stuff, a lot of bad stuff. Once people realize that a lot of old decks are still good and that those decks do pretty well against this new "monsters" then they'll stop complaining.
Face Hunter is still good, Rush Warrior is still good, Deathrattle DH is still good, Elemental Shaman is still good and all those decks are great against all the OTK decks that you keep complaining about. The only reason the OTK decks are running rampant is because everyone is either playing bad decks or playing those same decks and at the end of the day most mirrors are decided on draws.
If you're going to worry about something then it should be the fact that getting to turn 7-8 is very hard now with all the OTKs and aggro, that's a more realistic issue and honestly not even really. Once people realize aggro decks shit all this combo decks running around then combo decks will lose winrate and aggro will rise and then tempo/mid-range decks will farm those and there will also be control with healing and/or lots of board clears and then combo decks will farm those slower strategies.
I'm not saying there aren't some cards that need some tuning in the form of nerfs (and hopely buffs as well) but please calm down, the meta is not ruined, the game is fine, it'll stabilize in a couple more days, people are just trying the new stuff and you are also just probably playing a bad deck or you have a bunch of bad cards in a good archetype. Also people are sleeping on Aggro Shadow Priest, that deck is good, is pretty much Face Hunter levels of fast, that deck is no meme.
Yawn... Here's an idea for you. How about you mind your own business. People have opinions and some are different than yours, deal with it.
Blablabla, every expansion is the same, ppl saying HS is doomed then guys like you two come up n claim, no no its not that bad, blabla. Still, the new expansion had a huge impact, especially in Wild
>especially in Wild
No one plays Wild. If everyone who played Wild quit the game all at once hearthstone would see like a 2% drop in revenue. People on these forums obsess over Wild like its the biggest game mode in the game when it might barely make it to 4th.
These forums always bring up Wild balance like it matters. It doesnt. Cards are not balanced around Wild and no one cares what the Wild meta is like.
Literally, every Wild game played since the xpac together according to HSReplay does not even come halfway to the number of Standard matches played with Quest Mage alone. Wild makes up maybe 5% of all Constructed games at this point. Stop bringing it up.
"Once people realize that a lot of old decks are still good"
My old decks lasted past turn 6. This meta is win by turn 6 or you lose.
I have to take out my 7, 8, 9, and 10 mana cards out my decks.
I feel most people that are saying chill or to relax are those enjoying the toxic decks right now. They're afraid of the nerfs coming. "Come on everyone be quiet or they'll nerf and win rate will drop" I agree it's still early and things will settle a bit...but I get a good feeling this meta will be filled with short games I'd changes don't happen.
I feel forced to play these quest decks I don't like to be competitive. I hope they make some changes to the quests so that I can at least play mutanus or another disruption card.
Another solution I can see Is if they add a card to revert quests. To slow them down.
Blablabla, every expansion is the same, ppl saying HS is doomed then guys like you two come up n claim, no no its not that bad, blabla. Still, the new expansion had a huge impact, especially in Wild
>especially in Wild
No one plays Wild. If everyone who played Wild quit the game all at once hearthstone would see like a 2% drop in revenue. People on these forums obsess over Wild like its the biggest game mode in the game when it might barely make it to 4th.
These forums always bring up Wild balance like it matters. It doesnt. Cards are not balanced around Wild and no one cares what the Wild meta is like.
Literally, every Wild game played since the xpac together according to HSReplay does not even come halfway to the number of Standard matches played with Quest Mage alone. Wild makes up maybe 5% of all Constructed games at this point. Stop bringing it up.
I don't think hsreply should be the golden standard in determining hearthstone players. I agree it's a good place to get an idea of current standard games that are popular, but I dont even use hsreply that much. I would make an educated guess most hearthstone players don't either. I bet most don't even know what it is
most funny meta ever and still is totally unstable and chaotic
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"because democracy basically means government by the people, of the people, for the people, but the people are retarded. So let us say: government by the retarded, for the retarded, of the retarded." - Osho Rajneesh
I can assure this man is correct, climbed to diamond with Quest Mage, Robes of Protection is an instant loss if no Fire Sale or if it is buffed, I simply concede and move on.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Lately, I have introduced the game to my GF. During her climb from 50 to 0 (on the beginner track), I realize how much I dig old school meta, where good trade and knowledge of card was what mattered the most. And how it is madness as soon as you reach real ranking.
This meta is already just not really fun for me honestly. Warlock and Mage are boring as hell to play against, everything is just about who has the best curve. I feel like either I win because my opponent did not had the perfect draw... Or I loose because of the same reason. It's a shame, I wish the questline were different, and their reward way less powerful.
I 200% agree with OP, people are way overreacting. Here are my 2$ about the meta
Fair enough, I'm obviously biased based on my personal experience so far. Discover is ok in Shadow Priest but I'm still ending up with an nearly empty hand waiting for key pieces sitting somewhere in my deck more than I'd like while my opponents are juggling half of their deck each turn burning through their quests.
If you're daring enough to play quest Priest you've the problem that the quest forces you to make sub-par decissions. Discover is a wasted turn if you don't pull the exact cost card you need and worse if you accidentally discount a card you needed later on. That's just not working well in this kind of meta.
I'd rather draw through my own deck to find the cards I put in there and get the quest done as fast as possible than rely on discover.
