Statistically, it's extremely unlikely for a long losing streak to be simple bad luck. It is far more likely that you are either: A) using a weak deck, or B) not playing as well as you think you are.
I've seen threads like this go on for pages and pages until we found out the guy only used homebrew decks and thought he should be able to climb ranks as well as an optimized "netdeck." (This is something he should have mentioned from the start because that's an entirely different conversation.)
As for your comment about "I know I'm not playing poorly; it's easy to analyze a game and see misplays." No, it's not. That's what people are trying to tell you here. You don't know what you don't know. It's the hardest Hearthstone lesson to learn, and the most important. If you honestly think your game can't improve, that means you haven't learned the lesson yet, and it's probably why you keep having losing streaks. A good deck can only carry you so high on the ladder. At a certain point, you actually have to start making good decisions.
Yep! That's it! Cannot be explained better. Thanks.
I pick any one of the horrible things that have happened in life, reflect on it for a second, and realize I'm playing a computer game while sitting in a house I own near a refrigerator full of food and drink, and there's a locked door and security system between me and the many many real problems and predators in the world.
After the end of season reward nerf, I couldn't care less about ranked play other than to get the 2500xp quest out of the way, so I don't have any ladder anxiety anymore :)
After the end of season reward nerf, I couldn't care less about ranked play other than to get the 2500xp quest out of the way, so I don't have any ladder anxiety anymore :)
What is the reward nerf? I didn't play the game for a long time and I'm not aware of reward nerf.
After the end of season reward nerf, I couldn't care less about ranked play other than to get the 2500xp quest out of the way, so I don't have any ladder anxiety anymore :)
This is a legitimate question. Climbing can be such a hassle. There’s nothing worse than being 1 win away from a rank floor only to go on a long losing streak. Just happened to me for the 3rd time in the last couple days. Even more frustrating is when you lose matchups you should win, and not because you played bad, but because your opponent just draws like a god and you get the shaft. It leaves such a bitter taste because there’s just nothing you can do, nothing you can learn from it. I’ve been pushing to try and regain my lost bonus stars after I went on a rather long hiatus but this keeps happening and every time it does I just put the game away for a few days so while I should be much higher than I am, I just can’t bring myself to sit there and bash my head against the wall of god drawing face hunters and elemental shamans that I should be beating. I just feel like progress is being stolen rather than actually lost.
For me, the game only became enjoyable after I stopped caring about my rank. The first few years, I pushed hard trying to get to legend and I stopped playing after awhile because I never got there. When I returned, I tried out wild and found that I really enjoyed building off meta decks. Ultimately, my goal is to have fun, so if I'm not, I'll stop playing.
First thing I do is rage. Ill blame someone or something. Call them a nasty word to myself and be like GOD WHY? WTF? But thats just how I vent it out. I cool down then refocus for the next match. I only play hearthstone on my phone for a little bit each day. So my time is currently valuable to me in regard to winning and losing. I usually hit Diamond 5 by the end of the month but its annoying when I am Diamond 10 right now as of posting this and know I will lose to either BS, luck, or great players. I only have Demon Hunter and Death Knight left to get 500 wins with so its extra annoying when I want to accomplish those but their meta isn't really that great to be honest. If I needed Paladin or Warrior it would be a gold mine. I have over 1,000 wins with Priest from back in the day when Priest was scary. If you find yourself unable to cool off try a different game mode, game, or take a break and do something completely different. I usually have to curse the heavens and then say some dumb crap about their mom and then move on to the next haha.
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Yep! That's it! Cannot be explained better. Thanks.
Lmfao. XD
After the end of season reward nerf, I couldn't care less about ranked play other than to get the 2500xp quest out of the way, so I don't have any ladder anxiety anymore :)
What is the reward nerf? I didn't play the game for a long time and I'm not aware of reward nerf.
1st world problems...
there was never a nerf
Take a breath. It’s not real. Remember that.
Your goal?
Of animated pixels on a screen beating other animated pixels on a screen?
You need new goals if they are your goals in life mate.
Sad! 😂
You used to get golden rares/epics/commons. Now you get normal ones.
For me, the game only became enjoyable after I stopped caring about my rank. The first few years, I pushed hard trying to get to legend and I stopped playing after awhile because I never got there. When I returned, I tried out wild and found that I really enjoyed building off meta decks. Ultimately, my goal is to have fun, so if I'm not, I'll stop playing.
First thing I do is rage. Ill blame someone or something. Call them a nasty word to myself and be like GOD WHY? WTF? But thats just how I vent it out. I cool down then refocus for the next match. I only play hearthstone on my phone for a little bit each day. So my time is currently valuable to me in regard to winning and losing. I usually hit Diamond 5 by the end of the month but its annoying when I am Diamond 10 right now as of posting this and know I will lose to either BS, luck, or great players. I only have Demon Hunter and Death Knight left to get 500 wins with so its extra annoying when I want to accomplish those but their meta isn't really that great to be honest. If I needed Paladin or Warrior it would be a gold mine. I have over 1,000 wins with Priest from back in the day when Priest was scary. If you find yourself unable to cool off try a different game mode, game, or take a break and do something completely different. I usually have to curse the heavens and then say some dumb crap about their mom and then move on to the next haha.