Stop complaining every time you find any obstacle. Tickatus, Deck of Lunacy are just examples od cards that do flashy things yet their decks are mediocre at best. They are just a challenge to adjust. The meta has already developed to fight Deck of Lunacy and good luck trying to get legend with it. There are far better options to do it and far more oppresive cards really preventing meta development like recently nerfed Nitroboost Poison, yet they are not flashy enough so no complainers here. Deck of Lunacy is no Yogg Saron which had to be nerfed, it's just a fun card that lets you play a flashy game sometimes. Hearthstone does not have to be boring Rogue, Paladin and Hunter all the time.
Its not that its evil as much as unfun to play against. I had a game where I had two minons on my board with 3 and 4 health on turn 5. The guy against me on his turn 5 destroyed those two minons drew 6 cards and had seven 3/4 minons at the end of his turn. No deck should be able to do all of that on one turn let alone turn 5.
Blizzard was actually trying to cut down on RNG. The real problem is paladin since all the decks that beat mage (aggro decks) have 20% win rates vs paladin. Secret/libram paladin is by far the best deck in the game. Also, standard is broken right now. It's not actually a functioning game because the data shows that the nash equilibrium for the game is to only play Paladin. Usually, it should be at least rock paper scissors. There needs to be a deck that can beat mage AND paladin but there isn't one known.
One trouble with DoL is that it's not as random and inconsistent as you think since most spells are insane. Nagrand slam is one of two 10 mana spells available, which is why it's so common.
It don’t Iksar needs to be replaced he is not a lead designer at all. Worst at his job, no playtesting at all 0 i can guarantee you that 100% this makes people not even spend money on packs or even play at all. He is damaging the game wayy too much.
Problem is the combined draw power and reduced spell costs. Refreshing Spring Water makes it way to easy to keep on drawing when combined with Cram Session
Whilst the opponent is machine gunning reduced spells at you from all classes, the game is no fun.
Blizzard was actually trying to cut down on RNG. The real problem is paladin since all the decks that beat mage (aggro decks) have 20% win rates vs paladin. Secret/libram paladin is by far the best deck in the game. Also, standard is broken right now. It's not actually a functioning game because the data shows that the nash equilibrium for the game is to only play Paladin. Usually, it should be at least rock paper scissors. There needs to be a deck that can beat mage AND paladin but there isn't one known.
One trouble with DoL is that it's not as random and inconsistent as you think since most spells are insane. Nagrand slam is one of two 10 mana spells available, which is why it's so common.
I agree that the real problem is paladin, and specifically the 1/3 weapon.
That being said, I have built a DoL list and met a Zoolock with Cult Neophytes and the 2 mana Watch Post, which was pretty much unbeatable for me. I wonder if that deck works against secret paladin, too. It kinda should because paying 2 for one paladin secret is a terrible deal.
I met only one secret paladin so far with DoL and that game turned into a coin flip on what comes out of the Oh my Yoggs!. I won that flip, but that win felt pretty awful overall.
And I also agree that it is too easy to draw into DoL. That's the actual consistency issue with the deck because you have some poor spells even at higher cost, but if you draw 3+ cards every turn, it doesn't matter because you will find something useful at some point.
66% mulligan winrate has been seen on so many other cards that I can't really consider this a problem. We should discuss the mulligan winrate of that secret paladin weapon instead.
And since someone shared a crazy experience against DoL, here is an example of my best moment so far as DoL player: It's turn 4, I have played DoL early and I have a Solarian on the board. I draw Skull of Guldan (in Outcast position now) into Hand of Guldan, Glowfly Swarm (w/e the name is), and a 3rd spell, I draw 3 more cards with Hand of G and play my 6 Glowflies. Draw 6, summon 6 2/2s, classic turn 4 HS game.
However, I have had games where DoL was among my bottom 5, and that was pretty awful. And sometimes, you don't even need it because you can burn the opponent with your original deck.
I agree that the real problem is paladin, and specifically the 1/3 weapon.
That being said, I have built a DoL list and met a Zoolock with Cult Neophytes and the 2 mana Watch Post, which was pretty much unbeatable for me. I wonder if that deck works against secret paladin, too. It kinda should because paying 2 for one paladin secret is a terrible deal.
I met only one secret paladin so far with DoL and that game turned into a coin flip on what comes out of the Oh my Yoggs!. I won that flip, but that win felt pretty awful overall.