I am just glad that i can somwhat play Odd quest druid again. Performs well vs hunters.
There are too many things that are inherently broken in this game now. The devs had decided to take this road and no amount of nerfs will change that. They want to appeal to the casual playerbase by printing very easy to navigate, near broken cards. It's the casuals that bring in the big bucks. They want to suggest that anyone can be at the top of the food chain, all they need is a credit card and 5 mins to look up the latest netdeck. The devs might nerf a thing or two just to silence the disgruntled masses but in reality nothing really changes, broken stuff remain broken and the mentality stays the same.
I agree. We’re too far down the rabbit hole for any nerfs to make a difference so I don’t think they should bother. There are too many broken decks waiting in the background to replace anything that is nerfed. It’s probably time for everyone to accept and enjoy HS in its current state or move along.
People whine every meta but this was the straw breaking the camel's back. Too many decks now relying on this masturbatory approach and it's just become enough
release OP cards
good revenue for pre orders
people get excited or cry over new decks
first nerf
battlegrounds update
second nerf (if needed)
preview of next expansion
rinse repeat
^ this. Couldn't have said it better.
Unpopular opinion I guess, but I don't find this meta to be particularly awful. Meaning, I fully agree with OP and SirJohn. I have had no problem getting up to Diamond already (and I don't play all that much), just by playing a mix of Shadow Priest, Evolve Shaman, and Quest Warrior - none of the decks that are being called "problems" by everyone else. And what I've found is that these "problem" decks fold incredibly easily to some well-used tech cards (of which there are scores), smart playing, and heavy pressure. This has always been the rule to counter combo decks in this game, and that hasn't changed. And as far as nerfs... I dunno, no card really seems to be all that terrible. Maybe, MAYBE Battleground Battlemaster and also ***big maybe*** Aimed Shot. I also highly doubt they would ever nerf Incanter's Flow. It's an annoying card, despicably so, but so is any mana cheating card, which pretty much every class has now. (Remember when Druid was the only class that could do this reliably, being part of its class identity? Where did that go...)
What's super fun to me is that there is such a variety of decks on ladder, across ALL classes. That's actually pretty awesome. I was getting so fed up before this expansion came out facing the same 3 decks (Paladin, Shaman, Hunter), and now it's refreshing because you kind of never know what you're gonna be up against. And at the end of the day, if people are continuously losing with a deck that they copied and pasted and did not adjust the list at all to the meta they're facing, that's their fault.
I usually agree with this kind of topic, the players really complain a lot about everything but this time they screw the game pretty bad, I feel playing Solitaire now and not HearthStone.
Legend has it there was a ancient human tribe called "Control" , regretfully they extinguished in the War of Tri-Force in some place called Azeroth, against the relentless Solitaire and Smorc Tribes.
When Varian, King of Stormwind heard the appalling news and rushed North of Elwynn Forest, the Dust already settled on Turn 8 .... he was too late.
No one is complaining about priest OTK. Absolutely no one. It's not OTK that's ruining this meta. It's aggro + OTK. It's always been aggro. It will always be aggro, that is the bane of this game.
Someone look at this screenshot and tell me what is wrong here (besides my Random Deck).
What is the Magic Card to beat the entire enemy Board here on Turn 6?
Yawn... Here's an idea for you. How about you mind your own business. People have opinions and some are different than yours, deal with it.
If you are tired of people complaining and it gives you salt, here's the thread for your seasoning LOL
Great art can never be created without great suffering.
>especially in Wild
No one plays Wild. If everyone who played Wild quit the game all at once hearthstone would see like a 2% drop in revenue. People on these forums obsess over Wild like its the biggest game mode in the game when it might barely make it to 4th.
These forums always bring up Wild balance like it matters. It doesnt. Cards are not balanced around Wild and no one cares what the Wild meta is like.
Literally, every Wild game played since the xpac together according to HSReplay does not even come halfway to the number of Standard matches played with Quest Mage alone. Wild makes up maybe 5% of all Constructed games at this point. Stop bringing it up.
"Once people realize that a lot of old decks are still good"
My old decks lasted past turn 6. This meta is win by turn 6 or you lose.
I have to take out my 7, 8, 9, and 10 mana cards out my decks.
I feel most people that are saying chill or to relax are those enjoying the toxic decks right now. They're afraid of the nerfs coming. "Come on everyone be quiet or they'll nerf and win rate will drop" I agree it's still early and things will settle a bit...but I get a good feeling this meta will be filled with short games I'd changes don't happen.
I feel forced to play these quest decks I don't like to be competitive. I hope they make some changes to the quests so that I can at least play mutanus or another disruption card.
Another solution I can see Is if they add a card to revert quests. To slow them down.
I don't think hsreply should be the golden standard in determining hearthstone players. I agree it's a good place to get an idea of current standard games that are popular, but I dont even use hsreply that much. I would make an educated guess most hearthstone players don't either. I bet most don't even know what it is
most funny meta ever and still is totally unstable and chaotic
"because democracy basically means government by the people, of the people, for the people, but the people are retarded. So let us say: government by the retarded, for the retarded, of the retarded." - Osho Rajneesh
You dont play Wild =/= No one plays wild.
Go back to your school and study basic logic.
I can assure this man is correct, climbed to diamond with Quest Mage, Robes of Protection is an instant loss if no Fire Sale or if it is buffed, I simply concede and move on.