The predictions are supposed to be bold, not necessarily correct.
Everyone with a halfway decent understanding of this game will be able to predict that dr dh is still a good deck or that some of the questlines will be very strong in standard.
Wild predictions are even easier because there is literally no faster AND better-countering deck in the entire game than secret mage when it draws the nuts and there will never be one because of the insane amount of cost reduction of completely broken 3-cost secrets.
- Elwynn Boar will have a deck thats at least tier 2
MY bold prediction is that there will be Elwynn Boar decks that are actually meta.
I think this guy has a lot more potential to end games than people are giving it credit for. Especially with the Northshire Farmer now in the set, literally any class can technically pull this off. Albeit, some are still going to do it better and faster than others.
Peasant is literally worse than caravans, and worse than Nat Pagle.
There is no world in which a 2-drop with 0 Attack is better than a 1-drop with 2 Attack, all else being equal. But in this case, all else is not equal -- Nat Pagle's effect is strictly worse than Peasant's, so it's a worse card on both counts.
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"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
I play wild so i'll say what i think will happen there:
- Raza Priest will be even stronger now thanks to Seek Guidance, it can tutor cards and be a wincon against things like odd warrior, jade druid and other slow decks. It will be also useful against renolock, if you lose a piece of the combo now you have another wincon;
-Secret mage will be dominant the first week until people figure out the new decks, then it will fade to low tier 2 and see less play than ever;
-Darkglare will be stronger now with the quest but i'm not sure if it will see lot of play outside of diamond\legend;
-Pirate warrior will start to run the quest and probably will be tier 1, maybe the quest will even be nerfed if the final reward end up being too strong;
-Handbuff pala will be the strongest deck in wild, now it has everything it needs to be top tier 1, maybe will be nerfed, but surely it will kick secret mage out of the scene for a while;
-Odd hunter for me is the potential meta breaking deck with the quest. It has cheap spells and most of what it needs to be competitive, but i don't know how it will be in the long run
Peasant is literally worse than caravans, and worse than Nat Pagle.
There is no world in which a 2-drop with 0 Attack is better than a 1-drop with 2 Attack, all else being equal. But in this case, all else is not equal -- Nat Pagle's effect is strictly worse than Peasant's, so it's a worse card on both counts.
What ? In a world where all you care about is the effect, especially ongoing effects at the start of turns, attack does not matter at all and in this world, 3-4 health for 2 mana is much better than 1 health for 1 mana that dies to hero powers.
Yes, nat pagle's effect is worse. But nat pagle is also much more likely to survive multiple turns than peasant.
Anyway, my whole point there wasn't to say nat pagle or caravans will see more play than peasant because they are better cards overall, I'm just voicing my opinion that they are all very bad cards and I can't see where the opinion that peasant needs nerfing comes from, because he looks like an extremely weak card that will maybe draw a card on turn 1 and be a vanilla 1 mana 2/1 otherwise in a vast majority of situations.
No deck will beat current Deathrattle DH, or even Rush Warrior, until maybe refined in 1 month or so.
So I will actually have a field day in Ladder, easiest climb of the Expansion.
Everyone who opts to go for an established list, rather than having fun experimenting, is going to do well day 1. You aren't special, but you are few and far between.
My not so bold prediction: no one who wants to play a good deck will include demon seeds in darkglare. Horrible in that deck. Maybe there will be a new deck with it, but you will never give up a card in your hand if you want to kill the opponent on 4-6 anyway
I predict: People to rant "this is the worst meta ever" and there will be lots of "imba" cards, which need a nerf as soon as possible. Yeah, and "Blizzard is greedy"-Posts of course.
My hot take is most of the people here to make claims about the wild meta game with be proven wrong within the first nano second of UIS.
I mean you'd have to actually wait at least a month, maybe years before any of us are actually proven wrong.
I remember when I said Drakonid Crusher would eventually be meta in a warrior deck when it first got revealed, crafted 2 goldens day one because of it. People laughed at me and it took more than a year but it happened for a brief moment.
Basically, most of us here will be right in our own time, I haven't seen a lot of total bullshit in the thread.
no i mean there is zero way the priest quest would be run in reno priest why would you give up a card for a worse win con
the boars are obviously going to be a meme they are too slow
evenlock has no broom and therefore is doomed to unplayability
also glare doesn't need quest it will just kill people
the drakanoid example doesn't even work in your case that card was bad and was insanely fringe in control warrior mostly because it was a bad card and the added consistency of having more dragons wasn't worth just putting crap in your deck.
All in all there will be new developments in decks however nothing in this thread (other than MAYBE anetheron seeing play in glare) will be proven right and I will happily come back to this thread 4 months from now to tell you i told you so.
Evenlock is totally playable as it is, I agree with most of your statements but my point is you never know what could and will happen down the line.
Elwynn boar being more than a meme at some point isn't overly exaggerated and impossible, it's a much more consistent and reliable "epic neutral meme" than they ever printed before. Hunter and priest can get 7 boars quite easily and the big payoff win condition being a weapon instead of usually a minion is very significant.