And I also agree that it is too easy to draw into DoL. That's the actual consistency issue with the deck because you have some poor spells even at higher cost, but if you draw 3+ cards every turn, it doesn't matter because you will find something useful at some point.
66% mulligan winrate has been seen on so many other cards that I can't really consider this a problem. We should discuss the mulligan winrate of that secret paladin weapon instead.
And since someone shared a crazy experience against DoL, here is an example of my best moment so far as DoL player: It's turn 4, I have played DoL early and I have a Solarian on the board. I draw Skull of Guldan (in Outcast position now) into Hand of Guldan, Glowfly Swarm (w/e the name is), and a 3rd spell, I draw 3 more cards with Hand of G and play my 6 Glowflies. Draw 6, summon 6 2/2s, classic turn 4 HS game.
However, I have had games where DoL was among my bottom 5, and that was pretty awful. And sometimes, you don't even need it because you can burn the opponent with your original deck.
The thing with DoL is that the deck is pretty busted even without drawing into DoL because the minion pool for font and primordial is so strong. Every 5 drop except jandice and the 1/1 is absolutely insane and can win games, making apexis insane. Devolving missiles is absolutely insane. Ring toss is also insane. If the deck was utter trash without DoL it would have less of a win rate, but the deck is very good without it. No minion mage can beat a tonne of stuff without DoL because font, apexis, ring todd, refreshing are just so unbelievably strong.
If mage wasn't around to stomp everything and their grandmother, there would be easy counters vs Paladin. I can't imagine winning a game with secret paladin if the weapon gets oozed. You just lose right off the bat.
Try teching against mage though, lol. They play 6 cards a turn for free and draw 7 more cards in the process. And I'm not even talking about Deck of Lunacy. The standard no minion mage deck is super strong with busted cards like Devolving Missiles, Apexis Blast and Refreshing Spring Water. And when I think about it, Incanter's Flow, Brain Freeze and Font of Power are also busted for their cost. You know a class has too many tools to control the game when they can play a card like Mask of C'Thun.
When you single these cards out, I guess it's fine. But it's all of these busted or borderline busted cards, packed into 1 single deck, that makes mage the most meta-defining class in the game. Combo this deck with Deck of Lunacy (and the consistency it has right now), and you get a super frustrating experience as a hearthstone player. Feeling absolutely useless when losing to this. You're descisions, don't matter. The minions you play, don't matter. You're deck strategy, doesn't matter.
Just my 2 cents but I can handle this No Minion/Deck of Lunacy Mage a hell of a lot better than Secret Mage. At least Lunacy can always backfire into random useless cards like the several spells I have gotten that pull or recruit minions from your deck or hand...that works great in a No Minion Mage deck. : P In short, it feels more fair to play with or against than several other meta decks.
Just my 2 cents but I can handle this No Minion/Deck of Lunacy Mage a hell of a lot better than Secret Mage. At least Lunacy can always backfire into random useless cards like the several spells I have gotten that pull or recruit minions from your deck or hand...that works great in a No Minion Mage deck. : P In short, it feels more fair to play with or against than several other meta decks.
That's the old list. The new, no C'Thun list runs almost no 5s specifically because 8 cost spells can be that bad, whereas for the rest of the manacosts you can mostly predict what you're getting, which is what makes the deck strong.
Yep. It's completly busted. But many Mage players doesn't see a problem with. Because its random and if its random then its ok.
Mage players have been complaining about the direction if mage for years. Mage has been hit hard by hall of fame rotations for a while now because it’s constantly gimping the long game and forcing us to play some other type on deck. Low and behold the useless now useful RNG not so RNG card is good. But when it gets slapped with the nerf bat mages will be bottom tier.
Yep. It's completly busted. But many Mage players doesn't see a problem with. Because its random and if its random then its ok.
Mage players have been complaining about the direction if mage for years. Mage has been hit hard by hall of fame rotations for a while now because it’s constantly gimping the long game and forcing us to play some other type on deck. Low and behold the useless now useful RNG not so RNG card is good. But when it gets slapped with the nerf bat mages will be bottom tier.
Oh well! Mages are the new priest and i hope they get dumpstered
Yep. It's completly busted. But many Mage players doesn't see a problem with. Because its random and if its random then its ok.
Mage players have been complaining about the direction if mage for years. Mage has been hit hard by hall of fame rotations for a while now because it’s constantly gimping the long game and forcing us to play some other type on deck. Low and behold the useless now useful RNG not so RNG card is good. But when it gets slapped with the nerf bat mages will be bottom tier.
Nerfing Deck of Lunacy will not make mage bottom tier, No minion mage without Deck of Lunacy and C'Thun instead is still a very solid deck, Its not like mage does'nt win games without playing Deck of Lunacy, There are those games where Deck of Lunacy is in the final 5-10 cards in your deck but the deck is still strong enough to win games without it, That being said if Blizzard decide to nerf other cards aswell then yes mage is going to struggle.
The deck has burn, It has card draw, It has card generation, It has AoE, It has removal, The deck has everything it needs without Deck of Lunacy to be still a strong deck, Deck of Lunacy takes a good deck and makes it just stupid when played early enough because the current card pool is just so small its predictable RNG. At no point should i beable to play a card like Deck of Lunacy and beable to predict what my deck will look like to the extent it can be now.
My 10 cost spells will be X or X, My 9 cost spells will be Libram of Hope, My 8 cost spells will be too random which is why they avoid using many 5 drops, My 7 drops will largely be AoE and my 6 drops will largely be card draw, Now i personally dont think the card is the problem at all as we saw prior to the expansion it was a meme card and it is completely useless in wild so the card itself is fine, The issue with Deck of Lunacy is the size of spell pool and how predictable it is not the card itself but until more spells are added to the pool in later expansions it is going to be a issue and a issue i just dont see Blizzard allowing to continue, Hopefully for mages that is the only card they nerf but only time will tell on that one.
The real explanation is the game has waaaay less cards now compared to a week ago. Rotation caused this and it's ok. I mean let's assume Blizz nerfed DoL and maybe more cards from the spell mage deck. Then what? EVERYONE will be complaining about secret paladin (and a few variations of it) and how OP it is and being the only good deck in the meta.
I believe most people here have almost never actually played this mage deck. You are just complaining because you are having some hard time to counter it. It's not the same thing. There are many games that you should NOT play Deck of Lunacy if you want to win. DoL is like a emergency button you push when you feel like it's going bad. Mostly against aggro decks. BUT if you're playing against a fine good control deck (priest, warlock) then using DoL is like changing your own weapons with candies. You MIGHT still win but most of the time you will just have Sprint, Hand of Guldan, etc at your hand while you already have 8 cards in your hand, which will eventually get you to fatigue without no real threat.
My point is the deck is strong, and I enjoy it to be honest. But I don't feel like Deck of Lunacy is OP or anything. I got my DoL from a pack last expansion. Wanted to try it with many different type of decks but even though it was fun it performs poorly. Because there was many overall good and stable decks last week. Right now there's not.
i do not agree, the game is getting less and less based on card RNG, big ones are pretty much only yogg and DoL. And yogg is a meme no one can complain about that. And I think DoL is just overlooked, it will be nerfed and gone forever.
Just make lunacy include all spells in the game, even from wild. It'll be perfectly fine then. No minion mage was tier 3 at absolute best before rotation, it's not a good deck. We all know its broken right now is because it's not exactly RNG with such a small spell pool to transform into. And yes, allowing wild spells into standard is fine, we've had cards before that cross the barrier (Toki, Time-Tinker)
I have won a lot of matches using Deck of Lunacy deck. It's a good deck. And knowing the deck inside out helps me now to beat it with own version of Libram Paladin. DH, Aggro Shaman, Hunter and Libram Paladin beat it. Take your pick.
Yeah the deck is strong, whatever, decks are strong sometimes, you try your best to tech against them, and go on with your life.
My main issue the last few days is NOT that I'm frustrated at the power level, it's that I'm just BORED! I played 12 games today, 10 were against lunacy mage, 8 of those in a row. Until this changes, I'm just getting my dailies done and then reading a book or something
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Stop complaining every time you find any obstacle. Tickatus, Deck of Lunacy are just examples od cards that do flashy things yet their decks are mediocre at best. They are just a challenge to adjust. The meta has already developed to fight Deck of Lunacy and good luck trying to get legend with it. There are far better options to do it and far more oppresive cards really preventing meta development like recently nerfed Nitroboost Poison, yet they are not flashy enough so no complainers here. Deck of Lunacy is no Yogg Saron which had to be nerfed, it's just a fun card that lets you play a flashy game sometimes. Hearthstone does not have to be boring Rogue, Paladin and Hunter all the time.