I predict: People to rant "this is the worst meta ever" and there will be lots of "imba" cards, which need a nerf as soon as possible. Yeah, and "Blizzard is greedy"-Posts of course.
The predictions are supposed to be bold, not necessarily correct.
Everyone with a halfway decent understanding of this game will be able to predict that dr dh is still a good deck or that some of the questlines will be very strong in standard.
Wild predictions are even easier because there is literally no faster AND better-countering deck in the entire game than secret mage when it draws the nuts and there will never be one because of the insane amount of cost reduction of completely broken 3-cost secrets.
MY bold prediction is that there will be Elwynn Boar decks that are actually meta.
I think this guy has a lot more potential to end games than people are giving it credit for. Especially with the Northshire Farmer now in the set, literally any class can technically pull this off. Albeit, some are still going to do it better and faster than others.
There is no world in which a 2-drop with 0 Attack is better than a 1-drop with 2 Attack, all else being equal. But in this case, all else is not equal -- Nat Pagle's effect is strictly worse than Peasant's, so it's a worse card on both counts.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
I play wild so i'll say what i think will happen there:
- Raza Priest will be even stronger now thanks to Seek Guidance, it can tutor cards and be a wincon against things like odd warrior, jade druid and other slow decks. It will be also useful against renolock, if you lose a piece of the combo now you have another wincon;
-Secret mage will be dominant the first week until people figure out the new decks, then it will fade to low tier 2 and see less play than ever;
-Darkglare will be stronger now with the quest but i'm not sure if it will see lot of play outside of diamond\legend;
-Pirate warrior will start to run the quest and probably will be tier 1, maybe the quest will even be nerfed if the final reward end up being too strong;
-Handbuff pala will be the strongest deck in wild, now it has everything it needs to be top tier 1, maybe will be nerfed, but surely it will kick secret mage out of the scene for a while;
-Odd hunter for me is the potential meta breaking deck with the quest. It has cheap spells and most of what it needs to be competitive, but i don't know how it will be in the long run
What ? In a world where all you care about is the effect, especially ongoing effects at the start of turns, attack does not matter at all and in this world, 3-4 health for 2 mana is much better than 1 health for 1 mana that dies to hero powers.
Yes, nat pagle's effect is worse. But nat pagle is also much more likely to survive multiple turns than peasant.
Anyway, my whole point there wasn't to say nat pagle or caravans will see more play than peasant because they are better cards overall, I'm just voicing my opinion that they are all very bad cards and I can't see where the opinion that peasant needs nerfing comes from, because he looks like an extremely weak card that will maybe draw a card on turn 1 and be a vanilla 1 mana 2/1 otherwise in a vast majority of situations.
Everyone who opts to go for an established list, rather than having fun experimenting, is going to do well day 1. You aren't special, but you are few and far between.
1 hour, nerds !
Anetheron is going to be near auto include in many control warlock lists both standard in wild.
Valdris Felgorge is going to see significantly more meta play in wild.
My not so bold prediction: no one who wants to play a good deck will include demon seeds in darkglare. Horrible in that deck. Maybe there will be a new deck with it, but you will never give up a card in your hand if you want to kill the opponent on 4-6 anyway
My hot take is most of the people here to make claims about the wild meta game with be proven wrong within the first nano second of UIS.
I predict: People to rant "this is the worst meta ever" and there will be lots of "imba" cards, which need a nerf as soon as possible. Yeah, and "Blizzard is greedy"-Posts of course.
I mean you'd have to actually wait at least a month, maybe years before any of us are actually proven wrong.
I remember when I said Drakonid Crusher would eventually be meta in a warrior deck when it first got revealed, crafted 2 goldens day one because of it. People laughed at me and it took more than a year but it happened for a brief moment.
Basically, most of us here will be right in our own time, I haven't seen a lot of total bullshit in the thread.
no i mean there is zero way the priest quest would be run in reno priest why would you give up a card for a worse win con
the boars are obviously going to be a meme they are too slow
evenlock has no broom and therefore is doomed to unplayability
also glare doesn't need quest it will just kill people
the drakanoid example doesn't even work in your case that card was bad and was insanely fringe in control warrior mostly because it was a bad card and the added consistency of having more dragons wasn't worth just putting crap in your deck.
All in all there will be new developments in decks however nothing in this thread (other than MAYBE anetheron seeing play in glare) will be proven right and I will happily come back to this thread 4 months from now to tell you i told you so.
In Wild, I do not think that Handbuff Paladin will become more reliable then Odd Paladin.
I do think that people are sleeping on the Druid Quest.
The Warlock Quest will be too slow to be effective, but it will still be played a lot.
Chef Scabbs will become the most played Rogue Hero Portrait.
Evenlock is totally playable as it is, I agree with most of your statements but my point is you never know what could and will happen down the line.
Elwynn boar being more than a meme at some point isn't overly exaggerated and impossible, it's a much more consistent and reliable "epic neutral meme" than they ever printed before. Hunter and priest can get 7 boars quite easily and the big payoff win condition being a weapon instead of usually a minion is very significant.
Yeah, my prediction was right. :)
LOl, someone deleted my post, but my Elwynn Boar prediction has already come true. Oh, well.