Its not that its evil as much as unfun to play against. I had a game where I had two minons on my board with 3 and 4 health on turn 5. The guy against me on his turn 5 destroyed those two minons drew 6 cards and had seven 3/4 minons at the end of his turn. No deck should be able to do all of that on one turn let alone turn 5.
Blizzard was actually trying to cut down on RNG. The real problem is paladin since all the decks that beat mage (aggro decks) have 20% win rates vs paladin. Secret/libram paladin is by far the best deck in the game. Also, standard is broken right now. It's not actually a functioning game because the data shows that the nash equilibrium for the game is to only play Paladin. Usually, it should be at least rock paper scissors. There needs to be a deck that can beat mage AND paladin but there isn't one known.
One trouble with DoL is that it's not as random and inconsistent as you think since most spells are insane. Nagrand slam is one of two 10 mana spells available, which is why it's so common.
It don’t Iksar needs to be replaced he is not a lead designer at all. Worst at his job, no playtesting at all 0 i can guarantee you that 100% this makes people not even spend money on packs or even play at all. He is damaging the game wayy too much.
Problem is the combined draw power and reduced spell costs. Refreshing Spring Water makes it way to easy to keep on drawing when combined with Cram Session
Whilst the opponent is machine gunning reduced spells at you from all classes, the game is no fun.
I beat paladin more than 60% with demon hunter
I agree that the real problem is paladin, and specifically the 1/3 weapon.
That being said, I have built a DoL list and met a Zoolock with Cult Neophytes and the 2 mana Watch Post, which was pretty much unbeatable for me. I wonder if that deck works against secret paladin, too. It kinda should because paying 2 for one paladin secret is a terrible deal.
I met only one secret paladin so far with DoL and that game turned into a coin flip on what comes out of the Oh my Yoggs!. I won that flip, but that win felt pretty awful overall.
And I also agree that it is too easy to draw into DoL. That's the actual consistency issue with the deck because you have some poor spells even at higher cost, but if you draw 3+ cards every turn, it doesn't matter because you will find something useful at some point.
66% mulligan winrate has been seen on so many other cards that I can't really consider this a problem. We should discuss the mulligan winrate of that secret paladin weapon instead.
And since someone shared a crazy experience against DoL, here is an example of my best moment so far as DoL player: It's turn 4, I have played DoL early and I have a Solarian on the board. I draw Skull of Guldan (in Outcast position now) into Hand of Guldan, Glowfly Swarm (w/e the name is), and a 3rd spell, I draw 3 more cards with Hand of G and play my 6 Glowflies. Draw 6, summon 6 2/2s, classic turn 4 HS game.
However, I have had games where DoL was among my bottom 5, and that was pretty awful. And sometimes, you don't even need it because you can burn the opponent with your original deck.
The thing with DoL is that the deck is pretty busted even without drawing into DoL because the minion pool for font and primordial is so strong. Every 5 drop except jandice and the 1/1 is absolutely insane and can win games, making apexis insane. Devolving missiles is absolutely insane. Ring toss is also insane. If the deck was utter trash without DoL it would have less of a win rate, but the deck is very good without it. No minion mage can beat a tonne of stuff without DoL because font, apexis, ring todd, refreshing are just so unbelievably strong.
If mage wasn't around to stomp everything and their grandmother, there would be easy counters vs Paladin. I can't imagine winning a game with secret paladin if the weapon gets oozed. You just lose right off the bat.
Try teching against mage though, lol. They play 6 cards a turn for free and draw 7 more cards in the process. And I'm not even talking about Deck of Lunacy. The standard no minion mage deck is super strong with busted cards like Devolving Missiles, Apexis Blast and Refreshing Spring Water. And when I think about it, Incanter's Flow, Brain Freeze and Font of Power are also busted for their cost. You know a class has too many tools to control the game when they can play a card like Mask of C'Thun.
When you single these cards out, I guess it's fine. But it's all of these busted or borderline busted cards, packed into 1 single deck, that makes mage the most meta-defining class in the game. Combo this deck with Deck of Lunacy (and the consistency it has right now), and you get a super frustrating experience as a hearthstone player. Feeling absolutely useless when losing to this. You're descisions, don't matter. The minions you play, don't matter. You're deck strategy, doesn't matter.
Just my 2 cents but I can handle this No Minion/Deck of Lunacy Mage a hell of a lot better than Secret Mage. At least Lunacy can always backfire into random useless cards like the several spells I have gotten that pull or recruit minions from your deck or hand...that works great in a No Minion Mage deck. : P In short, it feels more fair to play with or against than several other meta decks.
Deck of lunacy is busted because spell pool decreased greatly now there is high consistency.
That's the old list. The new, no C'Thun list runs almost no 5s specifically because 8 cost spells can be that bad, whereas for the rest of the manacosts you can mostly predict what you're getting, which is what makes the deck strong.
Mage players have been complaining about the direction if mage for years. Mage has been hit hard by hall of fame rotations for a while now because it’s constantly gimping the long game and forcing us to play some other type on deck. Low and behold the useless now useful RNG not so RNG card is good. But when it gets slapped with the nerf bat mages will be bottom tier.
Oh well! Mages are the new priest and i hope they get dumpstered
Nerfing Deck of Lunacy will not make mage bottom tier, No minion mage without Deck of Lunacy and C'Thun instead is still a very solid deck, Its not like mage does'nt win games without playing Deck of Lunacy, There are those games where Deck of Lunacy is in the final 5-10 cards in your deck but the deck is still strong enough to win games without it, That being said if Blizzard decide to nerf other cards aswell then yes mage is going to struggle.
The deck has burn, It has card draw, It has card generation, It has AoE, It has removal, The deck has everything it needs without Deck of Lunacy to be still a strong deck, Deck of Lunacy takes a good deck and makes it just stupid when played early enough because the current card pool is just so small its predictable RNG. At no point should i beable to play a card like Deck of Lunacy and beable to predict what my deck will look like to the extent it can be now.
My 10 cost spells will be X or X, My 9 cost spells will be Libram of Hope, My 8 cost spells will be too random which is why they avoid using many 5 drops, My 7 drops will largely be AoE and my 6 drops will largely be card draw, Now i personally dont think the card is the problem at all as we saw prior to the expansion it was a meme card and it is completely useless in wild so the card itself is fine, The issue with Deck of Lunacy is the size of spell pool and how predictable it is not the card itself but until more spells are added to the pool in later expansions it is going to be a issue and a issue i just dont see Blizzard allowing to continue, Hopefully for mages that is the only card they nerf but only time will tell on that one.
The real explanation is the game has waaaay less cards now compared to a week ago. Rotation caused this and it's ok. I mean let's assume Blizz nerfed DoL and maybe more cards from the spell mage deck. Then what? EVERYONE will be complaining about secret paladin (and a few variations of it) and how OP it is and being the only good deck in the meta.
I believe most people here have almost never actually played this mage deck. You are just complaining because you are having some hard time to counter it. It's not the same thing. There are many games that you should NOT play Deck of Lunacy if you want to win. DoL is like a emergency button you push when you feel like it's going bad. Mostly against aggro decks. BUT if you're playing against a fine good control deck (priest, warlock) then using DoL is like changing your own weapons with candies. You MIGHT still win but most of the time you will just have Sprint, Hand of Guldan, etc at your hand while you already have 8 cards in your hand, which will eventually get you to fatigue without no real threat.
My point is the deck is strong, and I enjoy it to be honest. But I don't feel like Deck of Lunacy is OP or anything. I got my DoL from a pack last expansion. Wanted to try it with many different type of decks but even though it was fun it performs poorly. Because there was many overall good and stable decks last week. Right now there's not.
i do not agree, the game is getting less and less based on card RNG, big ones are pretty much only yogg and DoL. And yogg is a meme no one can complain about that. And I think DoL is just overlooked, it will be nerfed and gone forever.
Just make lunacy include all spells in the game, even from wild. It'll be perfectly fine then. No minion mage was tier 3 at absolute best before rotation, it's not a good deck. We all know its broken right now is because it's not exactly RNG with such a small spell pool to transform into. And yes, allowing wild spells into standard is fine, we've had cards before that cross the barrier (Toki, Time-Tinker)
I have won a lot of matches using Deck of Lunacy deck. It's a good deck. And knowing the deck inside out helps me now to beat it with own version of Libram Paladin. DH, Aggro Shaman, Hunter and Libram Paladin beat it. Take your pick.
Yeah the deck is strong, whatever, decks are strong sometimes, you try your best to tech against them, and go on with your life.
My main issue the last few days is NOT that I'm frustrated at the power level, it's that I'm just BORED! I played 12 games today, 10 were against lunacy mage, 8 of those in a row. Until this changes, I'm just getting my dailies done and then reading a book or something